,,,na;nal geographic^t kids,' ,,octob] #bjah ,,issue #dhd ,9 #a ,volume ,$itor 9 ,*ief & ,vice ,presid5t1 ,kids ,magaz9es @& ,digital ,ra*el ,bu*holz ,(fice ,address3 ,,,p4o4 box #cgede boone1 ia,' #ejjcg http3_/_/kids4na;nalgeographic4com_/ ,sponsor$ & ,pres5t$ by3 ,am]ican ,ac;n ,fund = ,bl ,*n & ,adults #ahjj ,johnson ,/reet ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& #babcj www4ac;nfund4org ,produc$ at ,na;nal ,brl ,press www4nbp4org ,,,na;nal geographic kids " is publi%$ t5 "ts a ye> by ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjcf4 ,= m 9=ma;n 3tact natgeo4com_/9fo4 ,! submis.n ( photographs & o!r mat]ial to ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' is d"o at ! risk ( ! s5d]2 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' _c a3ept liabil;y = loss or damage4 ,copy"r ^c #bjah ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc4 ,all "rs res]v$4 ,reproduc;n ( ! :ole or any "p ( ! 3t5ts ( ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' )\t writt5 p]mis.n is prohibit$4 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' & ,yell[ ,bord]3 ,regi/]$ ,tradem>ks ^r ,m>cas ,regi/radas4 ,pr9t$ 9 ! ,u4,s4,a4 ,,issue #dhd ,transcrib$ 9 ,ji6y-,brl by #c ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,9c41 #hh ,st4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae4 ,! ,ji6y-,brl process bypasses pro(r1d+ 9 ord] to provide a qk & less exp5sive s]vice4 ,"! w 2 o3a.nal ]rors b !y %d n significantly a6ect r1d+4 ,if !y d1 we wd appreciate 2+ notifi$4 ,,,9 ? issue,' ,weird ,b ,true6 """""""""""""""""" #e ,gu9;s ,_w ,records """"""""""""""" #e ,by ! ,numb]s """"""""""""""""""""" #g ,hall[e5 ,pet ,p>ade """""""""""""" #h ,wat* f\r-le7$ trick-or-tr1t]s %[ (f _! crazy co/umes4 #aj ,cool ,cats """""""""""""""""" #ac ,^! true /ories ( amaz+ fel9es w l1ve y purr+4 ,hi/ory's ,my/]ies """"""""""""""" #bf ,f9d \ :at clues h be5 uncov]$ 9 five unsolv$ puzzles f ! pa/4 ,don't ,take ,? ,quiz ,2f ,b$ """" #ce ,4cov] h[ gd y'd 2 at def1t+ ! d>k =ces ( ! p>anormal4 #cj ,cool ,?+s ,ab ,pr$ators """"" #ci ,take a bite \ ( ^! awe"s animal facts4 ,fun ,/uff """"""""""""""""""""""" #db ,weird b true6 #e ,*eck \ ^! \trage\s facts4 ,,,by m>ilyn t]rell,' ,,,x wd take y m ?an #a1jjj ye>s to wat* all ( ! videos on y\tube4,' ,"y koalas "s"ts smell l c\< drops4 ,a man 9 ,9diana p>a*ut$ \ ( an airplane #fdj "ts 9 #bd h\rs4 ,only #ab p h walk$ on ! ,,moon4 ,if y l9$ up all ! eyela%es a p]son loses 9 a life"t1 ! hairs wd /ret* ! l5g? ( #aj crocodiles4 ,"! h be5 #h ,unit$ ,/ates presid5ts born 9 ,virg9ia4 ,c]ta9 species ( birds c s+ ) regional 8a35ts40 ,a m1tball wei<$ #aji p.ds,-t's 5 beef to make #dcf hamburg]s4 ,a h[l] monkey's ro> c 2 he>d up to #c miles away4 333333333333 ,,,gu9;s _w records,' ,,,by elizabe? hilfrank,' ,,,r1lly l;g la%es,' ,y'll def9itely raise yr eyebr[s ov] ? record4 ,y ,jianxia holds ! record = ! l;ge/ eyela%4 ,:ile "s ( h] la%es >e a normal l5g?1 _m ( !m ext5d ne>ly to h] *94 ,! l;ge/ "o m1sures #d4hh 9*es1 ab #aj "ts ! l5g? ( ! av]age human la%4 ,n[ .1t's an eye-popp+ record4 ,,kill] ,,fungus ,x's no wond] ? mu%room is nick"nd ! 8d1? cap40 .1,amanita .1phalloides is ! mo/ poison\s fungus on ,e>?4 ,f.d all ov] ! planet1 ^! mu%rooms h 5 tox9 9 "o cap to kill a human4 ,x's be/ to keep ? fungus z f> away f yr d9n] plate z possible6 ,,sup]-,,tall ,,cat ,y wd've _h to hide ! catnip r1lly hi< up to keep x f ! talle/ dome/ic cat "e4 ,>cturus /ood ab #ai 9*es tall f 8 paw to 8 %\ld]1 tall] ?an an av]age- size b[l+ p94 ,>cturus 0 a savannah1 a bre$ ) m>k+s simil> to a *eetah's t is "kn = xs hei* to make sure any pet is "r = y4 333333333333 ,,by ! ,,numb]s ,,,by julie be] & mi*elle h>ris,' ,,,crazy = c&y corn,' ,^! yell[1 orange1 & :ite /rip$ k]nels >e a ,hall[e5 favorite4 ,grab a h&;l & comp>e h[ p eat ? c5tury-old c&y4 ,9v5t$ in3 #ahhjs ,numb] ( k]nels made ea* ye>3 #i ,,billion ,calories p] piece3 #g ,h[ d y eat yr ,,c&y ,,corn8 #dg.0 ,,,eat ! :ole k]nel at once4,' #aa.0 ,,,/>t at ! wide 5d4,' #dc.0 ,,,/>t at ! n>r[ 5d4,' "9,?is *>t adds up to m ?an #ajj p]c5t 2c ! numb]s >e e/imates4 333333333333 ,,amaz+ ,,animals ,,,by &rea sil5,' ,,,hall[e5 pet p>ade,' ,=get sweets,-^! trick-or-tr1t]s want belly scrat*es6 ,millions ( pets w don a 4guise = ,hall[e51 & .7,nat ,geo ,kids.' f.d a few ( ! crazie/ getups4 ,,,gibson ! mix$ bre$ sports a skeleton co/ume4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,too bad n"o ( ^! b"os >e *ew toys4,' ,,,x's a bird6 x's a plane6 x's coop] ! collie mix dress$ z sup]man6,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,villa9s flee :5 !y see my slo2]+ p[]s4,' ,,,x %d 2 a crime to look z adorable z sa%a ! bulldog1 deck$ \ 9 a police uni=m4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,y h ! "r to fe$ me4,' ,,,w9ky ! bl cat makes a spla% 9 h] %>k suit4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,i'm totally 8jaw0-"s6,' #i ,ab #af p]c5t ( ,am]icans plan to dress up _! pet ? ,hall[e54 ,^! pets l we>+ co/umes b yrs may n4 .1,n"e =ce yr pet to d "s?+ x doesn't want to d4 ,if y dress up yr pet1 *eck t ! \tfit is com=table & all[s ! animal to br1! & walk safely4 ,,,jellyb1n ! %ih tzu rocks an elvis 4guise4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,":'s my k>aoke ma*9e8 i've got "s elvis tunes to p]=m4,' ,,,dolly ! m9iature horse looks fairly awe"s 9 h] fairy getup4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,hey1 i ?"\ fairy du/ came ) ? \tfit4,' ,,,p1nutt] ! cat rules 9 h] regal ph>aoh attire4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,j call me cleo-cat-ra4,' ,,,frank ! mix$ bre$ keeps "ey"o 9 /it*es ) 8 p9cu%ion ge>4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,i "k1 i'm 8sew0 adorable4,' ,,,all hail momo ! m9iature poodle1 we>+ a sweet taxi \tfit4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,pl1se pay yr cab f>e 9 dog biscuits4,' """""""""""" ,,be/-,,dress$ ,,pets ,: pet co/umes did "py animals we> la/ ye>8 ,take a look at "s ( ! mo/ popul>4 #a4 pumpk9 #b4 hot dog #c4 lion #d4 pirate #e4 dog #f4 bumblebee #g4 devil #h4 sup]h]o #i4 ds 9 ! unit$ /ates 7 likely produc$ >.d #aijh4 ,,,ac to leg5d1 a bat fly+ 9to yr h\se on octob] #ca m1ns t yr home is haunt$4 ,,,"s pumpk9s c gr[ ne>ly z big z a volkswag5 beetle4 ,,,ab #fh p]c5t ( am]icans *oose *ocolate z _! favorite hall[e5 tr1t4 ,,,p 9 irel& tradi;nally eat potatoes ma%$ ) ca2age = d9n] on hall[e54 ,,,d y sort yr gdies 9to *ocolate1 gummy1 & h>d c&y categories8 y're n al"o4 "o-?ird ( trick-or-tr1t]s d ! same4 ,,,ac to "o poll1 ab #de p]c5t ( am]icans 2lieve 9 1 ! av]age am]ican family sp5t ab @s#hf = ! holi"d4,' """""""""""" ,,,protect yr pet,' ,x may 2 ,hall[e51 b y don't want yr pet to get spook$4 ,foll[ ^! tips to keep yr animals happy & safe ? ye>4 _4 ,"s pets w make l a "? op5 front doors4 ,wat* yr animal c>e;lly :5 y welcome trick-or-tr1t]s s x doesn't da% \tside4 _4 ,yr furry family memb] %d we> an ,,id tag ) yr address4 ,t way if ! pet .1does get loose1 "s"o w br+ x home4 _4 ,doorbells may /ress yr pet4 ,3sid] putt+ a sign on yr front door ask+ trick-or-tr1t]s to knock 9/1d4 _4 ,place n]v\s animals 9 a clos$ room s !y don't get upset by all ! ,hall[e5 commo;n4 ,fill ! room ) yr pet's favorite toys to keep x happy4 _4 ,*ocolate & o!r types ( c&y c 2 haz>d\s to animals1 s keep ! sweet /uff \ ( r1*4 ,if yr pet does snag "s c&y1 call ! vet immly4 _4 ,c>v$ pumpk9s pump up ! fun factor on ,hall[e51 b keep jack-o'-lant]ns away f pets4 ,animals t *omp #ac on pumpk9s or get too close to lit c&les mis1 & :y cats >e / popul> pets td4 ,meet #aj kitties t prove cats >e awe"s animals all ye> l;g6 #a ,,surf] ,,cat ,,! ,,cat ,n@-an@-akuli ,,! ,,spot ,honolulu1 ,hawaii ,,,:y he's cool,' ,n@-an@-akuli ! "o- ey$ cat "ks exactly h[ to ride ! waves3 ,he lies d[n on 8 [n]'s surfbo>d ) 8 paws hang+ t54 ,8 [n]s ?9k t tak+ ba?s z a kitt5 help$ ! cat1 nick"nd ,kuli1 get us$ to ! wat]4 ,ev5tually !y gave ,kuli a t9y life jacket & let hm float on a surfbo>d :ile g5tly spla%+ s1wat] on 8 paws4 ,n[ ,kuli we>s a l1% z he surfs ) 8 [n]s 2h hm on ! bo>d,-z l;g z ! wat] isn't too r\<4 .1,cat.'-abunga1 dude6 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,kuli gets r1dy to cat* "s waves ) [n] alex&ra gomez-"y4,' #b ,,,top ( ! class,' ,,! ,,cat ,tombi ,,! ,,spot ,izmir1 ,turkey ,,,:y he's cool,' ,"o morn+ :5 ! s*ool bell rang1 #cc /ud5ts & "o /ray cat fil$ 9to ,^3ozlem ,p9> ,iva^&s^&cu's ?ird-grade classroom4 8,! kids />t$ play+ ) hm immly10 ,iva^&s^&cu says4 ,! kitty didn't want to l1ve,-& ! /ud5ts didn't want hm to g4 ,s ! cat1 "nd ,tombi1 0 giv5 va39a;ns & a m$ical *eckup to make sure he wd 2 safe to h 9 ! s*ool4 ,n[ (ficially ! class cat1 ,tombi sleeps "? classes on a book%elf & !n plays ) ! kids dur+ br1ks4 ,? kitty is a r1l class act6 #ae @.<,photograph@.> ,,,:at a t1*]'s pet6 tombi 8helps0 ) class "w4,' #c ,,spac$ ,,\ ,,! ,,cat ,f^/elicette ,,! ,,spot ,space ,,,:y %e's cool,' ,! fur r1lly flew on ,octob] #ah1 #aifc1 :5 ,f^/elicette 2came ! f/ cat 9 space4 ,! ,fr5* fel9e rocket$ t[>d ! />s to help rese>*]s le>n :e!r animals cd survive ! *all5ges ( space travel4 ,af so>+ m ?an a hundr$ miles abv ,e>?1 ! hi<-fly+ fel9e safely return$ home ! same "d4 ,we bet %e 0 see+ />s4 #d ,,,furry fire al>m,' ,,! ,,cat ,luna ,,! ,,spot ,*e/]1 ,s\? ,c>ol9a ,,,:y %e's cool,' ,>.d #d a4m41 ,emily ,*appell-,root felt h] cat ,luna claw+1 paw+1 & nipp+ at h] feet4 ,?9k+ ! cat want$ to %[ (f a ra2it %e _h br"\ 9to _! home1 ,*appell- ,root w5t 9to ! hallway4 ,b 9/1d ( a ra2it1 %e saw flames com+ f ! kit*54 ,?anks to ,luna1 %e _h "t to get all six ( h] *n1 plus ! o!r pets1 \ ( ! h\se4 8,black cats h a reputa;n ( 2+ unlucky10 ,*appell-,root says4 8,b adopt+ ,luna has be5 "o ( ! luckie/ ?+s t happ5$ to \r family40 #e ,,,cat 9 *>ge,' ,,! ,,cat ,l>ry ,,! ,,spot ,london1 ,5gl& ,,,:y he's cool,' ,l>ry has 8 [n doorman4 ,& an (ficial title4 ,& a job to d4 ,? #ab-ye>-old rescue kitty is ! ,*ief ,m\s] to ! ,cab9et ,(fice1 m1n+ he keeps ! home ( ! prime m9i/] ( ! ,unit$ ,k+dom totally m\se free4 ,once ,l>ry alm lo/ 8 posi;n af a =m] prime m9i/] spott$ a rod5t 9 8 (fice,-& ,l>ry didn't lift a paw4 ,! cat's / employ$ ?\<4 ,guess ,l>ry is too cute to 2 vot$ \ ( (fice4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,l>ry gu>ds #aj d[n+ /reet1 home to ! unit$ k+dom's prime m9i/]4,' #ag #f ,,guide ,,cat ,,! ,,cat ,pwditat ,,! ,,spot ,holyh1d1 ,wales ,,,:y he's cool,' ,t]fel ! ,labrador mix 0 los+ 8 eyesid54 ,af t1 ! kitty 2came "p ( ! family4 ,"nd ,pwditat "1 ! cat help$ ,t]fel get >.d ! h\se ) a g5tle nudge or reassur+ rub ag/ 8 legs4 ,:o says cats & dogs c't 2 ,,bff,'s8 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,guide cat pwditat takes *>ge ( 8 bl pal1 t]fel4,' #g ,,,:at's yr "n8,' ,,! ,,cat ,nadjem ,,! ,,spot ,egypt ,,,:y x's cool,' ,anci5t ,egyptians ador$ cats4 ,!y lik$ !m s m* !y mummifi$ !m4 ,!y j didn't seem to "n !m4 ,tomb 9scrip;ns (t5 not$ dogs' "ns1 b cats 7 simply ref]r$ to z .1miu1 m1n+ 8he :o mews40 ,"o cat [n] broke tradi;n by nam+ 8 cat ,nadjem1 : m1ns 8pl1sant "o40 ,nadjem's "n 0 f.d 9 xs [n]'s tomb1 mak+ x ! f/ "kn cat to h a "n4 #h ,,cuddle ,,!rapy ,,! ,,cat ,ron ,,! ,,spot ,d5v]1 ,colorado ,,,:y he's cool,' ,ea* morn+ ,ron ! cat greets all ! pati5ts at ,nor?field ,vet]9>y ,hospital1 ev5 climb+ k5nel walls to say hello4 8,ron likes to 2 9 "eybody's busi;s10 co-[n] ,j5 ,we/on says4 ,s :5 a /aff memb]'s dog ne$$ a proc$ure1 ,ron cuddl$ up next to ! pup4 ,soon ,ron 0 com=t+ o!r pati5ts "4 ,:at makes ,ron s* a c>+ kitty8 8,he's j r1lly nosy10 ,we/on says4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,left & 2l1 ron snu7les ) sleep+ d5tal pati5ts4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,ron #ai *ecks 9 on 8 si/]1 :o 0 hav+ surg]y t "d4,' #i ,,hot-,,%ot ,,! ,,cat ,sc>lett ,,! ,,spot ,new ,york ,c;y1 ,new ,york ,,,:y %e's cool,' ,? cat didn't let any?+ /op h] f sav+ h] babies,-n ev5 a dang]\s fire4 ,z a f\r-al>m blaze 3sum$ ! ab&on$ build+ ": %e liv$1 ,sc>lett ran back & =? "? ! 9f]no five "ts to retrieve h] kitt5s4 ,%e s+$ h] fur1 burn$ h] paws1 & bli/]$ h] eyes1 b brave ,sc>lett didn't re/ until %e sni6$ ea* kitt51 d\ble- *eck+ t %e _h rescu$ ! 5tire litt]4 ,af ! fire1 ,sc>lett & h] babies 7 all adopt$4 #aj ,,cat ,,detective ,,! ,,cat ,sn[ball ,,! ,,spot ,pr9ce ,$w>d ,isl&1 ,canada ,,,:y he's cool,' ,sn[ball help$ solve a crime,-a s]i\s "o4 ,:5 police f.d :ite cat hairs cl++ to a jacket ) blood on x1 !y took a h>d look at ,sn[ball & ,,dna f cells 9 8 hair4 ,s9ce e 9dividual's ,,dna is unique1 sci5ti/s 7 able to %[ ! hairs 7 ,sn[ball's4 ,t way1 police cd 3nect ! jacket & ! crime to ,sn[ball's [n]1 :o turn$ \ to 2 ! culprit4 ,x 0 ! f/ "t cat ,,dna 0 us$ to 3vict a crim9al4 ,looks l ,sn[ball r1lly %$ "s liy8 ,hi/orians ?9k ! fe> ( cats mit$ dur+ ! ,middle ,ages1 >.d ,a4,d4 #ejj to #aejj1 :5 niy "t4 "<,y cdn't j flick on yr kit*5 li ,s 2c cats >e active at ni4 """""""""""" ,,,big cat 3nec;n,' ,yr h\se cat mi l a lion1 b yr kitty has m 9 common ) big cats ?an y ?9k4 ,*eck \ ?ree ways kitties ( all sizes >e alike4 ,,ba? ,,"t ,all cats groom _! fur to keep !mvs cl1n4 ,a gd ba? c take away t dirty- fur smell,-f1 say1 an impala or a d1d m\se,-mak+ ! cats less notic1ble to _! prey4 ,s bo? big & ll kitties h r\< t;gues to get ! job d"o4 ,j don't let a tig] get close 5 to prove x6 ,,smell ,,*eck ,does yr kitty rub xs h1d ag/ yr legs8 ,x may 2 signal+ to o!r cats t .1y 2l;g to .1x4 ,cats h sc5t gl&s ne> _! e>s & neck & on _! feet2 !y m>k _! t]ritory by ru2+ or claw+4 ,big cats d ? too1 ?\< !y m>k trees 9/1d ( y4 "<,t's a gd ?+6"> ,,cat*+ ;,z',s ,dep5d+ on ! species1 cats c sleep 2t #ab & #bj h\rs a "d4 ,!y ne$ ! re/ 2c bo? big & ll cats >e pr$ators & ne$ a lot ( 5]gy to cat* a m1l "4 ,big cats h to /alk1 *ase1 !n take d[n _! prey4 ,af t8 ,x's snooze "t4 333333333333 ,,,explore ! >ctic6,' ^1,>ctic ^1,circle ,situat$ on top ( ! _w1 ! ,>ctic is an oc1n surr.d$ by 3t95ts6 ,_m ,>ctic vehicles h skis to help !m glide ov] ice & sn[6 ,! l>ge/ pol> be>s c wei< z m* z a small c>6 ,woolly mammo?s di$ \ >.d #d1jjj ye>s ago1 b _m p]fectly pres]v$ rema9s ( ^! mammals h be5 f.d 9 ! froz5 gr.d ( ! ,>ctic4 ,"s >e #ci1jjj ye>s old6 ,>ctic rod5ts tunnel "u sn[ to r1* food !y've /or$ = w9t]4 ,,,did y "k8,' ,sci5ti/s h us$ hair dry]s to defro/ froz5 mammo? rema9s6 ,,,big >ctic quiz6,' #bc ,h[ m* d y "k ab ! icy wond]l& locat$ on ! top ( ! _w8 ,,answ]s ,,2l #a ,,,true or false8,' ,millions ( p5gu9s live 9 ! ,>ctic4 #b ,": is ! magnetic ,nor? ,pole locat$8 a"> ,gre5l& ;b"> ,icel& ;c"> ,! middle ( ! ,>ctic ,oc1n #c ,,,true or false8,' ,dur+ ! #ahjjs1 ,>ctic explor]s f.d s _m well- pres]v$ mammo? rema9s t !y wd (t5 cook & eat !m6 #d ,:at is a pol> be>'s ma9 food8 a"> ,s1ls ;b"> ,sn[y [ls ;c"> ,>ctic h>es #e ,,,true or false8,' ,9 #bjae1 two anci5t cave lion cubs 7 4cov]$ 9 ! p]man5tly froz5 gr.d ( ! ,russian ,>ctic4 #f ,:o 0 ! f/ explor] to r1* bo? ! ,nor? & ,s\? poles dur+ ! e>ly #aijjs8 a"> ,roald ,dahl ;b"> ,roald ,amunds5 ;c"> ,$mund ,hill>y #g ,,,true or false8,' ,>ctic woolly be> mo? cat]pill>s freeze completely dur+ w9t]4 ,x takes !m #ad ye>s to 2come mo?s4 #h ,: ( ! foll[+ d y ,,n ne$ on an ,>ctic exp$i;n8 a"> ,wat]pro( mat*es ;b"> ,w>m1 lay]$ clo?+ ;c"> ,ba?+ suit #i ,,,true or false8,' ,9 ! ,>ctic1 9/1d ( dr9k+ wat] y c eat sn[4 """""""""""" ,,,big >ctic quiz3,' #a"> ,,false ,- ,p5gu9s live only 9 ! ,s\!rn ,hemisp"h & ne> ! ,equator2 #b"> ;c2 #c"> ,,false2 #d"> a2 #e"> ,,true2 #f"> ;b2 #be #g"> ,,true ,- ,x's ! olde/ liv+ cat]pill>2 #h"> ;c2 #i"> ,,false ,- ,eat+ sn[ won't hydrate y4 ,y ne$ to melt x f/4 """""""""""" ,,extra ,,*all5ge ,freeze a ,,lego animal 9 wat]1 !n try to excavate x6 #a ,2c ,,lego animals float1 y'll h to freeze x 9 two /ages4 ,f/ put ! ,,lego animal 9 a freez] bag half- fill$ ) wat]4 ,freeze = a few h\rs1 !n top (f ! bag ) wat] s ! ,,lego animal is totally cov]$4 ,put ! bag back 9 ! freez]4 #b ,af a few m h\rs1 try to free yr cr1ture f ! ice6 ,exp]i;t by spr9kl+ salt on ! ice "<: helps x to melt fa/]">1 or use yr body h1t or w>m wat]4 333333333333 ,,hi/ory',s ,,my/]ies ,,,by kitson jazynka,' ,,,curi\s clues1 cold cases1 & unsolv$ puzzles f ! pa/,' ,see :at clues h be5 uncov]$ by sci5ti/s & hi/orians 9 five ( ! _w's mo/ h1d-scrat*+ my/]ies4 ,,! ,,my/]y ,,,does ! yeti exi/8,' ,,! ,,backgr.d ,! ^w 8yeti0 m1ns 8ll man-l animal0 9 ! ,tibetan language4 ,ac to leg5d1 yetis >e hairy "<& n s ll"> ogres t look l a cross 2t a human & a be>4 ,p td / report see+ ! my/]i\s cr1tures roam+ ,asia's ,himalayan m.ta9s4 ,! fur-cov]$ mon/] report$ly /&s ei4 ,,! ,,clues ,9 #aihf1 a man hik+ 9 ! ,himalaya photograph$ :at he ?"\ 0 a yeti 9 ! sn[4 ,o!r 2liev]s h tri$ te/+ furry scalps & hair samples1 hop+ !y 2l;g$ to an un"kn animal4 ,"o man ev5 collect$ :at he sd 0 a yeti f+]6 #bg ,,,:at ! yeti cd 2,' ,s f>1 no?+ proves t ! yeti exi/s4 ,te/ results %[$ t ! scalp 2l;g$ to a goat1 & ! hair samples 7 f a be>4 ,t #aihf photograph turn$ \ to 2 a weird rock %ape4 ,& ! 8yeti f+]08 ,te/s rev1l$ x 0 actually f a human4 "<,t's a :ole o!r my/]y6"> ,"s sci5ti/s 2lieve t ! ,tibetan blue be>1 a r>e type ( br[n be> t walks up"r1 is 2+ mi/ak5 = a yeti4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,possible yeti footpr9ts,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,hik]s cd 2 mi/ak+ a tibetan blue be> = a yeti4,' ,! yeti is al "kn z ! ,abom9able ,sn[man4 ,,! ,,my/]y ,,,:y did p vani% f ! lo/ colony ( roanoke8,' ,,! ,,backgr.d ,ab a hundr$ ,5gli% coloni/s >riv$ 9 #aehg to ,roanoke ,isl&1 a spot ne> mod]n-"d ,manteo1 ,nor? ,c>ol9a4 ,n l;g af1 ! colony's gov]nor1 ,john ,:ite1 travel$ back to ,5gl& = m supplies4 ,:5 ,:ite return$ 9 #aeij1 he 0 %ock$ to f9d an empty village4 ,h[ did an 5tire colony ( p 4appe>8 ,,! ,,clues ,>*aeologi/s h f.d objects made 9 ,5gl& simil> to :at ! coloni/s wd've us$,-9clud+ brok5 b[ls & a frag;t ( a writ+ tablet,-am;g a ne>by ,native ,am]ican settle;t call$ ,mettaquem4 ,o!r 4cov]ies 9 ! >ea 9clud$ buri$ iron cannons & c(f9s t miea ": ,mettaquem wd've be54 ,2c ! ,roanoke coloni/s 7 ! f/ ,5gli% p to try to />t a p]man5t settle;t 9 ! ,am]icas1 ^! objects likely 2l;g$ to !m4 ,,,:at cd've happ5$,' ,! my/]i\s 4appe>.e ( ! coloni/s cd h be5 caus$ by any?+1 f l[ food supplies to 41se to an attack by ,native ,am]ican tribes4 ,"o !ory is t ! coloni/s1 fac+ "s k9d ( ?r1t1 split up 9to #bi small] gr\ps & fl$4 ,>tifacts f.d at ,mettaquem su7e/ "s ( !m mi ,,,a replica ( a #afth-c5tury %ip,' @.<,draw+@.> ,,,an illu/ra;n ( 5gli% coloni/s >riv+ to ! am]icas 9 !,' #aejjs @.<,draw+@.> ,,,roanoke gov]nor john :ite " f.d ! ^w 8croatoan0 on a tree4 exp]ts wond] if ! coloni/s fl$ to ? ne>by isl& "4,' ,! lo/ coloni/s ( ,roanoke 9clud$ 5tire families,-#ij m51 #ag wom51 & #aa *n4 ,,! ,,my/]y ,,,:y is ? anci5t mummy moan+8,' ,,! ,,backgr.d ,back 9 #ahhf1 ! director ( ! ,egyptian ,antiquities ,s]vice 0 remov+ ! wrapp+s ( "o ( #dj mummies t _h be5 4cov]$ 9 ,egypt's ,valley ( ! ,k+s :5 he got a b"o-*ill+ surprise4 ,! mummy look$ z if x 0 moan+ 9 pa94 ,xs m\? 0 op51 xs eyes 7 %ut1 & xs no/rils 7 fl>$4 ,:o 0 ? mummy8 ,& :y 0 he moan+8 ,,! ,,clues ,a physician :o exam9$ ! mummy1 ev5tually du2$ ,un"kn ,man ;,e1 3clud$ t he miti/1 & ;x-rays to figure \ :o ! mummy was4 ,by comp>+ results f ! te*nology ) writt5 descrip;ns f anci5t ,egyptian papyrus scrolls1 exp]ts 2lieve t ! body cd 2l;g to ,pr9ce ,p5tew]e4 #ca ,! pr9ce 0 suspect$ ( plott+ ! murd] ( 8 "f1 ,ph>aoh ,ramses ,,iii 9 #aaee ,b4,c4 ,z a memb] ( ! royal family1 he mi*]s >e / unravel+ clues on ? mummy my/]y4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,! moan+ mummy is nick"nd un"kn man ;e4,' ,al;g ) %eepsk91 a /range1 dri$-\ pa/e cov]$ ,un"kn ,man ;,e4 ,,! ,,my/]y ,,,:at happ5$ to k+ john's tr1sure8,' ,,! ,,backgr.d ,9 #abaf1 ,k+ ,john ( ,5gl& lo/ a l>ge load ( tr1sure1 9clud+ 8 cr[n & o!r 2jewel$ pieces1 z he cross$ ! ,riv] ,well/r1m4 ,"s say gre$y ,k+ ,john1 "kn z ,k+ ,john ! ,bad1 got :at he des]v$1 & ! 4h"o/ & 4loyal k+ n"e did f9d 8 miss+ loot4 ,b c5turies lat]1 p >e / look+ = ! tr1sure4 ,,! ,,clues ,9 ! ye>s s9ce ! jewels 4appe>$1 ! l&scape 9 t >ea ( ! c.try has *ang$ dramatically4 ,rese>*]s ?9k ^! geological *anges scatt]$ ! tr1sure f> f ! spot ( ! orig9al cross+4 ,b ":8 ,,,:at cd've happ5$,' ,"s exp]ts say ,k+ ,john's tr1sure 0 lo/ 9 ! m>% 2c he & 8 >my 7 mak+ a ha/y escape f _! 5emies4 ,o!rs say ! rul] ab&on$ 8 m51 & !y got /uck try+ to locate hm4 ,td mo/ ( ,5gl&'s m$ieval m>%es h be5 pav$ ) roads or plant$ ) crops4 ,t hasn't /opp$ tr1sure seek]s f foll[+ a trail ( 9=ma;n provid$ by a]ial photographs %[+ wat] dra9age patt]ns to locate ! loot4 ,s f>1 ?\<1 x hasn't turn$ up4 @.<,pa9t+@.> ,,,k+ john ( 5gl& rul$ f #aaii to,' #abaf4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,"s ( k+ john's miss+ tr1sure wd've look$ simil> to ? m$ieval silv] p5ny4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,! tr1sure 4appe>$ at ! f5s1 an >ea 9 5gl& t floods (t54,' #cc @.<,pa9t+@.> ,,,k+ john " & 8 m5 cross+ ! riv] at hi< tide,' ,k+ ,john's lo/ tr1sure wd 2 wor? an e/imat$ @s#gj million td4 ,,! ,,my/]y ,,,:at secret message is 9 ? sculpture8,' ,,! ,,backgr.d ,a sculpture call$ ,kryptos sits 9 a c\rty>d on ! gr.ds ( ! ,c5tral ,9tellig;e ,ag5cy "<,,cia"> h1dqu>t]s 9 ,langley1 ,virg9ia4 ,? cod$ >t"w 3ta9s f\r messages1 ea* on sep>ate panels1 only ?ree ( : h be5 solv$ 444 ev5 ?\< ! sculpture's locat$ ne> ! sm>te/ code br1k]s 9 ! _w4 ,? sculpture,-: /&s #ab feet hi< & 9cludes #hfe lrs,-has puzzl$ code br1k]s s9ce x 0 f/ unveil$ 9 #aiij4 ,w ! f\r? message "e 2 solv$8 ,,! ,,clues ,! f/ message's solu;n is a poetic phrase by ! sculpture's >ti/2 ! second h9ts at "s?+ buri$ ne>by1 & ! ?ird message is f ! di>y ( >*aeologi/ ,h[>d ,c>t]1 :o 4cov]$ ,k+ ,tut's tomb4 ,s f>1 ! >ti/ has rev1l$ two ^ws ( ! f\r? message3 8,b]l9 ,clock10 ref]5c+ a fam\s clock 9 ,g]_m4 ,ano!r h9t3 ,! sculpture 0 unveil$ 9 ,novemb]1 & exp]ts say t ! mon? is a runn+ !me 9 ! >t"w's message4 ,,! ,,answ]8 ,! clues provid$ by ! >ti/ hav5't help$ m* :5 x comes to ! f9al message4 ,"s say code br1k]s m/ f/ figure \ ! ,b]l9 ,clock1 : 8tells0 "t "? a s]ies ( bl9k+ & solid li ,,,! kryptos sculpture looms 9 front ( ! c5tral 9tellig;e ag5cy h1dqu>t]s4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,g]_m's b]l9 clock,' .1,kryptos m1ns 8hidd50 9 ,greek4 333333333333 ,,,don't take ? quiz 2f b$,' #ce ,,,by anna clayb\rne,' ,f9d \ h[ gd y'd 2 at def1t+ ! d>k =ces ( ! p>anormal ) ? creepy quiz4 ,gd luck,-y're go+ to ne$ x6 .7,,2w>e3 ,a lot ( p don't 2lieve 9 y movies4.' #a ,,,:at's ! be/ way to get rid ( a to avoid attract+ ! m;golian d1? worm1 a po.n\s cr1ture sd to roam ! gobi des]t8,' ,a4 p9k ;,b4 yell[ ;,c4 black ;,d4 purple ) orange spots #c ,,,: smelly food is sd to sc>e vampires away f yr home8,' ,a4 a tuna melt s&wi* ;,b4 a h>d-boil$ egg ;,c4 a bulb ( fre% g>lic ;,d4 a slice ( /9ky *eese #d ,,,h[ c y avoid 2+ *as$ by a w]ewolf8,' ,a4 ,don't g \ at niry a daisy ) y at all "ts4 ;,d4 ,all ( ! abv4 #e ,,,:at's ! be/ way to keep #cg fairies happy1 s t !y don't wreck yr h\se8,' ,a4 ,l1ve \ a b[l ( milk or cr1m = !m4 ;,b 4 ,give !m a dollh\se to live in4 ;,c4 ,gr[ mu%rooms 9 yr g>d54 ;,d4 ,hang a t1spoon on yr front door4 #f ,,,:ile at sea1 h[ c y avoid 2+ lur$ to yr d1? by s++ m]maid-l cr1tures call$ sir5s8,' ,a4 ,cov] yr e>s ) slices ( br1d4 ;,b4 ,s+ an ev5 l\d] s;g yrf4 ;,c4 ,we> a bird f1!r >.d yr neck4 ;,d4 ,h yrf ti$ to ! ma/ ( yr boat4 #g ,,,h[ d y keep wit*es away at ni.d yr h\se4 ;,c4 ,hang up a /"o ) a hole "? x4 ;,d4 ,draw a /> on yr door/ep4 ,,answ]s #a4 ;,d4 , x1 y may f9d ! poison- squirt+ worm com+ t[>d y4 #c4 ;,c4 ,make sure y h pl5ty ( fre% g>lic >.d1 & vampires w run away hold+ _! noses4 #d4 ,a4 ,w]ewolves appe> only dur+ a full moon1 s ? "o's easily solv$4 ,j /ay in6 #e4 ,a4 ,fairies love to play tricks & make a mess1 b if y give !m "s milk or cr1m1 !y'll let y (f ! hook4 #f4 ;,d4 ,ulysses1 ! h]o ( ,hom]'s ,greek poem .1,! .1,odyssey1 ti$ hmf to ! ma/ ( 8 boat to avoid ! lure ( a sir5's s;g,-x "w$6 #g4 ;,c4 ,a /"o ) a hole 9 x is "s"ts call$ a wit* /"o4 ,x's sd to h magic p[]s t sc>e wit*es away4 ,,,h[ _m did y get "r8,' #ci #j-#b ,,,y're .d1 e /r;g 5 to give d1dly squeezes to l>ge animals1 9clud+ caimans4 #c ,blue :ales >e ! _w's l>ge/ pr$ators,-b !y eat small1 %rimplike krill4 #d ,! talons ( a r$-tail$ hawk grip ?+s at l1/ #aj "ts /r;g] ?an humans d4 #e ,! trap-jaw ant snaps xs l[] jaws at #adj miles an h\r,-fa/] ?an ! bl9k ( an eye6 #f ,*impanzees sp5d half _! "d fe$+1 o3a.nally prey+ on monkeys & o!r small mammals4 #g ,! ,golia? bird-eat+ spid] c gr[ to ! size ( yr h&4 #h ,crocodiles h te> gl&s ne> _! ?roats1 s *ew+ makes !m %$ te>s4 #i ,pit*] plants & flytraps f1/ on small animals s* z 9sects & frogs4 #aj ,bask+ %>ks swall[ _! prey :ole3 ,no tee? nec4 #aa ,snakes eat bird e7s1 b birds s* z hawks al eat snakes4 #ab ,h"oy badg]s >5't picky eat]s & ev5 mun* on v5om\s cobras4 #ac ,a m>gay c make noises t s.d l a monkey4 ,:5 a r1l monkey comes to 9ve/igate1 ! small cat p\nces4 #ad ,s1horses use _! sn\ts to suck 9 & eat cru/ac1ns4 #ae ,c"o snails h a spe>like too? !y use to /ab _! prey4 #af ,*eetahs c only spr9t = ab #da #ae seconds 2f !y h to re/4 #ag ,an assass9 bug %oots v5om at ! eyes & nose ( xs prey4 #ah ,a pelican's p\* c hold up to #c gallons ( wat] z ! bird scoops up fi%4 #ai ,an >ctic fox c smell a s1l d5 a mile away4 #bj ,dolph9s ga!r 9 sup]pods ( ?\s&s1 br1k+ (f 9to small] gr\ps to hunt4 #ba ,a wolf pack's comb9$ /r5g? c take d[n a moose,-an animal _m "ts ! size ( a l"o wolf4 #bb ,! t9y mantis %rimp has two clublike front legs t pun* s h>d1 !y c crack a crab's %ell4 #bc ,! />-nos$ mole re-9hales xs [n bu2les "uwat] to sniff \ food4 #bd ,! ,amazonian giant c5tip$e is >m$ ) up to #df claw$ feet = climb+ & grasp+ prey4 #be ,a fox's ?ick tail helps x bal.e z x l1ps to cat* rod5ts & ra2its4 #bf ,a pol> be> c kill a s1l ) j "o swipe ( xs p[];l paw4 #bg ,ladybugs >e pr$ators4 ,!y eat aphids3 small1 sap-suck+ 9sects4 #bh ,*ameleons use _! t;gues,-: c 2 l;g] ?an _! bodies,-to pick bugs (f tree bran*es4 #bi ,a ,eurasian lynx w p\nce on de] & wild pigs m ?an twice xs size4 #cj ,birds ( prey s* z [ls h %>p1 hook-%ap$ b1ks p]fect = pi]c+ fle%4 333333333333 ,,fun ,,/uff ,,,games1 lau ,b>e-back$ fruit bat #dc ,,,:at 9 ! _w8,' ,,,feel l y're 2+ wat*$8,' ,^! photos %[ close-up views ( animal faces4 ,unscramble ! lrs to id5tify ea* cr1ture4 ,,,answ]s on page,' #dg tba risdep yae-aey gfor uelurvt spwa ldromaail laaadrsemn aharnip """""""""""" ,,funny ,,fill-,,9 ,,,by jill fanslau,' ,,,field ( scr1ms,' ,ask a fr to give y ^ws to fill 9 ! blanks 9 ? /ory )\t %[+ x to hm or h]4 ,!n r1d \ l\d = a lau<4 @.<,! ^ws 2l ! s5t;es >e plac$ 9 p>5!ses af ! l[ l9e4@.> ,on a d>k & .- " ni .- " hayride4 ,z we rode "? ! f>m]'s .- " field1 ,i felt a" .- " run d[n my sp9e4 ,my frs lau<$ & play;lly call$ me a sc>$y-.- "4 ,t's :5 we he>d l\d .- " all >.d u4 8.- "60 ,i yell$4 ,my frs sd x 0 probably j ! w9d .- " "? ! trees1 b !y 7 z pale z .- "4 ,sudd5ly1 we saw ! %ape ( a" .- " mon/] appe> \ ( ?9 .- "4 ,x _h .- " sk9 & .- "ge numb]"> >ms1 & x smell$ l a rott5 .- "4 ,i scr1m$ .- " & .- " (f ! hay wagon4 ,i want$ to get home z fa/ z my .- " wd c>ry me4 ,my frs 7 "r 2h me4 ,to ? "d we / h no idea :at k9d ( .- " cr1ture we saw1 b we won't 2 go+ back any"t soon to f9d \4 """""""""""" ,,,signs ( ! "ts,' #de ,see+ isn't alw 2liev+4 ,two ( ^! funny signs isn't r1l4 ,c y figure \ : "o is fake8 ,,,answ]s on page,' #dg #a @.<,a sign t says ,,to ,,b1* ) a f+] po9t+ to ! side1 buri$ 9 sn[ up to ! bottom ( ! sign@.> #b @.<,yell[1 diamond-%ap$ sign ) a picture ( an alligator 9 ! middle t says ,,gator ,,cross+@.> #c @.<,gre5 road sign t says ,,,d9osaur1 c;y limit1 elev #eijj ft,'@.> #d @.<,squ>e /reet cross+ signal ) a smiley face@.> """""""""""" ,,>t ,,z"o ,,haunt$ ,,h\se ,wd y d>e r+ ! doorbell at "o ( ^! spooky h\ses drawn by .7,nat ,geo ,kids.' r1d]s8 @.<,draw+@.> ^1,spooky ^1,manor ,anya ;,w41 #aa1 ,auckl&1 ,new ,z1l& @.<,draw+@.> ^7,trick or ,tr1t^' ,elly ;,s41 #aj1 ,colorado ,spr+s1 ,colorado @.<,draw+@.> ^1, ^7,haunt$ ,h\se on ,:eels^' ,morgan ;,e41 #ab1 ,manhattan1 ,kansas @.<,draw+@.> ^7,! ,m5ac+ ,manor^' ,gillian ;,m41 #ab1 ,pembroke1 ,canada @.<,draw+@.> ^1,batty ^1,h\se ,eva ;,b41 #aa1 ,los ,angeles1 ,cali=nia @.<,draw+@.> ^7,a ,haunt$ ,hall[e5 ,home^' ,roo*i ;,n41 #aj1 ,*>lotte1 ,nor? ,c>ol9a @.<,draw+@.> ^1,yl& @.<,draw+@.> ^7,on ,hall[e5 ,ni ^7,! ,haunt$ ,pat*^' ,madison ;,f41 #ab1 ,f>well1 ,mi*igan @.<,draw+@.> ^1,sc>y #dg ^1,nit ,z"o ,p4,o4 ,box #ihjjb ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjij-#hjjb ,9clude yr "n1 address1 ph"o numb]1 date ( bir?1 a title = yr draw+1 a /ate;t t x is yr [n "w1 & ! "n ( yr p>5t or gu>dian4 ,yr p>5t or gu>dian m/ sign a rel1se = publica;n if yr illu/ra;n is select$4 ,submis.ns 2come ! prop]ty ( ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 & all "rs "!to >e transf]r$ to ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s4 ,submis.ns _c 2 ac"kl$g$ or return$4 ,selec;n w 2 at ! 4cre;n ( .7,nat ,geo ,kids.'4 """""""""""" ,answ]s 8,:at 9 ! ,_w80 "3 ,top r[3 bat1 spid]1 aye-aye4 ,middle r[3 frog1 vulture1 wasp4 ,bottom r[3 >madillo1 salam&]1 piranha4 8,signs ( ! ,"ts0 "3 ,sign #d is fake4 333333333333