,,,na;nal geographic^t kids,' ,,novemb] #bjah ,,issue #dhe ,9 #a ,volume ,$itor 9 ,*ief & ,vice ,presid5t1 ,kids ,magaz9es @& ,digital ,ra*el ,bu*holz ,(fice ,address3 ,,,p4o4 box #cgede boone1 ia,' #ejjcg http3_/_/kids4na;nalgeographic4com_/ ,sponsor$ & ,pres5t$ by3 ,am]ican ,ac;n ,fund = ,bl ,*n & ,adults #ahjj ,johnson ,/reet ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& #babcj www4ac;nfund4org ,produc$ at ,na;nal ,brl ,press www4nbp4org ,,,na;nal geographic kids " is publi%$ t5 "ts a ye> by ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjcf4 ,= m 9=ma;n 3tact natgeo4com_/9fo4 ,! submis.n ( photographs & o!r mat]ial to ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' is d"o at ! risk ( ! s5d]2 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' _c a3ept liabil;y = loss or damage4 ,copy"r ^c #bjah ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc4 ,all "rs res]v$4 ,reproduc;n ( ! :ole or any "p ( ! 3t5ts ( ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' )\t writt5 p]mis.n is prohibit$4 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' & ,yell[ ,bord]3 ,regi/]$ ,tradem>ks ^r ,m>cas ,regi/radas4 ,pr9t$ 9 ! ,u4,s4,a4 ,,issue #dhe ,transcrib$ 9 ,ji6y-,brl by #c ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,9c41 #hh ,st4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae4 ,! ,ji6y-,brl process bypasses pro(r1d+ 9 ord] to provide a qk & less exp5sive s]vice4 ,"! w 2 o3a.nal ]rors b !y %d n significantly a6ect r1d+4 ,if !y d1 we wd appreciate 2+ notifi$4 ,,,9 ? issue,' ,,special ,,issue ,weird b true6 #aj pages ( wacky1 wild1 crazy- cool facts on pages #aj-#ai ,weird ,b ,true6 """""""""""""""""" #e ,gu9;s ,_w ,records """"""""""""""" #e ,bet ,y ,didn't ,"k6 """""""""""""" #g ,amaz+ ,animals """"""""""""""""""" #g ,totally ,wild ,facts ,ab ,animals #aj ,p\nce on ^! amaz+ facts ab critt]s4 ,weird ,w1!r """"""""""""""""""""" #aa ,^! excit+ w1!r 3di;ns w bl[ y away4 ,crazy ,laws ,ab ,food """"""""""" #ad ,get ! scoop on "s unbelievable rules4 ,cool ,facts ,ab ,ca% """""""""""" #af ,4cov] a w1l? ( fun facts ab m"oy4 ,icky ,cures """"""""""""""""""""" #ah ,prep>e to 2 gross$ \ by "s s]i\sly /range m$ic9e4 ,fun ,/uff """"""""""""""""""""""" #ai ,weird b true6 #e ,*eck \ ^! \trage\s facts4 ,,,by m>ilyn t]rell,' ,"y gorillas play tag l human kids d4 ,y c buy *ocolate-flavor$ too?pa/e4 ,ea* ( ! #b4c million /"os 9 ,egypt's ,grt ,pyramid at ,giza wei< z m* z a pickup truck4 ,a ra2it's tee? n"e /op gr[+4 ,an elephant once wat]-ski$ on ! ,hudson ,riv] 9 ,new ,york ,c;y4 ,"!'s a bicycle t folds up small 5 to fit 9side a backpack4 ,two unmann$ spacecraft h be5 travell+ "? \t] space = #da ye>s4 ,hamm]h1d %>ks c give bir? to #dj babies at once4 ,lit takes ov] p>k+ lot,' ,y'll n"e run \ ( room = groc]ies ag4 ,? vehicle holds ! record = ! _w's l>ge/ motoriz$ %opp+ c>t4 ,tall] ?an an ,african elephant1 ! c>t c c>ry m ?an #cfj groc]y bags4 ,driv] & cr1tor ,fr$]ick ,reif/eck maneuv]s ! c>t us+ a c>'s /e]+ :eel :ile p]*$ 9 ! 8baby0 s1t4 ,j don't take ? = a joyride d[n ! /ore aisles,-! c>t c zoom legally on hicot ,,,te5y t9y cat,' ,lilieput may 2 ! _w's %orte/ cat1 b %e doesn't let h] o!r fel9e frs get 9 h] way,-%e j runs "r "u !m6 ,lilieput1 : is a bre$ ( cat "kn z a mun*k91 is less ?an six 9*es tall at h] %\ld]s4 ,t's b>ely tall] ?an a soda c6 ,-,angela ,modany ,,,animals on ! pr[l,' ,nope1 ^! >5't escap$ animals f ! weirde/ zoo "e4 ,!y're j 3te/ants 9 ! l>ge/ two-p]son co/um$ animal race4 ,ea* co/ume,-"ey?+ f a camel to a c[ to a donkey,-was worn by two p1 :o rac$ alm #ccj feet to ! f9i% l9e4 ,-,b4,f4 ,summ]s 333333333333 ,bet ,y ,didn't ,"k6 #g #g ,?anksgiv+ facts y'll go2le up ,,,by ]9 :itm],' #a ,"s wild turkeys c run up to #be miles an h\r4 #b ,two turkeys,-"nd ,fly] & ,fry],- mov$ to ,4neyl& af !y 7 (ficially p>don$ by a ,unit$ ,/ates ,presid5t4 #c ,a ripe cranb]ry w b\nce4 #d ,! f/ ,?anksgiv+ celebra;n la/$ = ?ree "ds4 #e ,m ,native ,am]icans ?an pilgrims att5d$ ! f/ ,?anksgiv+ f1/4 #f ,canadians celebrate ,?anksgiv+ e ,octob]4 #g ,! l>ge/ pumpk9 pie "e made wei<$ #c1fii p.ds4 333333333333 ,,amaz+ ,,animals ,naurots6 ,fiordl&1 ,new ,z1l& ,cruise d[n ? twi/y hirots play+ on a jungle gym8 ,bird exp]ts cr1t$ ! playgr.d j = local kea1 a type ( p>rot t lives only 9 ,new ,z1l&4 ,! f1!r$ fli]s c sw+ on an oc1n buoy1 make noise on metal triangles1 & ev5 knock ea* o!r (f a seesaw4 ,b x's n j = fun,-! jungle gym keeps ! birds \ ( tr\ble4 ,! mis*iev\s birds _h be5 mov+ safety c"os acr ! road1 =c+ c>s to make dang]\s turns & ev5tually hold+ up tra6ic4 8,kea >e naut10 says ,sue ,/r1tfield1 a rang] ) ! ,new ,z1l& ,de"p;t ( ,3s]va;n4 8,y h to lure !m away ) "s?+ way m fun40 ,n[ 9/1d ( caus+ tr\ble1 ! kea c play on ! /ructure4 ,next1 3s]va;ni/s want to add a slide & toys to ! /ructure1 & sci5ti/s hope to use ! roadside gym to /udy ! birdbra9s4 ,s if y happ5 to 2 driv+ by1 honk if y love kea6 ,-,a>on ,sidd] @.<,photograph@.> ,,,2w>e ( bird6,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,? type ( p>rot1 call$ a kea1 lives #i only 9 new z1l&4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,! kea caus$ tra6ic jams af play+ ) safety c"os4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,sci5ti/s hope to use video footage ( ! jungle gym to /udy h[ kea ?9k1 communicate1 & play4,' ,do7y ,hi< ,dive ,ea/ ,sussex1 ,5gl& ,poppy ! ,5gli% spr+] spaniel 0 j do+ :at %e lov$ :5 %e *as$ a s1gull at a s1side p>k4 ,b :5 ! gull flapp$ away1 ,poppy kept *as+ x,-"r ov] a #cjj-foot cliff6 ,h] horrifi$ dog walk]s ru%$ to ! $ge & look$ d[n4 ,poppy _h fall5 /raie grt swimm]s1 says ,g9nie ,kle9 ( ! ,gold5 ,gate ,5gli% ,spr+] ,spaniel ,associa;n4 ,b surviv+ s* an ord1l is 8pure dumb luck10 %e says4 ,poppy mi ,,,i'm l sup]dog6,' 333333333333 ,weird b true6 #aj ,,,pages ( wacky1 wild1 crazy-cool facts,' ,,,totally wild facts ab animals,' ,a crocodile gr[s up to #c1jjj tee? 9 xs life"t4 ,a squid has #c he>ts4 ,an ant1t]'s t;gue is #b feet l;g,- t's ab ! l5g? ( a t5nis racket6 ,gira6es h z]o vocal cords4 ,a humm+bird's w+s c b1t up to #bjj "ts a second4 ,! _w's le7ie/ cr1ture,-a type ( millip$e,-has #gej legs6 #aa ,a slug has #d noses4 ,ab #aj p]c5t ( a cat's b"os >e 9 xs tail4 ,a pol> be>'s paw c 2 #ab 9*es acr,- t's z wide z a frisbee6 333333333333 ,weird b true6 ,,weird ,,w1!r ,,,tir$ ( sun1 cl\ds1 & all ! usual /uff :5 y peek \ yr w9d[8 *eck \ ^! excit+ w1!r 3di;ns t w bl[ y away6,' ,haboob ,a haboob is a giant des]t du/ /orm4 ,! ?ick blanket ( du/ c swall[ up a c;y1 knock ov] p[] l9es1 & cause tra6ic a3id5ts 2c ( r$uc$ visibil;y4 ,cov] yr m\? & nose & run = cov] if a haboob comes yr way4 ,d\ble ,ra9b[ ,lie second>y ra9b[ is =m$ abv ! f/ & is usually fa9t],-& ! colors >e se5 9 ! rev]se ord]4 ,9t5se6 ,r$ ,sprite ,r$ sprites >e / a bit my/]i\s to sci5ti/s4 ,!y happ5 9 ! upp] atmosp"h1 miles abv ?"u/orms t >e 5d+4 ,af m* ( ! electric *>ge is remov$ f a /orm "? li4 ,r$ sprites >e r>ely se5 f ,e>?4 ,sky ,pun* ,"s"ts y'll see a /ret* ( cl\ds acr ! sky1 & !n a few m9utes lat] "!'s a hole pun*$ "r "? ! cl\ds6 ,? ph5om5on is caus$ :5 sup]cool$ cl\ds float 9 a blanket-l lay] acr ! sky 2f an airplane flies "? !m4 ,! brok5 cl\d sec;n !n falls z sn[4 ,st4 ,elmo's ,fire ,x's n actually fire at all,-x's a gas call$ plasma4 ,metallic or po9ty objects (t5 2come sup]*>g$ dur+ ?"u/orms4 ,:5 ! *>ges >e hi< 5\<1 ! air >.d ! object al 2comes *>g$1 or ioniz$4 ,! nitrog5 & oxyg5 9 ! air cause ! gl[ to 2 blue or violet1 #ac & ! ,st4 ,elmo's lie ! :ite1 flu6y-look+ cl\ds4"> ,! second k9d />ts swirl+ at ! surface ( ! wat] & moves upw>d4 ,!y'll fall a"p qkly if !y r1* l&4 333333333333 ,weird b true6 @.<,photograph3 ,anci5t /"o /atues /& 9 a r[ "u a />-fill$ ni ,anci5t >ti/s mov$ m ?an #a1jjj giant /"o /atues acr ,ea/] ,isl& ) no ma*9es to help !m4 ,! l>ge/ /atue wei<$ #hb tons,-m ?an a c\ple ( fully load$ ce;t trucks4 ,,,/"o-cold my/]y solv$8,' ,^! /atues1 call$ .1moai1 7 built at l1/ #hjj ye>s ago by ! ,rapa ,nui p on ,ea/] ,isl&1 9 ! ,s\? ,pacific ,oc1n4 ,once c>v$1 ! /"os _h to 2 mov$ z f> z #aa miles f _! qu>ry 9to place4 ,! prehi/oric p :o built !m _h no metal tools or :eels4 ,_! me?od 0 a my/]y until #bjab1 :5 rese>*]s built a replica ( "o ( ! figures to crack ! case4 ,! sci5ti/s %[$ t j #ah p ) ?ree /r;g ropes cd've mov$ ! /atues4 ,pull+ "o /atue at a "t1 !y cd've 8walk$0 ! /atues on _! l>ge1 r.d$ bases4 ,s9ce ! isl&]s didn't write d[n _! te*nique1 sci5ti/s c't 2 sure ? is ! me?od4 ,b x's ! mo/ likely answ]4 ,maybe ! old leg5d,-: says ! /atues walk$ 9to place,-was ! tru? all al;g6 333333333333 ,weird b true6 ,,,crazy laws ab food,' ,9 ,cali=nia1 x's illegal to eat an orange 9 ! ba?tub4 ,a law limits m\rn]s at fun]als 9 ,massa*usetts to j #c s&wi*es ea*4 ,eat+ fri$ *ick5 ) any?+ o!r ?an yr f+]s is \tlaw$ 9 ,ga9esville1 #ae ,georgia4 ,9 ,s+apore1 *ew+ gum is only available ) a prescrip;n4 ,9 ,memphis1 ,t5;see1 a law makes x illegal to take home leftov] pie f a re/aurant4 ,x's ag/ ! law 9 ,k5tucky to c>ry an ice-cr1m c"o 9 yr pocket4 ,9 ,wiscons91 x's illegal to s]ve m>g>9e 9 s*ools & hospitals4 ,9 ,fr.e1 ket*up is bann$ 9 ele;t>y s*ools4 333333333333 ,weird b true6 @.<,photographs3 ,a te>-dropp$ %ape ne/ made f tid t[>d an op5+ 9 ! bottom ( ! ne/4@.> ,! bra9y w1v]bird is ! only bird t c tie knots4 ,! bird c al judge h[ tie qk le>n]s1 mak+ a bett] ne/ e "t4 ,w1v]s build ne/s t wei< ov] #b1jjj p.ds & h\se ov] #ajj m9i-ne/s 9side4 ,w1v]s build _! ne/s us+ doz5s ( di6]5t knots & loops,-ev5 :ile hang+ upside d[n6 333333333333 ,weird b true6 ,,,cool facts ab ca%,' ,! doll> symbol appe>$ on ,u4,s4 curr5cy = ! f/ "t 9 #bjjg,-on a doll> co94 ,au/ralia 0 ! f/ c.try to use pla/ic bills4 ,"o-?ird ( all ,u4,s4 curr5cy 0 c.t]feit by ! 5d ( ! ,civil ,w>4 ,only #h.0 ( ! _w's curr5cy exi/s z ca%4 ,! re/ is electronic4 ,! ,u4,s4 ,tr1sury e/imates t ,am]icans h a total ( ab @s#ae billion 9 loose *ange4 ,cu/oms police tra9 dogs to sniff \ c.t]feit ca% at bord] cross+s4 ,a man 9 ,cali=nia has #a1dig #ag active cr$it c>ds4 ,he's "kn z ,mr4 ,pla/ic ,fanta/ic4 ,x's illegal = travel]s to take m ?an @s#e 9 p5nies \ ( ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,dur+ ! ,grt ,depres.n ( ! #aicjs1 ,p 9 ,t59o1 ,wa%+ton1 made wood5 m"oy4 333333333333 ,weird b true6 @.<,photograph3 ,a puppy lies 9 ! grass4 ,xs t;gue hangs \ z x looks at ! cam]a4@.> ,look+ at a cute baby animal activates ! same "p ( yr bra9 z fall+ 9 love4 ,,say 8,,aww60 ,sci5ti/s h f.d t humans >e drawn to animals t h facial f1tures simil> to a human baby's4 ,:5 we see cr1tures ) l>ge eyes1 *u2y *eeks1 or big =eh1ds1 \r bra9 s5ds a *emical call$ dopam9e "? \r body4 ,? dopam9e makes u exp]i;e ! s5sa;n ( rew>d4 ,x's ! same *emical rel1s$ :5 we eat a sup]-sug>y tr1t1 hit a home run1 or fall 9 love4 ,look+ at baby animals mis & took sni6s to w>d (f plague4 ,victorian doctors advis$ m5 to gr[ be>ds to prev5t ill;s4 #agth-c5tury home rem$ies = burns 9clud$ goose dung fri$ 9 butt]4 ,9 ! future1 gr.d-up cockroa* #ai bra9s cd 2 us$ to tr1t 9fec;n4 ,a tradi;nal ,*9ese recipe = soo?+ sore jo9ts 9cludes snake oil4 ,r$1 slimy hippo sw1t c 2 us$ z sunscre54 333333333333 ,,fun ,,/uff ,,,games1 laud6 ,we bet y "k yr dog's fave toy1 b d y "k :at smell x likes be/8 ,use ? exp]i;t to 4cov] yr pup's pref];e4 ,,y ,,ne$3 _4 hamm] & nail _4 #d pla/ic 3ta9]s ) lids _4 #d unusual odors "<"s id1s3 m9t m\?wa%1 soy sauce1 a /r;g spice1 or ev5 a toy t a fr's dog has us$"> ,,9/ruc;ns #a ,ask an adult to help y use ! hamm] & nail to pun* #aj holes 9 ! lid ( ea* 3ta9]4 #b ,place "s ( ea* sc5t 9to xs [n sep>ate 3ta9] & snap on ! lid4 ,%ake ! 3ta9]1 !n wipe (f any spills on ! lid4 #c ,) yr dog \ ( ! room1 place ! 3ta9]s 9 a r[ ) a few 9*es 2t !m4 #d ,let yr dog 9to ! room4 ,record h[ l;g yr pup sp5ds ) ea* 3ta9]4 ,yr dog w sp5d ! mo/ "t ) ! sc5t t's mo/ 9t]e/+ to x4 ,,safety ,,note ,don't l1ve yr dog al"o dur+ ! exp]i;t,-yr pet mi ,,,my favorite smell8 /9ky feet6,' """""""""""" ,,explor] ,,academy ,,,text & puzzle by g>e? moore,' ,9 ! new book .7,explor] ,academy3 ,! ,nebula ,secret1.' #ab-ye>-old ,cruz ,coronado br1ks secret codes 9 ord] to fie,' ,? ciph] puts ! alphabet on a squ>e- %ap$ grid & turns ea* lr 9to a numb]4 ,*eck \ ! ,polybius squ>e 2l4 ,! r[ numb] to ! left ( ! lr is ! f/ digit1 & ! column numb] abv ! lr is ! second digit4 @.<,all ! lrs 9 ! code >e capitaliz$ 9 pr9t4@.> 77777777777777777777777777777777777777 ""=;;; #a #b #c #d #e "3 "3 "3 "333 "3 #a a b c d "" e #b f g h i_/j k #c l m n o "" p #d q r s t "" u #e v w x y "" z ""=;' gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg ,s y write ;,d ,o ;,g l ?3 #ad #cd #bb ,! table has only #be spaces1 s ! lrs i & ;j %>e a squ>e4 ,:5 y're decod+ a message ) ! numb] #bd1 use yr judg;t to decide if ! lr %d 2 an i or a ;j bas$ on ! re/ ( ! ^w4 ,? ciph] is "nd af ! anci5t ,greek hi/orian ,polybius "1 :o is ?"\ to 2 ! f/ p]son to use ? sy/em4 ,,,crack ? code6,' ,us+ ! ,polybius squ>e1 decode ! message 2l4 ,,,answ] on page,' #bf @.<,a hyph5 sep>ates ! numb]s ( ea* ^w2 a space sep>ates ^ws4@.> #ab-#ae #ac-#aa-#db-#ae-#ba-#de-#ca #eb-#bc-#cd #ed-#cd-#de #dd-#db-#de-#dc-#dd4 """""""""""" ,,,:at 9 ! _w8,' ,,see+ ,,spots ,^! photographs %[ close-up views ( ?+s ) spots or dots4 ,unscramble ! lrs to id5tify ea* picture4 ,feel l y're on ! spot8 #bc ,,,answ]s on page,' #bf-#bg swrtite herafte cogek yagbdlu tanamladi mdooinse shfi aydnc tsbtonu uhrmomos """""""""""" ,,funny ,,fill-,,9 ,,,by m>g>et ;j4 krauss,' ,,p>ade ,,brigade ,ask a fr to give y ^ws to fill 9 ! blanks 9 ? /ory )\t %[+ x to hm or h]4 ,!n r1d \ l\d = a lau<4 @.<,! ^ws 2l ! s5t;es >e plac$ 9 p>5!ses af ! l[ l9e4@.> ,x 0 ! "d ( ! .- " p>ade4 ,my family & ,i got up at .- " o'clock 9 ord] to get a gd .- " 2f ! p>ade4 ,huge balloons t look$ l ?+s s* z .- " & .- "toon "*"> 7 ea* held d[n by .- "ge numb]"> p1 & .- " floats cov]$ 9 .- "<"s?+ slimy"> jamm$ ! /reet4 ,:5 we saw an op5 door 9 a float %ap$ l a" .- "1 we .- " .- " "? x4 ,b !n ! .- " 2gan to move4 ,we .- " up a" .- " to ! top ( ! float4 ,sudd5ly we 7 surr.d$ by .- ""> & ! .- "1 .- " & ?r[+ .- " at ! cr[d4 ,:at cd we d8 ,we />t$ .- " ) ! b&6 """""""""""" ,,>t ,,z"o ,,oc1n ,,*ampions ,*eck \ all ! ways .7,nat ,geo ,kids.' r1d]s protect ! oc1n 9 ^! draw+s4 @.<,draw+@.> ^1,recycle6 ,max ;,b41 #aj1 ,ocala1 ,florida @.<,draw+@.> ^7,pick ,up ,cups & ,/raws^' ,jordan ;,h41 #h1 #be ,boonton1 ,new ,j]sey @.<,draw+@.> ^7,save ! ,sea ,f ,pollu;n^' ,b5nett ;,s41 #g1 ,we/ ,paducah1 ,k5tucky @.<,draw+@.> ^7,pick+ ,up ,tra% & ,tak+ ,photos ( ! ,animals^' ,presley ;,l41 #aj1 ,*>lotte1 ,nor? ,c>ol9a @.<,draw+@.> ^7,pick ,up ,pet ,wa/e6^' ,evey ;,g41 #aj1 ,puyallup1 ,wa%+ton @.<,draw+@.> ^7,pick ,up ,tra%^' ,dylan ;,l41 #i1 ,?ornton1 ,colorado @.<,draw+@.> ^7,fi% ,>e ,frs6^' ,mira ;,u41 #aj1 ,san ,francisco1 ,cali=nia @.<,draw+@.> ^7,cl1n ,up ,pollu;n^' ,m>yanne ;,g41 #aa1 ,ola!1 ,kansas @.<,draw+@.> ^1,b1* ^1,cl1nup ,z9nia ;,m41 #i1 ,w>n]1 ,new ,hamp%ire @.<,draw+@.> ^7,e ,bit ( ,tra% ,pick$ ,up ,helps^' ,malia ,a41 #ab1 ,manassas1 ,virg9ia ,draw yr favorite oc1n animal4 ,s5d u yr orig9al draw+s3 .7,nat ,geo ,kids.',-,animal ,>t ,z"o ,p4,o4 ,box #ihjjb ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjij-#hjjb ,9clude yr "n1 address1 ph"o numb]1 date ( bir?1 a title = yr draw+1 a /ate;t t x is yr [n "w1 & ! "n ( yr p>5t or gu>dian4 ,yr p>5t or gu>dian m/ sign a rel1se = publica;n if yr illu/ra;n is select$4 ,submis.ns 2come ! prop]ty ( ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 & all "rs "!to >e transf]r$ to ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s4 ,submis.ns _c 2 ac"kl$g$ or return$4 ,selec;n w 2 at ! 4cre;n ( .7,nat ,geo ,kids.'4 """""""""""" ,answ]s 8,explor] ,academy0 "3 ,2 c>e;l :o y tru/4 8,:at 9 ! ,_w80 "3 ^1,top ^1r[3 ,twi/]1 f1!r1 gecko4 ^1,middle ^1r[3 ladybug1 #bg ,dalmatian1 dom9oes4 ^1,bottom ^1r[3 fi%1 c&y buttons1 mu%room4 333333333333 ,unl1%$ ,,/rika ,,5t]ta9;t @.<,c>toon@.> ,frame #a @.<,! f\r pets sleep 9 ! liv+ room4 ,lulu's eye pops op5 :5 %e he>s a s.d4@.> ,atlas3 ,,zzzzz ,,d9k6 ,,doonk6 ,frame #b ,,doonk1 ,,d9k6 ,lulu3 ,s.ds l a deliv]y4 ,t m/ m1n 444 ,frame #c ,lulu3 ,boxes6 ,i cd curl up .1al"o 9 "o ( ^! & /ay "h .1all .1"d6 ,frame #d ,lulu3 ,f9ally6 ,a space t's .1all .1m9e6 ,frame #e ,,squ1k6 @. ,frame #f ,atlas @.3 ,grt6 ,y've f.d a place = u to .1play6 ,lulu3 ,atlas6 ,no6 ,frame #g @.<,atlas curls >.d a squirm+ ,lulu ) s"eal ( 8 toys 9 ! box@.> ,lulu @.3 ,i ne$ to f9d a box t ,atlas .1c't fit in4 ,frame #h ,,,lulu f9ds a new box,' 444 ,lulu3 .1,aaahhh 444 pure bliss6 ,frame #i ,major3 ,sup],-y've f.d ! p]fect .1nap spot6 ,make space = ! ,major6 ,lulu3 ,i j want to 2 .1al"o6 ,frame #aj ,lulu3 ,i guess ,i ne$ an ev5 .1small] box4 ,frame #aa ,neville @.3 ,i'm glad y're "h6 ,y c help me .1r5ovate6 ,lulu3 ,oh1 no6 #bi ,frame #ab ,lulu3 .7,?4 ,is4 ,x4.' ,i'm gett+ a box t .1no .1"o c fit 9to4 ,frame #ac ,,soon 444 ,atlas3 ,i don't 2lieve x4 ,neville3 ,is t ev5 possible8 ,major3 ,pr9cess ,tallulah1 h[ did y d t8 ,lulu3 ,x's .1j ,lulu6 ,frame #ad @.<,lulu bal.es upside d[n ) j h] h1d & back fitt+ 9side a box t is too small ev5 = h]4@.> ,lulu3 ,z in1 x's .1j ,lulu all[$ 9 ? box6 ,,,:at w ! pets get up to next8 f9d \ 9 ! next .1unl1%$6,' 333333333333