,,,na;nal geographic^t kids,' ,,octob] #bjag ,,issue #dgd ,9 #a ,volume ,$itor 9 ,*ief & ,vice ,presid5t1 ,kids ,magaz9es @& ,digital ,ra*el ,bu*holz ,(fice ,address3 ,,,p4o4 box #fbace tampa1 fl,' #ccffb-#bace http3_/_/kids4na;nalgeographic4com_/ ,sponsor$ & ,pres5t$ by3 ,am]ican ,ac;n ,fund = ,bl ,*n & ,adults #ahjj ,johnson ,/reet ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& #babcj www4ac;nfund4org ,produc$ at ,na;nal ,brl ,press www4nbp4org ,,,na;nal geographic kids " is publi%$ t5 "ts a ye> by ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjcf4 ,= m 9=ma;n 3tact natgeo4com_/9fo4 ,! submis.n ( photographs & o!r mat]ial to ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' is d"o at ! risk ( ! s5d]2 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' _c a3ept liabil;y = loss or damage4 ,copy"r ^c #bjag ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc4 ,all "rs res]v$4 ,reproduc;n ( ! :ole or any "p ( ! 3t5ts ( ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' )\t writt5 p]mis.n is prohibit$4 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' & ,yell[ ,bord]3 ,regi/]$ ,tradem>ks ^r ,m>cas ,regi/radas4 ,pr9t$ 9 ! ,u4,s4,a4 ,,issue #dgd ,transcrib$ 9 ,ji6y-,brl by #c ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,9c41 #hh ,st4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae4 ,! ,ji6y-,brl process bypasses pro(r1d+ 9 ord] to provide a qk & less exp5sive s]vice4 ,"! w 2 o3a.nal ]rors b !y %d n significantly a6ect r1d+4 ,if !y d1 we wd appreciate 2+ notifi$4 ,9 ,? ,issue ,special ,jungle ,issue ,2f kick+ (f yr t\r ( ra9 =e/s >.d ! _w1 f9d \ : ra9 =e/ animal y mo/ resemble on ^1page ^1#bj4 ,weird ,b ,true6 """""""""""""""""" #f ,gu9;s ,_w ,records """"""""""""""" #f ,bet ,y ,didn't ,"k """"""""""""""" #h ,nauade """"""""""""" #aj ,^! f\r-le7$ "py animals %[ (f "s crazy co/umes4 ,tricks = ,tr1ts """"""""""""""""" #ae ,*eck \ amaz+ [ls t use special skills to 2come top bird4 ,>e ,we ,al"o8 """"""""""""""""""" #bc ,a rec5tly spott$ /> sy/em cd 2 home to ali5s4 ,don't ,take ,? ,quiz ,2f ,b$ """" #bg ,foll[ ? f"r;l fl[*>t to see ": yr deepe/ fe>s lie4 ,bat ,rescue """"""""""""""""""""" #ca ,9jur$ fly+ mammals get a boo/ #e f devot$ humans4 ,haunt$ ,:ite ,h\se """""""""""""" #ce ,d k8 ,hall[e5 ,"u ! ,sea """""""""""""" #ci ,4cov] "s fi% ) fr1ky "ns4 ,fun ,/uff """"""""""""""""""""""" #dj ,weird ,b ,true6 ,,,by mi*elle h>ris,' ,*eck \ ^! \trage\s facts4 ,almonds 2l;g to ! rose family4 ,x takes ?ree lit]s ( fre%wat] to make "o lit] ( bottl$ wat]4 ,circus "w]s call ! toilet a donik]4 ,,,ants h liv$ on e>? = "s #adj million ye>s4,' ,,,a volcanic ]up;n,' 9 #ahhc made ! ,,,sun look gre54,' ,baby alligators b>k :5 !y're r1dy to hat* \ ( _! e7s4 ,,,! f/ comput] 0 z l;g z a t5nis c\rt4,' 333333333333 ,,,a/oni%+ /ories f ! files (,' ,gu9;s ,_w ,records ,,,by kay boatn],' ,nat ,geo ,kids ,sets ,record6 ,,,huge toilet-pap]-roll rocket,' ,3gratula;ns1 r1d]s6 ,y help$ u set \r #ajth ,gu9;s ,_w ,records title1 = ! l>ge/ toilet-pap]-roll sculpture4 ,9 ,april we ask$ r1d]s to s5d u _! toilet-pap]-roll tubes,-& y guys #g respond$ big-"t4 ,! ne>ly #bd-foot- tall rocket sculpture kept #bj1bda tubes \ ( l&fills4 ,ev5 celebrities got 9volv$4 ,y\,tube />s ,hank ,gre5 & ,p>ry ,gripp1 ,,la ,galaxy so3] play]s1 & o!rs s5t 9 _! rolls4 ,?anks to y1 ? record 0 an absolute bla/6 ,,h1vie/ ,,snake ,! ea/]n diamondback rattlesnake is ! h1vie/ v5om\s snake 9 ! _w4 ,f.d 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates1 ^! reptiles /ret* up to six feet & typically wei< 2t #ab & #ae p.ds4 ,! h1vie/ "o "e record$ wei<$ a :opp+ #cd p.ds6 ,,sup]l;g ,,nails6 ,? is "o woman :o n"e bites h] nails4 ,ayanna ,williams ( ,h\/on1 ,texas1 holds ! record = ! l;ge/ f+]nails on a woman4 ,if all #aj nails 7 laid 5d to 5d1 !y'd m1sure ne>ly #ai feet l;g,-ab ! heily #bj h\rs4 ,%e c drive a c> & wa% di%es b avoids sports4 ,:y risk #bd ye>s ( h>d "w8 333333333333 ,bet y didn't "k #g surpris+ facts ab spid]s ,,,by s>ah "yson & &rea sil5,' #a ,gold5 silk orb-w1v] spid]s vibrate _! webs to 4tract pr$ators4 #b ,black wid[ spid]s >e m v5om\s ?an rattlesnakes4 #c ,af a l>ge m1l1 a t>antula may n eat = a mon?4 #d ,crab spid]s *ange color to bl5d 9 ) _! surr.d+s4 #e ,"! >e m ?an #dd1jjj species ( spid]s4 #f ,a spid] eats ab #b1jjj 9sects a ye>4 #g ,! olde/ "kn spid] fossils >e m ?an #cjj million ye>s old4 333333333333 ,naud ! #i /e]+ :eel4@.> ,,fre$om6 ,,"n ,otto ,,favorite ,,activ;y ,plann+ escape /rategies ,,favorite ,,toy ,picklock ,,pet ,,peeve ,pet detectives @.<,photograph3 ,a dog /&s on an op5 di%wa%] door & licks a plate 9side4@.> ,,,! di%wa%] miss$ a spot4 or twelve4,' ,,"n ,ruby ,,favorite ,,activ;y ,wa%+ di%es ) h] t;gue ,,favorite ,,toy ,dial on ! di%wa%] ,,pet ,,peeve ,! r9se cycle @.<,photograph3 ,two dogs play 9 a small pool4@.> ,,,i knew \r wet dog smell wd get rid ( ^? kids4,' ,,"n ,emma ,,favorite ,,activ;y ,play+ 8,m>co ,polo0 ) dog pal1 ,,lb ,,favorite ,,toy ,float+ b"o ,,pet ,,peeve ,! deep 5d @.<,photograph3 ,a cat pulls ! toilet pap] (f a roll1 l1v+ x 9 a pile on ! floor4@.> ,,,"o roll d[n1 five to g4,' ,,"n ,bella ,,favorite ,,activ;y ,unroll+ all ( ! toilet pap] 9 ! h\se ,,favorite ,,toy ,wadd$-up toilet pap] ,,pet ,,peeve ,flu%+ 333333333333 ,amaz+ ,animals ,,,by &rea sil5,' ,,,hall[e5 pet p>ade,' ,"s ( ! sweete/ ,hall[e5 gdies come wrapp$ 444 9 fur6 ,millions ( pets w we> a 4guise = ! holi"d1 & .7,nat ,geo ,kids.' f.d "s ( ! crazie/ critt] co/umes4 ,*eck \ ^! fet*+ trick-or- tr1t]s4 ,^! pets l we>+ co/umes1 b yrs may n4 .1,n"e =ce yr pet to d "s?+ x doesn't want to d4 ,9 #bjaf1 pet [n]s sp5t ab @s#cej million on animal co/umes4 #aa ,,,elroy ! cat %[s "s /yle dress$ z ! mad hatt] f .7alice's adv5tures 9 wond]l&4,'.' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,i am "o classy kitty4,' ,,,rosie ! kitt5 hops 9to hall[e5 ) h] frog co/ume4,' @.<,photograph@.> 8,,,me[40 um1 i m1n 8ri2it4,'0 ,,,mo*a ! pug is swa%buckl+ 9 8 pirate getup4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,ahoy1 mateys6 any"o se5 a tr1sure *e/ full ( dog biscuits8,' ,,,dut*ess ! /&>d poodle sports a p9k frock & %ades4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,"t = my close-up4,' ,,,mo/ popul> pet co/umes,' ,:at 7 ! hotte/ pet co/umes la/ ,hall[e58 ,take a look at "s ( ! tr5die/ 4guises4 #a4 pumpk9 #b4 hot dog #c4 bee #d4 lion & .1,/> .1,w>s "* " #e4 devil #f4 .1,batman "* #g4 wit* #h4 .1,sup]man "* #i4 sup]h]o #aj4 cat ,ne>ly #ag p]c5t ( ,am]icans dress$ up _! pets la/ ye>4 ,,,4guis$ z h>ry pott]1 ramsey ! horse makes magic4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,:at spell c i ca/ to get "s oats & hay8,' ,,,tank ! 5gli% bulldog rocks a bridal co/ume4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,i'm r1dy to say 8i d0 to a *ew toy & a belly rub4,' ,,,%ay ! pom]anian is dress$ z s^wsman zorro f ! movie .7! mask ( zorro,'.'4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,en ,,g>de6 ,,,corey ! da*shund is >re/+ 9 #ac 8 wild we/ %]iff g>b4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,/op 9 ! "n ( ! paw1 ]1 law6,' ,,,nala ! mix$ bre$ looks cute 5 to eat 9 h] taco co/ume4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,i'm ! 8taco0 ! t[n4,' ,,,madison ! *ihuahua comm&s respect 9 h] ph>aoh fa%ion4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,b[ d[n to ? b[w[4,' ,,,m ?an #aga million p celebrat$ hall[e5 9 ! unit$ /ates la/ ye>4,' ,,,"o leg5d says t if y're born on a satur"d1 y'll 2 able to see vampires4,' ,,,9 #bjaf1 ! presid5t & f/ lady h&$ \ c&y to m ?an #d1jjj trick-or- tr1t]s4,' ,,,! f/ u4s4 c;y to hold a hall[e5 celebra;n 0 probably anoka1 m9nesota1 9,' #aibj4 ,,,_m p 9 mexico celebrate a holi"d on novemb] #a & #b call$ "d ( ! d1d4,' ,,,ac to sup]/i;n1 if y walk backw>d ) yr clo!s 9side \ on hall[e51 y'll meet a wit*4,' ,,,samha9ophobia is ! fe> ( hall[e54,' ,,,"s pumpk9s c gr[ #dj p.ds a "d4,' ,,,! av]age am]ican sp5ds m ?an @s#hb on ! holi"d ea* ye>4,' ,,,9 "ps ( canada1 *n us$ to %\t 8hall[e5 apples0 9/1d ( 8trick or tr1t40,' ,,,safety .1fur.'-st,' ,ev5 ?\< x's ,hall[e51 y don't want yr pet to turn 9to a sc>$y-cat4 ,foll[ ^! tips to make sure pets /ay happy & safe ? ye>4 _4 ,eat+ *ocolate & o!r c&y c hurt yr pet's tummy1 s keep yr sug>y loot \ ( r1*4 _4 ,does yr pet get hyp] :5 ! doorbell r+s8 ,if s1 put a sign on yr door ask+ trick-or-tr1t]s to knock 9/1d4 _4 ,place n]v\s animals 9 a clos$ room s !y >5't upset by all ! ,hall[e5 commo;n4 ,fill ! room ) yr pet's favorite toys to keep x happy4 #ae _4 ,hall[e5 li+ act4 ,wat* x c>e;lly :5 y op5 ! door = trick-or-tr1t]s s x c't da% \tside4 _4 ,yr animal fr %d we> an ,,id tag %[+ yr address4 ,t way1 if x decides to bolt :5 y op5 ! door1 nein [l swoops "? ! *illy ni+4 ,a b>n [l's e>s >e s s5sitive t ! animal c he> ! quiet ru/l+ ( rod5ts f doz5s ( feet away,-& x c al p9po9t ! exact spot ": ! noise is com+ f4 ,us+ xs extreme he>+1 ! bird homes 9 on a m\se & dives = xs m1l4 ,all #bbe species ( [ls h impressive skills & traits4 8,[ls >e amaz+ at :at !y d10 says ,kev9 ,mc,g[an1 an orni?ologi/ " at ! ,cornell ,lab ( ,orni?ology 9 ,new ,york4 ,b c]ta9 [ls h extreme qualities1 f sup]h]o-l he>+ to crazy- l;g w+spans or extra-flu6y f1!rs4 ,meet "s ( ! sup]b birds t crank x up a not*4 ,,excell5t ,,e>s .1,,,hoo is x8,' ,b>n [l ,,home ,,turf ,e 3t95t 2ss ,ant>ctica ,,extreme ,,trait ,sup]he>+ ,:5 x comes to hunt+1 ! b>n [l is all e>s4 ,sci5ti/s 2lieve t ? fli] mi+ ( any bird1 & ! [l relies on ? s5se to f9d prey4 ,/iff f1!rs on ! bird's face help funnel s.d waves cr1t$ by prey 9to xs e> canals4 #ag ,bas$ on ! angle at : ! s.d waves hit xs e>s1 ! [l figures \ a pa? to xs snack4 ,a b>n [l's excell5t he>+ all[s x to su3ess;lly hunt ev5 9 total d>k;s6 ,? guy's he>+ is def9itely s.d4 ,a b>n [l eats up to a ?\s& mice a ye>4 ,,p>5t ,,patrol .1,,,hoo is x8,' ,tawny [l ,,home ,,turf ,europe1 ,nor? ,africa1 & "ps ( ,asia ,,extreme ,,trait ,maximum protective;s ,tawny [ls >e sup]ior bird bodygu>ds1 2com+ extremely a7ressive if o!r animals or humans approa* _! ne/+ (fspr+4 ,bo? moms & dads regul>ly *ase away 9trud]s1 us+ _! razor-%>p talons z w1pons4 ,9 fact rese>*]s /udy+ baby tawny [ls we> protective clo?+1 go7les1 & ev5 helmets to /ay safe f angry p>5ts6 ,female tawny [ls usually lay two to ?ree e7s a ye>4 ,,,f1!rs = ! w9,' .1,,,hoo is x8 sn[y [l,' ,,home ,,turf ,nor!rn regions ( ,nor? ,am]ica1 ,europe1 & ,asia ,,extreme ,,trait ,mega-d5se f1!rs ,w9d pummels an ice field abv ! ,>ctic ,circle1 ": a sn[y [l p]*es on a sn[ drift4 ,temp]atures h dipp$ to m9us #bj degrees,-b ? bird rema9s toa/y4 ,t's 2c xs f1!rs >e extremely d5se4 8,x's l !y're walk+ >.d 9 a d[n sleep+ bag10 ,mc,g[an says4 ,too hot8 ,! [ls j hold _! w+s away f _! bodies & pant to cool d[n4 ,! plumage doesn't only keep ! [l w>m4 ,^! ?ick f1!rs make ! bird "o ( ! _w's h1vie/ [ls3 ,!y wei< ab z m* z ?ree basketballs4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a sn[y [l flu6s xs f1!rs4,' ,sn[y [ls h be5 record$ fl y+ ov] #hjj miles 9 #aa "ds4 #ai ,,itty-,,bitty ,,[l .1,,,hoo is x8 elf [l,' ,,home ,,turf ,unit$ ,/ates & ,mexico ,,extreme ,,trait ,t9y b t\< ,hopp+ acr a des]t 9 nor!rn ,mexico1 an elf [l comes b1k-to-/+] ) a v5om\s1 hiss+ scorpion4 ,ab z tall z a soda c1 ? [l is ! _w's smalle/,-b x's no pu%ov]4 ,! fei/y ll bird uses xs claw$ feet to cat* prey4 ,!n x passes ! snack back & =? 2t xs feet to prep>e ! m1l = eat+4 "<,x's k9d ( l h[ y *ew up food ) yr tee?6"> ,& scorpions >e "o ( ! di%es on an elf [l's m5u4 ,! bird attacks ! scorpion1 removes xs /+] "<: holds ! v5om">1 & !n f1/s4 ,x may 2 small1 b ? bird is walk+ tall4 ,gr\ps ( ?ree to six elf [ls gang up on pr$ators l goph] snakes4 ,,,a w+ ?+,' .1,,,hoo is x8 blaki/on's fi%-[l,' ,,home ,,turf ,ea/]n ,russia1 "ps ( ,*9a1 & ,japan ,,extreme ,,trait ,extra-l;g w+span ,^! w+s w w[ y4 ,! w+span ( ! ,blaki/on's fi%-[l c /ret* six & a half feet l;g,-t's l;g] ?an ! heid ! surface ( a riv] to scoop up a ta/y fi% 9 xs talons4 ,b ! ,blaki/on's fi%-[l (t5 gives xs jumbo-size flapp]s a re/ :ile hunt+4 ,9/1d ( swoop+ f ! air1 ! [l /&s 9 %all[ wat] & nabs fi% z !y swim by4 ,a ,blaki/on's fi%-[l c wei< ab z m* z a gallon ( milk4 ,,weird ,,digs .1,,,hoo is x8 burr[+ [l,' ,,home ,,turf ,nor?1 ,c5tral1 & ,s\? ,am]ica ,,extreme ,,trait ,odd ne/+ sites ,an animal pokes xs h1d \ ( a burr[ dug 9to a grassy pla94 ,x's n a rod5t,-x's a burr[+ [l6 ,!y ne/ #ba 9 holes ab&on$ by prairie dogs & gr.d squirrels4 ,& once !y move in1 ! [ls1 um1 decorate1 l9+ ! 5tr.e ) mammal dropp+s4 ,:y8 ,x mir$ [l,' ,,home ,,turf ,"ps ( ! ,unit$ ,/ates & ,canada ,,extreme ,,trait ,totally talkative ,a male & female b>r$ [l call to ea* o!r ) l\d hoots t e*o "? ! woods4 ,^! animals >e "s ( ! *attie/ [ls >.d1 & !y're m likely to 2 he>d 9 ! "d"t ?an o!r [ls4 ,!y trill1 :9ny1 coo1 scree*1 & ev5 hiss :5 angry4 ,b !y mir$ [ls h p9k f1!rs on _! /oma*s4 """""""""""" ,,,play p[];l peep]s,' ,[ls h excell5t eyesip-sid ,,gecko ,,lion ,,philipp9e ,,t>si] ,,dusky ,,%>k """""""""""" ,,,zoom 9 birds ( a f1!r,' ,:5 mo/ birds fly1 air ru%es ov] ! surface ( _! w+s1 cr1t+ a gu%+ noise4 ,b [l f1!rs h a comb-l $ge t br1ks d[n ! w9d4 ,! brok5-up air rolls al;g ! [l's w+s1 mak+ alm no noise at all4 ,? all[s ! birds to sn1k up on _! prey4 333333333333 ,,,>e we al"o8,' #bc ,,,by /ephanie w>r5 drimm],' ,,,>t by mondoli?ic /udios,' ,,,a rec5tly 4cov]$ /> sy/em cd 2 home to ali5s4,' ,y're /&+ on a newly 4cov]$ planet1 />+ acr xs rocky l&scape4 ,? weird- look+ _w is cov]$ 9 a dim r$ li "s?+ mov+ ne>by4 ,a cr1ture ) huge eyes is lumb]+ t[>d y4 ,x looks l 444 an ali586 ,? sc5>io mifet*$1 b e>li] ? ye> ,,nasa ann\nc$ a 4cov]y by a/ronom]s t cd m1n ! se>* = life 2y ,e>? has made a major br1k"?4 ,! sci5ti/s f.d a new /> sy/em #dj lis ""> f \r planet4 ,af #bjj ye>s on an ultrafa/ spacecraft1 y'd >rive to see sev5 ,e>?-size _ws orbit+ a small r$ />,-& "s ( ^! _ws cd 2 home to extrat]re/rial life4 ,,,\ ( ? _w,' ,extra-sol> planets1 or planets \tside ( \r sol> sy/em1 >e no?+ new4 ,ne>ly #c1fjj ( !m h be5 c.t$ s f>4 ,! sev5 planets 9 ? />'s sy/em,-"nd ,,trappi/- #a,->e "s ( ! late/ addi;ns to ! gr\p4 ,:at makes !m s excit+ >e _! ,e>?-l f1tures4 ,at f/ ! t1m ( a/ronom]s :o 4cov]$ ! ,,trappi/-#a sy/em suspect$ t !y'd spott$ at l1/ "o undiscov]$ planet4 ,x 0 only af obs]v+ ! >ea = ov] #ejj h\rs t ! a/ronom]s r1liz$ !y 7 look+ at a /> sy/em ) .1sev5 planets4 ,& all ( !m likely h surfaces y cd /& on1 l ,e>?'s4 8,? is ! only sy/em we've se5 9 ! univ]se t has ? _m ,e>?like planets10 ,,nasa a/ronom] ,susan ,l$]] says4 ,l$]] is "p ( ! t1m t 4cov]$ ,,trappi/-#a4 ,!y're n[ rese>*+ :e!r any ( ! planets h liquid wat]1 : wd 9dicate !y cd support life4 ,b ! planets m/ 2 .1exactly ! "r 4t.e f _! />4 8,if !y're too close1 ! wat] w burn away1 l on ,m]cury10 ,l$]] says4 8,if !y're too f>1 ! wat] w freeze1 l on ! ,jupit] moon ,europa4 ,b if !y're 9 ! middle1 3di;ns wd 2 j "r40 #be ,? middle >ea is (t5 call$ ! ,goldilocks ,z"o4 ,l$]]'s t1m ?9ks at l1/ ?ree ( ! ,,trappi/-#a planets >e locat$ "!4 ,,,call+ all ali5s,' ,if liv+ ?+s d 9habit "s ( ! planets1 :at wd !y look l8 ,probably no?+ l u4 ,unlike \r sun1 ? sy/em's /> gives (f a dim r$ lige eyes & 9frar$ vi.n t wd help !m f9d _! way by _! />'s w1k li ,plants t gr[ "! wd h r$ l1ves1 : wd absorb li-r.d10 ,l$]] says4 ,,:at',s ,,next ,?\< ! planets mi5't 3v9c$ ! ,,trappi/-#a planets wd 2 a nice place to live4 ,:ile ,e>? rotates (t5 z x orbits >.d ! sun1 giv+ u "d & nis4 ,^? planets wd alw h "o burn+ hot side ": x's "d4 ,! o!r side wd alw 2 a freez+ ni1 ,e>? is ! only "kn planet t has an abund.e ( oxyg5 9 xs atmosp"h4 8,if ! new telescope spots _m ( ^! molecules 9 ,,trappi/-#a's atmosp"h10 ,l$]] says1 8! be/ explana;n w 2 t we've f9ally f.d ali5 life40 333333333333 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' @.<,photograph3 ,a jagu> ) black fur & yell[ eyes walks 9 tall grass4@.> ,black jagu>s may look solid black1 b _! coats h spott$ patt]ns4 ,jagu>s >e bi7] & /r;g] ?an leop>ds4 ,a jagu> may 8fi%0 by wav+ xs tail ov] ! wat] to attract xs m1l4 ,gd climb]s1 jagu>s drag _! #bg prey 9to trees4 333333333333 ,,,don't take ? quiz 2f b$,' ,,,by anna clayb\rne,' ,"s p >e t]rifi$ ( creepy-crawlies & bugs2 o!rs w happily pick up a spid] b won't sleep 9 ! d>k 9 case a mon/] grabs _! foot6 ,foll[ \r f"r;l quiz to see ": .1yr deepe/ fe>s lie 444 ,don't worry ab mak+ a wr;g *oice,- "! >5't any4 ,^! "qs >e j = fun6 ,,,feel ! phobia,' ,if y're r1lly sc>$ ( "s?+1 x's call$ a phobia4 ,phobias range f ?+s t mo/ p f9d a bit sc>y1 l 2+ hi< up1 to ?+s t >e v unlikely to hurt y1 s* z bak$ b1ns4 ,phobias (t5 h 9t]e/+ "ns1 l ! "os on ^! pages4 @.<,fl[*>t3 ,ea* box has be5 assign$ an id5tifi] : 9cludes a numb] & ! %ape ( ! box4 ,! id5tifi] at ! 2g9n+ ( ! *>t is m>k$ ) ! />t 9dicator1 & ! id5tifi] = e 5d box 3ta9+ a phobia is m>k$ ) ! /op 9dicator4 ,! id5tifi]s & ! 3t5ts ( ea* box >e li/$ 2l4 ,if a box has a "q & two >r[s ) di6]5t *oices l1d+ away f x1 ^? >r[s & ! boxes to : !y l1d >e li/$ 2l ! "q box4 ,symbols us$3 .=. ,/>t 9dicator .=@$r ,rectangle .=;\o ,>r[ .=_ ,/op 9dicator@.> ,,/>t ,,"h6 .#a@$r ,,,: vaca;n wd y pref],-camp+ or a luxury skyscrap] hotel8,' ;\o ,,camp+ ;\o #b@$r ;\o #g@$r #b@$r ,,,wd y r explore a cave or a ca/le8,' ;\o ,,spooky ,,cave ;\o #c@$r ;\o ,,creepy ,,ca/le ;\o #h@$r #c@$r ,,,af explor+1 does all t grime on yr h&s r1lly fr1k y \8,' ;\o ,,no ;\o #d@$r ;\o ,,yes ;\o _#i@$r #d@$r ,,,:at's sc>i]1 r1l-life /uff or sup]natural /uff8,' #bi ;\o ,,r1l ,,life ;\o #e@$r ;\o ,,sup]natural ;\o _#aj@$r #e@$r ,,,*oose yr *eese6,' ;\o ,,blue ,,*eese ;\o _#f@$r ;\o ,,swiss ,,*eese ;\o _#i@$r _#f@$r ,,,y h trypophobia,' .7,al "kn z3 a fe> ( holes.' ,? surpris+ly common phobia gives y a fe> ( holes1 especially small holes 9 gr\ps or clu/]s1 l y get 9 *eese1 sp;ges1 or lo(ahs4 #g@$r ,,,w y take ! elevator or ! /airs to yr room8,' ;\o #h@$r ;\o ,,/airs ;\o #aa@$r #h@$r ,,,h y "e se5 a ( g]ms.' ,"s g]ms c cause ill;ses1 s x makes s5se t y'd avoid !m4 ,h["e1 extreme fe> c result 9 avoid+ any dirt at all & 3/antly wa%+ yr h&s4 _#aj@$r ,,,y h phasmophobia,' .7,al "kn z3 a fe> ( e al v sc>$ t m.s4 #aa@$r ,,,wd y eat a p1nut butt] & jelly s&wi* to w9 a prize8,' ;\o ,,no ,,way6 ;\o_#ab@$r ;\o ,,gimme6 ;\o _#ad@$r _#ab@$r ,,,y h >a*ibutyrophobia,' .7,al "kn z3 a fe> ( p1nut butt] /ick+ to ! ro( ( yr m\?.' ,y "k t icky feel+ :5 p1nut butt] clogs up yr m\?8 ,well1 "s p >e t]rifi$ ( x6 #ac@$r ,,,:at wd y d if y saw a ( small 5clos$ spaces.' ,if y h clau/rophobia1 y won't l elevators1 caves1 or o!r 5clos$ spaces4 #ae@$r ,,,:at d y d :5 y see a creepy- crawly8,' #ca ;\o ,,,scr1m & run6,' ;\o _#af@$r ;\o ,,,cat* x & ?r[ x \,' ;\o _#ag@$r _#af@$r ,,,y h >a*nophobia,' .7,al "kn z3 a fe> ( spid]s.' ,?\< _m spid]s >e h>m.s1 "s h a d1dly bite1 s a few p mi ( hei x at all1 ev5 if y're safely secur$ to "s?+4 333333333333 ,,bats ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' ,,,mis.n ^1animal ^1rescue,' ,save ,,animals ,save ! ,,_w ,,,by scott eld],' ,9jur$ baby bats get a boo/ f k9d humans4 ,z ! w9d h[ls & ! ra9 p.ds d[n 9 ea/]n ,au/ralia1 a two-week-old bat cl+s tige gr\p1 call$ a camp4 ,& ^! baby bats >e 9 tr\ble4 ,! viol5t /orm is 9t5sify+1 & ! furry cr1tures h n yet le>n$ to fly4 ,if ! w9d knocks !m f ! %elt] ( _! moms' w+s1 ! pups,-ea* wei<+ less ?an f\r \nces,-w fall to ! gr.d4 ,trees dep5d on fly+ foxes = poll9a;n1 j z _m plants dep5d on bees4 ,! bats' survival is crucial to ! =e/'s survival4 ,f9ally ! fi]ce ?"u/orm 5ds4 ,roy ,web/]1 a volunte] ) ,wildc>e ,au/ralia1 worries t a few babies mi worse ?an he expect$3 ,hundr$s ( baby fly+ foxes h plummet$ z m* z #cj feet & n[ cov] ! gr.d1 help.s4 ,"s >e tangl$ 9 bu%es4 ,tri% ,wimb]ley1 director ( ! ,au/ralian ,bat ,cl9ic & ,wildlife ,trauma ,c5tre1 ru%es to ! sc5e ) six o!rs4 8,we h brok5 legs & brok5 >ms1 all sorts ( 9juries10 %e says4 ,a t9y baby female !y "n ,mango has torn h] w+ badly dur+ ! tumble4 ,%e al #cc has develop$ pneumonia4 ,,,on ! m5d,' 8,? is a r1l 4a/]10 ,wimb]ley says4 ,b soon m ?an a hundr$ volunte]s >rive to help ! 9jur$ babies4 ,af ?ree l;g "ds1 ov] #cej ll fly+ foxes,-9clud+ ,mango,->e g5tly transport$ to ,wimb]ley's cl9ic4 ,b"os >e set & antibiotics >e giv54 ,volunte]s bottle-fe$ milk =mula to ! newborns e ?ree h\rs4 ,ev5 ) all t c>e1 "s vets d\bt t ,mango c survive4 ,b only exhaus;n /ops ,wimb]ley4 ,& :5 ! rescu] dozes (f :ile tapp+ ll ,mango's back to help h] br1!1 ,mango g5tly wakes up h] c>egiv] by bru%+ ,wimb]ley's face ) h] w+4 8,x's l %e's say+1 ,8,don't give up on me1,00 ,wimb]ley says4 ,%e nurses ,mango "? ! niegiv]s massage ,mango's w+ to prev5t sc>r+4 ,,bat ,,comeback ,soon _m "y fly+ foxes move f bottle- fe$+s to *opp$ fruit s* z apples4 ,!y lap up milk =mula or nect>1 & !y al le>n to fly4 ,af two & a half mon?s at ! cl9ic1 ! bats move 9to a huge avi>y,-an \tside 5closure4 ,!y practice flapp+ _! w+s :ile hang+ upside d[n1 tak+ %ort fliy & sees t h] w+ has h1l$4 8,i'm ?rill$10 ,wimb]ley says4 8,:5 ,i see ,mango fly1 ,i'm s pr\d ( h]40 ,af a mon? ( fly+ practice1 ! avi>y doors op5 & ! fly+ foxes 2g9 explor+ ! wild4 ,?anks to ! h>d "w ( volunte]s l ,wimb]ley1 ^! once-9jur$ babies w gr[ up to help ! =e/ ?rive z !y c>ry poll5 f tree to tree4 ,& t1 ,wimb]ley hopes1 j miy,-!y're l ll puppies ) w+s10 %e says4 8,:5 p see fly+ foxes up close1 _! :ole view ( bats *anges40 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,mango #ce gets a ba?4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,! pups >e bottle-f$ milk :ile wrapp$ 9 blankets = com=t4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,mango's hurt w+4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a c>etak] applies m$ic9e to mango's 9jury4,' @.<,photograph@.>,,all ,,h1l$6 333333333333 ,,,haunt$ :ite h\se,' ,,,by kri/9 baird ratt9i,' ,d k home8 ,we're sure !y're j /ories3 ! my/]i\s foot/eps :5 no "o's >.d1 ! %ad[y figure ( a d1d soldi]4 ,b ev5 ?\< .1y don't 2lieve 9 ry ,truman he>d a few bumps 9 ! nis ( hi/ory1 x's natural to feel z if y're n al"o4 ,,sleep.s ,,ni is sd to / roam ! ,:ite ,h\se4 ,l9coln agoniz$ ov] ! bloody ,civil ,w> dur+ 8 presid5cy4 ,he al m\rn$ 8 son ,willie1 :o di$ at age #aa4 ,l9coln ev5 dr1m$ ab 2+ assass9at$1 : came true :5 he 0 %ot by ,john ,wilkes ,boo? 9 #ahfe4 ,al? ,l9coln's d :5 ! floor is des]t$4 ,& s"eal gue/s h report$ late-ni.es ( ,l9coln's k z if #cg "s?+ 7 9 ! room4 ,f/ daug>et ,truman (t5 he>d raps on h] b$room door b f.d no "o "!4 ,h] "f blam$ ! noise on %ift+ floors & ask$ 5g9e]s to *eck x \4 ,gd ?+ he did,-! h\se 0 on ! v]ge ( collaps+6 ,0 ,l9coln's n+ ! ,trumans ( dang]8 ,we'll n"e "k4 ,,fire ,,call ,! ,:ite ,h\se fac$ xs grte/ dang] 9 ,augu/ #ahad4 ,! ,unit$ ,/ates 0 at w> once ag ) ,grt ,brita94 ,z ,briti% troops 9vad$ ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c41 ,presid5t ,james ,madison & 8 wife1 ,dolley1 fl$ to safety4 ,soon ! ,briti% _h tor*$ ! ,:ite ,h\se1 de/roy+ "ey?+ b xs /"o walls4 ,rumor has x t ! s 2f4 ,,hang+ ,,>.d ,9 ,novemb] #ahjj ! ,:ite ,h\se 0 / "u 3/ruc;n :5 xs f/ resid5ts1 ,john & ,abigail ,adams1 mov$ in4 ,! y>d _hn't ev5 be5 f;ed 9 yet1 & x _h be5 a v ra9y s1son4 ,s ,abigail " hung ! laundry 9 ! huge ,ea/ ,room1 "o ( ! drie/ rooms 9 ! h\se4 "<,plus1 :o want$ to see ! presid5t's fre%ly wa%$ "upants 9 ! y>d8"> ,leg5d has x t ,abigail / hangs laundry 9 ! ,ea/ ,room4 ,dress$ 9 h] cap & %awl1 %e app>5tly clut*es a load ( laundry 9 h] >ms z %e hurries t[>d ! room4 ,clos$ doors don't /op h]2 %e drifts "r "?4 ,& "s say t af h] e cl"e adapta;ns t help !m survive 9 _! 5viron;ts4 ,vip]fi% ,? deep-sea fi% uses gl[-9-!-d>k lip bottom tee?4 ,batfi% ,! batfi% doesn't j swim,-x walks6 ,xs 8legs0 >e actually f\r f9s t help ! fi% /alk xs d9n]4 ,hat*etfi% ,hat*etfi% produce lik ,:at's up ) ? fi%'s nose8 ,"s sci5ti/s ?9k s5sors 9 ! gobl9 %>k's sn\t detect t9y electrical signals giv5 (f by soon-to-be prey4 ,wolf ,eel ,? s-ugly-x's-cute eel is %y4 ,wolf eels g5]ally hang \ 9 caves4 ,af ! female lays h] e7s1 bo? p>5ts gu>d !m4 ,s1dragon ,! s1dragon's l1fy app5dages cam\flage x z s1we$4 ,? helps r$uce xs *.es ( 2+ spott$ by any wd-be pr$ators4 333333333333 ,fun ,/uff games1 lauaway views ( orange & black objects4 ,unscramble ! lrs to id5tify :at's 9 ea* picture4 ,,,answ]s on page,' #ej naesk rtrcao ogl refi mutanu fale akbcl traphen trosaicp ntd'o lwka nsgi yoppp difle #da innpeug """""""""""" ,,,signs ( ! "ts,' ,see+ isn't alw 2liev+4 ,two ( ^! funny signs >e n r1l4 ,c y figure \ : two >e fake8 ,,,answ]s on page,' #ej #a @. #b @.<,,surf] ;,x-,,9g "u a yell[1 diamond-%ap$ sign ) a picture ( a p]son ) l;g hair1 runn+ b>efoot "? a crosswalk1 c>ry+ a surfbo>d1 & mak+ ! 8hang t50 h& sign@.> #c @.r[@.> #d @.ge sign by ! side ( a road t says #de,,,th p>allel halfway 2t ! equator & ! nor? pole,' ov] a small] sign t says ,,,pass ) c>e,'@.> #e @. #f @. #g @. r$ sign t says ,,,sign n 9 use,'@.> #h @.ea po/$ 9 front ( p5gu9s /&+ on piles ( sn[ & ice@.> #i @. """""""""""" ,funny ,,fill-,,9 ,tricky ,tr1t ,,,by s>ah "yson,' ,ask a fr to give y ^ws to fill 9 ! blanks 9 ? /ory )\t %[+ x to hm or h]4 ,!n r1d \ l\d = a lau<4 @.<,! ^ws 2l ! s5t;es >e plac$ 9 p>5!ses af ! l[ l9e4@.> ,? ye> ,i want$ to h a" .- " ,hall[e5 co/ume4 ,i ?rew .- "ge numb] n\n1 plural"> on my .- "1 put on a" .- " wig made ( .- "1 & slapp$ on "s .- "<"s?+ /9ky1 plural">4 ,!n ,i decid$ to %[ my frs4 ,i gr[l$ z ,i .- " t[>d !m4 ,b my .- " #dc backfir$4 8,mon/]60 .- " %\t$ :5 "he saw me4 8.- " hm60 ,i .- " z fa/ z ,i cd1 hopp$ ov] a" .- "1 & l&$ 9 my neid,-"r 9 ! middle ( _! ,hall[e5 "py4 ,kids dress$ z .- "<"s?+ spooky1 plural"> & .- " & po9t$ at me4 ,panick+1 ,i .- " 9to ! ne>e/ hid+ place3 ! .- " h\se4 ,next ye> ,i'll 2 sure to .- " a less .- " co/ume4 """""""""""" ,j ,jok+ ,,knock1 ,,knock4 .1,:o's .1"!8 ;,t4 rex4 .7;,t4 rex :o8.' ,"!'s a ;,t4 rex at yr door & y want to "k xs "n8 @.<,photograph3 blue liz>d ) orange spots op5+ xs m\?2 a spee* bu2le l1ds to ! knock-knock joke4@.> ,tokay gecko ;,q ,:y did ,dracula 2come a veget>ian8 ,a ,2c 8 doctor told hm 8/ake0 0 bad = 8 he>t4 ,,cu/om]3 8,"!'s a d1d beetle 9 my s\p40 ,,wait]3 8,yes1 sir4 ,!y're n v gd swimm]s40 ,,t;gue ,,twi/]6 ,say ? fa/ ?ree "ts3 ,girl g>goyle1 guy g>goyle ,y've ^1got to 2 jok+444 ;,q ,:at c.try did c&y come f8 ,a ,sweet5 """""""""""" ,f ! pages ( .1,,,quiz .1:iz3 /ump yr p>5ts,' ,if yr p>5ts c't answ] ^! "qs1 maybe .1!y %d g to s*ool 9/1d ( y6 ,,,answ]s on page,' #ej #a ,: ( ^! animals is .1n #de v5om\s8 ,a4 scorpion ;,b4 pu6]fi% ;,c4 blue-r+$ octopus ;,d4 vampire f9* #b ,:at does skeleton rac+ 9volve8 "<,h9t3 ,x has no?+ to d ) b"os4"> ,a4 sl$d+ d[n a froz5 track ;,b4 swimm+ \tdoors 9 w9t] ;,c4 runn+ "? ! des]t ;,d4 ski+ #c ,: is ! mo/ common type ( wolf8 ,a4 h[l] wolf ;,b4 gray wolf ;,c4 black wolf ;,d4 w]ewolf #d ,! detectives ( .- >e no mat* = ,%]lock ,holmes4 ,a4 ,fiji ,9tellig;e ,s]vices ;,b4 ,p>anormal ,9ve/igators ;,c4 ,scotl& ,y>d ;,d4 ,,fbi #e ,p report ! mo/ ,,ufo si?4 ,a4 ,m>s ;,b4 ,v5us ;,c4 ,saturn ;,d4 ,neptune #f ,:y is ! ,canada lynx "s"ts call$ ! 8gray ely se54 ;,d4 ,x c walk "? walls4 #g ,to make a mummy1 anci5t ,egyptians remov$ all ! organs f ! body except ! .-4 ,a4 lungs ;,b4 bra9 ;,c4 he>t ;,d4 liv] #h ,a ,golia? bird-eat+ t>antula c gr[ z l>ge z a .-4 ,a4 l>ge pizza ;,b4 d9n] plate ;,c4 bicycle :eel ;,d4 trampol9e #i ,pumpk9s 7 once mi/ak5ly #dg recomm5d$ = .-4 ,a4 cur+ snakebites ;,b4 tr1t+ all]gies ;,c4 :it5+ tee? ;,d4 gett+ /rait ,z"o ,,spooky ,,cr1tures .7,nat ,geo ,kids.' r1d]s gave u ! creeps ) ^! weird draw+s4 @.<,draw+@.> ^1,m\? ^1,mad;s ,drake ;,p41 #ab ,san ,jose1 ,cali=nia @.<,draw+@.> ^7,! ,unfrly ,sea ,mon/]^' ,payton ;,w41 #aj ,/rabane1 ,p5nsylvania @.<,draw+@.> ^7,9t]galactic ,m$usa ,squid^' ,sophia ;,l41 #aa ,r[ley ,massa*usetts @.<,draw+@.> ^1,mix$-,up ^1,cr1ture ,t[ns5d ;,p41 #aa ,s>atoga ,spr+s1 ,new ,york @.<,draw+@.> ^7,abyss ! ,dragon^' ,r[an ;,f41 #aa ,dundas1 ,canada @.<,draw+@.> ^1,! ^1,salagator ,allison ;,s41 #ab ,orwigsburg1 ,p5nsylvania @.<,draw+@.> ^7,fire-,br1?+ ,sea ,mon/]^' ,summ] ;,m41 #i ,cab9s1 ,we/ ,virg9ia @.<,draw+@.> ^1,alkorikye ,lei ^1,sweet ^1,too? ,jaxon ;,c41 #aa ,gre5sboro1 ,nor? ,c>ol9a @.<,draw+@.> ^1,gravey>d ^1,mon/] ,sim"o ;,b41 #aj ,k5s+ton1 ,m>yl& @.<,draw+@.> ^7,dracula's ,be/ ,fr^' ,joseph ;,c41 #aa #di ,hamilton1 ,ohio @.<,draw+@.> ^7,! ,/uff ,nies ,>e ,made ,(^' ,laur5 ;,y41 #ad ,yorkt[n1 ,virg9ia ,draw ^7a haunt$ h\se^'4 ,s5d u yr ^1orig9al ^1draw+s3 .7,nat ,geo ,kids.',-,haunt$ ,h\se ,>t ,z"o ,p4,o4 ,box #ihjjb ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjij-#hjjb ,9clude yr "n1 address1 ph"o numb]1 date ( bir?1 a title = yr draw+1 a /ate;t t x is yr [n "w1 & ! "n ( yr p>5t or gu>dian4 ,yr p>5t or gu>dian m/ sign a rel1se = publica;n if yr illu/ra;n is select$4 ,submis.ns 2come ! prop]ty ( ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 & all "rs "!to >e transf]r$ to ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s4 ,submis.ns _c 2 ac"kl$g$ or return$4 ,selec;n w 2 at ! 4cre;n ( .7,nat ,geo ,kids.'4 """""""""""" ,answ]s 8,:at 9 ! ,_w80 "3 ^1,top ^1r[3 snake1 c>rot1 log fire4 ^1,middle ^1r[3 autumn l1f1 black pan!r1 apricots4 ^1,bottom ^1r[3 don't walk sign1 poppy field1 p5gu94 8,signs ( ! ,"ts0 "3 ,signs #e & #h >e fake4 8,/ump ,yr ,p>5ts0 "3 #a4 ;,,,d1 #b4 a1 #c4 ;b1 #d4 ;c1 #e4 ;b1 #f4 ;c1 #g4 ;c1 #h4 ;b1 #i4 a1 #aj4 ;c,' 333333333333