,,,na;nal geographic^t kids,' ,,decemb] #bjag _/ ,,janu>y #bjah ,,issue #dgf ,9 #a ,volume ,$itor 9 ,*ief & ,vice ,presid5t1 ,kids ,magaz9es @& ,digital ,ra*el ,bu*holz ,(fice ,address3 ,,,p4o4 box #fbace tampa1 fl,' #ccffb-#bace http3_/_/kids4na;nalgeographic4com_/ ,sponsor$ & ,pres5t$ by3 ,am]ican ,ac;n ,fund = ,bl ,*n & ,adults #ahjj ,johnson ,/reet ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& #babcj www4ac;nfund4org ,produc$ at ,na;nal ,brl ,press www4nbp4org ,,,na;nal geographic kids " is publi%$ t5 "ts a ye> by ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjcf4 ,= m 9=ma;n 3tact natgeo4com_/9fo4 ,! submis.n ( photographs & o!r mat]ial to ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' is d"o at ! risk ( ! s5d]2 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' _c a3ept liabil;y = loss or damage4 ,copy"r ^c #bjag ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc4 ,all "rs res]v$4 ,reproduc;n ( ! :ole or any "p ( ! 3t5ts ( ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' )\t writt5 p]mis.n is prohibit$4 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' & ,yell[ ,bord]3 ,regi/]$ ,tradem>ks ^r ,m>cas ,regi/radas4 ,pr9t$ 9 ! ,u4,s4,a4 ,,issue #dgf ,transcrib$ 9 ,ji6y-,brl by #c ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,9c41 #hh ,st4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae4 ,! ,ji6y-,brl process bypasses pro(r1d+ 9 ord] to provide a qk & less exp5sive s]vice4 ,"! w 2 o3a.nal ]rors b !y %d n significantly a6ect r1d+4 ,if !y d1 we wd appreciate 2+ notifi$4 ,9 ,? ,issue ,weird ,b ,true6 """""""""""""""""" #e ,gu9;s ,_w ,records """"""""""""""" #e ,:at ,wd ,happ58 """""""""""""""""" #g ,bet ,y ,didn't ,"k """"""""""""""" #i ,d>e to ,explore """"""""""""""""" #aj ,amaz+ ,animals """""""""""""""""" #ab ,! ,sci;e ( ,cute """""""""""""""" #ae ,f9d \ h[ ^! adorable animals c a6ect yr bra94 ,sm>t ,toys """""""""""""""""""""" #be ,*eck \ five amaz+ toys & ! te*nology t makes !m s cl"e4 ,cl\d$ ,leop>d ,rescue """"""""""" #bi ,orphan cubs le>n h[ to live 9 ! wild4 ,! ,tru? ,2h ,awe"s ,new ,movies #ce ,see h[ two new flicks /ack up to r1l;y ,fun ,/uff """"""""""""""""""""""" #ci ,,,cool collector's c>ds 9side6,' #di ,weird ,b ,true6 #e ,,,by je6rey w&el,' ,*eck \ ^! \trage\s facts4 ,a b1v]'s home is call$ a lodge4 ,a newborn puppy c take up to #b mon?s to />t wa7+ xs tail4 ,snakes c't sli!r on glass4 ,,,rockets m/ travel at l1/ #be1jjj miles an h\r to escape e>?'s grav;y4,' ,,,"s frogs c glide up to #ej feet "? ! air4,' ,,,"! is cell ph"o recep;n at ! summit ( m.t "ee/4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,i'd bett] call mom to tell h] i'll 2 late = d9n]4,' ,,,sk9 is yr body's l>ge/ organ4,' ,,,a human b"o is #e "ts /r;g] ?an a piece ( /eel ( ! same weiti/ ,na?an ,sawaya holds ! record = ! l>ge/ 4play ( ,lego sup]h]o sculptures ) #aa sep>ate figures4 ,he us$ ov] two million ,lego pieces to 3/ruct ! ,fla%1 ,gre5 ,lant]n1 ,cyborg1 ,aquaman1 ,krypto1 & two di6]5t sculptures ea* ( ,sup]man1 ,batman1 & ,wond] ,woman4 ,lego villa9s1 2w>e4 ,,,cat has l;g tail,' ,make room = ? fel9e4 ,) a tail m1sur+ #ag4e 9*es f 8 rump to ! tip ( 8 tail1 ,cygnus ! ,ma9e coon holds ! record = ! l;ge/ tail on a dome/ic cat4 ,& ! kitty's tail isn't d"o gr[+,-x's exp&$ ab half an 9* e mon? s9ce ? record m1sure;t4 ,:5 he's n *as+ a las] po9t] >.d ! h\se1 ,cygnus takes naps ) 8 tail wrapp$ >.d 8 family's two o!r cats1 ,>cturus & ,sirius4 ,maybe he dr1ms ab extra-l;g mice4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,i've got fluff to sp>e4,' ,,,big ball ( /ick]s,' ,walk 9to ! lo2y ( ! ,/ick],giant (fices 9 ,l;gmont1 ,colorado1 & #g y'll see a few plants1 "s desks 444 & a #bcb-p.d ball ( /ick]s "nd ,saul4 ,john ,fis*] & fell[ employees f ! label-mak+ company took two mon?s to build ! l>ge/ ball ( /ick]s " 9 honor ( ! f/ ,na;nal ,/ick] ,"d 9 ,janu>y #bjaf4 ,s h[ _m /ick]s is ,saul made (8 ,ne>ly #bjj1jjj6 333333333333 ,:at ,wd ,happ58 ,,,by crisp9 boy],' ,,,>t by joe ro3o,' ,:at wd happ5 if ,e>?'s grav;y 4appe>$8 ,?+s wd r1lly 2 up 9 ! air4 ,grav;y is ! =ce t pulls objects t[>d ,e>?'s c5t]1 keep+ y gr.d$4 ,x al holds ! planet tgr4 ,if ? =ce vani%$1 any?+ t's n secur$ to ! gr.d wd float (f 9to space,-9clud+ wat] f oc1ns1 lakes1 & riv]s6 ,build+s mid1 sort ( l a/ronauts d 9 space4 ,& ev5tually1 )\t grav;y to keep ,e>? 9tact1 ! planet wd br1k 9to pieces4 ,luckily sci5ti/s agree t x's impossible = ,e>?'s grav;y to 4appe>4 ,t's a weie on yr wi% li/ 444 = a :ile at l1/4 ,p :o cr1te ! ?+s y want & ne$ >e gett+ pd to make /uff,-t way !y c buy _! [n gds4 ,if "ey?+ 7 free "<& m"oy wasn't ne$$">1 p miallel0 univ]ses1 ea* #i ) xs [n "tl9e "<= r1l6">4 ,& if "t travel cd happ51 a new univ]se ) a di6]5t "tl9e wd =m ! mo;t ! travel] did "s?+ to alt] ! future4 ,b no?+ wd %ift 9 yr orig9al "tl9e4 ,s :5 y return$ to yr jump+-(f po9t1 y wdn't see ! 3sequ;es ( yr trip4 ,o!r sci5ti/s ?9k "!'s only "o univ]se ) "o "tl9e t _c 2 *ang$ no matt] :at4 ,s if y 7 hop+ to alt] hi/ory to 2come a zillionaire 9 ! pres5t1 y're \ ( luck6 333333333333 ,bet y didn't "k #f fun facts to unwrap ? holi"d s1son #a ,a g+]br1d h\se 0 decorat$ ) #d1gej p.ds ( ic+,-t's h1vi] ?an a gira6e4 #b ,a record hold] at ! ,grt ,fruitcake ,toss 9 ,colorado h& toss$ a leftov] fruitcake #dae feet4 #c ,! ^w ,kwanzaa comes f a phrase m1n+ 8f/ fruits0 9 an ,african language call$ ,swahili4 #d ,! _w's l>ge/ m5orah,-a c&elabra us$ dur+ ,hanukkah,-was tall] ?an a ?ree-/ory build+4 #e ,a survey f.d t ab half ( dog [n]s 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates buy holi"d gifts = _! pets4 #f ,apollo #h1 ! f/ mann$ spacecraft to circle ! moon1 5t]$ orbit on ,*ri/mas ,eve 9 #aifh4 333333333333 ,,d>e to ,,explore ,,,by c4m4 toml9,' ,m.ta9e] ,wasfia ,nazre5 is ! f/ p]son f h] ,s\? ,asian c.try ( ,banglade% to climb ! 8,sev5 ,summits10 or ! hio1 ! hio1 we decid$ to take ! ,hula-,hoop to ! top #aa 444 & to ! hiy at f/4 ,b x's alw be5 wor? x = me to pu% "? !m4 ,= 9/.e1 :ile climb+ ,m.t ,"ee/ 9 ,nepal1 we 7 close to ! summit :5 \r camp 0 de/roy$ by an avalan*e4 ,)\t \r extra supplies1 we 7 =c$ to return to base camp & />t all ov] ag4 ,x 0 fru/rat+ at ! "t1 b f9ally r1*+ ! summit 0 m m1n+;l 2c ( all ! extra /ru7les we w5t "?4 8,y h to g = yr dr1ms no matt] h[ big !y >e or ": y're f4 ,any p1k is r1*able z l;g z y're p]si/5t & h>d- "w+40 ,,,want to 2 a m.ta9e]8,' ,,/udy3 ,geography & social /udies ,,wat*3 ,! docu;t>y .7,! ,wilde/ ,dr1m.' ,,r1d3 .7,to ! ,top6 ,climb+ ! ,_w's ,hi ,,,wasfia nazre5 uses a ladd] to cross ov] a deep crevasse on m.t "ee/1 ! _w's hi ,,,nazre5 holds ! banglade%i flag atop alaska's d5ali1 nor? am]ica's talle/ m.ta94,' 8,rememb] t x's n ab ! summit or ! f9al goal4 ,x's ab ! j\rney & ! lessons we le>n al;g ! way40 333333333333 ,amaz+ ,animals ,,,crazy alpaca haircuts,' ,circ5e/]1 ,5gl& ,x's h>d to miss ,ottie1 ,t9ka1 & ,bonso ! alpacas4 ,_! hil>i\s hairdos make !m & ! o!r memb]s ( _! h]d look sort ( l di6]5t animals,-9clud+ a zebra1 a poodle1 & ev5 a d9osaur6 ,hel5 ,k5dall ,smi? want$ to d "s?+ special to celebrate h] #ajth ye> z an alpaca bre$]1 s %e decid$ to give #aj ( h] animals crazy cuts4 ,f/ %e sket*$ \ ! %apes 2f hir+ a pr(es.nal #ac %e>] to trans=m ! animals4 ,alpacas >e us$ to 2+ %e>$ e ye> to keep !m cool & sell _! wool4 ,t's :y n"o ( ! animals m9d$ gett+ _! new /op-&-/>e /yles4 ,h[ did ,k5dall ,smi? pick : alpacas wd get ! special cuts8 8,i *ose ! "os t love att5;n10 %e says1 8! "os t h t ,8look-at-me6,0 attitude40 ,h] favorite is ! d9osaur d on ,bonso4 8,:5 he's 9 ! field ) 8 h1d "un1? a tree to eat l1ves1 he r1lly .1does look l a d9osaur60,-.1,s>a .1,s*w>tz @.<,photograph@.> ,,,:at8 d we h "s?+ 9 \r tee?8,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,ottie " left"> & bonso h be5 %e>$ to look l a poodle & a .1/egosaurus4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,t9ka %[s (f h] zebra-9spir$ 'd4,' 8,,roo',d0 ,,awak5+ ,dodgeville1 ,wiscons9 ,y expect to see a .1c[ 9 ,wiscons9 f>m c.try1 n a kang>oo4 ,no wond] ,%]iff ,/eve ,mi*ek ?"\ ! f/ call report+ ! /ray ,au/ralian animal 0 a prank4 ,b sure 5\<1 hopp+ >.d a woman's sn[y y>d 0 a five-foot-tall kang>oo6 ,s h[ .1d y cat* a kang>oo8 ,mi*ek l9$ up gates & c>s to cr1te a wide pa? l1d+ 9to a horse b>n4 8,we us$ apple slices to help hm al;g10 he says4 ,soon ! 'roo b.d$ 9to ! %elt]1 ": he /ay$ until zoo (ficials >riv$4 ,h[ ! animal1 "nd ,roo1 got to ,wiscons9 rema9s a my/]y4 8,he may h escap$ 9 transit f "s":10 says ,jim ,hub+ ( ! ,h5ry ,vilas ,zoo1 : lat] adopt$ ! animal1 giv+ x a life ( luxury z ! zoo's bi7e/ />4 ,sure b1ts hopp+ >.d 9 ! sn[6,-.1,g]ri .1,mill] @.<,photograph@.> ,,,au/ralia8 n"e he>d ( x4,' ,,%>k ,,tale ,mont]ey1 ,cali=nia ,scuba div]s cl1n+ ? million-gallon tank wore a ll "s?+ extra3 *a9 mail4 ,:y8 ,swimm+ close by,-b n too close,- was a grt :ite %>k ne>ly six & a half feet l;g4 #ae ,! %>k made waves :5 %e rema9$ 9 captiv;y at ! ,mont]ey ,bay ,aqu>ium = #aih "ds1 ! l;ge/ "e = a grt :ite4 ,%e came to h] new home af fi%]m5 a3id5tally cauium us$ h] visit to %[ t %>ks %d 2 protect$1 n fe>$4 8,_m species ( %>ks >e ?r1t5$ or 5dang]$10 m>9e biologi/ ,r&y ,ko*ev> says4 ,! %>k 0 ev5tually rel1s$ 9to ! oc1n,-": %e _h to cat* h] [n d9n] 9/1d ( gra2+ x (f an ei ,,,:at's = d9n]8 any?+ i want6,' 333333333333 ,! ,sci;e ( ,cute ,,,by jamie ki6el-al*eh,' ,h[ ^! adorable animals a6ect yr bra9 ,wak+ f a nap1 a flu6y kitt5 bl9ks op5 xs big blue eyes & yawns to rev1l a t9y p9k t;gue4 ,!n x /ret*es xs body1 expos+ a furry ll tummy4 ,curl+ back 9to a ball1 ! kitt5 lets \ a s(t me[ & goes back 9to snooze-mode4 .1,s .1adorable6 ,:e!r x's a sleepy kitty or a bumbl+ baby elephant1 c]ta9 traits drive \r cute-o-met]s wild4 ,& x turns \ t sci;e c expla9 \r ne$ to squee ov] critt]s4 ,sci5ti/s ?9k \r t5d5cy to value cute;s has to d ) species survival4 ,human babies >e born help.s,-!y ne$ adults to look af !m4 ,hav+ f1tures t gr[n-ups f9d irresi/ible helps make sure t ! baby is c>$ = & play$ ) s t x's h1l?y & le>ns social skills4 ,s ov] hundr$s ( ?\s&s ( ye>s1 humans develop$ a fond;s = c]ta9 traits 9 babies4 ,& :5 we see simil> "*i/ics 9 animals1 we f9d !m .1aw.'-wor?y z well4 ,:at is x ab human babies & animals t we f9d s adorable8 ,9 #aidc1 ,au/rian zoologi/ ,konrad ,lor5z came up ) a li/ ( 8cute;s0 traits,-f big eyes to clumsi;s,-t make u feel a6ec;n4 8,p h an automatic #ag response to ^! f1tures10 says ,sookyung ,*o1 a sci5ti/ at ,nor!rn ,k5tucky ,univ]s;y4 ,4cov] : traits give u w>m fuzzies1 & :y4 h1d-to-h1d ,adorable ,animal3 ^7,an >ctic fox^' pokes xs flu6y h1d \ f 2h a sn[bank4 ,liv+ 9 xs ru7$ habitat on ! ,>ctic tundra1 ! animal sports a ?ick lay] ( fur 9 w9t] t makes xs h1d look big4 ,cute;s ,factor3 ^7,a l>ge h1d^' is "o ( ! traits t humans f9d adorable4 ,"s sci5ti/s 2lieve t we're drawn to animals ) big h1ds 2c !y rem9d u ( a human baby's no794 ,:5 humans >e born1 _! bra9s >e m develop$ ?an o!r "ps ( _! bodies4 ,_! skulls m/ !n 2 big 5 to hold ^? bra9s4 ,s :5 humans see o!r animals ) simil>ly l>ge h1ds1 we feel ! ne$ to protect !m4 eye got x ,adorable ,animal3 ^7,a baby gira6e^' on ! ,african savanna bl9ks1 %[+ (f xs huge peep]s4 ,lots ( "y animals h l>ge eyes1 f gira6es to puppies to gorillas4 ,baby humans d too,-a human's eyes gr[ fa/e/ dur+ ! f/ few ye>s ( life1 !n sl[ d[n :ile ! body cat*es up4 ,cute;s ,factor3 ^1,l>ge ^1eyes >e (t5 associat$ ) sweet;s & 9noc;e1 cr1t+ a major adorable al]t 9 yr bra94 ,look+ at ! big peep]s ( c]ta9 animals & human babies c ev5 prompt "s p to produce natural *emicals call$ dopam9e & oxytoc91 : boo/ feel+s ( happi;s4 sweet s.ds ,adorable ,animal3 ^7,an emp]or p5gu9 *ick^' ne/les "un1? xs "f = w>m?4 ,! *ick op5s xs b1k & squ1ks,- x's n[ toa/y 2n ! dad's belly4 ,cute;s ,factor3 ^7,squ1ls & trills^' f animals c make a human want to coo4 8,unlike a l\d ro> or %>p squawk1 ! s.ds made by baby animals >5't ?r1t5+10 says ,jo%ua ,paul ,dale1 a pr(essor at ,japan's ,tokyo ,gakugei ,univ]s;y :o /udies ! 3cept ( cute;s4 ,s humans >e able to see ! critt]s z lovable4 #ai big smile ,adorable ,animal3 ^7,a bottlenose dolph9^' em]ges f ! oc1n1 xs m\? curv$ 9 :at looks l a huge smile4 ,ev5 ?\< we "k ? animal probably isn't fla%+ a wide gr91 humans ?9k ( happi;s :5 !y see ! 8smile40 ,cute;s ,factor3 ,:5 p see an unfamili> sie x to images & expres.ns !y alr "k4 ,? is call$ p>eidolia "4 ,s ev5 ?\< we're unsure ( :at ! animal's ?9k+1 we automatically id5tify ^7a smiley %ape^' on xs face z "s?+ we're us$ to,-a happy look4 r.d x \ ,adorable ,animal3 ^2,a ^1koala re/s xs rump on a tree bran* 9 an ,au/ralian =e/ z x mun*es eucalyptus l1ves4 ,xs body looks l a furry ball cl++ to ! bran*4 ,! koala swall[s ! la/ ( xs l1fy snack4 ,cute;s ,factor3 ,"o qual;y t p t5d to f9d irresi/ible 9 koalas is ^7a r.d$ body1^' r ?an a %>p "o l a sea ur*9 has4 ,9 g5]al1 humans pref] curv+ geometric %apes4 8,we're m drawn to r.d;s ?an %>p l9es10 says rese>*] ,hiro%i ,nittono ( ,japan's ,osaka ,univ]s;y4 \ ( curios;y ,adorable ,animal3 ^7,a tig] cub^' scamp]+ >.d xs habitat & sni6+ "ey?+ 9 sie curi\s ab "ey?+10 ,dale says4 ,cute;s ,factor3 ,animals t 4play ^1curios;y seem frly1 s humans >e drawn to !m4 8,at ? age1 ev5 a lot ( a7ressive animal species >e pretty h>m.s10 ,dale says4 ,soon ! animal's curios;y fades1 & x's replac$ by cau;n4 ,once an animal makes t transi;n1 humans don't f9d !m q z cute4 ,s curios;y is fuel = cute;s6 walk & wo2le ,adorable ,animal3 ^7,a baby ,asian elephant^' toddles al;gside xs "m4 8,:5 baby animals le>n to walk1 #ba !y don't d x v well10 ,dale says4 8,_! clumsi;s is ano!r "*i/ic t app1ls to humans40 ,cute;s ,factor3 ,animals ) ^1wo2ly ^1move;ts l "y elephants come acr z help.s1 j l a human baby :o's / develop+ motor skills4 ,? sp>ks a p]son's desire to protect & c>e = ! animals 2c we h a s5se t1 l human babies1 ! animals >5't q /r;g 5 to def5d !mvs4 ,cute/4 ,animal4 ,"e4 ,we've comb9$ ! sci5tific traits t help det]m9e 8cute;s0 to cr1te ! ultimate adorable animal4 ,,,curi\s tig] e>s ,,,giant gira6e eyes ,,,big >ctic fox h1d ,,,happy dolph9 8smile0 ,,,wo2ly elephant legs ,,,r.d koala body,' """""""""""" ,b1/ly ,b5efits ,^! animals h f1tures t def9itely .1>5't 3sid]$ cute4 ,b _! n-s-*>m+ traits come 9 h&y4 ,*eck \ ^! jaw- dropp+ "*i/ics4 ,nos+ ,>.d ,a />-nos$ mole's nose sports #bb fle%y projec;ns t 3ta9 a total ( #ajj1jjj n]ve fib]s4 ,ne>ly bl1 ! mole bops ! projec;ns ag/ ! gr.d4 ,^! s5sors s5d 9=ma;n ab ! 5viron;t "? ! nose & 9to ! bra94 ,big ,s(ties ,) w>t-l bumps on _! h1ds1 w>thogs >5't exactly b1uty pag1nt w9n]s4 ,b ! 8w>ts0 >e actually bumps ( fat t help cu%ion bl[s :5 ! males fi has l;g1 creepy-look+ middle f+]s t x uses to drum on rott5 logs & bran*es 9 ord] to f9d holl[ spots ": bugs live4 "<,! s.d ( ! tapp+ al]ts ! animal to a cav;y4"> ,!n x bites a hole & digs up all ( ! bugs4 ,d9n]'s s]v$4 ,bald ,tru? ,:5 ! ,cali=nia 3dor eats1 x /icks xs bald h1d 9side rott+ c>casses4 #bc ,2c bact]ia cd cl+ to f1!rs & make ! bird sick1 ! 3dor's lack ( h1d plumage m1ns x avoids 41se4 ,?orn 9 ,yr ,side ,call$ a ?orny dragon1 ? liz>d's spiky sk9 is design$ to collect ra9wat] 9 xs dry des]t habitat4 ,wat] l&s on ! reptile's surface1 !n fl[s "? n>r[ *annels 9 ! sk9 t l1d to ! animal's m\?4 ,n[ x c dr9k up & /ay hydrat$4 """""""""""" ,2y ,adorable ,*eck \ ! cute/ animals y've n"e he>d (6 ,emp]or ,tam>9 ^1,cute ^1,fact3 ,:5 a baby emp]or tam>9 is born1 adult males 9 ! gr\p ba! & c>e = x4 ,rock ,hyrax ^1,cute ^1,fact3 ,rock hyraxes' foot pads act l suc;n cups to help !m climb sup]-/eep slopes4 ,m&>9 ,duck ^1,cute ^1,fact3 ,if a pr$ator appe>s1 a m&>9 duck mi4 333333333333 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' @.<,photograph3 ,a l>ge [l ) xs w+s spr1d wide flies t[>d ! cam]a ov] a sn[y gr.d4@.> ,! grt gray [l has a f\r- to five- foot w+span4 ,)\t turn+ xs h1d1 an [l c only see /rai+ helps x f9d prey 9 ! d>k4 333333333333 #e ,,sm>t ,toys #be ,,,by kri/9 baird ratt9i,' ,*eck \ ^! amaz+ toys & ! te*nology t makes !m s bra9y4 #a ,,! ,,toy ,a/ro,bot ,,,:at x is,' ,an 9t]active robot t dodges ob/acles ,,cool ,,sci;e ,9frar$ liri]s z x zips >.d4 ,once 9 mo;n1 ,a/ro,bot %oots \ b1ms ( 9frar$ lis to tell x :at's block+ xs pa?4 ,r1dy1 set1 roll4 #b ,,! ,,toy ,>tspla% ,,,:at x is,' ,pap] t lets y cr1te #c- ;,d pa9t+s ) wat] ,,cool ,,sci;e ,surface t5.n ,,,h[ x "ws,' ,yr pa9t+s w pop (f ! page ) ? >t kit4 ,mix wat] ) dyes to cr1te di6]5t %ades ( liquid4 ,p\r ! liquid 9to yr ,aquap51 a p5-%ap$ 4p5s]4 ,!n take a piece ( pap] f ! kit4 ,squeeze ! wat] onto ! prepr9t$ patt]ns4 ,! ,h;5#b,o w ball up on ea* patt]n4 ,:y8 ,! designs 3ta9 a *emical t .1attracts wat]2 ! surr.d+ pap] has a *emical t .1repels wat]4 ,s wat] molecules cl+ tgr to /ay on ea* patt]n4 ,t cl++ is call$ surface t5.n4 "<,comp>e x to p huddl+ >.d a w>m campfire on a cold ni ,way to cause a spla%4 #c ,,! ,,toy ,kamigami ,,,:at x is,' ,r1li/ic toy bugs y assemble l origami ,,cool ,,sci;e ,biomimicry ,,,h[ x "ws,' ,prep>e = a creepy- crawlie colli.n c\rse6 ,bug-l ,kamigamis >e made ) /urdy pla/ic 8body "ps0 t y fold & 9t]lock1 origami /yle4 ,an app wire.sly #bg revs up _! motors s !y skitt] >.d4 ,toymak]s design$ ! ,kamigami's motors & ge>s to move ! legs z if !y 7 "p ( a r1l 9sect1 : alw has ?ree ( xs six feet on ! gr.d :5 runn+4 ,? 8mimic0 te*nology is call$ biomimicry4 "<,?9k ( a swimm] do+ a dolph9 kick to pl[ "? wat] l a m>9e mammal4"> ,be/ ( all8 ,no bug bites4 #d ,,! ,,toy ,digi,loom ,,,:at x is,' ,an app-op]at$ loom = fr%ip bracelets ,,cool ,,sci;e ,%ort-wave radio frequ5cies ,,,h[ x "ws,' ,! ,digi,loom helps y w1ve fr%ip bracelets4 ,! app %[s y h[ to set up ! ?r1ds 9 ! loom1 !n signals ! ma*9e to />t "? ,bluetoo?1 a te*nology t 3nects ne>by sm>t devices us+ %ort-wave radio frequ5cies4 ,^! waves ( 5]gy c>ry data rcvd f ! ,digiloom's app4 "<,!y're ! same waves t 3nect walkie-talkies1 c>ry+ voices f "o device to ! o!r4"> ,! ,digiloom responds to ! signals by posi;n+ ! ?r1ds4 ,z ! ma*9e moves1 y'll w1ve ano!r ?r1d "? ! /r&s 9 ! loom to cr1te yr design4 .1,wri/.'-pect6 #e ,,! ,,toy ,/ikbot ,/udio ,pro ,,,:at x is,' ,a m9i movie /udio ,,cool ,,sci;e ,*roma key ,,,h[ x "ws,' ,? toy comes ) ,/ikbot figures " & a gre5 backdrop "4 ,pose ! figures ag/ ! backdrop1 !n use ! app to select a backgr.d photo,-a b1*1 ! moon1 :at"e4 ,:5 y look "? ! cam]a1 y'll see ! figures 9 front ( ! image y *ose 9/1d ( ! gre5 backdrop4 ,t's 2c ! app uses te*nology call$ *roma key1 : all[s cam]as to recognize & filt] \ a c]ta9 color1 !n fills ! space ) ! o!r image4 ,x's simil> to :5 yr spell-*eck] f9ds a misspell$ ^w 9 yr essay1 ]ases x1 & fills 9 ! space ) ! correct spell+4 ,/r+ yr sc5es tgr to cr1te /op-mo;n #bi movies4 ,academy ,aw>ds1 "h y come6 333333333333 ,,cl\d$ ,,leop>d ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' ,,,mis.n ^1animal ^1rescue,' ,save ,,animals ,save ! ,,_w ,,,by scott eld],' ,orphan cubs le>n h[ to live 9 ! wild4 ,aman quietly spr1ds ! ^w t he has valuable gds = sale4 ,he tries to keep x a secret f ! au?orities :o gov]n 8 =e/ village1 2c x's illegal to possess ! m]*&ise3 two t9y wild leop>d cubs4 ,b ! f/ p to >rive at 8 home >5't 9t]e/$ 9 buy+ exotic pets4 ,act+ on a citiz5's tip1 !y >e =e/ rang]s :o police ? >ea 9 nor?1/ ,9dia1 call$ ,kokrajh>4 ,bu/$1 ! surpris$ villag] h&s ov] ! help.s leop>d kitt5s1 s "y !y hav5't ev5 op5$ _! eyes4 ,! rang]s al]t ! ne>by wildlife cl9ic,-op]at$ by ! ,wildlife ,tru/ ( ,9dia "<,,wti">,-t two common leop>d cubs >e >riv+ = em]g5cy c>e4 ,al? ! vet]9>ians >e ?rill$ t ! rang]s rescu$ ! kitt5s1 _! satisfac;n is bitt]sweet4 ,! common leop>d is a p[];l big cat t (t5 comes 9to 3flict ) humans 9 ,9dia4 ,s at ! "t1 rel1ses ( ? species 7 curr5tly bann$ 9 t c.try4 ,,,n common at all,' ,:5 ! cubs >rive1 h["e1 ! vets >e amaz$ by ! /range blot*y patt]n on _! coats1 : looks l br[n & black cl\ds4 ,common leop>ds wd 2 cov]$ ) spots4 8,! rang]s don't r1lize !y h rescu$ a v r>e species10 vet ,panjit ,basumat>y says4 ,^! kitt5s >e actually v uncommon wild cats call$ cl\d$ leop>ds4 ,! vets exam9e ! two furry cubs1 bo? male1 & e/imate !y're only a few weeks old4 ,!y're reliev$ t nei cat has any bad cuts1 brok5 b"os1 or obvi\s ill;ses1 b 2c bo? kitt5s wei< 9 at less ?an two p.ds1 ! vets fe> t !y're dang]\sly "uf$ & dehydrat$4 ,to replace ! milk _! "m wd give !m1 ! vets try h&-fe$+ ! cubs c['s #ca milk us+ baby bottles4 ,if ! leop>d cubs don't a3ept ? >tificial diet1 !y won't survive4 ,=tunately bo? pati5ts eat well4 ,a cl\d$ leop>d's tail1 us$ = bal.e z x climbs trees1 is ne>ly z l;g z ! re/ ( xs body4 ,^! wild cats >e mo/ closely relat$ to lions1 leop>ds1 jagu>s1 tig]s1 & sn[ leop>ds4 ,,,a plan = ! future,' ,n[ t ! bro!rs' h1l? seems /able1 ! vets & wildlife exp]ts at ,,wti & xs "pn] organiza;n1 ! ,9t]na;nal ,fund = ,animal ,welf>e "<,,ifaw">1 m/ decide ! cubs' future4 ,unlike common leop>ds1 cl\d$ leop>ds >e too small to 2 ?r1ts to humans or live/ock1 s !y c 2 rel1s$4 ,b )\t ! c>e & protec;n ( _! "m1 :o 0 alm c]ta9ly kill$ by a poa*]1 ! cubs won't /& a *.e4 ,al? ,,wti & ,,ifaw h su3ess;lly h& rais$ & rel1s$ "y elephants & black be>s1 no "o _h "e attempt$ to d s ) a cl\d$ leop>d4 ,h["e1 ) only ab #aj1jjj cl\d$ leop>ds left 9 _! natural habitat 9 ,s\?1/ ,asia1 ! /aff decides to try4 8,:5 animals >e ? r>e1 e s+le 9dividual matt]s to ! popula;n10 says ,ian ,rob9son1 ,,ifaw's h1d ( wildlife rehabilita;n4 8,& we 2lieve t wildlife 2l;gs 9 ! wild4 ,:5 animals >e tak5 \ ( ! wild1 !y "\ to 2 put back40 ,,,le>n+ to climb,' ,basumat>y & fell[ vet]9>ian ,bhask> ,*\dhury,-al;g ) ,,wti's ,wild ,rescue director1 ,n4,v4,k4 ,a%raf,-2g9 att5d+ to ! cl\d$ leop>ds4 ,! baby leop>ds >e assign$ two keep]s :o w /ay ) !m alm #bd_/#g4 ,"?\t ! rehabilita;n1 ^! keep]s >e ! only humans :o regul>ly come 9to close 3tact ) ! cats4 ,? way1 ! cubs w reta9 _! 9/9ctive mi/ru/ ( all o!r humans1 : w 2 ess5tial = survival 9 ! wild4 ,! keep]s *oose "ns = ! orphans3 ,runa & ,kata1 tak5 f ! "n ( ! =e/ ne> ": !y 7 rescu$1 ,runikhata4 ,! cl\d$ leop>ds 2g9 go+ on #cc l1%$ walks "? _! natural habitat ( d5se =e/s4 ,! t9y cats n]v\sly trail 2h _! keep]s1 : is gd4 8,9itially ! cubs h to 2 "u ! 3trol ( ! keep]10 ,a%raf says4 8,! role ( a keep] is to provide secur;y,-m* l a fo/] p>5t40 ,af "o week1 ! keep]s remove ! l1%es s t ,runa & ,kata c climb & jump >.d freely4 ,cl\d$ leop>ds >e >bor1l1 : m1ns !y sp5d mo/ ( _! "t up 9 trees4 ,adult cl\d$ leop>ds >e acrobats ( ! =e/3 ,!y climb al;g bran*es :ile cl++ "un1? l slo?s1 hang upside d[n f _! h9d legs l monkeys1 & scramble h1df/ d[n ! sides ( trees l squirrels4 ,^! "y cl\d$ leop>ds h to le>n all ?4 8,!y're v com=table climb+1 b !y d fall d[n e once 9 a :ile10 ,a%raf says4 8,!y h to le>n : bran*es >e ! ?9ne/ !y c hold on to40 ,,,2g9n+ ! hunt,' ,^! climb+ skills >5't j = play+ >.d1 ?\<4 ,adult cl\d$ leop>ds >e ma/] pr$ators t /alk & hunt prey s* z monkeys1 birds1 & de]4 ,to help tri7] _! pr$atory 9/9cts1 liv] s\p is add$ to _! milk =mula diet af two weeks at ! cl9ic4 ,ag1 ,runa & ,kata prove !y h a lot to le>n :5 !y try to hunt dur+ walks4 8,at f/ !y're try+ to cat* e animal !y see10 ,a%raf says4 8,b soon !y le>n t "!'s no po9t 9 p\nc+ at e animal4 ,s !y'll wait 444 wait 444 & wait 444 & !n attack40 ,a cl\d$ leop>d c cat* monkeys1 birds1 & squirrels 9 trees4 ,cl\d$ leop>ds c climb by ! "t !y're six weeks old4 ,,,back to ! wild,' ,af ab six mon?s liv+ ne> ! cl9ic1 ,runa & ,kata move deep] 9to ! =e/ ) _! keep]s4 ,!y 2g9 walk+,-& hunt+,-at nids4 ,six mon?s lat]1 ! orphan$ bro!rs >e r1dy = "s 9dep5d;e4 ,_! cage door is left op5 s !y c come & g z !y pl1se1 b food is left \ 9 case !y ne$ x4 8,_! natural habitat is l a magnet10 ,a%raf says4 8,x pulls ! cl\d$ leop>ds away f #ce u humans40 ,9 j a few weeks1 ,runa & ,kata 2come s wild !y m/ 2 tranquiliz$ ) a d>t 9 ord] to h&le !m4 ,! keep]s !n fulfill _! f9al duty z fo/] p>5ts,- c>ry+ ! tranquiliz$ cats to ! vets s !y c atta* radio-track+ coll>s,-2f say+ gdbye4 ,once ! s$ative we>s (f1 ! cats /1l?ily sl9k away 9to ! =e/ = gd4 ,a ye> lat]1 ! bro!rs 3t9ue to ?rive 9 _! natural home1 pro( t cl\d$ leop>ds c 2 h& rais$ & rel1s$ su3ess;lly4 333333333333 ,,,! tru? 2h awe"s new movies,' ,,,by k>5 de seve & elizabe? hilfrank,' ,see h[ ^! two animat$ flicks /ack up to r1l;y6 ,,coco ,,-old ,miguel dr1ms ( 2com+ a musician4 ,b 8 relatives bann$ music decades ago af 8 grt-grt-gr&"f *ose s++ ov] 8 family4 ,:5 ,miguel a3id5tally j\rneys to ! ,l& ( ! ,d1d1 he seeks \ 8 grt-grt- gr&"f 9 ! hopes ( fi nd+ a 3nec;n to 8 love ( music4 ,9 r1l life1 ( c\rse1 p don't hang \ ) _! de"p$ ance/ors 9 a magical _w4 ,b _m ,mexicans .1d honor _! ance/ors dur+ ,d^/ia de los ,mu]tos1 or ,"d ( ! ,d1d4 ,celebrat$ >.d ,novemb] #a1 family memb]s visit graves to cl1n tomb/"os & l1ve food & o!r gifts = _! de"p$ lov$ "os4 ,,fl[] ,,p[] ,9 ! movie1 millions ( m>igolds =m ! bridge t 3nects ! ,l& ( ! ,liv+ & ! ,l& ( ! ,d1d4 ,^! gold5 fl[]s >e actually an important "p ( ,mexican culture4 ,_m 2lieve t m>igolds' /r;g sc5t helps guide _ss to _! graves dur+ ,"d ( ! ,d1d celebra;ns4 ,,protective ,,pup ,2f 5t]+ ! ,l& ( ! ,d1d1 ,miguel 2frs a hair.s dog "nd ,dante t jo9s hm = 8 j\rney 9 ! magical _w4 ,dante resembles a r1l- life ,mexican dog bre$ "kn z 8xolos0 "4 ,"nd af ! ,aztec god ,xolotl "1 ! dogs >e 2liev$ to gu>d homes f evil _ss4 @.<,draw+@.> ,,,miguel " & dante see ! l& ( ! d1d = ! f/ "t f _! spot on ! m>igold bridge4,' ,,f]d9& ,,buddy ,,sy/em ,af ,f]d9&1 a bull ) a big he>t1 is mi/ak5 = a dang]\s b1/1 he's sep>at$ f 8 family4 ,luckily ,lupe ! goat1 al;g ) a pair ( mis*iev\s h$gehogs & "o rat1 helps hm get back home4 ,9 r1l life1 bulls don't alw play well ) o!rs,-f\r-le7$ cr1tures or o!rwise4 ,al? bulls (t5 live p1ce;lly ) _! h]d ( c[s & a few o!r bulls1 !y %[ dom9.e by 2+ a7ressive >.d o!r f>m animals & humans4 ,9 fact1 2c ( _! size & p]sonal;y1 bulls h ! pot5tial to 2 "o ( ! mo/ dang]\s dome/ic animals1 ac to dairy speciali/ ,j4,w4 ,s*ro$]4 ,,,feel+ ! burn,' ,f]d9& goes .1bull.'-i/ic :5 he feels a bee /+ hm4 ,a r1l bull's sk9,-call$ xs hide,-c 2 up to s"eal "ts ?ick] ?an a human's1 : helps protect ! animal f w1!r s* z hail & w9dburn4 ,b ! hide is / s5sitive1 & a bee /+ / feels l1 well1 a bee /+4 ,! 9sect 9jects xs t>get " ) v5om t 3ta9s a *emical call$ melitt91 : causes n]ve cells to ?9k !y're lit]ally on fi re4 ,,fancy ,,feet ,9 "o sc5e1 ,f]d9& & a few o!r bulls 5t] a d.e (f ag/ a gr\p ( elegant horses4 ,despite _! wei.d #b1jjj p.ds1 bulls >e actually "kn to appe> q grace;l4 ,t's 2c _! hooves all[ !m to grip ! gr.d & pivot 9 smoo?-look+ circles to qkly *ange direc;ns 444 sort ( l ball]9as6 @.<,draw+@.> ,,,f]d9& ! bull " takes a wild ride ) 8 new frs lupe ! goat "1 una & quatro ! h$gehogs " "r">1 & dos ! rat4,' 333333333333 ,fun ,/uff #ci games1 lauaway views ( ?+s t >e blue4 ,unscramble ! lrs to id5tify :at's 9 ea* picture4 ,feel+ blue8 ,,,answ]s on page,' #dd nlblooa gmsimiwn olop lederdi lmac tblryutef amawc dmtaisu tssae egpnso hobhortust """""""""""" ,,critt] ,,*at ,,,by allyson %aw,' ,if wild animals us$ social m$ia1 :at wd !y say8 ,foll[ ? orca's "d z x updates xs fe$4 ,,orca ,sea,p&a ,live in3 ,ant>ctic oc1n ,likes3 ,hi< f9s & fa/ swims ,,frs ,,ant>ctic ,,krill ,*ill,krill ,,w$dell ,,s1l ,v]y,s1li\s ,,emp]or ,,p5gu9 ,k+,bird #aj a4m4 ,sea,p&a3 ,c ,i get a few likes = my new pr(ile pic8 _?,spy,hop,selfie ,*ill,krill3 .1,:at >e y do+8 ,v]y,s1li\s3 ,t's ,sea,p&a's way ( gett+ to ! surface to look = prey l me4 ,s ,i'll /e] cle> ( a photo bomb & dive deep4 ,k+,bird3 ,y1h1 ?anks = ! selfie1 ,sea,p&a4 ,x gives me a *.e to cat* up ) ,v]y,s1li\s4 ,*ill,krill3 ,plus all ! ac;n's "uwat] anyway4 ,no (f5se1 b on l& ,v]y,s1li\s j ?umps >.d1 & ,k+,bird %u6les on ! ice4 ,k+,bird3 ,y1h1 b y c't t\* me :5 ,i'm swimm+,-,i c move #aa feet a second 9 ! wat]6 #da ,sea,p&a3 ,wanna race8 @$wf @. #a p4m4 ,sea,p&a3 ,anybody se5 my pod8 ,ab #dj orcas8 ,i us$ \r special call b 444 no answ]4 ,*ill,krill3 ,only #dj8 ,my sw>m has ,,billions ( krill,-p c see u f space6 ,v]y,s1li\s3 ,sea,p&a1 ,i ?9k ,i saw yr pod1 um1 nor?6 ,y1h1 t's x6 ,l .1way nor?4 ,k+,bird3 ,"h1 ,i'll ,,gps x = y4 ,i ?9k y'll love ! *ange 9 latitude4 ,v]y,s1li\s3 ,say hi to ! ,brazilian surf]s = u6 _?,i'm,so,s1lly #b3#cj p4m4 ,sea,p&a3 ,f.d my pod6 ,:ew4 ,my mom wd h be5 /ress$ if ,i'd gott5 lo/4 ,,big tr\ble4 ,v]y,s1li\s3 ,tr\ble l :5 y're trapp$ on an ice floe surr.d$ by orcas8 ,s]i\sly1 y don't "k ! ,,m1n+ ( tr\ble4 ,*ill,krill3 ,*ill1 bros4 ,j g ) ! fl[ & float ) ! curr5t l me & my sw>m4 ,x's all gd4 @$sf @. ,k+,bird3 ,sea,p&a's j worri$ 8 mom w 2 mad4 ,i don't get x6 ,my ?ree- mon?-old *ick w 2 on 8 [n 9 j a few mon?s4 ,sea,p&a3 ,i admit x 444 ,i'm a momma's :ale4 _?,can,i,get,a,hi<,f9 """""""""""" ,>t ,z"o ,,dr1m ,,job ,*eck \ ^! cool c>e]s drawn by .7,nat ,geo ,kids.' r1d]s4 @.<,draw+@.> ^1,paleontologi/ ,h>rison ;,j41 #aj ,new ,london1 ,wiscons9 @.<,draw+@.> ^1,photograph] ,amelie ;,p41 #h ,k+wood1 ,texas @.<,draw+@.> ^7,au?or & ,illu/rator^' ,paul ;,h41 #h ,new ,orl1ns1 ,l\isiana @.<,draw+@.> ^1,y\,tube ^1,gam] ,bo/on ;,l41 #ab ,reg9a1 ,canada @.<,draw+@.> ^1,5g9e] #dc ,&rew ;,t41 #aj ,toronto1 ,canada @.<,draw+@.> ^1,m>9e ^1,biologi/ ,colton ;,k41 #aa ,b5d1 ,oregon @.<,draw+@.> ^1,so3] ^1,play] ,>lie ,a41 #aa ,morton1 ,ill9ois @.<,draw+@.> ^1,horse ^1,tra9] ,mia ;,c41 #aa ,price1 ,utah @.<,draw+@.> ^1,doctor ,isabella ;,f41 #i ,m.ta9 ,h\se1 ,cali=nia @.<,draw+@.> ^1,a/ronaut ,jayd5 ;,g41 #aa ,wausa1 ,nebraska ,up ,next ,draw a ^1place y'd l to ^1explore4 ,s5d u yr ^1orig9al ^1draw+s3 .7,nat ,geo ,kids.',-,explora;n ,>t ,z"o ,p4,o4 ,box #ihjjb ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjij-#hjjb ,9clude yr "n1 address1 ph"o numb]1 date ( bir?1 a title = yr draw+1 a /ate;t t x is yr [n "w1 & ! "n ( yr p>5t or gu>dian4 ,yr p>5t or gu>dian m/ sign a rel1se = publica;n if yr illu/ra;n is select$4 ,submis.ns 2come ! prop]ty ( ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 & all "rs "!to >e transf]r$ to ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s4 ,submis.ns _c 2 ac"kl$g$ or return$4 ,selec;n w 2 at ! 4cre;n ( .7,nat ,geo ,kids.'4 """""""""""" ,answ]s 8,:at 9 ! ,_w80 "3 ^1,top ^1r[3 balloon1 swimm+ pool1 dreidel4 ^1,middle ^1r[3 clam1 butt]fly1 macaw4 ^1,bottom ^1r[3 /adium s1ts1 sp;ge1 too?bru%4 8,/ump ,yr ,p>5ts0 "3 #a4 ;,,,d1 #b4 ;b1 #c4 ;b1 #d4 ;c1 #e4 ;b1 #f4 ;c1 #g4 a1 #h4 a1 #i4 a1 #aj4 ;b4,' """""""""""" ,f ! pages ( .1,,,quiz .1:iz3 /ump yr p>5ts,' ,if yr p>5ts c't answ] ^! "qs1 maybe .1!y %d g to s*ool 9/1d ( y6 ,,,answ]s on page,' #dd #a ,": is ! _w's talle/ build+8 #de ,a4 ,new ,york1 ,new ,york ;,b4 ,*icago1 ,ill9ois ;,c4 ,mosc[1 ,russia ;,d4 ,dubai1 ,unit$ ,>ab ,emirates #b ,m .- live 9 ,new ,z1l& ?an p4 ,a4 riv] ott]s ;,b4 %eep ;,c4 koalas ;,d4 unicorns #c ,9 :at "ps ( yr body >e "! #ejj1jjj sw1t gl&s8 ,a4 >mpits ;,b4 feet ;,c4 eyeballs ;,d4 h&s #d ,ab h[ _m tee? w a %>k lose 9 xs life"t8 ,a4 #d1jjj ;,b4 #bc1jjj ;,c4 #cj1jjj ;,d4 #abj1jjj #e ,9 ! virtual _w ( .1,animal .1,jam1 : l& is mo/ simil> to ! ,>ctic on ,e>?8 ,a4 ,appondale ;,b4 ,m.t ,%ive] ;,c4 ,lo/ ,temple ( ,zios ;,d4 ,cry/al ,s&s #f ,a dog's eye has h[ _m eyelids8 ,a4 #a ;,b4 #b ;,c4 #c ;,d4 #dbb #g ,! f/ space t\ri/ to visit ! ,9t]na;nal ,space ,/a;n pd h[ m* = a #aj-"d trip8 ,a4 @s#bj million ;,b4 @s#ajj million ;,c4 @s#a billion ;,d4 no?+ #h ,mat* ^! .1,h>ry .1,pott] "*s #dg ) _! pets4 @.<,"*s@.> ,a4 ,ron ,w1sley ;,b4 ,h]mione ,grang] ;,c4 ,neville ,l;gbottom ;,d4 ,hagrid ;,e4 ,dumbledore @.<,pets@.> #a4 ,fawkes ! pho5ix #b4 ,trevor ! toad #c4 ,fang ! dog #d4 ,crook%anks ! cat #e4 ,pigwidgeon ! [l #i ,:at type ( bat c eat #fjj mosquitoes 9 an h\r8 ,a4 ll br[n bat ;,b4 big br[n bat ;,c4 l1f-nos$ bat ;,d4 fruit bat #aj ,! mo/ poison\s frog 9 ! _w is .-4 ,a4 ! blue poison d>t frog ;,b4 ! gold5 poison frog ;,c4 ! r$-ey$ tree frog ;,d4 ! ,am]ican bullfrog @.<,photograph@.> ,,,blue poison d>t frog,' 333333333333 ,,,tell u :at y ?9k6,' ,jo9 ! .7,na;nal ,geographic ,kids.' ,t1m4"9 "9,*ildr5 ( ,,ngs /aff1 ,,ngp /aff1 & 3tractors >e n eligible to "picipate4 ,only ^? select$ w 2 notifi$4 ,if y >e alr a memb] ( ! panel1 y d n ne$ to reapply4 ,"?\t ! ye> we'll 9vite y by email to complete \r late/ onl9e survey4 ,! surveys ask = op9ions ab curr5t magaz9e issues1 >ticles we're "w+ on1 & topics t a6ect kids l y4 ,apply onl9e6 ,,,sign+ up is easy6,' #a ,grab a p>5t4 #b ,g to ngkids&familyt1m4com_/" jo9#bjag4 ,h yr p>5t fill \ ! #di 3s5t =m4 #c ,look = email 3firma;n f .7,nat ,geo ,kids.'4 ,if y h any "qs1 3tact tracy4/"o@anatgeo4com4 ,= ea* survey y complete1 y'll 2 5t]$ 9to qu>t]ly draw+s to w9 an ,,,amazon gift c>d6,' 333333333333 ,awe"s ,animals6 ,,,text by ru? a4 musgrave,' ,,,copy"r ^c #bjag na;nal geographic "pn]s,' ,,common ,,zebra ,a ,:5 a pr$ator attacks1 x's e zebra = xf4 ,,false3 ,if "o is attack$1 family memb]s surr.d ! 9jur$ animal1 fac+ ! pr$ator r1dy to fiems4 ,,true3 ,a h>em 9cludes a /allion " & a few females4 ,a h]d is =m$ :5 h>ems & ba*elor gr\ps ga!r tgr4 ;,c ,y c tell ": a zebra lives by xs /ripe patt]n4 ,,false3 ,/ripes >e z 9dividual z f+]pr9ts4 ,sci5ti/s use ! patt]ns to id5tify 9dividuals4 ;,d ,common zebras >e 5dang]$4 ,,false3 ,_! popula;n numb]s >e hold+ /1dy4 ;,e ,a c[boy mie m1sur$ by 8h&s40 ,a h& is f\r 9*es4 ,a zebra is >.d #ef 9*es tall,-! size ( a l>ge pony4 ,,,anup %ah _/ nature picture libr>y,' ,,,black-tail$ prairie dog,' ,a ,? animal is a k9d ( dog4 ,,false3 ,a prairie dog is a rod5t1 closely relat$ to tree squirrels4 ;,b ,a kiss hello m1ns y're "p ( ! family4 ,,true3 ,family memb]s greet ea* o!r by g5tly t\*+ tee?4 ;,c ,black-tail$ prairie dogs >e #ea z ,am]ican z apple pie4 ,,false3 ,^! prairie dogs >e f.d 9 ,canada & ,mexico z well z 9 #aa /ates4 ;,d ,prairie dogs live 9 t[ns4 ,,true3 ,prairie dog t[ns >e complex tunnel sy/ems ) subdivi.ns & ev5 secur;y gu>ds4 ,mod]n prairie dog t[ns >e less ?an half a squ>e mile4 ,9 ! pa/1 "o t[n cov]$ #be1jjj squ>e miles4 ;,e ,a prairie dog is s small x cd curl up on ? c>d4 ,,false3 ,at #ad to #ag 9*es l;g1 x cd relax on an op5 copy ( ? magaz9e4 ,,,konrad wo! _/ m9d5 pictures,' ,,ocelot ,a ,ocelots c smell bett] ?an y b n z well z yr dog4 ,,true3 ,ocelots h an excell5t s5se ( smell,-bett] ?an a human's b n q z gd z a dog's4 ;,b ,ran*]s l ocelots4 ,,true3 ,ocelots keep ! rod5t popula;n 9 *eck & d n eat live/ock4 ;,c ,ocelots make grt pets4 ,,false3 ,!y >e wild & d n safely adju/ to a home 5viron;t4 ;,d ,! common "n 8ocelot0 comes f an ,aztec ^w4 ,,true3 .1,tlalocelotyl m1ns 8field tig]40 ,! ocelot's sci5tific "n1 .1,leop>dis .1p>dalis1 m1ns 8l a leop>d0 9 ,lat94 ;,e ,"! >e lots ( ocelots liv+ 9 ! wild4 ,,false3 ,popula;ns >e 9 jeop>dy due to habitat de/ruc;n & ov]hunt+4 ,ocelots >e hunt$ = _! fur z well z = ! illegal pet trade4 ,!y live 9 ,nor?1 ,c5tral1 & ,s\? ,am]ica4 ,,,photodisc photodisc _/ photolibr>y,' ,,,r$-kno2$ sea />,' ,a ,x is a />1 b n a fi%4 ,,true3 ,t's :y sci5ti/s call ^! 9v]tebrates sea />s1 n />fi%4 ;,b ,? is a life-size #ec photograph4 ,,false3 ,a r$-kno2$ sea /> c 2 ! size ( a d9n] plate4 ;,c ,sea />s 2l;g 9 ! sea1 n 9 a s\v5ir %op4 ,,true3 ,?\s&s ( r$-kno2$ sea />s >e tak5 f ! oc1n & sold z t\ri/ tr9kets1 putt+ ? & o!r sea /> popula;ns at risk4 ;,d ,pr$ators love ni2l+ on ? animal's >ms4 ,,false3 ,sci5ti/s ?9k t ! r$-kno2$ sea />'s sp9y >mor probably protects x f pr$ators4 ;,e ,! r$-kno2$ sea /> *ews xs food ) %>p tee?4 ,,false3 ,a sea /> doesn't h tee?4 ,to eat1 x slides xs /oma* \ ( xs body1 cov]s ! food1 dige/s x1 & !n reels ! /oma* back 9side4 "<,cool .1& gross6"> ,,,9aki relanzon _/ nature picture libr>y,' ,,,victoria cr[n$ pigeon,' ,a ,to f9d a ,victoria cr[n$ pigeon1 li/5 = a s.d l "s"o bl[+ 9to a glass bottle4 ,,true3 ,b y h to 2 9 ! =e/s ( ,new ,gu9ea or ne>by isl&s4 ,o!rwise x r1lly .1is a p]son bl[+ 9to a bottle4 ;,b ,? bird ev5 eats bats & rats4 ,,false3 ,x eats fruit1 b]ries1 se$s1 & 9sects4 ,"s"ts x splurges on a snail4 ;,c ,y miget ( human hunt]s4 ;,e ,^! birds /ay ) _! sweethe>ts ="e4 ,,true3 ,!y mate = life4 ,,,rod williams _/ nature picture libr>y,' #ee ,,debrazza',s ,,monkey ,a ,female ,de,brazza's monkeys cd get ! be>d$ lady job at a c>nival4 ,,true3 ,bo? males & females h a :ite be>d4 ;,b ,*imps >e ^! monkeys' ,,bff,'s4 ,,false3 ,*impanzees1 eagles1 leop>ds1 py?ons1 & "s"ts humans hunt ,de,brazza's monkeys4 ;,c ,^! monkeys wd totally w9 at freeze tag4 ,,true3 ,!y freeze :5 sc>$4 ,! monkeys h be5 "kn to rema9 mo;n.s = up to ei+ ) an op5 m\?4 ;,e ,:5 d9+ ) !m1 x's rude to /uff yr face4 ,,false3 ,a ,de,brazza's /u6s xs *eek p\*es ) fruit & se$s & !n eats xs m1l lat] 9 a saf] place4 ,,g]ry ,,,ellis _/ m9d5 pictures,' 333333333333