,,,na;nal geographic^t kids,' ,,april #bjah ,,issue #dgi ,9 #a ,volume ,$itor 9 ,*ief & ,vice ,presid5t1 ,kids ,magaz9es @& ,digital ,ra*el ,bu*holz ,(fice ,address3 ,,,p4o4 box #fbace tampa1 fl,' #ccffb-#bace http3_/_/kids4na;nalgeographic4com_/ ,sponsor$ & ,pres5t$ by3 ,am]ican ,ac;n ,fund = ,bl ,*n & ,adults #ahjj ,johnson ,/reet ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& #babcj www4ac;nfund4org ,produc$ at ,na;nal ,brl ,press www4nbp4org ,,,na;nal geographic kids " is publi%$ t5 "ts a ye> by ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjcf4 ,= m 9=ma;n 3tact natgeo4com_/9fo4 ,! submis.n ( photographs & o!r mat]ial to ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' is d"o at ! risk ( ! s5d]2 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' _c a3ept liabil;y = loss or damage4 ,copy"r ^c #bjah ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc4 ,all "rs res]v$4 ,reproduc;n ( ! :ole or any "p ( ! 3t5ts ( ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' )\t writt5 p]mis.n is prohibit$4 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' & ,yell[ ,bord]3 ,regi/]$ ,tradem>ks ^r ,m>cas ,regi/radas4 ,pr9t$ 9 ! ,u4,s4,a4 ,,issue #dgi ,transcrib$ 9 ,ji6y-,brl by #c ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,9c41 #hh ,st4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae4 ,! ,ji6y-,brl process bypasses pro(r1d+ 9 ord] to provide a qk & less exp5sive s]vice4 ,"! w 2 o3a.nal ]rors b !y %d n significantly a6ect r1d+4 ,if !y d1 we wd appreciate 2+ notifi$4 ,,,9 ? issue,' ,,,special save ! e>? issue,' ,we "k y love ! ,e>? & want to protect x4 ,2f gett+ />t$1 take a fun quiz on page #af to f9d \ :at k9d ( planet protector y >e1 !n jump in6 ,,plus3 #eb ,,ways y c save ! _w6 ,weird ,b ,true6 """""""""""""""""" #f ,gu9;s ,_w ,records """"""""""""""" #g ,9cr$ible ,animal ,frs """""""""""" #h ,bet ,y ,didn't ,"k """""""""""""" #aj ,? or ,t8 """""""""""""""""""""""" #aa ,amaz+ ,animals """""""""""""""""" #ab ,climate ,*ange """""""""""""""""" #ba ,ev5 small *anges c make a di6];e :5 x comes to keep+ ,e>? h1l?y4 ,,plus3 ,see page #bd = id1s on help+ ,e>?'s climate4 ,pollu;n """"""""""""""""""""""""" #cj ,wat* yr wa/e to pres]ve wild places,-& wildlife4 ,,plus3 ,h1d ov] to page #cb to le>n h[ y c keep ! planet cl1n4 #e ,habitat ,de/ruc;n """"""""""""""" #cg ,homes >5't j = humans,-e cr1ture des]ves "o4 ,,plus3 ,*eck \ page #ci = tips on prev5t+ habitat loss4 ,decl9+ ,biodiv]s;y """""""""""""" #de ,le>n :y animals 9 yr backy>d & 2y ne$ protect+4 ,,plus3 ,flip to page #dg to f9d \ h[ y c save wildlife4 ,fun ,/uff """"""""""""""""""""""" #ec ,weird b true6 ,,,by mi*elle h>ris,' ,*eck \ ^! \trage\s facts4 ,,smell+ gd sc5ts :ile ,,sleep+ mie ,,solid ,,gold pizza-size ,canadian co9s wor? ,,"o ,,million ,canadian doll>s4 ,a ,,b1v] has a ,,,set ( lips,' 2h xs ,,front ,,tee?4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,! tree 0 l t :5 i got "h4,' ,,an ,,e>?quake 9 ,,*ile %ort5$ ! l5g? ( an ,e>? "d by #a4bf ,,microseconds4 ,"s ,,>ti/s use ,,*ew+ ,,gum to make ,,pa9t+s4 ,! ,,s.d ( waves ,,cra%+ comes mo/ly f ,,air ,,bu2les4 ,,apples ,,float b ,,,pe>s typically s9k4,' ,a ,,sailfi% c ,,l1p "? ! air at #fh miles an h\r4 #g ,,,gu9;s _w records,' ,,wild ,,e>s6 ,h>bor ! coonh.d m/ 2 a gd li/5]4 ,) an e> span l;g] ?an two feet1 ! poo* holds ! record = ! l;ge/ e>s on a liv+ dog4 ,z a puppy1 he us$ to trip ov] !m6 ,br$ z hunt+ dogs1 coonh.ds h l;g e>s to help pick up sc5ts4 ,z ! e>s sw+ back & =?1 !y fan smells t[>d ! nose4 ,maybe ,h>bor c use !m to bett] sniff \ 8 d9n]4 ,,,_w's l;ge/ hair,' ,? woman's hair is s l;g t %e travels ) an assi/ant to hold h] mane6 ,xie ,quip+ ( ,*9a has ! _w's l;ge/ hair3 m ?an #ah feet ( x6 ,gr[+ x = ne>ly #de ye>s1 ,xie ,quip+ takes ab an h\r ea* morn+ to comb & coil h] locks4 ,"!'s j "o problem3 ,s\rces say h] hair is s h1vy t x's h>d = h] to /& up /raie;lly4 ,david ,krem] has toppl$ _m t[]s 9 8 su3ess;l que/ to /ack ! mo/ b[l+ balls4 ,b only once has 8 big toe gott5 squa%$4 ,krem] says 8 trick is simply a balanc+ act1 al? "s balls d flatt5 a ll z m >e add$ to ! /ack4 ,! m /abil;y ! bett],-! balls on top t5d to br1k 9 half :5 !y fall6 333333333333 ,,,9cr$ible animal fri5ds,' ,,,by kitson jazynka,' ,,,dog loves [l,' ,cornwall1 ,5gl& ,2f ,bramble ! [l takes to ! sky = h] daily flis h] = take(f by lick+ ! bird's b1k4 8,s9ce ! [l 0 a baby1 ,sophi has cl1n$ ,bramble's b1k10 says ,%>on ,b9don1 ! dog's [n]1 :o al runs a sanctu>y = birds ( prey4 8,bramble returns ! favor & ,8b1ks,0 ! dog1 z if he 7 groom+ ,sophi40 ,! ,eurasian eagle [l & spaniel 2came be/ frs :5 two-week-old ,bramble >riv$ at ,anci5t ,>t ,falconry4 8,sophi sni6$ & lick$ ! *ick10 ,b9don says4 8,soon ,bramble hopp$ d[n1 #i toddl$ ov] to ,sophi1 & />t$ foll[+ h] "ey":40 ,= ye>s1 ! two 7 practically 9sep>able1 ev5 ?\< 9 ! wild ? fr%ip wd n"e exi/4 ,a wild [l wd prey on small mammals s* z mice1 ra2its1 & ev5 foxes1 : >e ab ,sophi's size4 8,sophi won't g ne> mo/ ( \r birds ( prey10 ,b9don says4 ,b :o ne$s o!r frs :5 y've got "o t w snu7le d[n & nap ) y 9 front ( ! televi.n8 ,,,5gli% spr+] spaniel,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,i love my b1k-to-belly rubs6,' ,,heie "s"ts call$ 8,velcro0 dogs 2c !y're s frly & /ick to _! [n]s4 ,,,eurasian eagle [l,' ,,heie "o ( ! l>ge/ "kn species ( [ls4 ,,,fun to "k3,' ,male eagle [ls >e sliks liv$ on ,e>? m ?an #agj million ye>s 2f d9osaurs4 #b ,! _w's smalle/ s1horse is small] ?an a po/age /amp4 #c ,manatees >e relat$ to elephants4 #d ,dolph9s sleep ) "o eye op54 #e ,an octopus c h ne>ly #b1jjj suck]s on xs >ms4 #f ,"s giant jellyfi% h t5tacles #aa t cd /ret* "o-?ird ! l5g? ( a football field4 333333333333 ,,? or ,,?at8 ,,,by jr mortim] & nancy ca/aldo,' ,,*oose ^1,,? @.<,photograph ( giant p&a@.> ,yr p[];l jaw c *omp "? any?+4 or ,,*oose ^1,,t @.<,photograph ( gre5 frog@.> ,y c dr9k "? yr sk94 ,if y ,,*ose ^1,,? ,y mid "ws \ well = ! ,,giant ,,p&a4 ,! p&a's r.d h1d holds a set ( ,,,p[];l jaw muscles,' t make x easy to mun* d[n on ?ick bamboo /alks,-/alks t >e s t\< t "s c )/& compres.n ev5 ,,,bett] ?an 3crete c6,' ,a giant p&a sp5ds ab #ab h\rs a "d eat+ bamboo4 .1,*omp4 ,if y ,,*ose ^1,,t ,y n"e h to worry ab 2com+ dehydrat$ ) a ,,,gre5 frog's sup]sk91,' z l;g z y live 9 a moi/1 wetl& spot4 ,a frog's sk9 absorbs ,,moi/ure1 & ^! amphibians al rely on _! sk9 = gett+ oxyg5 f ! wat] !y live in4 ,frogs ne$ moi/ sk9 s !y c br1! 9 oxyg5 "? x4 ,s br+ on ! ra96 333333333333 ,,amaz+ ,,animals ,,,dolph9 gets new tail,' ,cle>wat]1 ,florida ,w9t] ! dolph9 /ru7l$ ag/ ! 4c>d$ rope tangl$ >.d h] body4 ,if %e cdn't br1k free1 %e'd die4 ,rescu]s ru%$ h] to ,cle>wat] ,m>9e ,aqu>ium1 ": !y f"\ to keep h] alive4 ,! dolph9 surviv$1 b c>egiv]s w]5't able to save h] damag$ tail4 ,cl"e ,w9t] tauroll & ,dan ,/rzempka _h an idea3 ! f/ "e pros!tic1 or >tificial1 dolph9 tail6 ,! tail1 : atta*es to h] body l a ru2] glove1 took "s gett+ us$ to4 ,at f/1 ,w9t] wd toss x acr ! pool = #ac h] tra9]s to retrieve,-j l a game ( fet*4 ,b af a few mon?s ( tra9+1 ,w9t] a3ept$ ! tail1 & h] back />t$ to h1l4 ,w9t] is an 9spira;n to "ey"o4 ,:5 a gr\p ( physically *all5g$ *n came to see h]1 ,w9t] swam "r up to !m & wri7l$4 8,x 0 z if %e 7 say+1 ,8,look at me6 ,i'm l y6,00 ,c>roll says4 8,%e j loves mak+ new frs40 ,-,s>ah ,"yson @.<,photograph@.> ,,,j try to cat* me n[6,' ,! tail slides ov] a jelly-l sub/.e t protects ,w9t]'s s5sitive sk94 ,dolph9s c le>n to recognize !mvs 9 ! mirror4 ,ea* bottlenose dolph9 makes a unique :i/l+ s.d t id5tifies :o x is to o!r dolph9s4 ,x wd take two #aj-ye>-olds to equal ! l5g? ( an ,atlantic bottlenose dolph94 ,,badg] ,,br1k-,,9 ,wilt%ire ,c.ty1 ,5gl& ,maybe y've he>d ( a prison br1k\t4 ,b h y "e he>d ( a jail br1k-.198 ,two badg]s evad$ ,]le/oke ,prison au?orities = weeks :ile !y ate _! fill ( e>?worms f ! prison lawn4 ,(ficials w]5't sure h[ ! badg]s broke in1 b !y suspect$ ! furry fugitives mid's quiet loca;n & l>ge supply ( e>?worms4 8,! prison]s wd al ?r[ food \ ! w9d[s to !m10 says ,malcolm ,cl>k ( ! ,wilt%ire ,badg] ,gr\p4 ,af s"eal fail$ attempts1 ! au?orities f9ally captur$ ! badg]s & =c$ !m to fre$om4 ,let's hope ! critt]s don't 2come rep1t (f5d]s4,- ,deborah ,"uwood @.<,photograph@.> ,,,if eat+ e>?worms is a crime1 lock u up6,' ,,,cat 8calls0 cops,' ,"o afn :ile try+ to move f 8 :eel*air to 8 b$1 ,g>y ,ro%eis5 slipp$ & #ae fell on ! floor4 ,he yell$ = help1 b no "o he>d hm,-& ! ph"o 0 \ ( r1*4 ,cold & sore1 ,ro%eis5 ?"\ he'd 2 /uck on ! floor until 8 nurse >riv$ ! next "d4 ,b #aj m9utes lat]1 a police (fic] came to ,ro%eis5's a"p;t & sd a #iaa call _h be5 plac$ f 8 ph"o4 ,impossible1 ,ro%eis5 ?"\,-until he rememb]$ t s"eal mon?s e>li]1 he _h tri$ to tra9 8 cat ,tommy to pu% ! #iaa button4 8,i told ! (fic] ab x4 ,he w5t 9to ! liv+ room & "! 0 ,tommy1 "r by ! ph"o40 ,did ,tommy m1n to dial #iaa8 8,y cd c]ta9ly tra9 a cat to dial ! ph"o10 animal tra9] ,rol& ,sonn5burg says4 8,i'm n sure he "u/ood call+ #iaa wd help 8 [n]1 b ,i won't say x's impossible40 ,:e!r ,tommy's gd de$ 0 9t5;nal or j lucky1 ,ro%eis5 0 grate;l he _h a cat ) s* gd ph"o mann]s4 ,-,deborah ,"uwood @.<,photograph@.> ,,,i'm r1dy = my h]oism m$al4,' 333333333333 ,,,welcome to ! special save ! e>? issue,' ,,,att5;n all e>? lov]s3,' ,y "k ? planet is an amaz+ place to live 444 b x ne$s yr help4 ,? ^7special ,save ! ,e>? issue^' focuses on f\r major 5viron;tal *all5ges fac+ \r planet3 climate *ange1 pollu;n1 habitat de/ruc;n1 & decl9+ biodiv]s;y4 ,& y c d pl5ty to pit* in6 ,pages #ba-#ec >e pack$ ) 9=ma;n ab ea* topic,-plus tons ( tips on h[ y c help4 ,if e .7,nat ,geo ,kids.' r1d] takes ac;n1 j ?9k :at we c a3ompli% tgr4 ,b f/1 take \r quiz to see : *all5ge .1y're mo/ suit$ to tackle4 ,!n get go+4 ,"!'s a planet to protect6 ,,p]sonal;y ,,quiz @.<,! f\r categories t ! v>i\s pa?s 9 ! quiz l1d to >e %[n f/1 foll[$ by ! quiz4@.> ,,habitat ,,h]o #ag ,y love sp5d+ "t \tdoors1 :e!r y're trekk+ "? a na;nal p>k or play+ b>efoot 9 yr backy>d4 ,y ?9k t e cr1ture des]ves a home,-!y >5't j = humans1 af all6 ,*eck \ page #ci = tips on prev5t+ habitat loss4 ,,biodiv]s;y ,,*ampion ,:e!r x's a giant humpback :ale 9 ! oc1n or a t9y ant on ! gr.d1 y're wild ab wildlife4 ,(t5 f.d snu7l+ ) yr pets or *eck+ \ critt]s 9 a local p>k1 y 5joy le>n+ ab birds1 mammals1 & reptiles all >.d ! planet4 ,flip to page #dg to f9d \ h[ y c help battle decl9+ biodiv]s;y4 ,,,climate *ange w>rior,' ,y h a big he>t & want to make ! _w a bett] place = "ey"o1 td & 9 ! future4 ,y "k t ev5 small ac;ns c make a di6];e :5 x comes to keep+ ,e>? f ov]h1t+,-a ph5om5on "kn z global w>m+4 ,see page #bd = id1s on h[ to help ,e>?'s climate4 ,,pollu;n ,,prev5t] ,y probably recycle & reuse alm "ey?+,-yay1 y6 ,:e!r y're collect+ tra% f ! /reet or mak+ ma/]pieces f junk1 y're alw com+ up ) cr1tive ways to avoid 2+ wa/e;l4 ,! pollu;n problem cd use ?"\;l1 cr1tive p l y6 ,h1d ov] to page #cb to le>n h[ y c help keep pollu;n levels l[4 ,,/>t ,,"h6 ,: sup]p[] wd y pref],-! abil;y to talk to animals or ! abil;y to fly8 ,,,talk to animals,' ,:at wd y d if y saw an ali58 ,,9troduce ,,yrf ,wd y r take up a new ho2y or le>n a new language8 ,,ho2y ,>e y m ( a l"o wolf or d y pref] to 2 "p ( a pack8 ,,l"o ,,wolf ^7,y're ,a3 ,,habitat ,,h]o^' ,,,"p ( a pack,' ^7,y're ,a3 ,,biodiv]s;y ,,*ampion^' ,,language ,*oose a trio ( animals4 #ai ,,,%>ks1 s1ls1 & dolph9s,' ^7,y're ,a3 ,,habitat ,,h]o^' ,,,lions1 tig]s1 & be>s,' ^7,y're ,a3 ,,biodiv]s;y ,,*ampion^' ,,,obs]ve !m f af>,' ,pick "o3 ,y c fall asleep on comm& or y n"e ne$ to sleep at all4 ,,,sleep on comm&,' ,wd y r take up a new ho2y or le>n a new language8 ,,ho2y ,>e y m ( a l"o wolf or d y pref] to 2 "p ( a pack8 ,,l"o ,,wolf ^7,y're ,a3 ,,habitat ,,h]o^' ,,,"p ( a pack,' ^7,y're ,a3 ,,biodiv]s;y ,,*ampion^' ,,language ,*oose a trio ( animals4 ,,,%>ks1 s1ls1 & dolph9s,' ^7,y're ,a3 ,,habitat ,,h]o^' ,,,lions1 tig]s1 & be>s,' ^7,y're ,a3 ,,biodiv]s;y ,,*ampion^' ,,,n"e ne$ to sleep,' ^7,y're ,a3 ,,biodiv]s;y ,,*ampion^' ,,fly ,: wd y r pilot3 a subm>9e or a bullet tra98 ,,subm>9e ,y won ! lott]y6 ,:at d y d ) yr millions8 ,,,save x1 ( c\rse4,' ^7,y're ,a3 ,,pollu;n ,,prev5t]^' ,,,sp5d x1 duh6,' ,wd y r3 g five "ds )\t fizzy wat] or two mon?s )\t snacks8 ,,,no fizzy wat],' ^7,y're ,a3 ,,,climate *ange w>rior,'^' ,,no ,,snacks ^7,y're ,a3 ,,pollu;n ,,prev5t]^' ,,bullet ,,tra9 ,wd y r3 dive l an orca or hop l a kang>oo8 ,,dive ,wd y r3 g five "ds )\t fizzy wat] or two mon?s )\t snacks8 ,,,no fizzy wat],' #ba ^7,y're ,a3 ,,,climate *ange w>rior,'^' ,,no ,,snacks ^7,y're ,a3 ,,pollu;n ,,prev5t]^' ,,hop ^7,y're ,a3 ,,,climate *ange w>rior,'^' ,if ^! descrip;ns don't mat* yr p]sonal;y1 don't worry4 ,? quiz is j = fun6 333333333333 ,,,special save ! e>? issue,' ,,,all text by allyson %aw,' ,climate ,*ange ,a pol> be> swims "? ! *illy wat]s ( ! ,>ctic ,oc1n1 se>*+ = a pat* ( ice to climb on4 ,pol> be>s rely on sea ice = re/+1 hunt+1 & 9 "s places1 rais+ _! "y4 ,b lately ! am.t ( sea ice has be5 %r9k+4 ,"s sci5ti/s pr$ict t ! ,>ctic mi be>,-& ! approximately #bf1jjj o!rs t call ! ,>ctic home,-w 2 9 s]i\s dang]4 ,,ris+ ,,temp]atures ,ac to ,,nasa1 ! ,e>?'s av]age surface temp]ature has 9cr1s$ ab #a4e^j,f ov] ! pa/ hundr$ ye>s1 mak+ #bjag "o ( ! hotte/ ye>s "e record$4 ,mo/ sci5ti/s expect ! climate to w>m ano!r #j4e^j,f to z m* z #h4f^j,f by #bajj4 ,:at's ! big d1l ab a ll extra h1t8 ,ac to mo/ sci5ti/s1 pl5ty4 ,z glaci]s & pol> ice %eets melt1 ris+ sea levels cd ?r1t5 coa/al >1s4 ,& ? global w>m+ causes o!r *anges to ! ,e>?'s climate1 9clud+ h>%] dr"\s1 /r;g] hurricanes1 & %ift+ w9d & oc1n patt]ns4 ,tgr1 ^! *anges >e "kn z climate *ange4 ,,,:y ! w>m-up8,' ,s :at d sci5ti/s say is caus+ climate *ange8 ,e>? is surr.d$ by an atmosp"h made up ( a lay] ( gases4 ,:5 sunli? w>m 5 to live on4 ,b dur+ ! pa/ few c5turies1 ! oil1 gas1 & coal we use h rel1s$ #bc c>bon dioxide 9to ! atmosp"h4 ,? gas traps h1t t wd o!rwise escape ,e>?'s atmosp"h4 ,? 9cr1ses ,e>?'s av]age temp]ature1 : *anges xs climate4 ,climate *ange seems l an ov]:elm+ problem1 b y .1c make a di6];e4 ,keep r1d+ = ways to live a m eco-frly life4 ,,,2 eco sm>t,' ,climate3 ,! av]age patt]n ( w1!r 3di;ns ov] a l;g p]iod ( "t4 ,climate isn't w1!r,-w1!r *anges daily4 ,global w>m+3 ,! 9cr1se 9 ,e>?'s av]age temp]ature ov] a l;g p]iod ( "t ,c>bon dioxide3 ,a gas rel1s$ by ! burn+ ( coal1 natural gas1 oil1 & wood t traps h1t 9 ! atmosp"h ,c>bon footpr9t3 ,! am.t ( c>bon dioxide "o human rel1ses 9to ! 5viron;t 9 a ye> ,fossil fuels3 ,coal1 oil1 & natural gas1 : come f ! br1kd[n ( anci5t plants & animals ov] millions ( ye>s #ac ways to save ! ,e>? f ,,climate ,,*ange ,we "k y love wat*+ videos on yr ph"o4 ,b mod]n activities,-s* z plu7+ 9 devices1 driv+ c>s1 & cool+ homes,-(t5 rely on 5]gy s\rces s* z natural gas1 oil1 & coal4 ,^? 5]gy s\rces rel1se a gas call$ c>bon dioxide "<,c,o;5#b"> 9to ! atmosp"h4 ,:5 ,c,o;5#b & o!r gre5h\se gases trap h1t t wd o!rwise escape ,e>?'s atmosp"h1 ! planet's temp]ature rises4 ,t's call$ global w>m+1 : causes climate *ange4 ,mo/ sci5ti/s 2lieve t climate *ange is happ5+ & caus+ ris+ s1s1 /r;g] /orms1 & %ift+ habitats = wildlife & p4 ,b y don't h to give up videos or totally %ut d[n ! ,a_/,c to fin h[ y c help4 ,rott+ tra% 9 l&fills is ! ?ird l1d+ cause ( human-cr1t$ me?ane emis.ns 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,sol> is ! _w's fa/e/ gr[+ #be 5]gy s\rce4 #a ,,,us$ gds >e gd,' ,r$uce & reuse z m* z possible4 ,factories emit c>bon dioxide :5 mak+ new products4 ,s 9/1d ( buy+ new /uff1 fix yr appli.es & clo!s4 ,gd ?+ holey j1ns >e back 9 /yle6 #b ,,,slay ! vampire,' 8,vampire0 appli.es suck 5]gy ev5 :5 turn$ (f4 ,kill ^! mon/]s by unplu7+ ph"o & laptop *>g]s :5 n 9 use1 & use p[] /rips = lamps & ,,tv,'s4 "<,bonus3 ,x'll save yr p>5ts m"oy on 5]gy bills6"> #c ,,,help \ at ! hotel,' ,hang up & reuse yr hotel t[els 9/1d ( wa%+ !m af ea* use4 ,t saves wat] & 5]gy4 #d ,,,spr1d ! ^w,' ,write a lr to ! $itor ab climate *ange 9 yr local or s*ool newspap]4 ,! m p talk ab ! issue1 ! bett]6 #e ,,,close ! door,' ,if y see a busi;s ) xs door wide op5 9 ! summ]1 ask an adult to help y email or talk to an employee ab clos+ x4 ,an op5 door to an air-3di;n$ build+ c let #b4b tons ( c>bon dioxide escape ov] "o summ]4 ,t's ab z m* z a c> on a #e1jjj-mile road trip4 #f ,,,hot & cold,' ,we> a w>m sw1t] 9/1d ( turn+ up ! h1t1 & op5 yr w9d[s & turn on a fan 9/1d ( bla/+ ! air 3di;n] #g ,,,eat yr ve7ies,' ,live/ock s* z c[s a3.t = "s ( ,e>?'s h1t-trapp+ gas emis.ns4 "<,yep1 x's ! c[ toots6"> ,eat+ m plants cuts d[n on ! ne$ = s m* live/ock4 #h ,,,walk x \,' ,walk or bike z m* z y c4 ,bik+ or walk+ j "o mile a "d = a ye> cd save #ccj p.ds ( c>bon dioxide,-t's ! same z plant+ f\r trees & lett+ !m gr[ = #aj ye>s6 #i ,,,s1son yr fruit,' ,try to eat mo/ly 9-s1son & locally gr[n fruits & vegetables4 ,? cuts d[n on ! 5]gy us$ to gr[ & transport food1 : r$uces ! rel1se ( h1t-trapp+ #bg gases4 #aj ,,air ,,dri$ ,hang up yr fre%ly wa%$ clo!s to dry4 ,y'll 2 sav+ 5]gy by n us+ ! dry] .1& help+ ) *ores4 #aa ,,,s5d a po/c>d,' ,s5d a lr1 po/c>d1 or draw+ to yr mayor1 gov]n;t repres5tative1 or ev5 ! presid5t ask+ !m to d "s?+ ab climate *ange4 #ab ,,,calculate yr impact,' ,use an onl9e c>bon footpr9t calculator to see h[ m* c>bon dioxide yr ac;ns rel1se4 ,if y "k h[ y're impact+ ! planet1 y c take /eps = *ange4 #ac ,,,2 a sci;e *ampion,' ,n "ey"o "u/&s climate *ange4 ,le>n ! facts & talk to yr frs & family4 ,if "ey"o gets ! sci;e1 we c "w tgr to f9d solu;ns4 """""""""""" ,,,fim] climate m1ns dri] l1ves1 : =ces koalas to come d[n f eucalyptus trees to se>* = wat]4 ,t c expose !m to pr$ators4 ,r$-,*eek$ ,salam&] ,,,": !y live3,' ,m.ta9s ( ,nor? ,c>ol9a & ,t5;see ,,,:y !y ne$ help3,' ,^! salam&]s live only at ! top ( ! ,grt ,smoky ,m.ta9s1 ": ! air is cool & humid4 ,z ! climate *anges1 ! salam&]s' habitat may 2come too w>m & dry = ! amphibians4 ,coral ,,,": !y live3,' ,tropical oc1ns ,,,:y !y ne$ help3,' ,:5 oc1n temp]atures rise1 coral rel1se ! algae t live 9side !m4 ,2c #bi coral eat ! c>bohydrates t algae produce1 ! coral loses xs ma9 food s\rce4 ,? turns ! coral completely :ite2 ! 8bl1*+0 (t5 kills !m4 ,iiwi ,,,": !y live3,' ,"s ( ! ,hawaiian ,isl&s ,,,:y !y ne$ help3,' ,j "o bite f a mosquito c>ry+ mal>ia c kill an iiwi4 ,^! birds /ay safe 9 _! cool1 m.ta9\s habitat1 \ ( ! range ( mosquitoes4 ,b climate *ange w make ! isl& p1ks w>m]1 br++ m bugs4 ,mon>* ,butt]fly ,,,": !y live3,' ,nor?1 ,c5tral1 & ,s\? ,am]ica2 ,au/ralia1 ,9donesia1 & "ps ( ,europe ,,,:y !y ne$ help3,' ,mon>* butt]flies use temp]ature to figure \ :5 to migrate1 reproduce1 & hib]nate4 ,any *anges 9 climate cd impact _! life cycles4 333333333333 ,,,special save ! e>? issue,' ,pollu;n ,a sea ott] c>e;lly uses xs paws to free xf f a pla/ic bag t's tangl$ loosely >.d xs body4 ,? sea ott] isn't ! only animal to h a dang]\s run-9 ) litt]3 ,x's e/imat$ t ab half ( all m>9e mammals h eat5 or gott5 trapp$ by pla/ic4 ,,,a ll pollu;n "7 big problems,' ,pla/ic is di6]5t f pap] or food wa/e 2c x n"e fully decomposes1 or br1ks d[n 9to pieces t c 2 reus$ by nature4 ,9/1d1 pla/ic (t5 5ds up 9 wat]1 ": x rel1ses toxic *emicals & c 2 mi/ak5 = food4 ,9 a /udy 3duct$ by ! j\rnal .1,sci;e1 sci5ti/s e/imate t #h4h million tons ( pla/ic 5t] ! oc1n e ye>1 ?r1t5+ ov] #gjj species ( m>9e animals4 ,pla/ic tra% isn't ! ,e>?'s only pollu;n problem4 ,oil a3id5tally spill+ 9to ! sea1 agriculture products l f]tiliz]s & pe/icides seep+ 9to ! soil1 & ev5 excess noise & li ,,,cl1n+ up \r act,' ,once rel1s$ 9to ! 5viron;t1 pollu;n c a6ect wildlife habitats = ye>s4 ,x's easy to blame factories1 b "s ( ! mess comes f "ey"d human activities4 ,= 9/.e1 c> exhau/ fumes & excess g>bage c s]i\sly h>m ,e>?'s h1l?4 ,y c probably cl1n yr room 9 a c\ple ( h\rs4 "<,at l1/ we hope y c6"> ,b y c't cram ,e>?'s pollu;n problem 9to yr closet4 ,we all ne$ to pit* 9 & cl1n up ! planet4 ,look at x ? way3 ,j l yr room1 x's alw bett] to prev5t ! ,e>? f gett+ dirty 9 ! f/ place4 ,flip ! page to le>n ways to cut d[n on yr [n p]sonal wa/e4 ,,,2 eco sm>t,' ,recycle3 ,! process ( turn+ /uff t wd o!rwise 2 ?r[n away z tra% 9to new products ,compo/3 ,decay+ mat]ial1 l leftov] food scraps1 t adds nutri5ts to soil & helps plants gr[ ,decompose3 ,! process ( br1k+ d[n "s?+ 9to "ps t c 2 reus$ by nature2 = example1 fall5 l1ves decompose to 2come soil4 ,biodegradable3 ,"s?+ usually us$ by p t decomposes2 = example1 unlike a pla/ic spoon1 a biodegradable spoon won't /ay 9 ! 5viron;t = ?\s&s ( ye>s,-x'll decompose4 """""""""""" #ac ways to save ! ,e>? f ,,pollu;n ,y mis4 ,& t pollu;n c h>m habitats & ! animals t live "!4 ,d yr "p to cut d[n ,e>?'s tra% ) ^! tips4 ,"o /udy f.d t #ij p]c5t ( s1birds eat pla/ic tra%4 ,>.d ! _w1 p ?r[ away r\ w9ds up 9 l&fills4 #a ,,,b9 = ! w9,' ,alw ?r[ tra% 9 ! c4 ,g>bage left \tside mim wildlife & 5d up 9 ! oc1n4 ,tra% t's prop]ly br"\ to a l&fill is kept \ ( ! sea4 #b ,,dump ,,pla/ic ,ac to "o /udy1 ov] ei4 ,dr9k f a refillable wat] bottle1 place yr s&wi* 9 clo? or a reusable 3ta9]1 & use b> soap 9/1d ( bottl$4 #c ,,be/ ,,b1* ,sci5ti/s e/imate t ab half ! _w's sea turtles a3id5tally eat pla/ic & o!r tra%4 ,keep ! oc1n cl1n by n"e l1v+ toys or tra% at ! b1*4 #d ,,,bu/ ! balloons,' ,balloons ev5tually fall back d[n to ,e>? 444 & c 5d up 9 ! oc1n1 5tangl+ animals or 2+ mi/ak5 = food4 ,skip ! balloons at yr next "py1 & ask frs to d ! same4 #e ,,tra% ,,troop] ,"picipate 9 a commun;y cl1nup4 ,! gr\ps t ho/ ! ev5ts "s"ts wei< ! collect$ tra%1 : helps l1d]s make deci.ns ab laws t 5c\rage p to wa/e less4 #f ,,busi;s ,,talk ,does yr favorite ice-cr1m %op use pla/ic spoons8 ,ask an adult to help y talk to ! [n] ab swit*+ to a non- pla/ic op;n4 ,"s k9ds ( spoons >e ev5 $ible6 #g ,,recycle ,,"r ,p 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates recycle only ab #ce p]c5t ( _! wa/e1 s recycle :at y c4 ,ask yr t1*] to help cr1te a pap] & pla/ic recycl+ program 9 yr classroom4 #h ,,fi% ,,responsibly ,if y g fi%+1 don't l1ve nets or l9es 9 ! wat]4 ,animals c 2come 5tangl$ 9 ! tra%4 #i ,,pe/ ,,frs ,ask yr p>5ts to buy food & clo!s t >e made )\t pe/icides,-*emicals spray$ on crops to kill bad bugs4 ,! #ce problem8 ,pe/icides al c kill critt]s l bees t >e eco-frly4 #aj ,,,/u6$ ) /uff,' ,items %ipp$ to yr home (t5 come wrapp$ 9 pla/ic packag+2 toys b"\ at ! /ore >e cov]$ 9 x4 ,?9k ab :at c 2 b"\ secondh&1 :at c 2 %>$1 & :at doesn't ne$ to 2 pur*as$ at all4 #aa ,,g>bage ,,club ,=m a club 9 yr classroom to r$uce yr wa/e at s*ool4 ,monitor :at's ?r[n away ea* week1 & ?9k ab ways to cut d[n on ^? items4 #ab ,,,d-gd gdie bag,' ,don't fill yr bir?"d gdie bags ) pla/ic yo-yos & o!r tr9kets = yr frs4 ,9/1d1 give !m homemade tr1ts or c\pons to a local bak]y4 #ac ,,/raw ,,s5se ,exp]ts e/imate t ,am]icans use ab #ejj million pla/ic /raws a "d1 & !y're "o ( ! top #aj tra% items f.d dur+ oc1n cl1nups4 ,if y .1m/ use a /raw1 f9d a reusable metal /raw or a pap] v].n4 """""""""""" ,,,fi & poll5 t ! bees eat4 ,irrawaddy ,dolph9 ,,,": !y live3,' ,coa/al & fre% wat]s 9 s\?1/]n ,asia ,,,:y !y ne$ help3,' ,^! dolph9s c dr[n :5 !y 2come 5tangl$ 9 fi%+ nets4 333333333333 ,,,special save ! e>? issue,' ,habitat ,de/ruc;n ,a jagu> paces at ! $ge ( a ra9 =e/ 9 ,brazil4 ,! big cat once roam$ "? a jungle pack$ ) trees1 b n[ "p ( xs home is a "w+ f>m ) h]ds ( cattle t h tak5 ov] ! jagu>'s t]ritory4 ,a hundr$ ye>s ago1 jagu>s rang$ f ! s\?we/]n ,unit$ ,/ates to ,>g5t9a1 9 ,s\? ,am]ica4 ,td _! t]ritory has %runk by m ?an half1 & !y live mo/ly 9 ! ,amazon ra9 =e/4 ,& jagu>s >5't ! only animals los+ _! homes,-ac to ! ,9t]na;nal ,union = ,3s]va;n ( ,nature1 habitat loss is ! ma9 ?r1t to ab #he p]c5t ( all 5dang]$ plant & animal species4 ,,,liv+ on ! $ge,' ,tropical ra9 =e/s cov] only ab #g p]c5t ( ,e>?'s l&1 b !y're home to an e/imat$ half ( all "kn plant & animal species4 ,mo/ exp]ts agree t ab #hj1jjj acres 4appe> e "d :5 trees >e cut d[n = lumb] & l& is cle>$ = f>ms4 ,trees al play an important role 9 absorb+ ! c>bon dioxide t 3tributes to climate *ange4 ,few] =e/s m1ns t m gre5h\se gases rema9 trapp$ 9 ! atmosp"h4 ,grassl&s1 "uwat] habitats1 & wetl&s >e al at risk ( habitat loss4 ,= 9/.e1 ! ,_w ,wildlife ,fund e/imates t ab half ( ! _w's wetl&s h 4appe>$ 9 ! la/ hundr$ ye>s due to 2+ dra9$ = f>ml& or o!r 9du/ries4 ,t m1ns less space = animals to fe$1 bre$1 & raise _! "y4 ,,,%>+ ) wildlife,' ,f9d+ a bal.e 2t :at humans & animals ne$ w help prev5t habitat de/ruc;n4 ,"s sci5ti/s ?9k t if we put aside half ( ,e>?'s l& & wat] = nature1 we cd save up to #ij p]c5t ( all #ci species4 ,9 ! m1n"t1 yr "ey"d ac;ns c build a bett] planet4 ,turn ! page to *eck \ :at y c d to protect ,e>?'s wild places4 ,,,2 eco sm>t,' ,habitat3 ,! >ea ": a plant or animal lives ,wetl&3 ,a habitat ": wat] doesn't dra9 well,-?9k swamps & m>%es4 ,grassl&3 ,a habitat ": ! major;y ( ! plants >e grasses ,su/a9abil;y3 ,us+ ,e>?'s res\rces 9 a way t doesn't p]man5tly h>m ! planet4 ,= example1 su/a9able pap] likely is made f trees t w 2 replac$ 9 _! 5viron;t4 """""""""""" #ac ways to save ! ,e>? f ,,habitat ,,de/ruc;n ,j l p1 animals ne$ homes4 ,b :5 too _m =e/s >e cle>$ to plant crops & build roads1 & too _m s1b$s >e de/roy$ to ga!r fi%1 critt]s /ru7le to survive4 ,? is call$ habitat de/ruc;n4 ,r1d on to le>n h[ small *anges f y c m1n big help = wildlife4 ,only ab #ae p]c5t ( ,e>?'s l& & #c p]c5t ( ,e>?'s oc1ns h be5 protect$4 ,small animals l frogs1 bats1 & humm+birds >e m at risk ( ext9c;n due to habitat de/ruc;n ?an l>g] animals4 ,! trees cut d[n ea* ye> wd cov] a l& >ea ab half ! size ( ,5gl&4 #a ,,%oe ,,sleu? ,cl1n yr %oes 2f go+ on a hike1 especially 9 a new place4 ,! mud cak$ 9 yr sn1k]s may 3ta9 se$s ( 9vasive plants1 : c pu% \ native plants t keep ! ecosy/em h1l?y4 #b ,,,scrap junk mail,' ,is yr h\se full ( mail f places l banks & util;y companies8 ,ask yr p>5ts to sign up = onl9e al]ts4 ,& make sure to recycle newspap]s1 magaz9es1 & o!r pap] 9 yr home4 #c ,,,pick yr pap],' ,p cut d[n ab #ae billion trees e ye>1 "s ( x to make pap]4 ,save yr %eets by us+ ! back1 buy+ recycl$ pap]1 & #da ask+ yr t1*] to "s"ts swit* f pr9t$ home"w to onl9e assign;ts4 #d ,,visit ,,p>ks ,yr att5d.e matt]s6 ,wildlife refuges1 p>ks1 bird sanctu>ies1 & nature pres]ves >e m likely to rcv fund+ to /ay op5 :5 m p visit !m4 #e ,,,%>+ is c>+,' ,habitats >e (t5 4rupt$ to cr1te m /uff = p4 ,s try yr be/ to use less3 ,visit ! local libr>y 9/1d ( buy+ a ,,dvd1 %>e games & toys ) frs1 & reuse s*ool supplies4 #f ,,te* ,,turn>.d ,cell ph"os & comput]s 3ta9 a m9]al m9$ f ,african habitats ": gorillas & *impanzees live4 ,! m9]als c 2 reus$1 s alw recycle yr te*4 "<,bonus3 ,x keeps toxic *emicals f pollut+ soil & wat] ne> l&fills4"> #g ,,*oosey ,,*ocolate ,palm oil is (t5 us$ 9 products l *ocolate1 soap1 ice cr1m1 br1d1 cookies1 & %ampoo4 ,b "s ra9 =e/s >e 2+ de/roy$ 9 ord] to gr[ ! trees t produce palm oil4 ,try to avoid buy+ products t use x1 or look = a label t 3firms ! 9gr$i5t 0 gr[n 9 a ra9-=e/ frly way4 #h ,,,"ey?+ 9 xs place,' ,x's fun to look = frogs & slugs "u logs,-b alw put ! logs back4 ,rocks1 l1ves1 & tree limbs >e homes = lots ( t9y animals1 s x's important n to de/roy !m4 #i ,,flu% ,,cl1n ,flu% only yr [n wa/e & toilet pap],- no m$ic9e1 cl1n+ wipes1 cotton balls1 pa9t1 or pet poo4 ,? tra% c ev5tually travel 9to ! wat] sy/em & a6ect ! animals t live "!4 #aj ,,,m"oy makes a di6];e,' ,"w a lemonade /&1 ho/ a bake sale1 or sell homemade jewelry to raise funds to protect wildlife & _! habitats4 #aa ,,,wat* yr wat],' ,us+ too m* wat] f lakes & riv]s c a6ect animals' habitat4 ,3s]ve ? res\rce by tak+ five-m9ute %[]s1 turn+ (f ! faucet :5 y bru% yr tee?1 & #dc bu7+ yr p>5ts to fix l1ky pipes4 #ab ,,fl[] ,,p[] ,ask yr p>5ts to plant a g>d5 full ( local trees1 fl[]s1 & %rubs to provide habitats = native bees1 birds1 & o!r animals4 #ac ,,,f>ewell to f]tiliz],' ,plant f]tiliz] c dump extra nutri5ts 9to ! wat] sy/em1 : mi5ts to plant !m4 """""""""""" ,,,fi$ 9 ! la/ #bj ye>s1 9 "p to build palm oil planta;ns4 ,l9$ ,s1horse ,,,": !y live3,' ,wat]s (f ! ea/ coa/ ( ,nor?1 ,c5tral1 & ,s\? ,am]ica ,,,:y !y ne$ help3,' ,p fi%+ = %rimp (t5 drag nets al;g ! oc1n floor4 ,t c de/roy ! s1grass b$s & mangrove =e/s ": s1horses & o!r animals live4 ,c]ul1n ,w>bl] ,,,": !y live3,' ,nor? & ,s\? ,am]ica ,,,:y !y ne$ help3,' ,! c]ul1n w>bl]'s =e/ home is us$ = plant+ crops1 m9+ coal1 & build+ homes = p4 ,z a result1 ! species has decr1s$ by ab #gj p]c5t 9 ! la/ #dj ye>s4 ,am]ican ,bison ,,,": !y live3,' ,isolat$ spots 9 ,canada1 ! ,unit$ ,/ates1 & ,mexico ,,,:y !y ne$ help3,' ,bison 7 ne>ly hunt$ to ext9c;n 9 ! mid-#ahjjs4 ,s9ce !n ^! mammals h made an impressive comeback1 b !y / #de live on less ?an "o p]c5t ( _! orig9al range 2c grassl& habitat is us$ = live/ock1 agriculture1 & build+ homes4 333333333333 ,,,special save ! e>? issue,' ,decl9+ ,biodiv]s;y ,a gre5 sea turtle glides "? ! ,grt ,b>ri] ,reef (f ! nor?1/]n coa/ ( ,au/ralia4 ,millions ( species live 9 & >.d coral reef ecosy/ems1 ": ^! plants & animals rely on ea* o!r = survival4 ,sci5ti/s call ? mix ( di6]5t species biodiv]s;y4 ,an 5viron;t "ws well ) a wide v>iety ( species4 ,"h's an example3 ,gre5 sea turtles love to *omp on sea grass,-b !y c't hang \ 9 "o spot = too l;g 2c tig] %>ks patrol ! >ea1 hunt+ = sea turtles4 ,)\t tig] %>ks1 sea turtles wd eat all ! be/ sea grass1 de/roy+ t habitat = all ! o!r animals t dep5d on x4 ,if "o species,-turtle1 %>k1 or sea grass,-4appe>s1 o!r plants & animals t >e 3nect$ to t species cd g ext9ct too4 ,los+ j "o species c h>m _m o!rs4 ,,,mix+ x up,' ,"! >e possibly billions ( di6]5t species ( plants1 animals1 bact]ia1 & o!r liv+ ?+s "?\t ! _w,-b we've only docu;t$ ab two million ( !m4 ,_m ( ^! "kn & un"kn species h unc]ta9 futures ?\<4 ,climate *ange1 pollu;n1 poa*+1 & habitat de/ruc;n *ange ! numb] ( plant & animal species t live 9 a habitat1 "kn z decl9+ biodiv]s;y4 ,due 9 "p to decl9+ biodiv]s;y1 alm "o-?ird ( ,e>?'s animals >e at risk ( ext9c;n1 ac to ! ,9t]na;nal ,union = ,3s]va;n ( ,nature4 ,,,/& up = wildlife,' ,by prev5t+ ! decl9e ( biodiv]s;y1 y c help keep ,e>? safe4 ,"s animals s* z %>ks >e especially important to protect4 ,sci5ti/s call ^! animals key/"o species 2c !y're ! key to keep+ :ole ecosy/ems h1l?y4 ,s if y save animals l %>ks1 y protect o!r #dg critt]s4 ,keep r1d+ = ways to protect biodiv]s;y 9 yr backy>d & 2y4 ,,,2 eco sm>t,' ,biodiv]s;y3 ,! v>iety ( species ( plants & animals t live 9 "o 5viron;t ,9vasive species3 ,plants1 animals1 & o!r liv+ ?+s t %[ up 9 a habitat ": !y don't normally live1 pot5tially *ang+ _! new ecosy/em ,ecosy/em3 ,all ! liv+ & nonliv+ ?+s 9 an >ea "w+ tgr z a sy/em ,poa*+3 ,! illegal kill+ ( animals """""""""""" #ac ways to save ! ,e>? f ,,decl9+ ,,biodiv]s;y ,a h1l?y planet is full ( plants & wildlife t all play important roles 9 _! habitats4 ,t's call$ biodiv]s;y4 ,b remov+,-or add+,-j "o species c a6ect ! 5tire ecosy/em1 (t5 ) bad results4 ,*eck \ ?+s y c d to prev5t decl9+ biodiv]s;y & keep ,e>? wild4 ,m ?an #fej species ( beetles 7 f.d 9 a s+le tree 9 ,p]u's ra9 =e/4 ,sci5ti/s 4cov] a new species 9 ! ,amazon ra9 =e/ e o!r "d4 ,! mo/ div]se gr\p ( organisms on ,e>? is bact]ia4 #a ,,%op ,,sm>t ,avoid s\v5irs or o!r items made f animal "ps l scales1 tee?1 f1!rs1 tortoise %ells1 s1%ells1 coral1 & especially ivory4 ,animals mim$ or 4turb$ to make !m4 #b ,,c.t ',,em ,"picipate 9 a citiz5 sci;e project to tag1 track1 or id5tify animals4 ,! 9=ma;n y ga!r c help biologi/s le>n h[ ! animals >e adapt+ to climate *ange1 habitat de/ruc;n1 & o!r problems4 #c ,,,keep to ! trail,' ,alw /ick to ! trail :5 hik+1 & keep yr pup on a l1%4 #d ,,c>e;l ,,aqu>ium ,?9k t ,dory-look+ blue tang wd make a gd pet8 ,?9k ag4 ,^! fi% >e di6icult to bre$ 9 captiv;y1 s blue tangs #di y see 9 a /ore h likely be5 tak5 f ! wild4 ,t cd upset ! habitat4 ,if y h a tank1 make sure yr fi% 7 br$ 9 captiv;y1 n tak5 f ! wild4 #e ,,,skip ! selfie,' ,rid+ elephants1 hold+ monkeys1 & snapp+ pics ) lion cubs mi5't 2+ prop]ly c>$ =4 ,avoid ^! activities on vaca;n un.s y "k ! gr\p is tru/wor?y & n exploit+ animals4 ,ask yr p>5ts n to 8l0 simil> photos on social m$ia4 #f ,,,/& up = 8sc>y0 animals,' ,"s p >e sc>$ ( animals l wolves1 %>ks1 & bats,-& try to h>m !m4 ,b ^! animals >e sup] important 2c !y keep _! habitats h1l?y4 ,s tell "ey"o h[ amaz+ !y >e6 #g ,,cat ,,attack ,u4,s4 cats " prey on ov] "o billion birds e ye>4 ,keep yr fel9e 9doors1 or give x a bell or color;l coll> t c al]t birds ( dang]4 #h ,,,don't fe$ ! wildlife,' ,fe$+ animals makes !m less fe>;l ( & m dep5d5t on humans1 : a6ects ! critt]s' abil;y to survive4 ,plus1 p food c make animals sick4 "<,bird fe$]s >e ,,ok,-j give ! fli]s pl5ty ( space6"> #i ,,look,-,,don',t ,,t\* ,br+ b9ocul>s on an \tdoor adv5ture to 5joy wildlife f af>4 ,t way y don't 4turb animals1 : c *ange _! 2havior4 ,critt]s >e bett] (f sp5d+ 5]gy look+ = food or c>+ = "y,-n hid+ f y6 #aj ,,bad ,,plants ,9vasive species >e plants & animals t don't 2l;g 9 a habitat4 ,!y c de/roy native species & %ake up ! :ole ecosy/em4 ,y c help6 ,sign up to help remove 9vasive plants at a local p>k or nature c5t]4 #aa ,,lie migrat+4 ,y c al talk to yr p>5ts ab turn+ (f ! lie l>ge fi% t reproduce & gr[ v sl[ly,-s try to avoid eat+ !m un.s y "k !y've be5 fi%$ su/a9ably4 ,use a guide l ,fi%,wat* to select a swimm] t c 2 remov$ f ! oc1n )\t h>m+ ! ecosy/em4 #ac ,,,no place = pets,' ,n"e rel1se a pet 9to ! wild,-x cd 2come an 9vasive species6 ,cats1 dogs1 snakes1 f]rets1 & ev5 h$gehogs prey on local wildlife4 ,if y c't c>e = yr pet1 f9d x a new home4 """""""""""" ,,,fi ,,,:y !y ne$ help3,' ,wild lemurs live no": else except on ? isl& (f ! coa/ ( ,africa4 ,!y keep _! =e/ home h1l?y by eat+ fruit &1 um1 dropp+ ! se$s back 9to ! gr.d to gr[4 ,b 2c ( habitat de/ruc;n & poa*+1 only ab #b1jjj r+-tail$ lemurs rema9 9 ! wild4 ,fiji ,b&$ ,iguana ,,,": !y live3,' ,fiji & ,t;ga1 isl&s 9 ! ,s\? ,pacific ,,,:y !y ne$ help3,' ,non-native rats & cats hunt ! iguanas1 :ile dome/ic goats & pigs run free to mun* & trample ! plants ^! reptiles ne$ to survive4 ,dhole ,,,": !y live3,' ,s\?1/ ,asia ,,,:y !y ne$ help3,' ,humans h ov]hunt$ ! dholes' prey1 s* z de] & wild pigs1 mak+ x h>d = ^! wild dogs to ?rive4 ,sn[y ,[l ,,,": !y live3,' ,ne> ! ,nor? ,pole ,,,:y !y ne$ help3,' ,sn[y [ls c survive 9 w>m] habitats1 b !y c't live )\t ! lemm+s !y prey on4 ,melt+ ,>ctic sn[ c flood lemm+ burr[s1 wip+ \ ! [ls' favorite food4 #ec ,slo? ,be> ,,,": x lives3,' ,9dia1 ,nepal1 & ,sri ,lanka ,,,:y !y ne$ help3,' ,slo? be>s >e (t5 a6ect$ by p cutt+ d[n trees 9 _! =e/s1 z well z poa*]s4 ,a decl9e 9 slo? be>s a6ects ! 5tire habitat4 333333333333 ,,fun ,,/uff ,,,games1 laue ,y a ,g>bage ,g5ius8 ,h[ m* d y "k ab tra%8 ,take ? quiz to f9d \ if y're a wa/e :iz4 ,,,answ]s on page,' #fa #a ,,,true or false8,' ,2f ! "ds ( tra% collectors & dumps1 p us$ to ?r[ _! tra% on ! /reets = animals to eat4 #b ,,,true or false8,' ,old l&fills >e (t5 turn$ 9to p>ks or gre5 spaces4 #c ,,pick ,,"o ,:at makes up ! bulk ( wa/e >.d ! _w8 ,a4 newspap]s ;,b4 pla/ic ;,c4 food scraps ;,d4 y>d trimm+s #d ,,,fill 9 ! blank,' ,"s .- zip" >.d at #bj "ts ! spe$ ( s.d4 ,a4 g>bage trucks ;,b4 motoriz$ tra% cans ;,c4 space tra% ;,d4 tra% robots #e ,,pick ,,"o ,: creepy crawl]s c help compo/ yr food8 ,a4 crickets ;,b4 c5tip$es ;,c4 spid]s ;,d4 worms ,,,tra% isn't j fil?y,-x's funny6,' ,"h >e "s ru2i%-!m$ riddles & jokes to try on yr frs & family4 ;,q ,:at has f\r :eels & flies8 ,a ,a g>bage truck ;,q ,:at did ! wa/e collector say :ile di7+ "? ! tra%8 #ee ,a ,i'm d[n 9 ! dumps td6 @.<,photograph3 ,a dog we>+ glasses sits next to a pap] bag4@.> ,,,hey6 don't ?r[ away t do7ie bag6,' """""""""""" ,:at 9 ! ,_w8 ,,tra% ,,take\t ,^! photos %[ close-up views ( ?+s commonly f.d 9 tra% & recycl+ b9s4 ,unscramble ! lrs to id5tify :at's 9 ea* picture4 ,,,answ]s on page,' #fa rapneswpe fecofe puc nbaana lepe learec oxb tlaispc gab reapp slotwe klim ugj pepla cero munaluim anc """""""""""" ,,critt] ,,*at ,,,by allyson %aw,' ,if wild animals us$ social m$ia1 :at wd !y say8 ,foll[ ? ,gal^/apagos tortoise's "d z x updates xs fe$4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,i love sun naps & mud ba?s6,' ,,gal^/apagos ,,tortoise ,,lives ,,in3 ,gal^/apagos ,isl&s1 (f ! coa/ ( ,ecuador ,,scre5 ,,"n3 ,swell,%ell ,,frs3 ,t1l,toes ,,blue-,,foot$ ,,booby ,fro/y,fur ,,ho>y ,,bat ,lion,>.d ,,,gal^/apagos sea lion,' ,,/>t #aa a4m4 ,swell,%ell3 ,boy1 x's hot6 ,"t to h1d up ! 8,tortoise ,hi.d3 ,y wei<1 :at1 #ejj p.ds8 ,h[ fa/ c y cruise ) t big backpack8 ,swell,%ell3 ,my %ell's actually pretty li )\t eat+ or dr9k+4 ,fro/y,fur3 ,a ye>'s no?+ to ,swell,%ell,-he's at .1l1/ a hundr$ ye>s old] ?an me4 ,d y ev5 rememb] yr bir?"d8 ,swell,%ell3 ,nope6 ,s ,i'll g ah1d & celebrate td4 ,grass cake1 any"o8 @$sf @. #b p4m4 ,swell,%ell3 ,i feel l a mud ba?4 ,h['s "ey"o else do+8 ,t1l,toes3 ,i'm feel+ blue4 ,lion,>.d3 ,c ,i snag y a fi%8 ,t alw *e]s .1me up4 ,t1l,toes3 ,no,-x's a gd ?+6 ,i'm go+ to fla% ^! baby blues >.d ! b1* & try to get a date6 ,lion,>.d3 ,look+ gd1 ,t1l,toes6 ,j l me :5 ,i get \ ( ! wat]4 #f3#cj p4m4 ,swell,%ell3 ,sun's go+ d[n,-"t to f9d a pat* ( soil to snu7le d[n in4 _?,p]fect,"d ,fro/y,fur3 ,>e y kidd+8 ,x's "py o'clock6 ,niea ) dung1 s lots ( flies ov] "h6 ,lion,>.d3 ,t's .1f[l4 ,get x8 ,y're a bird,-y're f[l4 @$sg @. """""""""""" ,,funny ,,fill-,,9 ,,dr1m+ ,,gre5 ,,,by m>g>et ;j4 krauss,' ,ask a fr to give y ^ws to fill 9 ! blanks 9 ? /ory )\t %[+ x to hm or h]4 ,!n r1d \ l\d = a lau<4 @.<,! ^ws 2l ! s5t;es >e plac$ 9 p>5!ses af ! l[ l9e4@.> ,my family jo9$ a tree plant+ 9 honor ( .- " ,"d4 ,gra2+ \r .- "1 we walk$ to ! p>k4 8,:at"e y d1 don't .- " :5 y're plant+10 ! l1d] sd4 ,) \r >ms full ( .- "1 my si/] & ,i ran .- " #ei d[n ! pa? to dig \r f/ hole4 ,z we got />t$1 ,i did exactly :at ! l1d] told me n to d3 ,i .- "4 ,sudd5ly1 a" .- " .- " bur/ f ! tree6 ,i />$ at x = .- " seconds & wat*$ x turn a deep %ade ( .- "4 ,i 0 s surpris$ ,i .- " l a" .- "4 ,z my si/] & ,i />t$ .- " d[n ! pa? deep] 9to ! woods1 .- " />t$ spr++ f "ey":4 ,!n ! :ole =e/ fill$ ) .- " .- " & .- "4 ,t's :5 ,i tripp$ ov] a root,-& woke up faced[n on my .- "4 ,i m/ love ! ,e>?4 ,ev5 my dr1ms >e gre56 """""""""""" ,,>t ,,z"o ,,gre5 ,,planet .7,nat ,geo ,kids.' r1d]s came up ) cr1tive ways to protect ,e>? 9 ^! draw+s4 @.<,draw+@.> ^7,no ,tra% 9 ! ,oc1n6^' ,claire ;,n41 #aa1 ,goleta1 ,cali=nia @.<,draw+@.> ^7,protect ,ra9 ,=e/s^' ,g>rett ;,s41 #aj1 ,n>b]?1 ,p5nsylvania @.<,draw+@.> ^7,sol>1 ,wat]1 & ,w9d ,5]gy1 ,plus ,help;l ,signs6^' ,lucas ;,f41 #aa1 ,w>r51 ,rhode ,isl& @.<,draw+@.> ^7,do+ ,\r ,"p^' ,kat]9a ,a41 #aa1 ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& @.<,draw+@.> ^7,pick ,up ,tra% on ! ,b1*^' ,madel9e ;,g41 #aj1 ,adairsville1 ,georgia @.<,draw+@.> ^1,recycle6 ,a2y ;,v41 #aj1 ,cecilia1 ,k5tucky @.<,draw+@.> ^7,r$uce1 ,reuse1 ,recycle^' ,jacob ;,g41 #ad1 ,m]idian1 ,idaho ,draw a sup]-weird ali54 ,s5d u yr orig9al draw+s3 .7,nat ,geo ,kids.',-,ali5 ,>t ,z"o ,p4,o4 ,box #ihjjb ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjij-#hjjb #fa ,9clude yr "n1 address1 ph"o numb]1 date ( bir?1 a title = yr draw+1 a /ate;t t x is yr [n "w1 & ! "n ( yr p>5t or gu>dian4 ,yr p>5t or gu>dian m/ sign a rel1se = publica;n if yr illu/ra;n is select$4 ,submis.ns 2come ! prop]ty ( ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 & all "rs "!to >e transf]r$ to ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s4 ,submis.ns _c 2 ac"kl$g$ or return$4 ,selec;n w 2 at ! 4cre;n ( .7,nat ,geo ,kids4.' """""""""""" ,answ]s 8,>e ,y a ,g>bage ,g5ius80 "3 #a4 ,true1 #b4 ,true1 #c4 ;,b1 #d4 ;,c1 #e4 ;,d4 8,:at 9 ! ,_w80 "3 ^1,top ^1r[3 newspap]1 c(fee cup1 banana peel4 ^1,middle ^1r[3 c]1l box1 pla/ic bag1 pap] t[els4 ^1,bottom ^1r[3 milk jug1 apple core1 alum9um c4 333333333333