,,dragon ,,ma/]s ,,,=tress ( ! /"o dragon,' ,tracey ,we/ ,publi%$ by ,s*ola/ic ,9c4 ,new ,york1 ,,ny s*ola/ic4com_/bran*es ,copy"r ^c #bjbj by ,tracey ,we/ ,transcrip;n ( ,,isbn #ighacchedjcad ,9 ,3tract$ ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,transcrib$ #bjbj1 by ! ,na;nal ,net"w = ,equitable ,libr>y ,s]vice "<,,nnels"> ,9 #a ,volume ,brl pages t#a-t#d1 p#a-p#e1 & #a-#dd ,pr9t pages #a-#ij t#a ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' ,? "w is produc$ = p]sons ) a p]ceptual 4abil;y z p] ! ,canadian copy"r act4 ,fur!r 4tribu;n or reproduc;n m/ comply ) ? act4 ,no "p ( ? publica;n may 2 reproduc$1 /or$ 9 a retrieval sy/em1 or transmitt$ 9 any =m or by any m1ns1 electronic1 me*anical1 photocopy+1 record+1 or o!rwise1 )\t writt5 p]mis.n ( ! publi%]4 ,= 9=ma;n reg>d+ p]mis.n1 write to ,s*ola/ic ,9c41 ,att5;n3 ,p]mis.ns ,de"p;t1 #eeg ,broadway1 ,new ,york1 ,,ny #ajjab4 ,? book is a "w ( fic;n4 ,"ns1 "*s1 places1 & 9cid5ts >e ei ! product ( ! au?or's imag9a;n or >e us$ fictiti\sly1 & any resembl.e to actual p]sons1 liv+ or d1d1 busi;s e/abli%;ts1 ev5ts1 or locales is 5tirely co9cid5tal4 ,pr9t+ ,hi/ory3 #aj #i #h #g #f #e #d #c #b #a #bj #ba #bb #bc #bd t#b ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' ,,,special symbols us$ 9 ? volume,' .= ,dot locator2 prec$es ea* li/$ symbol .=444 ,ellipsis .=@.< ,op5+ transcrib]'s note 9dicator .=@.> ,clos+ transcrib]'s note 9dicator .=^c ,copy"r sign .=_/ ,=w>d sla% symbol .=.1 ,italic ^w 9dicator .=.7 ,italic passage 9dicator .=.' ,italic t]m9ator .=,' ,capitals t]m9ator .=,- ,da% .=,,, ,capitals passage 9dicator t#c ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' ,,transcrib]',s ,,notes ,? $i;n is brld ac to .7,! ,rules ( ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl1 ,second ,$i;n #bjac.' & .7,brl ,=mats3 ,pr9ciples ( ,pr9t-to-,brl ,transcrip;n1 #bjaf4.' ,text is transcrib$ z publi%$1 ) ! ^w+ & sequ;e reta9$4 ,no $it+ is d"o to ! publi%$ text4 t#d ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' @.<,9=ma;n f ! back cov]4@.> ,,dragon ,,ma/]s ,,,=tress ( ! /"o dragon,' ,"qs & ,activities ,a/rid 0 bani%$ f ! ,f> ,nor? ,l&s4 ,:y 0 %e s5t away8 ,%aka is a ,/"o ,dragon :o c use h] m9d to move ?+s made ( /"o4 ,b %e al has a secret p[] 444 ,:at is ? p[]8 ,m9a & ,drake decide n to attack ,a/rid's soldi]s1 ev5 ?\< h] soldi]s >e attack+ !m4 ,:y d !y make ? deci.n8 ,r]1d pages #da-#dc4 ,a/rid collect$ five 9gr$i5ts = h] ,false ,life spell4 ,make a li/ ( ! 9gr$i5ts4 ,! b"os 9 ! ,g>d5 ( ! ,b1/s 2l;g$ to r1l cr1tures t liv$ on ,e>? l;g ago4 p#a ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' ,draw :at y ?9k ^! cr1tures look$ l,-& give !m p[]s6 p#b ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' @.<,9=ma;n f ! 9side back cov]4@.> ,,tracey ,,we/ likes writ+ ab dragons & wiz>ds4 ,%e uses h] imag9a;n to come up ) _! p[]s4 ,:5 x came "t to cr1te a new evil wiz>d1 %e imag9$ h[ p[];l a wiz>d ) dragon p[]s mies h] home ) h] husb&1 "o cat1 two dogs1 & a bun* ( *ick5s4 ,!y live 9 ! mi/y m.ta9s ( ,new ,york /ate1 ": x is easy to imag9e dragons roam+ free 9 ! gre5 hills4 ,,matt ,,lov]idge loves illu/rat+ *n's books4 ,:5 he's n pa9t+ or draw+1 he likes hik+1 bik+1 & dr9k+ milk "r f ! c>ton4 ,he lives 9 ! m.ta9s ( ,utah ) 8 wife & kids1 & _! black dog "nd ,blue4 p#c ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' ,= ,mrs4 ,bi%op1 ! t[n libr>ian :o f$ ? hungry "y r1d]'s love ( books :5 ,i 0 gr[+ up4 ,- ,,tw p#d ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' ,,,table ( 3t5ts,' #a4 ,! ,wiz>d ,si/]s """""""""""""""" #a #b4 ,a ,d>k ,plan """"""""""""""""""" #h #c4 ,! ,ca/le ( ! ,wiz>ds """""""""" #ad #d4 ,jayana's ,gaz+ ,ball """""""""" #bj #e4 ,9to ! ,=tress """"""""""""""""" #bf #f4 ,! ,g>d5 ( ! ,b1/s """"""""""""" #cc #g4 ,a/rid's ,>my """""""""""""""""" #cg #h4 ,>r[s & ,rocks """"""""""""""""" #dd #i4 ,battle at ! ,=tress """"""""""" #di #aj4 ,fire6 """""""""""""""""""""""" #he #aa4 ,a/rid's ,plan """""""""""""""" #fd #ab4 ,! ,secret ,p[] """"""""""""""" #gc #ac4 ,wat* ,\6 """"""""""""""""""""" #gi #ad4 ,?ree ,dragons """""""""""""""" #he p#e ,,dragon ,,ma/]s #a ,,,=tress ( ! /"o dragon,' ,,*apt] #a ,,,! wiz>d si/]s,' 8,we m/ 2 r1dy to fi ,nor?4 ,! ei-old girl pac$ back & =?4 ,%e wore ?ick fur boots & _h an ax tuck$ 9to h] belt4 --------------------------------------#b ,drake1 ,bo1 ,rori1 & ,ana ,- ! ,dragon ,ma/]s ( ,brack5 ,- 7 ga!r$ >.d ,m9a4 ,s 0 ,eko1 a ,dragon ,mage4 ,gri6i?1 ! royal wiz>d1 0 "!1 too4 ,m9a _h come a l;g way ) ,fro/1 h] ,ice ,dragon4 ,%e _h a message f h] wiz>d1 ,hulda4 8,m9a1 :at is ,hulda's message80 ,gri6i? ask$4 8,! tr\ble />t$ :5 ,drake & ,rori rel1s$ ^? wiz>ds caud1 _h trapp$ 8 5emies 9 "t4 ,"s ( ! trapp$ wiz>ds 7 gd4 ,& "s 7 bad4 ,b n[ !y 7 all free4 8,"o ( ^? wiz>ds 0 ,hulda's si/]1 ,a/rid4 ,%e is v dang]\s10 ,m9a w>n$4 8,let ,hulda tell y h]f40 ,%e turn$ to h] pale blue dragon4 8,fro/6 ,magic ,ice ,mirror60 ,fro/ op5$ 8 m\?1 & a %eet ( ice =m$4 ,x hung 9 ! air4 --------------------------------------#d ,! face ( a woman ) fair blond hair appe>$ 9 ! ice4 8,gri6i?1 ,dragon ,ma/]s1 ,i ne$ yr help10 ,hulda sd4 8,b f/1 let me tell y ab my si/]40 ,hulda's face 4appe>$4 ,a new face appe>$ ,- ! face ( ,a/rid4 ,%e look$ l ,hulda1 b %e _h r$ hair4 8,a/rid & ,i come f a l;g l9e ( wiz>ds10 ,hulda sd4 8,we bo? ga9$ #b ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#d magic p[]s :5 we 7 *n4 ,a/rid alw tri$ to impress \r p>5ts by do+ bett] magic ?an ,i cd40 --------------------------------------#e ,rori 9t]rupt$4 8,t s.ds l me & my si/]s4 ,we alw race ea* o!r to see :o is ! fa/e/40 ,a picture ( a ca/le hi< on a hill appe>$ 9 ! ice mirror4 ,hulda 3t9u$ h] /ory4 8,we bo? w5t to s*ool 9 ,2l]ion at ! ,ca/le ( ! ,wiz>ds4 ,:5 we left1 we w5t to ! ,f> ,nor? ,l&s4 ,i w5t to s]ve ,k+ ,l>s & ,que5 ,sigrid4 ,a/rid w5t to s]ve ,k+ ,alb940 ,k+ ,alb9's face appe>$ 9 ! ice mirror4 8,"o summ]1 ! crops 9 ,k+ ,alb9's k+dom 2gan to die10 ,hulda sd4 8,a/rid us$ magic to save !m4 ,b ,k+ ,alb9 took all ! cr$it40 --------------------------------------#f 8,t's n fair60 ,rori sd4 ,hulda nodd$4 8,? made ,a/rid v angry4 ,i "u/ood h[ %e felt4 ,b ,a/rid #c ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#f took x too f>40 ,a/rid appe>$ 9 ! ice mirror4 ,%e walk$ "? a swirl+ cl\d4 ,h] eyes fla%$ ) ang]4 8,a/rid ca/ a spell on ,k+ ,alb94 ,donkey e>s spr\t$ f 8 h1d10 ,hulda sd4 8,k+ ,alb9 0 s angry6 ,he ask$ me to undo ! spell1 & ( c\rse ,i did4 ,!n he bani%$ ,a/rid40 8,he kick$ h] \ ( ! k+dom80 ,rori ask$4 --------------------------------------#g 8,yes10 ,hulda sd4 8,%e be7$ ! p ( h] k+dom to help h]1 b nobody did4 ,i sd %e cd live ) me1 b %e refus$4 ,%e 0 angry ) me = help+ ,k+ ,alb940 8,": did ,a/rid g80 ,ana ask$4 8,%e roam$ ! _w1 /udy+ on h] [n10 ,hulda repli$4 8,!n "o "d1 ,a/rid came to me4 ,%e _h le>n$ d>k1 t]rible magic40 ,drake held 8 br1?4 8,:at did ,a/rid d next80 ,bo ask$4 ,hulda answ]$ hm4 8,%e put all ( ,k+ ,alb9's k+dom "u a sleep+ spell60 #d ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' #h ,,*apt] #b ,,,a d>k plan,' ,ana gasp$4 8,:at an aw;l ?+ = ,a/rid to d6 ,is "ey"o 9 ,k+ ,alb9's k+dom / asleep80 8,no10 ,m9a repli$4 8,b x took sev5te5 wiz>ds to undo ,a/rid's p[];l spell60 ,! picture 9 ! ice mirror *ang$ ag4 ,a/rid walk$ "? a ra9/orm4 ,r$ magic fl[$ f h] f+]tips4 --------------------------------------#i 8,my si/] told me t %e want$ to 2come a grt wiz>d ( d>k magic10 ,hulda sd4 8,! be/ 9 ! _w4 ,%e plann$ to /1l ,maldr$'s secrets4 ,%e ask$ me to jo9 h]1 & ,i refus$4 ,t 0 ! la/ ,i he>d ( h]40 8,%e m/ h battl$ ,maldr$1 & he trapp$ h] 9 8 "t spell60 ,drake sd4 -------------------------------------#aj ,hulda's face return$ to ! ice mirror4 8,i h be5 track+ my si/] 9 my gaz+ ball s9ce %e has be5 free10 %e #e ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#aj expla9$4 8,a/rid has travel$ ! _w collect+ items t >e v h>d to f9d4 ,i fe> %e is prep>+ to ca/ a v dang]\s d>k spell40 ,five r>e items appe>$ 9 ! ice mirror4 ,gri6i? "nd !m4 8,"o m&rake root10 he sd4 8,a sprig ( black mi/letoe4 ,! tail f1!r ( a 40 -------------------------------------#aa 8,i am n sure :at spell %e is "w+ on10 ,hulda sd4 8,gri6i?1 d y "k80 8,i d n10 ,gri6i? answ]$4 8,b ,jayana1 ! ,h1d ,wiz>d1 mi ,nor? ,l&s10 ,hulda expla9$4 8,once ,a/rid has :at %e ne$s1 ,i worry %e may come back "h4 ,%e mid4 8,!n ,i w g see ,jayana10 %e sd4 ,gri6i? nodd$4 8,gd idea4 ,drake c g ) y40 #f ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#aa 8,?ank y1 all10 ,hulda sd4 ,yell[ sp>ks %ot f h] f+]tips1 & ! ice mirror 4appe>$4 ,bo turn$ to ,gri6i?4 8,%d we g ) ,drake & ,m9a80 -------------------------------------#ab ,gri6i? %ook 8 h1d4 8,i ne$ y1 ,rori1 & ,ana to /ay "h ) me & ,eko10 he sd4 8,"! >e _m evil wiz>ds on ! loose 2ss ,a/rid4 ,we m/ 2 r1dy 9 case any ( !m />t caus+ tr\ble40 ,! wiz>d turn$ & 2gan to walk qkly4 8,foll[ me1 "ey"o60 ,!y foll[$ ,gri6i? to 8 "w%op4 ,he scri2l$ on a piece ( pap]4 -------------------------------------#ac 8,m9a1 take ? li/ ( spell 9gr$i5ts to ,jayana at ! ,ca/le ( ! ,wiz>ds10 he 9/ruct$1 h&+ x to h]4 8,drake1 get ,worm to transport y "! "r away40 ,gri6i? gave ,drake a small mirror4 8,is ? a magic mirror8 ,l ! "o y gave me :5 ,i w5t to ! ,naga's temple80 ,drake ask$4 #g ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#ac 8,yes10 ! wiz>d repli$4 8,use ? to report to me af y talk to ,jayana40 8,got x60 ,drake sd1 & he tuck$ ! mirror 9to 8 belt4 8,gd luck1 ,drake & ,m9a6 ,& hurry60 ,ana sd4 8,yes60 ,bo add$4 8,f9d \ :at ,a/rid is plann+ s we c /op h]60 -------------------------------------#ad ,,*apt] #c ,,,! ca/le ( ! wiz>ds,' ,drake & ,m9a ru%$ \ ( ,gri6i?'s "w%op4 ,drake patt$ 8 ,e>? ,dragon1 ,worm4 8,worm1 c y pl1se transport u to ,2l]ion80 ,drake ask$4 ,drake wore a gre5 ,dragon ,/"o >.d 8 neck4 ,x />t$ to gl[4 -------------------------------------#ae ,he he>d ,worm's voice 9side 8 h1d4 .1,yes1 ! dragon repli$4 ,drake nodd$ to ,m9a4 8,d y #h ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#ae rememb] h[ ? "ws80 8,i t\* ,fro/ ) "o h& & ,worm ) ! o!r10 ,m9a sd1 plac+ "o h& on ea* dragon4 8,!n .1:oo%6 ,we're g"o40 8,"r10 ,drake sd4 8,worm1 take u to ! ,ca/le ( ! ,wiz>ds60 ,gre5 li$ at ! gates ( ! ca/le4 ,! wiz>d gu>d fr[n$4 8,halt60 %e cri$4 8,"! >e no dragons all[$ 9side ! ca/le40 -------------------------------------#af 8,if y d n let u in1 we w /orm yr ca/le60 ,m9a sd4 ,%e put h] h& on h] ax h&le4 8,x's okay1 ,m9a4 ,worm & ,fro/ c /ay "h10 ,drake sd4 ,he turn$ to ! gu>d4 8,we w l1ve \r dragons \tside4 ,b ,m9a & ,i ne$ to see ! ,h1d ,wiz>d "r away6 ,we're "h on important wiz>d busi;s = ,gri6i? ( ! ,gre5 ,fields40 -------------------------------------#ag 8,v well10 ! gu>d sd4 ,%e op5$ ! #i ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#ag gate4 8,y w f9d h] at ! 5d ( ! hallway40 ,drake & ,m9a da%$ 9to ! ca/le4 ,!y qkly r1*$ ! door to ! ,h1d ,wiz>d's "w%op4 ,! door magically swung op54 ,a wiz>d ) :ite hair & a wr9kl$ face smil$ at !m4 8,drake6 ,m9a6 ,come in60 ,jayana call$ \4 ,! ,dragon ,ma/]s 5t]$ ! room4 8,jayana60 ,drake cri$4 8,x's s gd to see y6 ,we ne$ yr help60 -------------------------------------#ah ,m9a pass$ h] ! piece ( pap] ) ! spell 9gr$i5ts writt5 on x4 ,! ,h1d ,wiz>d look$ at ! li/4 ,%e fr[n$4 8,^! >e ! 9gr$i5ts = a v d>k spell10 %e sd4 8,i hope ,gri6i? isn't mak+ ?60 8,no6 ,a/rid ! wiz>d has collect$ ^! items10 ,m9a sd4 8,i knew ,a/rid10 ,jayana sd4 8,"! is no d>k magic t %e wd n try40 -------------------------------------#ai 8,d y "k :at k9d ( spell ^! #aj ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#ai 9gr$i5ts >e =80 ,drake ask$4 ,jayana look$ worri$4 8,yes4 ,^! items >e only "e mix$ tgr 9 "o ?+3 a ,false ,life spell4 ,x is us$ to br+ to life ?+s t >e n alive4 ,l rocks1 or wood1 or b"os40 ,drake %iv]$4 8,t s.ds creepy40 8,yes10 ,jayana agre$4 8,i fe> t ,a/rid may 2 plann+ "s?+ t]rible60 -------------------------------------#bj ,,*apt] #d ,,,jayana's gaz+ ball,' ,we m/ /op ,a/rid f ca/+ ! ,false ,life spell60 ,m9a cri$4 ,jayana walk$ ov] to h] gaz+ ball4 8,let's see ": ,a/rid is "r n[10 %e sd4 ,magic fl[$ f h] f+]s4 ,! ball gl[$ ) silv] li$ 9side x4 ,drake saw ,a/rid rid+ a horse acr a des]t4 -------------------------------------#ba 8,^? >e ! r$ s&s ( ,navid4 ,& t #aa ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#ba is ,m.t ,ruby 2h h]4 ,b :at is %e do+ "!80 ,jayana ask$4 ,!n %e fr[n$4 8,un.s 444 0 8,un.s :at80 ,m9a ask$4 8,un.s %e is h1d+ to ! ,=tress ( ! ,/"o ,dragon10 ,jayana sd4 8,:y wd %e g "!80 ,drake ask$4 8,t =tress is ! mo/ magical place 9 ,navid10 ,jayana sd4 8,x looks l %e is ab two "ds away40 ,drake rememb]$ ! mirror 9 8 belt4 ,he look$ 9to ! mirror4 8,gri6i?80 he ask$4 -------------------------------------#bb ,! wiz>d's face appe>$4 8,drake6 ,:at h y f.d \80 8,i'll let ,jayana expla910 ,drake sd1 & he h&$ ! mirror to ! ,h1d ,wiz>d4 ,jayana told ,gri6i? :at !y _h le>n$4 ,gri6i? fr[n$4 8,a ,false ,life spell10 he sd4 8,is "! any magic p[];l 5 to undo x80 8,i don't ?9k s10 ,jayana sd4 8,i w h my top wiz>ds "w on x4 ,! spell takes v l;g to cr1te1 s we w h "t40 #ab ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#bb 8,i'll see :at ,i c le>n f my books10 ,gri6i? sd4 8,in ! m1n"t1 ,drake & ,m9a1 g to ! =tress4 ,w>n ! ,dragon ,ma/] "! t ,a/rid is on h] way40 -------------------------------------#bc ,!n ! magic mirror w5t d>k4 8,let's g60 ,m9a sd ,- & !n %e yawn$4 ,t made ,drake yawn1 too4 ,jayana look$ \ ! w9d[4 ,a b"r moon hung 9 ! sky4 8,"! is "t = y & yr dragons to re/ & eat10 ,jayana sd4 8,worm c transport y to ! =tress 9 ! morn+4 ,y w / 2 at l1/ "o "d ah1d ( ,a/rid40 8,sleep wd 2 nice10 ,drake sd4 8,i d n ne$ re/10 ,m9a sd1 b %e yawn$ ag4 ,%e didn't >gue :5 ,jayana l$ !m to ! gue/ qu>t]s4 ,! wiz>ds f$ ,worm & ,fro/4 ,!y br"\ ,drake & ,m9a s\p & br1d4 -------------------------------------#bd ,! ,dragon ,ma/]s & _! dragons got a gd nids & ,i w jo9 y soon4 ,b f/1 we ne$ to f9d magic /r;g 5 to fi ,nor?10 ,m9a sd4 8,we d n hide40 -------------------------------------#be 8,be c>e;l1 ,m9a10 ,jayana sd4 8,& safe travels to y all60 ,jayana wav$ z ,worm transport$ ,drake1 ,m9a1 & ,fro/ to ! ,=tress ( ! ,/"o ,dragon 9 ,navid4 ,:5 !y got "!1 ,drake felt ! h1t f ! des]t s& "? 8 %oes4 ,he squ9t$ & look$ up at ! /urdy =tress4 ,he c.t$ eie/ t[]4 8,:o goes "!80 #ad ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' #bf ,,*apt] #e ,,,9to ! =tress,' ,i am ,drake1 & ? is my dragon1 ,worm60 ,drake call$ \4 ,8 voice e*o$ acr ! /"o =tress4 8,& ,i am ,m9a ( ! ,f> ,nor?4 ,? is my dragon1 ,fro/60 ,m9a ann\nc$4 8,c we come in8 ,we >e frly4 ,we >e "h ) a w>n+60 ,drake sd4 -------------------------------------#bg 8,h[ d ,i "k y're tell+ ! tru?80 ! voice repli$4 ,drake %ad$ 8 eyes z he look$ t[>d ! f>-"r t[]4 ,he saw a boy ) d>k hair4 ,a gre5 ,dragon ,/"o glitt]$ >.d ! boy's neck4 8,we >e ,dragon ,ma/]s1 j l y >e10 ,drake repli$4 ,he held up 8 [n ,dragon ,/"o to %[ hm4 ,! boy fr[n$4 8,h[ c ,i 2 sure t y >e frly80 ,2s ! boy1 ,drake saw a tall gray dragon4 #ae ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' #bh .7,t m/ 2 ! ,/"o ,dragon1.' ,drake ?"\4 ,he call$ up to ! boy1 8,worm w tell yr dragon t we m1n no h>m40 8,h ,worm d x1 !n60 ! boy cri$4 ,drake turn$ to ,worm4 8,pl1se tell ! ,/"o ,dragon t we >e n go+ to cause any tr\ble40 ,worm gaz$ up at ! dragon4 ,af a mo;t1 ,drake saw ! boy's ,dragon ,/"o gl[4 ,8 dragon 0 communicat+ ) hm4 ,! boy sl[ly nodd$4 8,%aka says ,i c tru/ y4 ,i w let y in40 ,! boy & dragon 4appe>$ f ! t[]4 ,drake he>d a groan 9 front ( !m z ! /"o door sl[ly 2gan to slide to ! side4 -------------------------------------#bi ,! ,dragon ,ma/] f ! t[] wait$ = !m4 ,next to hm1 ,%aka's body 0 gl[+ ) gray 5]gy4 ,! /"o door seem$ to 2 slid+ on xs [n4 .7,is ! ,/"o ,dragon mov+ ! door ) h] p[]s8.' ,drake wond]$4 -------------------------------------#cj ,!n he1 ,m9a1 ,worm1 & ,fro/ #af ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#cj /epp$ 9to ! =tress4 ,drake got a gd look at ,%aka4 ,%e _h a /r;g1 /urdy %ape4 ,h] gray scales rem9d$ hm ( /"os4 ,! %>p spikes go+ d[n h] back look$ l d>k cry/als4 ,! ,/"o ,dragon 2gan to gl[ ag1 & ! door slid clos$ 2h !m4 8,:oa60 ,drake cri$4 8,c ,%aka move ?+s ) h] m9d8 ,worm1 my ,e>? ,dragon1 c d t40 -------------------------------------#ca 8,%aka c 3nect to any?+ made ( /"o10 ! boy repli$1 & he smil$ = ! f/ "t4 8,i am ,casp>40 8,jayana1 ! ,h1d ,wiz>d1 told u t ? place is v magical10 ,drake sd4 8,x is10 ,casp> sd4 8,let me %[ y ! ,g>d5 ( ! ,b1/s40 ,!y foll[$ ,casp> acr a c\rty>d4 ,giant rocks rose up f ! gr.d4 ,"s ( ! rocks 7 bi7] ?an ! dragons4 ,casp> l$ !m 9to a di6]5t c\rty>d4 ,scatt]$ acr ! gr.d 7 b"os4 ,hundr$s ( b"os4 ,& ! b"os 7 huge4 ,"s ( !m 7 #ag ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#ca z l;g z ,worm1 & z ?ick z a tree trunk6 -------------------------------------#cb ,drake & ,m9a gasp$4 8,b"os60 ,m9a sd4 8,d y ?9k t 4440 8,a/rid is go+ to br+ ^! b"os to life60 ,drake cri$4 -------------------------------------#cc ,,*apt] #f ,,,! g>d5 ( ! b1/s,' ,drake & ,m9a />$ at ea* o!r 9 %ock4 8,:o is ,a/rid80 ,casp> ask$4 8,we came "h to w>n y ab h]10 ,drake sd4 8,a/rid is an evil wiz>d4 ,%e's "w+ on a spell t c br+ ?+s to life40 8,t s.ds impossible60 ,casp> cri$4 8,tell u ab ^! b"os10 ,m9a sd4 8,:at k9d ( cr1tures h b"os z big z ^!8 ,>e !y dragons80 -------------------------------------#cd 8,^! >e ! b"os ( giant b1/s t liv$ l;g ago4 ,l;g 2f humans & probably ev5 2f dragons10 ,casp> repli$4 8,come40 #ah ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#cd ,casp> walk$ !m ov] to "o ( ! walls4 8,^! >e pa9t+s ( ! b1/s4 ,( :at we ?9k !y look$ l40 ,drake /udi$ ! pictures4 ,"s ( ! b1/s _h v l;g necks4 ,o!rs _h l;g tails4 ,"s walk$ on two legs4 ,"s walk$ on f\r legs4 8,!y k9d ( look l dragons10 ,drake sd4 -------------------------------------#ce 8,!y d10 ,casp> sd4 8,b _m ( ! b1/s 7 m* bi7] ?an dragons4 ,& we d n "k :at p[]s !y _h40 8,!y look /r;g & dang]\s10 ,m9a sd4 8,a/rid wd probably use !m to d t]rible ?+s4 ,casp>1 we m/ prep>e = h] attack60 8,? =tress is made ( /"o4 ,nobody c get 9 "h un.s ,%aka op5s ! door10 ,casp> sd4 8,%aka c cru% ?+s4 ,%e c make ! e>? %ake4 ,& %e has a secret p[] t %e c use 9 an em]g5cy40 8,a/rid is a v p[];l evil wiz>d10 ,drake sd4 8,n m p[];l ?an ,%aka10 ,casp> boa/$4 #ai ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' #cf 8,i m/ tell ,hulda t we "k :at ,a/rid is plann+10 ,m9a sd4 8,fro/1 cr1te an ice ,-0 .1,boom6 ,!y he>d a l\d noise \tside ! =tress4 8,to ! t[]60 ,casp> cri$4 ,he & ,%aka climb$ to ! top ( ! ne>e/ t[]4 ,worm transport$ ,drake1 ,m9a1 & ,fro/ "!4 ,!y all look$ d[n at ! sc5e \tside ! =tress & gasp$4 8,x's an >my60 ,drake cri$4 -------------------------------------#cg ,,*apt] #g ,,a/rid's ,,>my ,d[n 2l1 a huge swirl+ portal ( r$ 5]gy _h op5$ up 9 front ( ! =tress4 ,an >my ( m5 & wom5 we>+ >mor m>*$ \ ( x4 ,! soldi]s c>ri$ %ields1 b[s1 & >r[s4 ,& 2h !m1 float+ abv ! gr.d1 0 ,a/rid6 -------------------------------------#ch 8,h[ did %e get "h s fa/80 ,m9a ask$4 8,jayana sd %e 0 at l1/ "o "d #bj ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#ch away40 8,%e m/ h cr1t$ a magic portal to take a %ortcut10 ,drake guess$4 8,& x looks l %e pick$ up "s soldi]s on ! way40 -------------------------------------#ci 8,%e c br+ all ! soldi]s %e wants10 ,casp> sd4 8,nobody c br1k 9to ? =tress60 ,m soldi]s came \ ( ! portal4 ,!y m>*$ 9 /raid ! =tress4 ,"s pu%$ w1pons on :eels4 -------------------------------------#dj 8,:at >e ^? wagons80 ,m9a ask$4 8,!y're call$ catapults1 & !y ?r[ rocks10 ,drake repli$4 8,j1n1 ! ,dragon ,ma/] ( ! ,silv] ,dragon1 uses !m to protect h] ca/le40 ,rememb]+ ,j1n1 ,drake r1*$ = ! silv] s^w %e _h giv5 hm4 .7,i wi% ,i _h tak5 "s s^w-fimy4 ,we ne$ wiz>ds6.' ,he took ! magic mirror f 8 belt4 8,i w let ,gri6i? "k we ne$ #ba ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#dj help10 he sd4 ,drake look$ 9to ! mirror4 8,gri6i?6 ,x's ,drake6 ,a/rid is ,-0 -------------------------------------#da .1,:am6 ,an >r[ slamm$ 9to ! mirror1 knock+ x \ ( ,drake's h&s4 ,x sma%$ onto ! /"o floor4 ,drake pick$ up 8 mirror4 ,! glass _h %att]$4 8,no60 ,drake cri$4 ,he turn$ to ,m9a & ,casp>4 8,jayana told u we %d hide if we saw ,a/rid40 8,we m/ fi sd4 8,x is \r duty to protect ? =tress60 ,! soldi]s /opp$ m>*+4 ,!y all drew _! >r[s at once4 ,drake notic$ = ! f/ "t t _! eyes 7 glaz$ ov] r$4 ,b ,a/rid's eyes 7 cle>4 ,%e walk$ to ! front ( ! >my1 we>+ a gl[+ r$ cry/al >.d h] neck4 -------------------------------------#db .7,%e's 3troll+ ! soldi]s1.' he r1liz$4 ,m9a saw x1 too4 8,! soldi]s c't help :at !y >e do+10 %e sd4 8,a/rid is #bb ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#db 3troll+ !m4 ,j l ,va/y ! ,ice ,giant us$ a blue cry/al to 3trol ,fro/40 8,i rememb]60 ,drake sd4 8,i _h to de/roy ! cry/al to undo ! spell10 ,m9a add$4 -------------------------------------#dc 8,exactly6 ,s x's n fair to attack ! soldi]s10 ,drake sd4 8,we ne$ to de/roy ,a/rid's r$ cry/al to /op h]4 ,b x's too risky4 ,we %d hide60 8,we don't h to hide10 ,m9a >gu$4 8,fro/ c freeze ,a/rid f up "h4 ,!n ,i c grab ! cry/al & cru% x ) my ax40 8,t is a gd plan10 ,casp> agre$4 ,a/rid gaz$ up at ! t[]4 ,a sl[ gr9 spr1d acr h] face z h] eyes lock$ ) ,m9a's4 ,!n %e turn$ to h] soldi]s4 8,attack60 %e yell$4 -------------------------------------#dd ,,*apt] #h ,,,>r[s & rocks,' #bc ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#dd .1,:oo%6 ,a %[] ( >r[s flew at ! =tress4 8,worm1 /op ! >r[s60 ,drake yell$4 ,worm's body gl[$ b"r gre51 & ! >r[s froze 9 midair4 ,!n !y dropp$ to ! gr.d4 -------------------------------------#de 8,yes1 ,drake60 ,casp> *e]$4 ,m soldi]s p\r$ "? ! portal4 ,!y s5t ano!r wave ( >r[s fly+ "? ! air4 -------------------------------------#df 8,fro/1 freeze ! >r[s ) yr ice br1?60 ,m9a comm&$1 z h] ,dragon ,/"o gl[$4 ,! ,ice ,dragon op5$ 8 m\? & %ot a bla/ ( %imm]+1 sp>kl+ air (f ! t[]4 ,! freez+ bla/ froze ! next wave ( >r[s4 ,cov]$ 9 ice1 !y fell to ! gr.d ) a clatt]4 8,gd move60 ,drake sd4 -------------------------------------#dg ,2l1 "s soldi]s got r1dy to fire ano!r r.d ( >r[s4 ,drake saw o!r soldi]s laun*+ ! catapults4 ,! catapult baskets lung$ =w>d1 %oot+ rocks at ! =tress4 #bd ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#dg 8,worm1 /op ^? rocks60 ,drake cri$4 ,worm gl[$ gre5 ag4 ,he focus$ 8 m9d p[]s on ! rocks4 ,l ! >r[s1 ! rocks dropp$ to ! gr.d4 ,! soldi]s scrambl$ to pick up _! fall5 >r[s s !y cd attack ag4 8,nice "w1 ,drake60 ,m9a sd4 8,fro/1 freeze ,a/rid60 ,! ,ice ,dragon re>$ 8 h1d back4 ,he op5$ 8 m\?4 ,!n he clos$ x ag4 8,fro/1 :at's wr;g80 ,m9a ask$4 ,h] ,dragon ,/"o gl[$4 8,drake1 ,fro/ says he c't see ,a/rid60 -------------------------------------#dh ,drake look$ d[n 2l4 ,! wiz>d 0 g"o4 ,!n ,drake he>d ,worm's voice 9 8 h1d4 .7,i s5se dang] d[n by ! door4.' 8,we ne$ to get to ! door60 ,drake cri$4 8,m9a1 keep wat*4 ,worm1 transport60 ,drake & ,worm transport$ d[n 9to ! =tress4 ,a mo;t lat]1 ,%aka ran up 2h !m1 ) ,casp> on h] back4 8,nobody w get 9side :ile ,%aka #be ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#dh is "h10 ,casp> sd4 8,d n worry1 ,drake40 ,j !n1 ,%aka let \ a ro>4 .1,rooowwwwwwwwr6 ,! /"o door 0 puls+ ) r$1 wavy 5]gy6 -------------------------------------#di ,,*apt] #i ,,,battle at ! =tress,' ,/& back f ! door6 ,t is d>k magic60 ,drake yell$4 ,he po9t$ to ! glimm]+ r$ door4 ,j !n1 ,m9a & ,fro/ flew d[n & l&$ 2s ,worm4 8,we cdn't see ,a/rid f ! t[]1 s we flew \ to f9d h]10 ,m9a sd4 8,%e's "r on ! o!r side ( t door60 8,we "k4 ,%e is ca/+ "s k9d ( spell10 ,drake sd4 8,look60 -------------------------------------#ej ,! ,dragon ,ma/]s & _! dragons wat*$ ) wide eyes z ! /r;g1 /"o door sl[ly 4appe>$4 #bf ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#ej 8,? c't 2 happ5+60 ,casp> cri$4 ,\tside1 ,a/rid /ood ": ! door _h be51 gr9n+4 ,r$ 5]gy sp>k$ f h] f+]tips4 ,2h h]1 ! soldi]s 7 r1dy to %oot _! w1pons ag4 -------------------------------------#ea 8,y _c /op u1 *n10 %e sd4 8,move aside & nobody w get hurt40 ,%aka /omp$ h] feet4 8,we w n"e let y in10 ,casp> sd4 ,a/rid /epp$ =w>d4 ,drake notic$ "s?+ !n4 ,! evil wiz>d _h t9y1 gl[+ bottles tuck$ 9to loops on h] belt4 ,ea* bottle held a di6]5t color liquid4 -------------------------------------#eb .7,:at >e ^? =8.' he wond]$4 ,a/rid mov$ to ! side4 8,y give me no *oice1 !n10 %e sd4 8,>my1 attack60 ,! soldi]s let _! >r[s fly4 8,qk1 ,worm6 ,/op ! >r[s ag60 ,drake comm&$4 ,worm gl[$ gre54 ,sudd5ly1 ! >r[s /opp$ 9 midair4 ,!n !y dropp$ to ! gr.d4 8,%aka1 =w>d60 ,casp> yell$1 & ! #bg ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#eb ,/"o ,dragon *>g$ t[>d ! >my4 -------------------------------------#ec 8,drake & ,casp>1 keep ,worm & ,%aka focus$ on ^? soldi]s60 ,m9a call$ \4 8,fro/ & ,i w take c>e ( ,a/rid6 ,we m/ de/roy h] r$ cry/al60 ,drake 0 worri$ t ,%aka mir[s4 ,_! eyes / gl[$ r$ f ,a/rid's magic4 -------------------------------------#ed ,!n an idea hit ,drake4 ,he knew t ,worm cd br1k up big rocks ) 8 m9d p[]s4 ,:y n a cry/al8 8,worm1 c y use yr p[]s to br1k ,a/rid's r$ cry/al80 he ask$4 .7,i w try1.' ,worm repli$4 -------------------------------------#ee ,drake look$ at ,a/rid4 ,! evil wiz>d 0 ?r[+ r$ magic bla/s at ,fro/4 ,b ! bla/s cdn't hit ! ,ice ,dragon4 ,%e 0 fly+ too fa/4 #bh ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' #ef ,worm gl[$ gre54 ,! cry/al />t$ to %ake4 ,fr[n+1 ,a/rid look$ d[n4 .1,po(6 ,! r$ cry/al explod$ 9to du/4 ,! soldi]s /opp$ fid turn$ to ,drake1 furi\s4 8,h[ .1d>e y80 %e ask$4 ,m9a & ,fro/ swoop$ d[n 2h ,a/rid4 8,fro/1 freeze h]60 ,a/rid gra2$ a bottle ( b"r orange liquid f h] belt4 ,%e qkly swall[$ x z %e turn$ to face ,fro/4 -------------------------------------#eg 8,:at >e y wait+ =1 dragon80 %e ask$4 8,hit me ) yr be/ %ot60 ,! ,ice ,dragon aim$ a bla/ ( freez+ air at ! wiz>d4 ,x trapp$ h] 9 a block ( ice6 -------------------------------------#eh ,,*apt] #aj ,,fire6 ,gd "w1 ,fro/60 ,m9a *e]$4 ,! #bi ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#eh dragon l&$ next to ,a/rid's froz5 body4 ,"s ( ! soldi]s ran back 9to ! portal z x clos$4 ,o!rs ran (f 9to ! des]t4 -------------------------------------#ei ,casp> hopp$ (f ,%aka4 ,he walk$ >.d ! froz5 block ( ice 3ta9+ ,a/rid4 8,i am glad y two %[$ up10 he sd4 8,i m/ n[ admit t ! =tress 0 n z safe z ,i ?"\40 -------------------------------------#fj 8,b x is safe n[10 ,m9a sd4 8,& ,jayana %d 2 "h soon4 ,%e w "k :at to d ) ? froz5 wiz>d40 ,"s?+ 0 bo!r+ ,drake4 8,:at if ,a/rid uses magic to unfreeze h]f 2f ,jayana gets "h80 8,rememb] t "t :5 ,hulda got froz58 ,%e cd n get \10 ,m9a sd4 8,i don't ?9k wiz>ds c p]=m magic :5 !y're froz540 ,drake nodd$4 8,t makes s5se40 -------------------------------------#fa ,sudd5ly1 an orange gl[ came f 9side ! block ( ice4 8,look60 ,drake sd1 po9t+4 8,oh no60 ,m9a sd4 8,"eybody1 #cj ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#fa get back1 qkly60 ,drake t\*$ ,worm1 & !y transport$ to safety 2h "o ( ! big rocks4 ,m9a & ,fro/ flew up & l&$ next to !m4 ,casp> climb$ onto ,%aka's back4 -------------------------------------#fb 8,/"o ,dragons >e n afraid ( wiz>ds10 he sd4 8,let u see :at ,a/rid w d40 -------------------------------------#fc .1,:oo%6 ,a /r1m ( fire bur/ "? ! block ( ice1 melt+ x4 ,a/rid float$ \1 & ,drake gasp$4 ,! wiz>d 0 br1?+ fire1 j l a ,fire ,dragon6 -------------------------------------#fd ,,*apt] #aa ,,a/rid's ,,plan ,%aka /omp$ t[>d ,a/rid1 ) ,casp> on h] back4 ,! wiz>d %ot a /r1m ( fire at ! ,/"o ,dragon4 -------------------------------------#fe ,casp> lau<$4 8,fire _c hurt #ca ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#fe ,%aka40 8,no1 b x c hurt .1y60 ,a/rid sd4 ,%e hurl$ ano!r /r1m ( fire at hm4 ,%aka gl[$4 ,a flat piece ( /"o flew up f ! gr.d & /opp$ ! fire /r1m f hitt+ ,casp>4 8,nice try10 ,casp> sd4 8,y may %oot fire l a dragon1 b y >e no dragon40 -------------------------------------#ff 8,i am sm>t] ?an a dragon10 %e repli$4 8,a wiz>d "nd ,maldr$ tau & ,%aka /omp$ clos] to h]4 8,h[ l;g does ea* dragon p[] la/80 ,casp> ask$4 8,only = a %ort "t10 ,a/rid #cb ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#fg repli$4 8,b x doesn't matt]4 ,i h captur$ ! p[]s ( ei4 ,:5 "o p[] we>s \1 ,i c use ano!r "o40 8,i don't c>e if y h ! p[] ( "o hundr$ dragons60 ,casp> sd4 8,%aka & ,i w def5d ? =tress4 ,l1ve "h n[60 -------------------------------------#fh ,a/rid %ook h] h1d4 8,y >e a brave ll boy4 ,b y >e n gd at li/5+4 ,didn't y he> me8 ,i w dra9 yr dragon's p[]s un.s .1y l1ve ? =tress4 ,n[ get \ ( my way6 ,i h a spell to ca/40 8,we "k yr plan ) ! ,g>d5 ( ! ,b1/s10 ,casp> sd4 8,y want to br+ ^? b"os back to life60 ,a/rid smil$4 8,maybe y >e sm>t] ?an ,i ?"\10 %e sd4 8,yes1 t is my plan4 ,!n no >my w 2 able to def1t me6 ,i w 3qu] ! ,l& ( ! ,f> ,nor?4 ,& !n 444 ! _w60 8,y w n"e rule ? k+dom60 ,casp> cri$4 8,pr9cess ,d>ia l1ds u1 & %e is /r;g & brave60 -------------------------------------#fi 8,ha60 ,a/rid cri$1 & flames #cc ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#fi flick]$ f h] lips4 8,wiz>ds >e m p[];l ?an any normal human4 .1,we %d 2 runn+ ?+s60 ,:ile ,a/rid _h be5 talk+ ) ,casp>1 ,drake :isp]$ to ,m9a1 8,a/rid is 4tract$4 ,we cd try a surprise attack4 ,b :at c we d80 8,cd ,worm br1k t big rock %e's /&+ on to ?r[ h] (f bal.e80 ,m9a su7e/$4 8,a/rid's fire p[] %d we> (f soon4 ,!n ,fro/ cd freeze h] ag40 8,gd plan60 ,drake sd4 8,i'll wait = ! "r "t 4440 ,m9a nodd$4 ,!n %e sudd5ly jump$ \ f _! hid+ place & 2gan to >gue ) ,a/rid4 -------------------------------------#gj 8,wiz>ds %d .1n rule60 ,m9a sd4 8,!y h too m* p[]1 & too m* p[] is dang]\s4 ,hulda taut$ gl[+4 ,! rock "u ,a/rid's feet 2gan to %ake4 ,r$ sp>ks %ot f h] f+]tips4 ,b 2f %e cd ca/ a spell1 ! rock broke 9to pieces4 ,a/rid fell & h] h1d smack$ ! gr.d4 ,%e /opp$ mov+4 -------------------------------------#gb ,m9a jump$ on ,fro/4 8,freeze ,a/rid1 n[60 %e comm&$4 ,casp>'s ,dragon ,/"o 2gan to gl[4 8,no6 ,i've got ?60 ,casp> %\t$ to ,m9a4 ,!n he turn$ to 8 dragon4 8,%aka1 use yr secret p[]60 he yell$4 -------------------------------------#gc ,,*apt] #ab ,,,! secret p[],' #ce ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#gc ,%aka ro>$1 r1dy to attack ,a/rid4 ,! wiz>d 0 j />t+ to op5 h] eyes4 -------------------------------------#gd 8,wait60 ,drake %\t$ z he & ,worm ru%$ \ f 2h _! rock4 ,%aka look$ at ,casp>1 3fus$4 8,j "o mo;t1 ,%aka10 ,casp> told 8 dragon4 8,:at does ! secret p[] d80 ,drake ask$4 8,%aka c turn p 9to /"o10 ,casp> repli$4 ,drake gasp$4 8,y m1n1 l /atues80 ,casp> nodd$4 8,yes4 ,x is a v dang]\s p[]4 ,t is :y x c only 2 us$ 9 an em]g5cy4 ,b ,a/rid m/ 2 /opp$40 -------------------------------------#ge 8,i agree10 ,m9a sd4 8,give ! comm&1 ,casp>40 ,casp> patt$ ,%aka's neck4 8,,n[60 ,gray b1ms %ot f ,%aka's eyes4 ,b ,a/rid jump$ up & h] h& flew to h] belt4 ,%e gra2$ an empty bottle4 ,r$ magic fl[$ f h] h&s & made ! bottle gl[4 #cf ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#ge ,%e held x 9 front ( h]4 8.1,captivatis60 %e cri$4 ,! gray b1ms fl[$ 9side ! bottle4 -------------------------------------#gf 8,casp>1 call (f ! attack60 ,drake yell$4 ,b x 0 too late4 ,%9y gray liquid _h fill$ ! bottle4 ,a/rid gulp$ x d[n4 ,h] eyes 2gan to gl[ ) gray li's eyes 7 wide ) fe>4 ,%aka /omp$ away f ,a/rid1 b ,drake knew ! big dragon cdn't escape fa/ 5\<4 ,m9a & ,fro/ laun*$ 9to ! air4 8,fro/1 freeze h]60 ,m9a yell$4 ,fro/ gl[$1 build+ up p[] = 8 ice attack4 -------------------------------------#gg ,drake t\*$ ,worm4 8,transport u next to ,%aka6 ,!n transport u all \ ( "h60 ,b ,a/rid mov$ fa/4 ,fa/] ?an ,fro/4 ,fa/] ?an ,worm4 ,gray b1ms %ot f ,a/rid's eyes4 ,drake & ,worm appe>$ next to #cg ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#gg ,casp> & ,%aka4 -------------------------------------#gh 8,no60 ,drake cri$4 ,casp> & 8 dragon _h alr be5 turn$ 9to /"o6 -------------------------------------#gi ,,*apt] #ac ,,wat* ,,\6 ,drake />$ at ,casp> & ,%aka 9 %ock4 ,!y 7 /atues4 ,x look$ l !y _h be5 c>v$ \ ( /"o4 ,ov]h1d1 ,fro/ %ot an ice bla/ at ,a/rid4 ,! wiz>d dodg$ x4 ,!n %e aim$ gray 5]gy b1ms at ,drake4 8,drake1 wat* \60 ,m9a cri$ f abv4 -------------------------------------#hj ,drake turn$ to see ,a/rid %oot+ b1ms f h] eyes4 ,he duck$ 2h ,worm z 8 ,e>? ,dragon p[]$ up ) 5]gy4 ,m9a & ,fro/ swoop$ d[n j z ,a/rid's attack hit a wall ( gre5 5]gy 9 #ch ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#hj front ( ,worm4 8,a/rid6 ,/op ? at once60 ,m9a call$ \ z ,fro/ slamm$ 9to ! wiz>d4 -------------------------------------#ha ,a/rid fell backw>d4 ,z %e fell1 ! b1ms f h] eyes *ang$ direc;n4 ,!y zapp$ ,fro/6 ,m9a & ,fro/ turn$ to /"o 9 front ( ,drake's eyes4 ,!y hit ! gr.d ) a ?ud4 ,!n ,a/rid turn$ to ,drake4 8,no60 he cri$4 ,drake's m9d rac$4 .7,i ne$ to help my frs4 ,b ,i c't help !m if ,worm & ,i >e turn$ to /"o4.' -------------------------------------#hb ,he put 8 h& on ,worm4 8,worm1 transport u "r \tside ! =tress60 ,drake sd4 ,!y transport$ 9 a fla%1 l&+ 9 ! hot des]t s&4 ,drake let g ( ,worm & tri$ to ?9k4 .7,i don't want to l1ve ,m9a & ,casp>4 ,b ,i don't "k h[ to help !m4 ,:y hav5't ,jayana & ! o!r wiz>ds >riv$ yet8.' ,he look$ up at ,worm4 ,8 dragon #ci ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#hb wasn't mov+4 ,!n ,drake saw x4 ,a gray gl[ 0 sl[ly spr1d+ acr ,worm's body4 -------------------------------------#hc 8,worm1 no60 ,drake yell$4 ,drake he>d laun+ to any"o :o tries to /op me40 ,!n %e look$ at ,drake4 8,& ( c\rse ,i'll ne$ a sad ll boy /atue1 too40 ,h] eyes gl[$ ) gray li$4 ,%e saw ! /"o /atues ( ,m9a1 ,fro/1 ,casp>1 ,%aka1 & ,worm4 ,h] eyes grew wide4 ,a/rid gasp$4 8,si/]60 %e cri$4 ,!n %e lau<$ ag4 8,h y come to /op me80 8,i .1w /op y1 ,a/rid1 b n td10 %e sd4 ,%e wrapp$ h] >ms >.d ,drake4 .1,po(6 ,hulda & ,drake 4appe>$4 #dj ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' #he ,,*apt] #ad ,,?ree ,,dragons ,hulda & ,drake appe>$ 9 ! ,h1d ,wiz>d's "w%op 9 ,2l]ion4 ,jayana & five o!r wiz>ds 7 ga!r$ >.d h] desk4 8,get ,drake "s tea1 qkly10 ,jayana sd4 ,%e hurri$ to ,drake & l$ hm to a *air4 ,%e snapp$ h] f+]s & a s(t blanket appe>$ on 8 lap4 ,!n a wiz>d h&$ hm a cup ( w>m tea4 -------------------------------------#hf ,drake's h&s %ook z he lift$ ! cup to 8 lips4 8,drake1 ,i am sorry10 ,jayana sd4 8,i %d h guess$ t ,a/rid wd use a magic portal to get to ! =tress fa/]4 ,i didn't r1lize h] p[]s 7 z /r;g z !y >e40 8,i wd h gott5 "! soon]1 too1 b ,a/rid delay$ me ) a b9d+ spell t %e s5t "? my gaz+ ball10 ,hulda sd4 8,z soon z ,i got free1 ,i came40 #da ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#hf ,drake swall[$ "s tea4 8,a/rid is go+ to br+ ! ,g>d5 ( ! ,b1/s to life10 he sd4 8,%e wants to rule ! _w4 ,we tri$ to /op h]1 b 444 ,m9a & ,fro/1 & ,casp> & ,%aka1 & ,worm4440 ,te>s well$ up 9 ,drake's eyes4 8,my si/] turn$ !m all 9to /"o10 ,hulda f9i%$ = hm4 -------------------------------------#hg ,! ,h1d ,wiz>d held 8 h&4 8,oh1 ,drake1 ,i am sorry ? has happ5$10 %e sd4 8,h[ did ,a/rid d x80 ,hulda ask$4 ,drake told !m all ab ! bottles ( dragon p[]s on h] belt4 8,%e /ole ,%aka's p[] & !n us$ x to turn "ey"o 9to /"o10 he expla9$4 -------------------------------------#hh 8,d n worry1 ,drake10 ,jayana sd4 8,we w save yr frs4 ,we w /op ,a/rid40 ,hulda look$ at ,jayana l %e didn't 2lieve h]4 8,x w n 2 easy10 ,jayana #db ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#hh admitt$4 8,my wiz>ds & ,i h _h no luck f9d+ a way to rev]se ! ,false ,life spell4 ,b :at has ,gri6i? f.d \80 ,drake held up 8 brok5 mirror4 8,i hav5't be5 able to 3tact hm10 he sd4 ,jayana smil$4 8,t is easily fix$10 %e sd4 ,%e wav$ h] h& ov] ! mirror1 & a silv] gl[ hit ! glass4 ,%e h&$ x back to ,drake1 & ! mirror's surface 0 smoo? ag4 8,?ank y10 ,drake sd4 ,!n he call$ 9to ! mirror4 8,gri6i?60 8,drake60 ,gri6i? sd4 8,>e y all "r80 -------------------------------------#hi 8,n r1lly10 ,drake sd4 ,?9k+ ( 8 frs & _! dragons1 he alm />t$ to cry ag4 ,jayana took ! mirror f hm & expla9$ "ey?+ to ,gri6i?4 ,!n %e gave ! mirror back to ,drake4 8,drake1 we c help "ey"o :o has be5 turn$ to /"o10 ,gri6i? promis$4 8,& ,ana has f.d a way to rev]se ! ,false ,life spell40 ,ana appe>$ 9 ! mirror4 8,drake6 ,on a hun*1 ,i flew to ! ,dragon ,temple #dc ,,,=tress /"o dragon,' a#hi 9 ! ,l& ( ,pyramids4 ,x turns \1 dragons >e ! key to br1k+ ! spell40 8,:at did y f9d \80 ,drake ask$1 sitt+ up /raid ,worm's voice 9side 8 h1d4 .7,drake1 ": >e y8.' @.<,! ,5d@.> #dd