,,,na;nal geographic^t kids,' ,,augu/ #bjag ,,issue #dgb ,9 #a ,volume ,$itor 9 ,*ief & ,vice ,presid5t1 ,kids ,magaz9es @& ,digital ,ra*el ,bu*holz ,(fice ,address3 ,,,p4o4 box #fbace tampa1 fl,' #ccffb-#bace http3_/_/kids4na;nalgeographic4com_/ ,sponsor$ & ,pres5t$ by3 ,am]ican ,ac;n ,fund = ,bl ,*n & ,adults #ahjj ,johnson ,/reet ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& #babcj www4ac;nfund4org ,produc$ at ,na;nal ,brl ,press www4nbp4org ,,,na;nal geographic kids " is publi%$ t5 "ts a ye> by ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjcf4 ,= m 9=ma;n 3tact natgeo4com_/9fo4 ,! submis.n ( photographs & o!r mat]ial to ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' is d"o at ! risk ( ! s5d]2 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' _c a3ept liabil;y = loss or damage4 ,copy"r ^c #bjag ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc4 ,all "rs res]v$4 ,reproduc;n ( ! :ole or any "p ( ! 3t5ts ( ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' )\t writt5 p]mis.n is prohibit$4 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' & ,yell[ ,bord]3 ,regi/]$ ,tradem>ks ^r ,m>cas ,regi/radas4 ,pr9t$ 9 ! ,u4,s4,a4 ,,issue #dgb ,transcrib$ 9 ,ji6y-,brl by #c ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,9c41 #hh ,st4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae4 ,! ,ji6y-,brl process bypasses pro(r1d+ 9 ord] to provide a qk & less exp5sive s]vice4 ,"! w 2 o3a.nal ]rors b !y %d n significantly a6ect r1d+4 ,if !y d1 we wd appreciate 2+ notifi$4 ,9 ,? ,issue ,weird ,b ,true6 """""""""""""""""" #f ,gu9;s ,_w ,records """"""""""""""" #g ,bet ,y ,didn't ,"k """"""""""""""" #h ,cool ,9v5;ns """"""""""""""""""""" #i ,extreme ,weird;s """""""""""""""" #aa ,sports ,funnies """"""""""""""""" #ac ,amaz+ ,animals """""""""""""""""" #ad ,p&a ,patrol """"""""""""""""""""" #ag ,zookeep]s t1* a giant p&a cub new skills to help hm gr[ up4 ,meet ,yr ,%>k ,be/ie """""""""""" #bi ,y won't 2lieve ! p]sonalities ( ^! pr$ators4 ,future ,_w3 ,food """"""""""""""" #ce ,*eck \ :at's cook+ at ? re/aurant ( ! future4 ,badg] ,rescue """"""""""""""""""" #ch ,af 2+ cau.d ! _w ) ^! amaz+ facts4 #e ,fun ,/uff """"""""""""""""""""""" #de ,weird ,b ,true6 ,,,by m>ilyn t]rell,' ,*eck \ ^! \trage\s facts4 ,! air >.d a lid made 5tirely ( *ocolate4,' ,,,if ! l;ge/ blue :ale cd /& on xs tail1 x wd 2 z tall z a #aj-/ory build+4,' ,a gr\p ( jellyfi% is call$ a smack4 ,texas is ! only /ate t all[s resid5ts to vote f space4 ,am]icans eat #g billion hot dogs 2t ,memorial ,"d & ,labor ,"d4 ,,,! l;ge/ raw egg toss 0 #ajg y>ds,-l;g] ?an a so3] field4,' 333333333333 ,,,a/oni%+ /ories f ! files #g (,' ,gu9;s ,_w ,records ,,big ,,bunny ,d>ius is no ord9>y bunny,-he's m ?an f\r feet l;g6 ,? furry cr1ture holds ! record = ! l;ge/ ra2it4 ,d>ius is a ,flemi% giant ra2it1 a bre$ "kn = xs size4 ,:at does a giant ra2it eat8 ,9 addi;n to 8 m1ls1 : 3si/ ( ra2it *[1 ?ree apples1 & a h1d ( ca2age1 ,d>ius snacks on,-:at else8,-c>rots1 up to #ab a "d4 ,,sup] ,,tall ,photograph]s may h ne$$ a special l5s :5 ! woman ) ! l;ge/ record$ legs met ! "o"t %orte/-"kn man :o cd walk1 ,he ,p+p+4 ,f\r feet f\r 9*es ( ,svetlana ,pankratova's six-foot-five-9* frame >e j legs4 ,unsurpris+ly1 ,pankratova did :at a lot ( tall p d 9 s*ool3 ,%e play$ on ! basketball t1m4 ,,"uwat] ,,c> ,soon y may n ne$ to haul yr boat to ! lake4 ,yr c> mi4 ,drive x 9to ! wat] & x floats until y op5 ! door to let 9 wat]4 ,put on yr br1?+ app>atus 2f ! s,quba s9ks1 !n /e] x to a dep? ( #cc feet4 ,! be/ "p8 s,quba is batt]y p[]$1 s y get a z]o-emis.n ride4 333333333333 ,bet y didn't "k #e e>?%ak+ facts ab \r _w ,,,by ]9 :itm],' #a ,! ^w 8volcano0 comes f ! "n ( ! ,roman fire god1 ,vulcan4 #b ,! air trapp$ 9side an iceb]g c 2 ?\s&s ( ye>s old4 #c ,x wd take a /ack ( m ?an #ajj1jjj gira6es to r1* ! \t]mo/ lay] ( ,e>?'s atmosp"h4 #d ,*eetah ance/ors roam$ ,nor? ,am]ica ab f\r million ye>s ago4 #e ,ne>ly #g1jjj di6]5t languages >e spok5 _wwide4 ,,big ,,w9n]6 ,3gratula;ns to ! #bjag ,na;nal ,geographic ,bee *ampion1 ,pranay ,v>ada1 #ad1 f ,c>rollton1 ,texas4 ,he won a @s#ej1jjj college s*ol>%ip1 #i a trip to ! ,gal^/apagos ,isl&s1 & a life"t memb]%ip to ! ,na;nal ,geographic ,society4 ,g onl9e to le>n m ab ! ,nat ,geo ,bee4 natgeokids4com_/geobee ,ask yr t1*] to regi/] yr s*ool = ! ^1#bjah ^1,bee by ,janu>y #bjah4 333333333333 ,,cool 9v5;ns ,,,by c4m4 toml9,' ,,float+ ,,isl& ,y'd .1want to 2 /r&$ on ? isl&4 ,model$ af a l>ge species ( lilypad t drifts d[n ! ,amazon ,riv]1 ! ,lilypad float+ ecopolis is design$ to float al;g ! oc1n4 ,? man-made habitat wd f1ture homes & %ops /ructur$ >.d a lagoon t cd collect ra9 = dr9k+ wat]4 ,fuel$ 9 "p by w9d & sol> p[]1 ! isl& 3cept cd provide up to #ej1jjj resid5ts ) an eco-frly home,-& ! ultimate oc1nfront view4 @.<,picture@.> ,,,"p ( ! isl& habitat dips "uwat]4,' ,,,gloves give 3c]t,' ,^! gloves hit ! "r notes4 ,s5sors 9side ! f+]tips detect :5 y press on a h>d surface & s5d a signal to a sp1k] to produce ! same musical notes cr1t$ by hitt+ piano keys4 ,tap \ a tune ) yr h&s side by side4 ,!n move yr mitts away f ea* o!r & drum yr f+]s ag4 ,! s5sors c tell t yr digits h mov$1 & !y signal ! sp1k] to play di6]5t notes,- same z if y mov$ yr h&s 9 di6]5t direc;ns on an actual piano4 ,t rocks6 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,tap yr f+]s6,' ,,,robot folds laundry,' ,do+ laundry is no l;g] s* a *ore ) ,foldi,mate1 a robot t folds cl1n clo!s4 ,clip g>;ts to hang]s on ! ma*9e's ext]ior4 ,atta*$ to a 3veyor belt1 ! hang]s rotate d[nw>d1 pull+ >ticles ( clo?+ "o at a "t 9to a slot 9 ! middle4 ,9side ! robot1 an electronic >m plucks ea* g>;t f xs hang] & lays x on a plat=m4 ,"h1 m >ms fold & 4p5se ! item4 ,soon yr #aa laundry's d"o,-case .1clo!d4 333333333333 ,,extreme ,,weird;s f ,,>.d ! ,,_w ,,,by am&a s&l9,' ,,,girl c't s9k,' ,,:at ,wat]walk]z ,ball ,,": ,mosc[1 ,russia ,,details ,no ne$ = sup]p[]s to walk1 sp91 or flip on wat]4 ,at ,o/ansk9sky ,pond1 a visitor r5t$ a ,wat]walk]z ,ball1 a gigantic pla/ic globe t floats on ! wat]'s surface4 ,:ile 9side1 %e romp$ >.d,-no swimsuit requir$4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a human- size ham/] ball4 on wat]4 wild4,' ,,,woman turns 9to soda ma*9e,' ,,:at ,human ,v5d+ ,ma*9e ,,": ,tokyo1 ,japan ,,details ,h[ d y hide if a mon/] is *as+ y d[n ! /reet8 ,4guise yrf z a v5d+ ma*9e1 ( c\rse6 ,fa%ion design] ,aya ,tsukioka cr1t$ a lay]$ skirt t d\bles z a hid+ place4 ,:5 y lift ! top lay] 9 front ( yr h1d1 x looks l a soda ma*9e to hide 2h4 ,let's j hope ! mon/] doesn't crave a bu2ly b"eage4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,n[ .1? is a fa%ion /ate;t4,' ,,,trans=m] 9vades c;y,' ,,:at ,trans=m] ,/atue ,,": ,london1 ,5gl& ,,details ,to promote ! ,,dvd rel1se ( .7,trans=m]s3 ,rev5ge ( ! ,fall51.' a movie /udio trans=m$ ! c;y's iconic 8b5dy buses0 9to1 well1 a ,trans=m]4 "<,a b5dy bus is basically two buses atta*$ s !y c b5d 9 ! middle4"> ,t[]+ #ac feet tall1 ! ,trans=m] 0 3/ruct$ \ ( r1l bus "ps4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,h['s ! w1!r up "!8,' ,,,attack ( ! f1!rs,' ,,:at ,9t]na;nal ,pill[ ,fiy ,,details ,f1!rs 7 fly+ z a massive cr[d bopp$ ea* o!r ) pill[s4 #ac ,m ?an a hundr$ cities "picipat$ 9 ! ev5t1 held to 5c\rage p to get (f _! rumps & play4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,:o's on cl1nup duty8,' 333333333333 sports funnies uh-oh6 ,,,by kelley mill],' #a ,! ,ne!rl&s's ,eva de ,go$e wat*es f 2h ! goal dur+ a wom5's field hockey mat* at ! #bjab ,summ] ,olympics 9 ,london1 ,5gl&4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,if my skills don't sc>e ! o!r t1m1 at l1/ ? mask w 4tract !m4,' #b ,f left1 ,baltimore ,orioles \tfield]s ,f^/elix ,pie1 ,nick ,m>kakis1 & ,adam ,j"os celebrate af w9n+ a #bjaa baseball game 9 ,new ,york4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,eek6 a rat6,' @.<,?ree baseball play]s jump up 9 ! air & bump 9to ea* at ! hip4@.> #c ,sevilla's midfield] ,laut>o ,aco/a reacts af scor+ a goal dur+ a #bjji so3] mat* 9 ,sevilla1 ,spa94 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,>f6 >f6 >f6 ?r[ me a *ew toy6,' @.<,a so3] play] on h&s & knees looks up ) 8 m\? wide op54@.> #d ,au/ralia's ,j>yd ,h>ris dri2les pa/ ,japan's ,saki ,t%iko%i at a #bjaj unicycle basketball game 9 ,well+ton1 ,new ,z1l&4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,yr dri2l+ is ok1 b wait till y see my unicycle dunk %ot4,' 333333333333 ,amaz+ ,animals ,,,cat "ws at tra9 /a;n,' ,hudd]sfield1 ,5gl& ,:5 ,&rew ,mc,cle;ts 9spects ! ,hudd]sfield ,railway ,/a;n1 he's a3ompani$ by an unusual co-"w],-a flu6y cat "nd ,felix4 ,! black-&-:ite fel9e has s]v$ z ! tra9 /a;n's ,s5ior ,pe/ ,3troll] s9ce #bjaa1 keep+ #ae ! site cle> ( pigeons & mice4 8,! /aff 3sid]s ,felix a memb] ( ! t1m10 ,mc,cle;ts says4 8,%e ev5 has a ll uni=m & a badge40 ,felix has h] [n nook 9 ! (fice & a cat-flap %e c 5t] & exit "?4 ,:at's m1 %e has a kitty b$ "!,-b %e pref]s napp+ on %elves1 desks1 & on top ( pr9t]s4 ,felix isn't usually asleep on ! job ?\<4 ,mc,cle;ts says he's n"e once spott$ a m\se on ! ,hudd]sfield plat=m4 8,s ,felix m/ 2 do+ "s?+ "r60 ,-.1,s>a .1,s*w>tz @.<,photograph@.> ,,all ,,abo>d6 ,,,bird nabs burgl>6,' ,williamsport1 ,p5nsylvania ,:o ne$s a gu>d dog :5 y h ,sun%9e ! macaw8 ,he help$ cat* a ?ief6 ,sun%9e's [n]1 ,j4,w4 ,]b1 _h return$ home to a ransack$ a"p;t4 8,i wasn't worri$ ab my /uff10 ,]b says4 8,b :5 ,i saw f1!rs "ey":1 total fe> set in40 ,luckily ,]b f.d an unh>m$ ,sun%9e hid+ 9 ! b$room4 8,! ?ief probably ?"\ he'd /1l ,sun%9e too1 b ,i "k my bird10 ,]b says4 8,he wasn't go+ = x1 & ,i knew ! guy lo/ ! fire/$ ! suspect1 !y told me he look$ z if he'd be5 9 a fib$ wire10 ,]b says4 ,t's all police ne$$ to 3nect ! ?ief ) ,sun%9e,-& ! br1k-94 ,seems ? macaw turn$ a cat burgl> 9to a jailbird4 ,-.7,ru? ,a4 ,musgrave.' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,"!'s a new %]iff 9 t[n4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,sun%9e1 %[n at f> "r ) [n] j4w4 ]b,' ,,,frog rescues m\se,' ,luckn[1 ,9dia ,:at's a m\se to d :5 x's float+ up a /reet )\t a paddle8 ,hit* a ride on a frog6 ,swept up 9 a flood$ /reet dur+ ! summ] monsoon s1son,-:5 h1vy ra9falls c cause flood+,-! m\se mie at home 9 ! wat]1 s !y easily #ag w1!r ^! /orms10 biology pr(essor ,jim ,ryan says4 8,mice >5't /r;g swimm]s4 ,!y'll use any?+ z a life pres]v] or raft40 ,is ! frog a h]o8 ,x's d\bt;l4 8,! m\se probably gra2$ onto ! f/ ?+ t w5t by10 ,ryan says4 8,x 0 probably j a v tol]ant frog,-& a v lucky m\se60 ,-.7,ru? ,a4 ,musgrave.' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,i hope he doesn't ?9k i'm a fly4,' ,frogs 7 ! f/ l& animals ) vocal cords4 333333333333 ,p&a ,patrol ,,,by jamie ki6el-al*eh,' ,,,zookeep]s t1* a giant p&a new skills to help hm gr[ up4,' ,bei ,bei ! giant p&a wat*es z 8 keep] waves >.d a t5nis ball4 ,curi\s1 ! six-mon?-old be> nudges ! ball ) 8 nose4 ,! c>etak] responds by fe$+ ! p&a a yummy *unk ( cook$ sweet potato4 ,r1liz+ he'll rcv a tr1t = ja2+ ! ball1 ! animal %oves x ag ) 8 s*noz4 ,sure 5\<1 8 keep] rew>ds hm ) ano!r potato slice4 ,! p&a is hav+ fun1 b ! c>etak] is "w+ on "s?+ m s]i\s4 ,keep]s >e putt+ ,bei ,bei "? basic tra9+ to t1* hm important skills1 & ? is "o ( 8 ex]cises4 ,! ?+s ,bei ,bei le>ns w help keep]s c>e = ! "y p&a z he gr[s f small fuzz ball to full-size adult4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,! ?ree- week-old p&a is giv5 an exam9a;n4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,bei bei mun*es on l1ves 9 ! \tdoor sec;n ( 8 5closure4,' ,bei ,bei " m1ns 8preci\s tr1sure0 9 ,*9ese4 ,a giant p&a mom is #ijj "ts bi7] ?an h] baby4 ,ab #ii p]c5t ( an adult p&a's diet 3si/s ( bamboo4 ,,big ,,baby #ai ,bei ,bei 0 born at ! ,smi?sonian's ,na;nal ,zoo 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c41 9 ! summ] ( #bjae4 ,hair.s & ab ! size ( a /ick ( butt]1 ! newborn sp5t mo/ ( 8 "t nurs+ & snu7l+ ) 8 mom1 ,mei ,xiang "4 ,keep]s monitor$ ! pair us+ cam]as t live-/r1m$ video f _! 9door 5closure4 ,!y'd al o3a.nally 4tract ,mei ,xiang ) a snack & sn1k ! baby away = a m$ical *eckup4 ,by six mon?s ( age1 ! #cj-p.d ,bei ,bei _h gr[n a flu6y fur coat & 0 eat+ solid foods s* z bamboo4 ,t's :5 keep]s 2gan basic tra9+1 giv+ ! be> practice ses.ns ea* morn+4 ,! p&a's tra9+ wd t1* hm to foll[ simple 9/ruc;ns t wd make x easi] = vets to give hm *eckups & keep ! animal 9 %ape4 #a ,keep]s use a t5nis ball to t1* ,bei ,bei move;ts he'll use dur+ *eckups4 #b ,= 9/.e1 !y fe$ ,bei ,bei tr1ts if he t\*es ! ball ) 8 nose4 #c ,keep]s lat] replace ! ball ) a h& signal dur+ *eckups,-& he / gets tr1ts6 ,,2+ ,,nosey ,f/1 /aff 9troduc$ ,bei ,bei to a t5nis ball on a /ick4 8,p&as 9ve/igate ) _! noses10 says ,laurie ,?ompson1 ! ,na;nal ,zoo's assi/ant curator ( giant p&as4 ,e "t ,bei ,bei t\*$ 8 nose to ! ball1 he'd get a small piece ( sweet potato4 ,t1*+ an animal to t\* an object is call$ t>get tra9+4 ,soon ,bei ,bei knew to nudge 8 t>get,-! ball,-once keep]s held x 9 front ( hm4 ,a few weeks lat]1 a tra9] 2gan hold+ ! ball abv ! animal's h1d4 ,to get to 8 t>get1 ! p&a /ood on 8 h9d feet & clasp$ ! wire me% ( 8 5closure wall ) 8 front claws to /ay up"r4 ,keep]s rep1t$ ! ac;n1 add+ a h& signal to ! r\t9e4 ,ev5tually1 ,bei ,bei /ood :5"e he saw ! signal4 ,:y t1* ,bei ,bei to /&8 ,x c make x easi] = vets to m1sure 8 body to make sure he's gr[+ prop]ly4 8,x's al #ba gd ex]cise60 ,?ompson says4 ,,copy-,,be> ,9 ord] = ,bei ,bei to le>n 8 next skill,-to lie d[n on comm&,-! be> 2came a copycat4 ,p&as >e gd at mimick+ _! mom's 2havior & move;ts4 ,keep]s knew ,bei ,bei mit$ lay+ d[n 9 front ( hm10 ,?ompson says4 ,at f/ ,bei ,bei seem$ 3fus$4 ,b 8 natural impulse to mimic took ov]1 & he ev5tually lay 2s h]4 ,) practice & rew>ds1 ,bei ,bei 2gan to sprawl \ :5 keep]s gave hm a h& signal to d s4 ,t's use;l dur+ vet visits 2c x keeps ! p&a 9 "o place z 8 doctors give hm *eckups4 ,! move;t al exposes 8 belly s keep]s c p]=m ultras.ds4 ,n[ #ah mon?s old1 ,bei ,bei 3t9ues to take lessons e morn+4 ,& he's le>n+ m tricks by mimick+ 8 keep]s1 s* z op5+ 8 m\? :5 !y give hm a h& signal4 ,? w all[ vets to *eck 8 tee?4 ,! p&a w ev5 le>n to put 8 >m 9 a sleeve1 : w hold ! limb 9 place s doctors c d blood te/s4 ,b ! p&a's tra9+ isn't j = s]i\s r1sons4 8,we add o!r 2haviors to keep hm 9t]e/$ 9 do+ new ?+s10 ,?ompson says4 ,= 9/.e keep]s mi to !m 2c p&as l to h _! e>s scrat*$4 ,:5 ,bei ,bei's n 9 basic tra9+ he's play+ on a rock /ructure 9 8 5closure1 romp+ >.d \tdoors ) 8 mom1 or mun*+ on bamboo /alks giv5 to hm by 8 keep]s4 ,! animal w keep up 8 r\t9e ( lessons & leisure = n[4 ,9 a c\ple ye>s ?\<1 he'll take 8 skills on ! road4 ,,big ,,moves ,by ! "t ,bei ,bei is f\r ye>s old1 he'll 2 fl[n to a bre$+ c5t] locat$ 9 8 natural habitat3 a bamboo =e/ 9 ,*9a4 ,by age sev5 or eie vuln]able1 ) only ab #a1hjj left 9 ! wild4 ,! tra9+ ,bei ,bei rcvd z a cub w 3t9ue to come 9 h&y 9 8 new #bc home4 ,c>etak]s w use 8 skills to make *eckups g smoo?ly4 ,!y mi ,,keep] ,,nicole ,mac,,corkle ,,,holds bei bei z vet don nei6] *ecks ! cub's he>t rate4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,bei bei romps >.d af a tra9+ ses.n ) %ellie pick4 ! play;l be>'s lessons >e kept %ort 2c ( 8 limit$ att5;n span4,' ,p&as l to d som]saults4 ,,butt] ,,baby ,bei ,bei 0 ab ! size ( a /ick ( butt] at bir?6 ,*eck \ pics ( ! baby p&a soon af he 0 born4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,"o & a half weeks old,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,two weeks old,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,"o mon? old,' """""""""""" ,nau ,,,mom c't make me cl1n my room if %e c't f9d me6,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,bei bei eyes tra9] laurie ?ompson4 .7%e's n look+4 "t to /1l ! sweet potatoes6,'.' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,nope,-n d"o wre/l+ yet4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,i'm s /u6$ i c't ev5 444 oh hey1 pass ! bamboo4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,let me g6 i see snacks6,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,:o's #be ! cute/8,' ,! giant p&a's sci5tific "n lit]ally m1ns 8catfoot1 black & :ite40 """""""""""" ,baby ,boom ,bei ,bei ! giant p&a cub le>n$ skills f 8 keep]s to help vets exam9e hm4 ,o!r zookeep]s h di6]5t k9ds ( wild te*niques :5 x comes to c>+ = baby animals4 ,*eck \ "s ( ! wacky ways c>etak]s nurture "y/]s 9 zoos >.d ! _w4 ,,,food on ! move,' ,nor? ,c>ol9a ,zoo1 ,nor? ,c>ol9a ,k5ickie ! >ctic fox wd've g"o any": = a gd m1l4 ,2f rcvg a snack1 ! fox _h to foll[ a ,p+-,p;g ball on a /ick t 8 keep] mov$ >.d4 ,!n ! human us$ t;gs to fe$ ! fox puppy *[4 ,c>etak]s want$ to get ,k5ickie com=table ) pursu+ ! ball s !y cd use x to guide ,k5ickie 9to a crate :5 he ne$$ to 2 tak5 = *eckups4 ,k5ickie qkly caud4 ,t's 2+ on ! ball6 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,k5ickie is f$ food ) t;gs4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,! fox foll[s ! ball = m grub4,' ,,,te/+ ! wat]s,' ,zoo ,miami1 ,florida ,2f mov+ f 8 nurs]y to an \tdoor 5closure1 ,satu ! ,sumatran tig] cub _h to pass a swim te/4 ,! cat's 5closure is surr.d$ by a moat1 & keep]s ne$$ to make sure he cd /ay afloat if he a3id5tally fell in4 ,s !y dropp$ hm 9to a small pool & /ood at ! $ge1 r1dy to dive 9 if !y saw ! fel9e /ru7l+4 ,b ! animal didn't ne$ a lifegu>d4 ,he qkly surfac$ & swam to ! pool's $ge1 ac+ ! te/4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a keep] drops ! cub 9to ! pool = 8 te/4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,satu proves he c swim4,' ,,gorilla ,,4guise #bg ,c9c9nati ,zoo1 ,ohio ,:5 keep]s r1liz$ t ,gladys ! newborn we/]n l[l& gorilla wasn't 2+ c>$ = by h] mom1 !y donn$ ve/s ) gorilla-l fur & act$ z tempor>y p>5ts4 ,! c>etak]s look$ af ! baby #bd_/#g1 lett+ h] cl+ to ! fake fur on _! backs j z %e wd've d"o ) h] mom4 ,to t1* h] gorilla 2havior1 !y made gorilla noises & walk$ on _! knuckles4 ,m1n:ile1 ! keep]s prep>$ an adult female gorilla to 8adopt0 ,gladys4 ,af a few mon?s ! 9fant 0 plac$ ) h] new mom1 & ! two gorillas qkly bond$4 ,n[ ! ll ape's 9 grt %ape6 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,gladys gets a pi7yback ride f a keep] dress$ z a gorilla4,' ,,puppet ,,"t ,mulh\se ,zoo1 ,fr.e ,? k+ vulture *ick got a regul> puppet %[ at m1l"ts4 ,keep]s us$ a lifelike h& puppet t look$ l a vulture to fe$ ! orphan m1t6 ,!y did ? to prev5t ! hat*l+ f le>n+ to associate human h&s ) food4 ,ev5tually ! vulture 0 big 5 to fe$ hmf4 ,& he n"e knew 8 keep]s _h giv5 hm a h&4 ,,plu% ,,pal ,t>;ga ,zoo1 ,au/ralia ,af ,maiya ! r$ p&a 0 9jur$1 %e got a ton ( ,,tlc,-& a /u6$ animal6 ,maiya's mom _h a3id5tally w.d$ h] :ile c>ry+ ! cub by h] neck1 : is h[ r$ p&as transport babies4 ,keep]s took ,maiya f h] "m to monitor h] recov]y & got h] a /u6$ r$ p&a s %e wdn't get l"oly4 ,maiya lov$ h] plu% toy1 cuddl+ ag/ x dur+ fe$+s & naps4 ,keep]s us$ ! /u6$ animal to com=t ,maiya until ! h1l$ p&a 0 return$ to h] mom4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,maiya cuddles h] toy dur+ a fe$+4,' 333333333333 ,,,na;nal geographic .1kids,' @.<,photograph ( two mice next to ea* o!r on a bran*1 _! tails curl$ tgr at ! 5ds4@.> ,! h>ve/ m\se is ! smalle/ rod5t 9 ,europe4 #bi ,_! l;g tails help ! mice grab grass or twigs to climb 9 se>* ( food4 ,"y mice (t5 l9k _! tails tgr1 l ,,bff,'s4 ,^! mice build a r.d ne/ t resembles a bird's4 333333333333 ,meet ,yr ,%>k ,be/ie ,,,by allyson %aw,' ,,,photographs by brian sk]ry,' ,y won't 2lieve ^! pr$ator p]sonalities4 ,hov]+ 9 w>m wat]s (f ! ,bahama ,isl&s1 ,na;nal ,geographic photograph] ,brian ,sk]ry notic$ a d>k %ad[ clos+ 9 on hm4 ,soon ! %ad[ took ! =m ( a torp$o ) a f9 on top,-x 0 an oc1nic :itetip %>k6 ,sk]ry's he>t rac$4 ,he 0 al"o1 & ? %>k species has a fi]ce reputa;n4 ,! n9e-foot-l;g female swam clos]1 ga9+ spe$ until 444 .1bonk6 ,! %>k g5tly bump$ h] sn\t ag/ ,sk]ry's cam]a4 ,! %>k's m\? 0 clos$1 s ,sk]ry knew %e wasn't try+ to bite hm4 ,%e m]ely exam9$ ,sk]ry's photographic equip;t1 !n mov$ 9 big1 lazy circles >.d hm4 8,%e 0 j explor+10 ,sk]ry says4 8,%e seem$ to h an extremely curi\s p]sonal;y40 ,sk]ry has 5c.t]$ hundr$s ( %>ks dur+ 8 c>e] & f.d t 9dividual %>ks c h v di6]5t p]sonalities4 8,c]ta9 %>ks seem polite,-!y're well 2hav$ & make eye 3tact10 ,sk]ry says4 8,o!r 9dividuals appe> grumpy or sn1ky40 ,humans (t5 fe> %>ks4 ,b ,sk]ry's exp]i;es h %[n hm ev5 9dividuals 2l;g+ to a species t's ?"\ to 2 a7ressive c h a major sweet side4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,? photo1 tak5 by brian sk]ry1 %[s a div] 9t]act+ ) a tig] %>k (f ! bahama isl&s4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,an oc1nic :itetip %>k glides "? ! wat]4,' ,,p]sonal;y ,,p[] ,hik+ 9 ! ,bahamas "? a /1my mangrove =e/,-a gr\p ( %rubs or trees t gr[ 9 coa/al wat]s,-,sk]ry >riv$ at a #ca wild nurs]y = lemon %>k pups4 ,! photograph]1 :o 0 /&+ 9 a foot ( wat]1 put on 8 snorkel ge> & scrambl$ onto 8 /oma* to snap pics ( ! fi%4 ,pe]+ 9to ! wat]1 ,sk]ry wat*$ z ?ree %>k pups swam 9to view4 ,!y 7 w>y ( hm1 b ev5tually "o swi%$ clos] to 9ve/igate4 ,only af ! f/ %>k got com=table did ! o!r two approa*4 8,c]ta9 %>ks 4play m 3fid;e1 & !y're qk] to explore new ?+s 9 _! 5viron;t10 ,sk]ry says4 ,"s %>ks >e al sup] social1 :ile o!rs )9 ! same species pref] _! me "t4 ,ea* p]sonal;y type has b5efits4 ,= 9/.e1 social lemon %>ks mie ! grub ) ea* o!r4 ,b :5 food is sc>ce1 lemon %>ks t l to 2 al"o miks )9 ! same species ?rive 9 di6]5t situa;ns4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,lemon %>k pups swim "? a mangrove =e/4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,sk]ry took ? photo ( a lemon %>k pup f ! wat]y floor ( a mangrove =e/4,' ,,sup]size ,,%>k ,humans mid "t det]m9+ a %>k's temp]a;t at f/4 ,z ,sk]ry "ks1 ^! animals w (t5 surprise y6 ,once1 ,sk]ry 0 div+ ) a gr\p 9 ! ,atlantic ,oc1n :5 he cauk ) g9orm\s jaws4 ,! huge;s ( ! cr1ture made ,sk]ry n]v\s,-plus he knew t ? species t5ds to 2 v a7ressive4 8,next to h]1 y r1lize h[ small & vuln]able y >e10 he says4 ,b ! %>k grace;lly glid$ ov] & paus$ by ea* ( ! div]s z if to greet !m4 ,!n %e turn$ t[>d ,sk]ry & all[$ hm to t\* h]4 ,x turn$ \ t ! o!rs _h alr met ! frly animal & giv5 h] a "n3 ,emma4 ,! tig] %>k visit$ ! dive site alm e "d dur+ ,sk]ry's /ay4 8,once ,i got ov] my 9itial reac;n1 ,i r1liz$ t ,emma 0 j a g5tle giant10 he says4 ,s basically1 y c't judge a %>k by xs jaws4 #cc ,sk]ry / sees ,emma :5 he visits ! >ea1 & he'll 3t9ue to 8meet0 new %>ks dur+ 8 "uwat] photo %oots4 ,! photograph] hopes t by %[+ ! di6]5t p]sonalities ( %>ks1 p won't see !m z a bun* ( dang]\s animals4 ,9/1d1 !y'll see !m z 9dividuals t des]ve \r c>e & protec;n4 ,ev5 if !y d h a lot ( tee?6 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a tig] %>k (f ! bahama isl&s glides ov] a coral reef4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,sk]ry r1dies 8 cam]a to take photos ( a s*ool ( c>i21n reef %>ks4,' ,m ?an #dej species ( %>ks exi/1 b at l1/ #bf ( !m >e 5dang]$ & at l1/ #dh >e vuln]able4 ,"s %>ks gr[ ov] #cj1jjj tee? 9 _! life"ts4 ,,,: %>k >e .1y mo/ l8,' ,pick ! s5t;e t be/ describes y1 !n r1d ab yr 9n] fi%6 8,i l to make a spla%60 ,y're l a ^1blacktip ^1%>k1 : p]=ms a %[y 4play by l1p+ f ! sea1 rotat+ s"eal "ts1 & spla%+ d[n4 8,i'm v obs]vant40 ,meet yr mat*1 ! ^1hamm]h1d ^1%>k6 ,! fi%'s wide-set eyes give x a broad range ( vi.n1 : helps x f9d prey4 8,i c seem 9timidat+1 b ,i'm r1lly a big s(tie40 ,r1*+ #dj feet l;g1 ! ^1:ale ^1%>k is ! _w's l>ge/ fi%4 ,b ? %>k is usually g5tle & calm4 8,i l to l\nge >.d40 ,y resemble ! ^7,c>i21n reef %>k^'1 nick"nd ! 8sleep+ %>k0 = ly+ mo;n.s on ! s1floor :5 x's n hunt+4 8,i'm alw on ! g40 ^7,grt :ite %>ks^' h lots ( 5]gy1 l y6 ,) xs torp$o-%ap$ body & /r;g tail1 ! fi% c swim #be miles an h\r4 8,n m* gets me d[n40 ,y & ! ^7s& tig] %>k^' >e alike4 ,! %>k surfaces to gulp air1 : 5ds up 9 xs belly1 mak+ ? fi% m buoyant4 ,,,gu>dians ( ! sea,' #ce ,want to keep \r oc1ns 9 gd 3di;n8 ,call 9 ! %>ks6 ,!y eat critt]s ^: popula;ns >e too hi<1 balanc+ ! numb] ( animals 9 \r s1s4 ,%>ks t live >.d coral reefs al eat animals t prey on h]bivor\s " fi%4 ,)\t %>ks1 m h]bivor\s fi% wd vani%4 ,s9ce ^! fi% eat h>m;l algae t gr[ on ! reefs1 _! 4appe>.e wd 2 bad news = coral4 333333333333 ,,future ,,_w3 ,food ,,,by k>5 de seve,' ,,,>t by mondoli?ic /udios,' ,:at w re/aurants 2 l decades f n[8 8,y c expect a lot ( *anges 9 t]ms ( us+ te*nology to gr[ & ord] \r m1ls10 says ,paul ,takhi/ov1 a food sci5ti/ at ,rutg]s ,univ]s;y 9 ,new ,brunswick1 ,new ,j]sey4 8,we'll al 2 able to p]sonalize \r food m40 ,*eck \ :at's cook+ at ? re/aurant ( ! future4 ,,,hungry8 press pr9t,' ,a qk f+] scan at yr table %[s t y're l[ on c]ta9 nutri5ts4 ,j press a button1 & a #c-;,d pr9t] uses pure$ food c>tridges to 8pr9t0 lasagna t's pack$ ) specific vitam9s t yr body ne$s4 8,h1l?y food isn't "o size fits all10 ,takhi/ov says4 8,we h di6]5t bodies1 s we ne$ di6]5t nutri5ts40 ,^! pr9t]s w al 9cr1se e6ici5cy1 all[+ *efs to qkly pr9t p]sonaliz$ food = l>ge cr[ds4 ,,food-,,9-,a-,,box ,"s ( ! lettuce 9 ? kit*5 is sad4 ,or r1 "o ( ! lettuce emojis on ! giant comput] scre5s is fr[n+4 ,t's 2c ! *ef didn't use ! "r recipe ( sunlim40 ,)\t plant+ se$s 9 soil1 ? re/aurant c gr[ all ! fruits & vegetables x ne$s4 8,anybody c 2 a f>m]10 says ,hildre? ,5gl&1 assi/ant director ( ! ,op5 ,agriculture ,9itiative at ! ,massa*usetts #cg ,9/itute ( ,te*nology4 8,if y live 9 ,icel&1 y c gr[ /rawb]ries t ta/e z if !y're f ,mexico40 ,,wa/e ,,n ,rese>*]s >e curr5tly "w+ on ways to 3v]t human wa/e 9to nutri5ts4 ,:e!r y're eat+ on ,e>? or dur+ a space vaca;n1 9 ! future "s ( yr food w likely h recycl$ 9gr$i5ts4 ,,,hunt+ = holograms,' ,let's g fi%+ 444 9 ! kit*58 ,! cat* ( ! "d is a #c-;,d hologram t ! *ef hooks 9 mid-air4 ,"o "d p w /ock _! kit*5s by ga!r+ 9gr$i5ts 9 a virtual _w4 ,simply pick a b]ry f a digital bu% or *oose a cut ( beef f ! virtual f>m4 ,af y're d"o =ag+1 ! hologram setup s5ds details to a local m>ket t deliv]s yr ord]4 ,sci5ti/s "w+ on ? program hope to 3nect p to _! food s\rces & make %opp+ m fun4 ,,get ,,sm>t ,at yr favorite re/aurant1 y tap ! table to op5 a digital m5u & *oose f fre%ly gr[n salads & #c-;,d pr9t$ cr1;ns4 ,an al>m lets y "k :5 yr food is wait+ 9 ! cu2y at "o side ( ! table,-j lift ! door & take yr m1l4 ,=got "s?+8 ,a robot s]v] w /op by to see if y ne$ any?+ else4 ,,gr[ ,,up ,:at w happ5 to f>ms 9 ! future8 ,"s w 2 .1m* tall]4 ,cities w 3t9ue to exp& z ! human popula;n climbs to n9e billion p1 l1v+ less l& to f>m4 ,agriculture w likely 2 h\s$ 9 t[]+ v]tical skyscrap]s situat$ 9 ^! cities4 ,luckily1 9door f>ms typically use less wat]1 & plants seem to gr[ fa/] 9 ^! 5viron;ts4 333333333333 ,,badg] ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' ,,,mis.n ^1animal ^1rescue,' ,save ,,animals ,save ! ,,_w ,,,by scott eld],' ,an orphan$ baby gets a second *.e4 ,dur+ a torr5tial ra9/orm 9 ,5gl&1 a f>m] goes \tside to *eck on 8 #ci %eep4 ,! flock is safe1 b he /umbles acr ano!r animal 9 s]i\s tr\ble4 ,ly+ mo;n.s on ! gr.d is a t9y1 alm fur.s badg] cub4 ,! f>m] notices a flick] ( life1 s he tucks ! t9y cr1ture 9to 8 pocket & drives to an animal rescue c5t]4 ,,s.d ,,(f ,by ! "t ! cub >rives at ! c5t]1 ,secret ,_w1 x's wri7l+ & mak+ a badg]'s 4t9ctive *irp+ s.d4 ,! /aff is pl1s$ to see t ! female cub has no w.ds or p>asites4 8,%e's s p]fect10 says ,paul9e ,kidn]1 f.d] ( ,secret ,_w4 8,b %e's v "y40 ,less ?an #dh h\rs old1 ! animal is vuln]able to _m h1l? problems4 ,,,j w>m+ up,' ,! t9y baby badg]'s "m wd n h will+ly ab&on$ h] cub4 ,badg]s live "ugr.d 9 family burr[s call$ setts4 ,kidn] 2lieves ! cub's home flood$ & ! "m lo/ ! newborn :ile mov+ o!r cubs to a dry1 backup sett4 ,! bi7e/ 3c]n = ,gale,-"nd af ! w9dy /orm %e 0 f.d 9,-is h] l[ body temp]ature4 ,! /aff place ! orphan 9 a w>m 9cubator & give ,gale a hot wat] bottle wrapp$ 9 a t[el & a /u6$ animal to snu7le up to4 ,once ! baby badg] has w>m$ up1 ,kidn] />ts fe$+ h] milk4 ,newborn badg]s eat v ll1 v (t5,-ab once an h\r1 #bd_/#g4 ,kidn] sleeps on a *air ) ,gale on h] lap s %e c fe$ h] ) a syr+e "?\t ! ni.d on h] %aky legs4 ,once ! ll badg] />ts *[+ d[n solid foods1 %e's mov$ 9to a small p5 ": human 3tact is m9imiz$4 8,o!rwise !y gr[ up ?9k+ !y're human 2+s10 ,kidn] says4 ,two weeks lat]1 ,gale jo9s a gr\p ( o!r badg]s4 ,dur+ f\r mon?s ( prep>a;n = rel1se1 ! badg]s live 9 an >tificial sett1 le>n survival skills1 & get _! f/ ta/e ( wild badg] food3 e>?worms4 ,:5 ,gale is eie transport$ to #da ! c.tryside4 ,"h1 a tempor>y sett has be5 built & sec;n$ (f ) a circul> f;e4 ,a mon? lat]1 af ! badg]s h le>n$ to =age & dig _! [n sett1 ! f;e is remov$4 ,kidn] admits t %e's a ll sad to see ,gale g4 ,/1 8,x's fanta/ic 2c y've be5 "w+ to get t animal back 9to ! wild10 %e says4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,gale "<"r"> bonds ) ano!r badg] 2f !y're rel1s$4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,i r1lly dig ? place6,' ,badg]s c eat s"eal hundr$ e>?worms ea* nible lions gu>d+,' ! ,new ,york ,c;y ,public ,libr>y >e "nd ,pati;e & ,=titude4 #b ,,,rhesus macaques 9 new delhi1 9dia1 (t5 snat* eyeglasses & purses f p$e/rians4,' #c ,,,"s police (fic]s 9 cairo1 egypt1,' patrol ! pyramids & o!r t\ri/ spots ,,on ,,camelback4 #d ,,,well+ton1 new z1l&1,' is ! l>ge/ capital c;y to f/ greet ea* new "d & ye>4 #e ,surr.d$ by ,italy1 ,,vatican ,,c;y is bo? a c;y & ,,,! _w's smalle/ c.try4,' ,x's ab ! same size z ,,,a golf c\rse4,' #f ,,,! bus /a;n 9 la paz1 bolivia1 0 design$ by gu/av ei6el1,' ! same >*itect :o built ! ,ei6el ,t[] & ! ,/atue ( ,lib]ty4 #g ,,,9 canb]ra1 au/ralia1 ?\s&s ( ea/]n gray kang>oos (t5 9vade ! c;y to dr9k wat] & mun* grass4,' #h ,a mall 9 ! des]t c;y ( ,dubai1 ,unit$ ,>ab ,emirates1 ,,,makes sn[ = an 9door ski resort4,' #i ,e ni's ,eve 2c ( smoke f ! ,,,millions ( fire"ws & firecrack]s,' p %oot (f4 #ab ,,,ba?1 5gl&1 r1lly did get xs "n f ba?s,-h1t$ pools built by ! romans "s #b1jjj ye>s ago4,' #ac ,movie tickets co/ ab @s#be 9 ,,tokyo1 ,,japan1 "o ( ! _w's mo/ exp5sive cities4 #ad ,mosc[1 ! capital ( ,russia1 is home to ! ,mosc[ ,cat ,!atre1 : f1tures ,,,doz5s ( trick-p]=m+ h\se cats4,' #ae ,p h liv$ 9 ,beirut1 ,lebanon1 = ne>ly #e1jjj ye>s4 #af ,,,9 am/]dam1 ! capital ( ! ne!rl&s1 ne>ly half ( all "w]s bike to "w4,' #ag ,san ,francisco's ,c;y ,hall 9 ,cali=nia sits on #ecj wa%+-ma*9e- size %ock absorb]s t help protect ! build+ dur+ e>?quakes4 #ah ,m ?an half ( ! #e4a million p liv+ 9 ,d> es ,salaam1 ,tanzania1 >e ,,,kids or te5s4,' #ai ,,,panama c;y1 panama1,' is ! only capital ) a tropical ra9 =e/ 9 ! c;y limits4 #bj ,a cannon call$ ,,,! noon gun,' is fir$ e "d at1 uh1 noon 9 ,cape ,t[n1 ,s\? ,africa4 #ba ,tw5ty miles ( /reets1 %ops1 re/aurants1 & hotels lie "un1? ,montr1l1 ,canada4 #bb ,,,mexico c;y1 mexico1,' has m ?an #aej ,,museums4 #bc ,,,a dragon /atue br1!s fire,' ne> ,wawel ,royal ,ca/le 9 ,krak^/ow1 ,pol&1 ": a my?ical dragon 0 once rumor$ to live4 #bd ,,,m fr5*-sp1k+ p live 9 k9%asa1 ! capital ( ! democratic republic ( ! 3go1 ?an 9 p>is4,' #be ,,i/anbul1 ,,turkey1 is ! only major c;y to /& on two 3t95ts3 ,,,asia & europe4,' #de #bf ,! local gov]n;t has us$ #cj %eep to 8m[0 ! p>ks ( ,curitiba1 ,brazil4 #bg ,,,! .1tuk-tuk1 a ?ree-:eel$1 motoriz$ rick%aw1 is a common =m ( public transporta;n 9 bangkok1 ?ail&4,' #bh ,9 ,beij+1 ,*9a1 (ficials "s"ts ,,,fire rockets fill$ ) *emicals,' to cr1te cl\ds & ra94 #bi ,,lima1 ,,p]u1 av]ages ab ,,,a half 9*,' ( ra9 a ye>4 #cj ,! daily hi< summ] temp]ature 9 ,kuwait ,c;y1 ,kuwait1 av]ages ab #aae^j,f4 333333333333 ,fun ,/uff games1 laue close-up & f>away views ( di6]5t textures 9 nature4 ,unscramble ! lrs to id5tify ea* picture4 ,,,answ]s on page,' #ec udm wotdsrnifs aavl smso nsesot lpma aefl erte kturn reiegcb dsna suden """""""""""" ,unl1%$ ,,/rika ,,5t]ta9;t @.<,c>toon ,frame #a3 ,atlas "1 ,neville "1 ,major " & ,lulu "1 frantically cl1n ! liv+ room4@.> ,,,neville1 lulu1 & atlas >e 9 tr\ble4,' ,atlas ,h[ l;g d we h 2f ,emma comes back8 ,lulu ,n l;g6 ,we ne$ to cl1n ! h\se .1fa/6 ,neville ,%e'll ?9k .1we did ?6 @.<,frame #b@.> ,,,e>li] t "d,' 444 #dg ,emma ,meet ,butt]cup ! ,bunny1 "ey"o6 ,aunt ,g]trude dropp$ h] (f = a playdate4 ,%e's %y1 s pl1se make h] feel at home6 @.<,frame #c@.> ,neville .1,w[1 ,i ?"\ .2,i 0 adorable6 ,lulu ,my "n is ,lulu1 ?\< "ey"o 9si/s on call+ me ,pr9cess ,tallulah4 ,b y're .1s cute y c call me .1:at"e y l6 @.<,frame #d@.> ,emma ,gdbye6 ,h fun ) ,butt]cup4 ,i'll see y af s*ool6 @.<,frame #e@.> ,atlas ,wait1 .1t doesn't look "r4 ,lulu ,i ?9k "s?+'s .1wr;g ) ? bunny4 ,neville .1,aaahhh666 @.<,frame #f@.> ,butt]cup @. .7,r>rr6 ,let's play6.' @.<,frame #g3 ,butt]cup b\nces >.d bit+ ?+s1 te>+ ?+s & cra%+ 9to ?+s1 mak+ a mess4@.> ,butt]cup .1,a><6 .1,:eee6 ,lulu ,butt]cup's g"o .1bonk]s6 @.<,frame #h@.> ,butt]cup @. .1,l\d]6 .1^1,l\d]6 ,neville ,i c't he> myf ?9k6 @.<,frame #i@.> ,,,butt]cup is \ ( 3trol,' 444 ,butt]cup @. .7,mwahaha6 ,? is s m* fun6.' ,atlas ,we ne$ a plan6 ,lulu ,we ne$ a h]o6 ,neville ,we ne$ 444 @.<,frame #aj@.> ,major ,y ne$ 444 .1! .1,major6 ,qk1 foll[ me6 ,i "k :at to d6 @.<,frame #aa3 ,atlas1 ,major1 ,neville & ,lulu hide 9 a bu%4@.> ,,soon ,,af 444 ,neville ,>e y sure ? w "w8 ,major @. .1,( .1c\rse6 ,we us$ ! same tactic dur+ ! grt ra2it 9va.n6 ,atlas .1,sh 444 "h %e comes6 @.<,frame #ab@.> #di ,butt]cup @.ds a c>rot dangl+ f a /r+@.> .7,butt]cup wants c>rot6.' @.<,frame #ac@.> ,butt]cup @..d 9 circles *as+ ! c>rot : is 2+ fl[n >.d by a dr"o@.> .1,c>rot6 @.<,frame #ad@.> ,,lat] 444 ,butt]cup ,c>rot @<@@> c>rot 444 @.<,frame #ae3 ,butt]cup sleeps on ! gr.d ne> ! dr"o & c>rot z ! o!rs pop \ ( ! bu%4@.> ,,f9ally 444 ,neville ,x "w$6 ,atlas ,j 9 "t too4 ,! batt]ies >e d1d6 ,lulu ,:at ab ! h\se8 ,emma w .1n"e 2lieve x 0 ,butt]cup6 @.<,frame #af@.> ,,,! pets />t cl1n+4,' @.<,frame #ag@.> ,,,aunt g]trude >rives to collect butt]cup,' 444 ,aunt ,g]trude ,w[6 ,y m/ h play$ .1all .1"d6 ,i've n"e se5 ,butt]cup ? tir$4 ,major @. ,i'm glad .1t's ov]4 ,lulu @. ,n"e ag4 @.<,frame #ah@.> ,aunt ,g]trude ,x looks l %e _h s m* fun t ,i'll br+ h] ov] .1e week6 ,:at does ! future hold = ,neville1 ,lulu1 ,atlas1 & ! ,major8 ,f9d \ 9 ! next .1,unl1%$6 """""""""""" ,funny ,,fill-,,9 ,splatt] ,up6 ,,,by s>ah "yson,' ,ask a fr to give y ^ws to fill 9 ! blanks 9 ? /ory )\t %[+ x to hm or h]4 ,!n r1d \ l\d = a lau<4 @.<,! ^ws 2l ! s5t;es >e plac$ 9 p>5!ses af ! l[ l9e4@.> ,i've n"e be5 m .- "4 ,my baseball t1m1 ! .- "1 0 ab to play ! *ampion%ip game4 ,b ,coa* .- " ann\nc$ t ! (ficial rules _h *ang$6 ,f/1 #ea e play] wd .- "ge numb]"> "ts 2f go+ to bat4 ,we al _h to we> \r gloves on \r .- " l .- "<>ticle ( clo?+1 plural"> & run l a" .- "4 ,2f ,coa* cd expla9 m1 ! umpire %\t$1 8.- " ball60 ,! umpire toss$ me \r new (ficial bat1 a" .- "4 ,:5 ! .- " ?rew ! new (ficial ball1 a" .- "1 x zoom$ pa/ me & .- " all ov] ! cat*]4 ,af .- "ge numb]"> tries1 ,i f9ally hit ! .- " all ! way to .- "away c;y">4 ,i />t$ .- " z fa/ z ,i cd until ,i slid 9to home base4 ,? new game isn't s .- " af all4 """""""""""" ,>t ,z"o ,,,weird sci;e exp]i;ts,' .7,nat ,geo ,kids.' r1d]s mix$ up "s mad cr1;ns 9 ^! draw+s4 @.<,draw+@.> ^1,sci;e ^1,lab ,antonio ,a41 #aa ,hillsbor\<1 ,new ,j]sey @.<,draw+@.> ^7,mu%room ,corn ,spr\t-,9fus$ ,bacon^' ,%elby ,a41 #ab ,eagle1 ,colorado @.<,draw+@.> ^7,mr4 ,explode 9 ,8 ,lab^' ,abigail ;,s41 #ad ,m>ietta1 ,georgia @.<,draw+@.> ^1,! ^1,fluxx1uator ,pi]ce ;,r41 #ab ,morris1 ,m9nesota @.<,draw+@.> ^7,jelly ,b1n ,volcano6^' ,annabella ;,l41 #aa ,h[ell1 ,mi*igan ,draw a new s*ool subject4 ,s5d u yr ^1orig9al ^1draw+s3 .7,nat ,geo ,kids.',-,s*ool ,>t ,z"o ,p4,o4 ,box #ihjjb ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjij-#hjjb ,9clude yr "n1 address1 ph"o numb]1 date ( bir?1 a title = yr draw+1 a /ate;t t x is yr [n "w1 & ! "n ( yr p>5t or gu>dian4 ,yr p>5t or gu>dian m/ sign a rel1se = publica;n if yr illu/ra;n is select$4 ,submis.ns 2come ! prop]ty ( ,na;nal ,geographic #ec ,"pn]s1 & all "rs "!to >e transf]r$ to ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s4 ,submis.ns _c 2 ac"kl$g$ or return$4 ,selec;n w 2 at ! 4cre;n ( .7,nat ,geo ,kids.'4 """""""""""" ,answ]s 8,:at 9 ! ,_w80 "3 ^1,top ^1r[3 mud1 sn[drifts1 lava4 ^1,middle ^1r[3 moss1 /"os1 palm l1f4 ^1,bottom ^1r[3 tree trunk1 iceb]g1 s& dunes4 """""""""""" ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' ,,,tell u :at y ?9k6,' ,jo9 ! .7,na;nal ,geographic ,kids.' ,t1m4"9 "9,*ildr5 ( ,,ngs /aff1 ,,ngp /aff1 & 3tractors >e n eligible to "picipate4 ,only ^? select$ w 2 notifi$4 ,if y >e alr a memb] ( ! panel1 y d n ne$ to reapply4 ,"?\t ! ye> we'll 9vite y by email to complete \r late/ onl9e survey4 ,! surveys ask = op9ions ab curr5t magaz9e issues1 >ticles we're "w+ on1 & topics t a6ect kids l y4 ,apply onl9e6 ,,,sign+ up is easy6,' #a ,grab a p>5t4 #b ,g to ngkids&familyt1m4com_/jo9#bjag4 ,h yr p>5t fill \ ! 3s5t =m4 #c ,look = email 3firma;n f .7,nat ,geo ,kids.'4 ,if y h any "qs1 3tact tracy4/"o@anatgeo4com4 ,= ea* survey y complete1 y'll 2 5t]$ 9to qu>t]ly draw+s to w9 an ,,,amazon gift c>d6,' 333333333333