,,,na;nal geographic^t kids,' ,,april #bjag ,,issue #dfi ,9 #a ,volume ,$itor 9 ,*ief & ,vice ,presid5t1 ,kids ,magaz9es @& ,digital ,ra*el ,bu*holz ,(fice ,address3 ,,,p4o4 box #fbace tampa1 fl,' #ccffb-#bace http3_/_/kids4na;nalgeographic4com_/ ,sponsor$ & ,pres5t$ by3 ,am]ican ,ac;n ,fund = ,bl ,*n & ,adults #ahjj ,johnson ,/reet ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& #babcj www4ac;nfund4org ,produc$ at ,na;nal ,brl ,press www4nbp4org ,,,na;nal geographic kids " is publi%$ t5 "ts a ye> by ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjcf4 ,= m 9=ma;n 3tact natgeo4com_/9fo4 ,! submis.n ( photographs & o!r mat]ial to ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' is d"o at ! risk ( ! s5d]2 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' _c a3ept liabil;y = loss or damage4 ,copy"r ^c #bjag ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc4 ,all "rs res]v$4 ,reproduc;n ( ! :ole or any "p ( ! 3t5ts ( ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' )\t writt5 p]mis.n is prohibit$4 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' & ,yell[ ,bord]3 ,regi/]$ ,tradem>ks ^r ,m>cas ,regi/radas4 ,pr9t$ 9 ! ,u4,s4,a4 ,,issue #dfi ,transcrib$ 9 ,ji6y-,brl by #c ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,9c41 #hh ,st4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae4 ,! ,ji6y-,brl process bypasses pro(r1d+ 9 ord] to provide a qk & less exp5sive s]vice4 ,"! w 2 o3a.nal ]rors b !y %d n significantly a6ect r1d+4 ,if !y d1 we wd appreciate 2+ notifi$4 ,9 ,? ,issue ,weird ,b ,true6 """""""""""""""""" #f ,:at ,wd ,happ58 """""""""""""""""" #g ,gu9;s ,_w ,records """"""""""""""" #i ,de/9a;n ,space """""""""""""""""" #ab ,extreme ,weird;s """""""""""""""" #ad ,bet ,y ,didn't ,"k """""""""""""" #ag ,hi/ory's ,grte/ ,hits """"""""""" #ag ,amaz+ ,animals """""""""""""""""" #ai ,epic ,animal ,fake-,\ts """"""""" #bd ,*eck \ ! amaz+ ways critt]s h fool$ o!r animals z well z humans4 ,r1l or ,fake8 """"""""""""""""""" #cj ,c y tell ! di6];e 2t ! r1l- life h1dl9es & ! phony- bal"oy /ories8 ,fake ,lake """""""""""""""""""""" #ce ,! _w's l>ge/ salt flat cr1tes an \-(-?-_w e6ect4 ,tricky ,pics """""""""""""""""""" #ci ,4cov] ! secrets 2h "s hil>i\s photos4 ,xtreme ,illu.ns """"""""""""""""" #dd ,^! 9cr$ible images w bo7le yr #e bra94 ,fun ,/uff """"""""""""""""""""""" #dh ,weird ,b ,true6 ,,,by av]y elizabe? hurt & j1nnette swa9,' ,*eck \ ^! \trage\s facts4 ,sci5ti/s gave a new species ( p1cock spid] ! nick"n ,sp>klemu694 ,,,a h"oybee has ! same numb] ( hairs z a squirrel3 #c million4,' ,,,an elephant's too? is ! size ( a brick4,' ,,,sci5ti/s h 4cov]$ a prote9 t c prev5t ice cr1m f melt+ qkly 9 hot w1!r4,' ,,,! sun has holes 9 x4,' ,,,a museum 9 oregon has a collec;n ( #cjj vacuums4,' ,,,! philtrum is ! groove 2t ! top ( yr upp] lip & ! bottom ( yr nose4,' ,,,snails smell ) _! lips4,' ,"! >e approximately #c trillion "<#c1jjj1jjj1jjj1jjj"> trees on ,e>?4 333333333333 ,:at ,wd ,happ58 #g ,,,by crisp9 boy],' ,,,>t by joe ro3o,' ,:at wd happ5 if an a/]oid collid$ ) ,e>?8 ,if a half-mile-wide a/]oid1 or space rock1 cra%$ 9to ,e>?1 x wd h ! same impact z a hundr$ billion tons ( dynamite4 ,! colli.n wd cause e>?quakes = ab a hundr$ miles4 ,an ev5 bi7] a/]oid wd s5d up 5orm\s cl\ds ( du/ t wd block ! sun & kill (f mo/ ( ! _w's plants4 ,x cd al g5]ate 5 h1t to make ! oc1ns boil6 ,luckily sci5ti/s don't ?9k an a/]oid w /rike any"t soon4 ,& !y're com+ up ) ways to prev5t "o f "e hitt+ ,e>?1 s* z melt+ x ) a las] or knock+ x (f c\rse ) a rocket4 ,s.ds l "s gd rock /opp]s6 ,:at wd happ5 if y _h gills l a fi%8 ,gills >e special organs 2h a fi%'s m\?4 ,z wat] passes ov] !m1 !y filt] oxyg5 f ! wat] directly 9to ! fi%'s blood/r1m4 ,if y _h gills1 y cd /ay subm]g$ = z l;g z y want$1 8br1?+0 oxyg5 f ! wat]4 ,b unlike fi%1 humans h a hi< body temp]ature4 ,& we ne$ m* m 5]gy,-& "!=e m oxyg5,-to ma9ta9 ? temp]ature4 ,m oxyg5 requires bi7] gills4 ,9 fact yr gills wd h to /ret* #af feet to take 9 all ! oxyg5 y'd ne$6 ,s br1! a si< ( relief t y .1don't h gills4 ,:at wd happ5 if fly+ c>s exi/$8 ,gaz+ at ! sky on a cle> "d or wat*+ ! />s at nis wd crisscross ! sky1 block+ yr view4 ,9v5tors miplugs4 ,to propel xf 9to ! air1 an object z h1vy z a c> wd ne$ a huge 5g9e1 : wd make a lot ( noise4 ,x's possible 9v5tors w figure \ solu;ns to ! problems t fly+ c>s wd cause4 ,b "r n[1 x looks l we're hitt+ ! brakes4 #i ,,,a/oni%+ /ories f ! files (,' ,gu9;s ,_w ,records ,,,t[] ( crates,' ,my1 :at a /r;g 444 *9 444 y h8 ,sun ,*aoyang holds ! record = ! h1vie/ /ack ( bottle crates /ack$ on ! *94 ,wei<+ ne>ly a hundr$ p.ds1 ! t[] ( crates 0 /ack$ onto ,sun's *9 dur+ 8 live attempt ( ! *all5ge = a ,,tv %[ film$ 9 ,beij+1 ,*9a4 ,8 record br+s new m1n+ to ! phrase 8,keep yr *9 up40 ,,,robot rides camels,' ,horse jockeys1 2w>e3 ,kamel ! robot races camels at ne>ly #be miles an h\r1 ! fa/e/ robot on record to ride a camel4 ,camel rac+ is a sport 9 "s ,>ab c.tries b is dang]\s = human rid]s4 ,s robots d ! job4 ,3troll$ remotely by p foll[+ 9 c>s1 ,kamel & 8 fell[ robots tit rates4 ,! robots al all[ p to %\t 9/ruc;ns to ! camels f ! c>4 ,s1 h[ .1d y say 8,:oa60 9 camel8 ,,,s _m socks6,' ,x's "o ?+ to hang #fi1aeb socks to cr1te ! l;ge/ l9e ( socks4 ,b :5 all ^? foot w>m]s set ! record at ne>ly f\r miles1 well1 t's impressive6 ,ov] #ie p f ,halv]de1 ,g]_m1 7 9volv$ 9 cr1t+ ! l9e z "p ( ! celebra;ns commemorat+ ,halv]de's #hbeth bir?"d4 ,all ( ! socks 7 donat$ by ! citiz5s ( ! t[n4 ,n[ t's q a 8feet40 333333333333 ,jo9 ! ,laun* ,"py6 ,help ,nat ,geo ,kids ,set a ,,,gui;s _w record6,' ,s5d u yr toilet-pap]-roll tubes6 ,we ne$ ab #e1jjj toilet-pap]-roll tubes to build a rocket sculpture big 5 to set ! record4 ,s s5d u ^1lots6 ,help ,nat ,geo ,kids & ,toyota ,hige/ toilet- pap]-roll sculpture4 ,x'll 2 built 9 ! %ape ( a rocket6 ,g onl9e to f9d \ h[ to build yr [n model rocket1 take fun space quizzes1 & m6 natgeokids4com_/laun*-"py #aa ,,,foll[ ^! rules to help u set ! record3,' #a ,collect "s ^1toilet-pap]-roll ^1tubes4 ,!y %d .1n h any toilet pap] on !m4 #b ,! tubes c 2 any size or br& b m/ h be5 us$ = toilet pap]4 #c ,if y ^7decorate yr tubes1^' s5d 9 ! p]mis.n =m 2l4 "<,y don't ne$ to fill \ ! =m if y're n decorat+ yr tubes4"> #d ^7,s5d z _m tubes z y wi% to^' ,nat ,geo ,kids_/,set a ,gu9;s ,_w ,record #aade #agth ,st4 ,,nw ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjcf ,,,tubes m/ 2 rcvd by ^7may,' #aj1 #bjag4^' ,,,fill ? \ if y ^1decorat$ yr tube6,' ,,*',s ,,"n3 .- ,,address3 .- ,,,date ( bir?3 .- " .- "<"d"> .- ",'"> ,,,p>5t or gu>dian "n3,' .- ,,,p>5t or gu>dian signature3,' .- ,by mail+ 9 ? =m y v]ify ? is yr *'s orig9al >t"w4 ,all submis.ns 2come prop]ty ( ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 & all "rs "!to >e transf]r$ to ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s4 ,submis.ns _c 2 ac"kl$g$ or return$4 ,?anks to ^! organiza;ns = _! support3 ,na;nal ,geographic ,$uca;n natgeo$4org ,girls ,:o ,code girls:ocode4com ,! ,m>s ,g5]a;n !m>sg5]a;n4org ,,diy diy4org 333333333333 ,,de/9a;n ,,space ,,,by /ephanie w>r5 drimm],' ^1,de/9a;n ,gliese #abad;b ^1,loca;n ,! 3/ella;n ,ophiu*us ^1,4t.e #db lis away "<,a li is ! 4t.e li4"> ^7,"t to r1*^' #a1acf1jjj ye>s ^1,w1!r #dej^j,f #ac ,,plasma ,,planet ,planet ,gliese #abad;b appe>s 9 front ( ! w9d%ield ( yr spacecraft4 ,! murky br[ni%-black _w is 5circl$ by smog s ?ick t sci5ti/s hav5't be5 able to obs]ve ! surface ( ! planet "un1?4 ,y'll 2 ! f/ p]son to see x4 ,y dip ! nose ( yr spacecraft d[n & dive "? ! haze1 squ9t+ yr eyes to pe] "? ! mi/4 ,z ! planet comes 9to view1 y're surpris$ to see t ,gliese #abad;b is made ( wat]4 ,b t doesn't m1n x's cov]$ ) lakes & oc1ns4 ,9/1d1 ! extreme #dej^j,f h1t "h turns ! wat] 9to d>k /1m4 ,yr w9d%ield fogs up 9 ! hot & mu7y 3di;ns4 ,s9ce ? planet doesn't h a solid surface1 y c dive "r 9side x4 ,z y g deep]1 s5sors on yr da%bo>d tell y t ! pressure \tside is ris+4 ,soon x's hi<] ?an ! pressure at ! bottom ( ,e>?'s deepe/ oc1ns4 ,! hi< pressure & se>+ temp]atures turn ! wat] 9 ? "p ( ! planet 9to "s?+ /range3 plasma4 ,plasma is a sup]h1t$ gas made ( *>g$ "picles4 ,on ,e>?1 x's f.d 9 lis >e made up ( plasma4 ,an al>m on yr da%bo>d goes (f,-yr space%ip is ab to 2 cru%$ by ! extreme pressure6 ,x's "t to l1ve ? weird wat] _w = yr next de/9a;n4 ,! haze t surr.ds ? planet is simil> to ! smog 9 ! air ( ,e>?'s mo/ pollut$ cities4 ,,/> ,,p[] ,gliese #abad;b orbits a type ( /> call$ an ;,m-dw>f4 ,small] & cool] ?an \r sun1 ^! />s %9e ) r$ li 9 \r galaxy3 ,"s #gj p]c5t ( />s >e ;,m-dw>fs4 333333333333 ,,extreme ,,weird;s f ,,>.d ! ,,_w ,,,by allyson %aw,' ,,,we> yr lawn,' ,,:at ,grass-cov]$ flip-flops ,,": ,new ,s\? ,wales ,coa/1 #ae ,au/ralia ,,details ,want to feel ! grass 2t yr toes8 ,j plant yr feet 9 ^! grass- topp$ flip-flops1 design$ to give y ! s5sa;n ( 2+ \tdoors any"t4 ,don't worry ab wat]+ ! s&als,-! grass is actually a lay] ( >tificial turf4 ,y'll h "s happy feet6 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,don't m[ ? grass4,' ,,,zipp] op5s a"p;t,' ,,:at ,unzipp$ floor ,,": ,tokyo1 ,japan ,,details ,y won't keep yr lips zipp$ ab ? 4play6 ,built 9to ! floor ( an a"p;t1 ! tempor>y >t 9/alla;n is %ap$ l a giant zipp] t's op5+ up ! floor4 ,! zipp] is made ( wood1 s x doesn't actually move4 ,b ! >ti/ hopes y'll look twice 2f zipp+ by4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,x',s ,,/uck6 ,,,ice cube on :eels,' ,,:at ,truck made ( ice ,,": ,h5sall1 ,canada ,,details ,x's go+ to 2 an icy ride4 ,? func;nal truck has a body made ( #aa1jjj p.ds ( ice4 ,built ov] a base frame ) :eels1 ! icy ext]ior cov]s a r1l 5g9e1 brakes1 & /e]+ :eel4 ,x runs on a batt]y t's specially design$ to />t 9 frigid 3di;ns t wd keep mo/ c>s f revv+ up4 ,! c> c only g %ort 4t.es,-b :at a grt place to *ill6 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,y're 9 ! cold s1t4,' ,,,humans turn 9to emoji,' ,,:at ,giant smiley face ,,": ,vanc\v]1 ,canada ,,details ,talk ab a wide gr94 ,dress$ 9 yell[ or black pon*os1 ab #ghj p ga!r$ 9 a c;y squ>e to =m a giant smiley face4 ,! gr9n+ gr\p attempt$ to br1k a _w record4 ,maybe next "t !y'll try a w9k emoji4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,say ,,*eese6 333333333333 ,bet y didn't "k #ag #h totally wild facts ab animals ,,,by ]9 :itm],' #a ,a sea turtle c wei< z m* z a wat] bu6alo4 #b ,"s sea />s br1k (f _! [n >ms :5 f"r5$4 #c ,food passes "? a giant squid's bra9 on ! way to xs /oma*4 #d ,an alligator gr[s ab #c1jjj tee? 9 a life"t4 #e ,! fa/e/ falcon c \tpace a spe$+ race c>4 #f ,! 8b>k+ pigeon0 has a call t s.ds l a l\d dog4 #g ,w>thogs don't h w>ts4 #h ,a newborn kang>oo is ab z l;g z a pap] clip4 333333333333 ,hi/ory's ,grte/ ,hits ,,,by kay boatn],' ,,,>t by joe ro3o,' ,,jackie ,,rob9son ,an all-/> a?lete1 ,jackie ,rob9son 0 ! f/ black play] 9 ,major ,l1gue ,baseball4 ,f9d \ ab ! gr.dbr1k+ life ( ? amaz+ h]o4 ,,/>t #aiai ,! gr&son ( a slave1 ,jackie ,rob9son is born 9 ,cairo1 ,georgia4 ,he att5ds ! ,univ]s;y ( ,cali=nia 9 ,los ,angeles1 or ,,ucla1 ": he 2comes ! f/ a?lete to lr 9 f\r sports3 baseball1 basketball1 football1 & track4 ,he def9itely w9s po9ts = t4 @.<,draw+@.> ,,,:at1 l ? is h>d8,' #aidb ,at ! age ( #bc1 ,rob9son is hir$ to play semipro football 9 ,hawaii b is soon draft$ 9to ! ,u4,s4 ,>my to fi ,,ii4 #aide ,af ! w>1 ,rob9son plays a s1son ( pr(es.nal baseball = ! ,kansas ,c;y ,mon>*s 9 ! ,negro ,l1gues1 an organiza;n made up ( ,african- ,am]ican play]s4 ,he f9i%es ! ye> z ! l1gue's batt+ *ampion4 @.<,draw+@.> ,,,i guess y cd say i'm a hit4,' #aidf ,brooklyn ,dodg]s g5]al #ai manag] ,bran* ,rickey asks ,rob9son to play = 8 t1m4 ,rob9son says yes1 mak+ hm ! f/ black play] 9 ,major ,l1gue ,baseball4 @.<,draw+@.> ,,,i got ?4,' #aidg ,9 8 f/ ye> ) ! ,dodg]s1 ,rob9son hits #ab home runs1 l1ds ! l1gue 9 /ol5 bases1 & is "nd ! f/ "e ,rookie ( ! ,ye>1 an aw>d giv5 to ! be/ newcom] 9 ! sport4 ,ov] ! next decade ( 8 c>e]1 he 3t9ues to1 uh1 hit x \ ( ! p>k4 _?,rob9son,rules #aifb ,rob9son 2comes ! f/ ,african- ,am]ican play] vot$ 9to ! ,baseball ,hall ( ,fame4 ,td he's rememb]$ z "o ( ! sport's grte/ play]s,-& a h]o = all races4 @.<,draw+@.> ,,,hey1 t guy looks famili>,' 444 333333333333 ,amaz+ ,animals ,,,donkey lives 9 h\se,' ,hi< ,ridge1 ,miss\ri ,:5 ,jopl9 ! donkey wants to visit 8 [n]1 he doesn't wait to 2 let 9to h] h\se,-he simply pu%es d[n on ! door h&le & nudges x op54 ,!n he h1ds to ! pantry = 8 favorite snack3 graham crack]s & apples4 ,[n] ,dawn ,weg5] f/ br"\ ! donkey 9side :5 he 0 a sick newborn4 ,^! "ds ,jopl9 sleeps 9 ! b>n1 b he / sp5ds pl5ty ( "t 9side dr9k+ \ ( ! toilet & cuddl+ ) ! ,weg5]s's dog1 ,alex4 ,donkeys >e h]d animals1 m1n+ !y don't l to 2 by !mvs4 8,humans & dogs >5't usually "p ( a donkey's h]d10 equ9e exp]t ,brad ,gav] says4 8,b !y're ! only family ,jopl9 "ks40 ,& donkeys c 2 protective ( _! h]d4 8,jopl9 gets suspici\s ( my gr&dau ,,:at',s ,,cook+8 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,snack "t6 jopl9 waits pati5tly to eat an apple4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,jopl9 #ba uses 8 m\? to pu% d[n on ! door h&le to let hmf 9to 8 [n]'s h\se4,' ,,,kitt5 on bo>d,' ,cornwall1 ,5gl& ,lieut5ant ,nick ,grimm]1 a pilot = ! ,briti% ,royal ,navy1 _h j f9i%$ a #cjj-mile road trip :5 he he>d a /range noise com+ f ! back ( 8 c>4 ,he call$ "s frs to come help hm take a"p 8 vehicle to se>* = ! s\rce ( ! s.d4 ,he 0 %ock$ to f9d a kitt5 2h ! re> bump]6 8,he 0 hold+ on = de> life10 ,grimm] says4 8,i h no idea h[ l;g he _h be5 "!40 ,grimm]1 :o _h driv5 f ! airport to 8 (fice at a milit>y base1 ?9ks ! animal crawl$ 9side ! c> :ile x 0 p>k$ at ! airport4 ,cat 2havior exp]t ,m>ilyn ,krieg] ?9ks t ! kitt5 probably climb$ 9side to escape ano!r animal or %elt] f bad w1!r4 ,%e gives kudos to ,grimm] = free+ ! trapp$ fur ball3 8,n _m p wd take a"p _! c> to save a cat60 %e says4 ,grimm] put \ fly]s ) ! kitt5's picture1 b no [n] came =w>d4 ,s ,grimm]'s boss1 ,comm&] ,br5dan ,spoors1 adopt$ ! cat4 ,n[ call$ ,ti7]1 ! kitt5 sp5ds 8 "ds play+ ) ,spoors' two "y daus4 .1,-,s>a .1,s*w>tz @.<,photograph@.> ,,,don't worry1 i'm 8fel9e0 f9e n[4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,lieut5ant nick grimm] holds ti7]1 ! kitt5 he f.d trapp$ 9 8 c>4,' ,,toadzilla6 ,d>w91 ,au/ralia ,9 ! d>k ( nige/ cane toad on record 9 ,au/ralia1 at ab ei.d4 8,cane toads take away food f o!r pr$ators & >e kill+ _m o!r native animals10 says ,graeme ,sawy] ( ,frog,wat*1 : l1ds exp$i;ns s* z ! "o t nett$ ,toadzilla4 ,luckily cane toads >e sl[ & easy to cat*4 ,once ,sawy]'s t1m he>d ,toadzilla's 4t9ctive mat+ call,-8l a dial t"o on a teleph"o10 he says,-a track] gra2$ ! cr1ture by h&4 ,n[ 9/1d ( 2+ a pr$ator1 ,toadzilla is a t1*]1 visit+ s*ools to $ucate kids ab 9vasive species l ! cane toad4 ,bett] li/5 to .1? t1*]6 .1,-,bekah .1,w"r @.<,photograph@.> 8,,,hoppy0 to see me8,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,toadzilla1 a giant cane toad1 is h&l$ by ! track] :o locat$ ! cr1ture4,' 333333333333 ,epic ,animal ,fake-,\ts ,h[ ^! cl"e critt]s fool$ "eybody ,,,by jamie ki6el-al*eh,' ,humans >5't ! only "os :o play tricks4 ,us+ _! /1l? & sm>ts1 "s animals c fool o!r critt]s,-& ev5 p4 ,?9k we're mess+ ) y8 ,r1d ^! /ories ( animal antics to see = yrf4 ,,ap+ ,,humans ,keep]s at ! ,cologne ,zoo 9 ,cologne1 ,g]_m1 7 prepp+ br1kfa/ = ! orangutans "o morn+ :5 a surpris+ noise em]g$ f ! apes' 5closure4 ,x s.d$ l a ba2l+ human4 ,_h a visitor "sh[ gott5 9to ! >ea8 ,! keep]s w5t to 9ve/igate & 4cov]$ :at 0 r1lly mak+ ! humanlike noise,-a female orangutan "nd ,tilda6 ,! ape _h figur$ \ h[ to imitate ! rhy?m ( human spee*4 8,tilda r1lly gra2$ ! keep]s' att5;n10 exhibit curator ,alex&] ,sliwa says4 ,& t's exactly :at %e want$4 8,%e makes ^! s.ds :5 keep]s don't provide h] ) gdies fa/ 5\<40 ,no surprise1 ? ape is caus+ a lot ( *att]4 #be ,,,got yr back,' ,face-to-face ) a ta/y %rimp1 a l>g] ,pacific /rip$ octopus ext5d$ an >m ov] ! %rimp's back4 ,! octopus 0 mov+ s sl[ly ! %rimp didn't ev5 notice ! move4 ,b !n ! octopus tapp$ on ! %rimp's back 5d4 ,?9k+ t a pr$ator 0 .12h x1 ! %rimp jump$ =w>d,-"r 9to ! octopus's wait+ >ms6 8,:5 ,i f/ saw ? happ51 ,i cdn't 2lieve x10 says biologi/ ,roy ,caldwell1 :o wat*$ ! octopus prank ! %rimp " at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,cali=nia at ,b]keley4 ,! octopus 3t9u$ to 4play ? 2havior1 & sci5ti/s n[ ?9k o!r memb]s ( ! species d x too4 8,if ! octopus j tri$ to grab a %rimp1 ! spe$y cru/ac1n wd likely get away10 ,caldwell says4 ,trick+ x to come clos] gives ! octopus a leg1 or ei ,,,no 444 sudd5 444 move;ts4,' ,,,9 ! groove,' ,rese>*] ,hantanir9a ,rasamimanana wit;s$ :at appe>$ to 2 a wild d.e "py 9 a =e/ 9 ! ,african c.try ( ,madagasc>4 ,%e 0 obs]v+ sifakas "1 :5 "s ( ! animals climb$ d[n f _! p]* 9 ! trees to a cle>+4 ,/&+ up"r1 !y ?rew \ _! >ms1 mov$ _! hips1 jump$ up1 & click$ _! heels midair 2f l&+4 ,!y 3t9u$ ^! move;ts1 hopp+ sideways until !y cross$ ! cle>+4 8,i 0 mesm]iz$10 ,rasamimanana says4 8,x look$ l !y 7 danc+40 ,_! moves may fool "s 9to ?9k+ !y c boogie4 ,b !y jump & jive l ? 2c x's ! fa/e/ way = !m to move acr ! gr.d1 : helps !m avoid pr$ators s* z snakes4 ,!y c make ^! mo;ns 2c ( _! flexibil;y & /r;g legs4 ,next up3 .7,danc+ ,) ! ,/>s.'8 @.<,photographs@.> ,,,! sifaka %immy a,' sifaka does xs signature d.elike l1p acr ! gr.d4 ,,fake ,,foe ,:5 a troop ( tuft$ capu*9 monkeys 9 ,>g5t9a's ,iguaz^/u ,na;nal ,p>k #bg f.d bananas left by sci5ti/s on a man- made plat=m 9 ! trees1 !y all want$ to *[ d[n4 ,9 capu*9 communities1 ! l[]- rank+ memb]s >e suppos$ to let ! dom9ant "os eat f/4 ,b "o l[]-rank+ monkey 9 ? gr\p didn't want to wait4 ,s x made :at s.d$ l a call us$ to w>n o!rs ( ne>by pr$ators4 ,?+ is1 "! wasn't any 5emy4 ,:5 ! dom9ant capu*9s he>d ! call1 !y dropp$ _! snacks & ran,-& ! l[]- rank+ monkey hurri$ ov] to grab ! gds4 8,x's possible ! capu*9 0 try+ to express annoy.e1 & x s.d$ l a w>n+ call10 says 2havioral ecologi/ ,br&on ,:eel]1 :o wit;s$ ! ev5t4 8,or maybe x knew ! call wd make ! o!rs run away40 ,t's "s monkey busi;s4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a capu*9 nabs a banana f a tree4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,! banana hei/ is on6,' ,,tra% ,,trick ,animal 2havior exp]t ,suzanne ,mac,donald 0 tak+ \ ! g>bage "o nims \t/ret*$4 ,! ra3oon rema9$ quiet1 try+ to bl5d 9 ) ! re/ ( ! ?r[aways4 8,he 0 j wait+ to cat* :at"e food ,i 0 go+ to toss in10 ,mac,donald says4 ,mac,donald1 :o /udies ra3oons1 wasn't completely surpris$ by h] g>bage gue/4 8,ra3oons >e sm>t10 %e says4 8,!y c get a s5se ( a p]son's r\t9e & "t _! visits bas$ on :5 ! p]son is mo/ likely to take \ ! g>bage40 ,/1 ,mac,donald has n"e se5 ano!r ra3oon hid+ \ .19side a b94 ,al? ,mac,donald notic$ ! animal1 o!rs :o w]5't pay+ att5;n mid$ food4 ,? ra3oon's plan def9itely wasn't ru2i%4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,hid+ 9 ! tra%1 ? ra3oon waits = "s grub4,' ,,squirrel ,,/unt #bi ,:ile obs]v+ ea/]n gray squirrels 9 ,wilkes-,b>re1 ,p5nsylvania1 biologi/ ,mi*ael ,a4 ,/eele & 8 t1m wat*$ z "o dug a hole1 plac$ an acorn 9 x1 & !n cov]$ x4 ,soon af1 ! sci5ti/s saw a di6]5t squirrel scurry to ! spot & dig >.d 9 hopes ( /1l+ ! /a%4 ,b ! hole 0 empty4 ,! wd-be ro2] _h be5 fak$ \,-! nut _h n"e actually be5 buri$6 ,/eele's rese>* has %[n t ea/]n gray squirrels commonly pret5d to bury acorns 9 ! pres;e ( squirrel ?ieves4 8,we only obs]ve ! 2havior :5 ano!r squirrel is ne>by10 ,/eele says4 8,! ac;n seems to 2 a tricky way = !m to keep rivals 4tract$ s !y don't notice ": food is r1lly 2+ buri$40 ,s.ds nuts1 b x m/ "w4 ,,egg ,,impo/]s ,/&+ 9 a savanna 9 ,zambia1 a c.try 9 ,africa1 biologi/ ,claire ,spottiswoode spi$ on a tawny-flank$ pr9ia z x settl$ on xs ne/ to w>m xs e7s4 ,! bird look$ at ease4 ,b ,spottiswoode knew "s?+ ! pr9ia didn't3 ,! ne/ held impo/] e7s6 ,two ( !m _h be5 laid by ano!r bird call$ ! cuckoo f9* :ile ! pr9ia 0 away4 ,& x wasn't ! f/ "t ,spottiswoode _h se5 ? 2havior4 8,cuckoo f9* e7s h evolv$ to look l ^? ( ! pr9ia10 %e says4 8,s x's possible to trick ! pr9ia 9to ?9k+ ! cuckoo f9* e7s >e xs [n40 ,! fool$ pr9ias c>e = ! e7s & ev5 nurture ! cuckoo f9* *icks af !y hat*,-m1n+ ! cuckoo f9* p>5ts get a free babysitt]6 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a pr9ia fe$s a cuckoo f9* *ick t %e ?9ks is h] [n (fspr+4,' 333333333333 ,,,r1l or fake8,' ,,,by emily krieg],' ,,,>t by tom nick cocotos,' ,^! may 2 "s ( ! mo/ biz>re /ories y've "e r1d,-b only ?ree ( !m >e actually true4 ,c y tell ! di6];e 2t ! r1l-life h1dl9es & ! phony-balonies8 ,,,answ]s on page,' #fe #a ,,,c.tries battle ov] #ca bird poop,' ,,,*9*a isl&s1 pacific oc1n,' ,battles h be5 f"\ ov] _m ?+s3 taxes1 oil1 spices 444 poop8 ,yep4 ,a two-ye> battle ov] isl&s cov]$ 9 bird poop1 or guano1 broke \ 2t ,p]u & ,spa9 dur+ ! #ahfjs4 ,:y ! fuss ov] feces8 ,at ! "t1 guano 0 9 hi< dem& z a f]tiliz]4 ,& x turns \ ! dry climate ( ! ,*9*a ,isl&s 9 ! ,pacific ,oc1n pres]ves ! guano left by s1f>+ birds4 ,9 fact "s guano piles report$ly /ood #aej feet tall6 ,spa9 want$ to take 3trol ( ! isl&s f ,p]u1 a =m] colony4 ,b ! ,p]uvian gov]n;t refus$1 & w> broke \4 ,p]u prevail$1 ?\<1 & to ? "d rema9s ! [n] ( ! preci\s poop4 #b ,,s1floor ,,c;y ,,,s\?1/ coa/1 *9a,' ,9 #bjaa1 ,*9a /unn$ ! _w :5 x ann\nc$ x _h secretly set up a c;y ( a ?\s& p on ! s1floor (f ! c.try's s\?1/]n coa/4 ,5cas$ 9 a giant see-"? dome1 ,s1floor ,c;y is protect$ f ! surr.d+ wat]s by a #a1ajj-foot-?ick transp>5t mat]ial develop$ 9 a top-secret lab 9 ! c;y ( ,%anghai4 ,at two squ>e miles1 ! c;y is small b pack$ ) ! na;n's sm>te/ sci5ti/s4 ,! gov]n;t has task$ !m ) /udy+ ?+s l m>9e life1 h[ p miloads ( ,canadians did dur+ ! summ] ( #bjad1 help+ ! kid- size hit*,,bot travel m ?an #c1gjj miles f ,halifax to ,victoria4 ,any"o :o (f]$ hit*,,bot a ride _h to lift x 9to & \ ( ! c> 2c only xs hit*hik+ >m mov$4 ,b ho/s 7 rew>d$ ) a robot t cd 3v]se ) xs companions & %>e facts ab ! region ! c> 0 travel+ "?4 ,! bot _h a ton ( fun al;g ! way1 si5't q sure yet4 ,!y >e1 h["e1 hop+ ! rese>* w ev5tually help u le>n m ab ! natural _w4 ,b "o "d soon .1yr h\seplants cd s+3 ,a fundrais+ campaign to make ! device available _wwide has r1*$ xs goal4 #e ,,a/ronaut ,,9fe/a;n ,,\t] ,,space ,9 :at 0 du2$ ! 8\-(-?-_w it* sit*10 half ! a/ronauts abo>d ! space %uttle .1,triumph 7 ord]$ to return to ,e>? af an epic \tbr1k ( h1d lice /ruck 9 #aiid4 ,at f/ ! a/ronauts tri$ to live ) ! lice1 mak+ jokes :ile scrat*+ _! scalps dur+ video 3f];e calls ) ,,nasa4 ,:5 ?+s got worse1 "s %av$ (f _! hair4 ,b ov] "t ! lice prov$ too p[];l4 ,! a/ronauts cdn't get rid ( !m & 7 4tract$ f _! hi<-/akes duties4 ,s !y 7 s5t home to recov]4 ,,nasa says x's unsure h[ ! lice bo>d$ ! %ip1 or if ! extra-p]si/5t pe/s 7 extrat]re/rial4 333333333333 ,,,h[ to spot fake news6,' ,,,by kay boatn],' ,c y 2lieve "ey?+ y r1d8 ,n alw4 ,"s"ts x's h>d to tell ! di6];e 2t r1l-life h1dl9es & made-up "os,- especially on ! ,9t]net4 ,& "s p >e try+ to trick y on purpose4 ,foll[ ^! tips = sni6+ \ fake news4 ,does ! /ory come f a newspap]1 magaz9e1 or website y've n"e he>d (8 8,well-"kn news s\rces >5't likely to try to fool y10 says ,]ic ,c>v91 social m$ia $itor = ! ,associat$ ,press4 8,if y hav5't he>d ( a publica;n1 d "s rese>* on h[ tru/wor?y !y >e 2f y take :at !y say z fact4 ,h !y be5 a3us$ ( publi%+ fake news #ce 2f8 ,!n !y may n 2 reliable40 ,is j "o newspap]1 magaz9e1 or website report+ on ! /ory8 8,if a /ory is r1l1 !n _m publica;ns w cov] x10 ,c>v9 says4 8,big na;nal /ories wor? report+ on >e usually f1tur$ 9 m ?an j "o or two >ticles40 ,is ! /ory miss+ key 9=ma;n8 8,if no exp]ts or eyewit;ses >e m5;n$ 9 ! >ticle1 t's a w>n+ sign10 ,c>v9 says4 8,mo/ publica;ns try to sp1k ) at l1/ two s\rces to back up a /ory40 333333333333 ,,fake ,,lake ,,,by scott eld],' ,,,! _w's l>ge/ salt flat cr1tes an \-(-?-_w illu.n4,' ,see+ "s"o :o appe>s to 2 walk+ on a cl\d mi de ,uyuni "<,sah-,,l> ,,"d ,uh-,,yoo-nee">4 ,! walk+-on-air e6ect is actually caus$ by "s?+ totally ord9>y3 a reflec;n 9 a ra9 puddle4 ,:at's special ab ! .1sal>.',-,spani% = salt flat,-is t ? ?9 pool /ret*es = miles1 cr1t+ a seem+ly 5d.s natural mirror4 ,& ? a/.d+ optical illu.n is j "o ( ! ?+s t makes ! ,sal> de ,uyuni s biz>re4 ,,,hi< & dry,' ,! sal> is m ?an two miles abv sea level 9 ! ,&es ,m.ta9s 9 a region call$ ! ,altiplano1 ,spani% = hi< pla94 ,"s #dj1jjj ye>s ago1 t[]+ m.ta9 ranges trapp$ ra9fall & prev5t$ wat] run(f f ! ,altiplano1 cr1t+ a huge lake load$ ) ! plat1u's natural salt deposits4 ,b climate *ange r$uc$ ! am.t ( ra9fall 9 ! >ea1 & ! body ( wat] dri$ up ab #aj1jjj ye>s ago4 ,a deep lay] ( salt 0 left 2h4 ,td ! sal> sprawls ab #d1jjj squ>e miles,-m ?an twice ! size ( ,rhode ,isl&4 ,,:ite ,,\ ,2c ( xs dry climate1 ! sal> is a h>d- cru/$ wa/el& = mo/ ( ! ye>4 8,x's j :ite all ! way to ! horizon10 #cg e>? sci5ti/ ,adrian ,borsa says4 8,! color makes x look z if y're actually on ice40 ,s1sonal ra9s o3a.nally subm]ge ! salt "u a sup]wide puddle4 ,at mo/ a c\ple ( 9*es deep1 ! wat] lay] is too ?9 to make any waves1 : expla9s xs 5d.s-look+ mirror surface4 ,,,signs ( life,' ,al? ! region c seem empty1 a few places ?rive ) life4 ,! 8sea0 ( salt is dott$ ) /ony \tcrops "kn z isl&s4 ,^! rocky refuges,-te*nically ! tip- tops ( buri$ volcanoes,->e home to ! few animals t manage to live on ! sal>1 s* z ,&1n foxes "kn z culpeos4 ,migrat+ flam+os al fly 9 to bre$ & *[ d[n on algae t gr[ 9 ! wat]4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,flam+os se>* = food 9 ! sal> de uyuni4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,an &1n fox1 al call$ a culpeo1 explores ! salt flat4,' ,,buri$ ,,tr1sure ,) ab #aj billion tons ( salt ly+ >.d1 x's no surprise t salt produc;n 9 ! sal> is a big busi;s4 ,af "w]s %ovel ! salt 9to piles to dry x \1 ! product is process$ & sold _wwide4 ,b ! r1l gold m9e lies 2n ! surface4 ,an ele;t call$ li?ium1 : is us$ to make batt]ies 9 cell ph"os1 is f.d "un1? ! salt4 ,? untapp$ res\rce cd 2 wor? a :opp+ .1trillion doll>s4 ,b = _m visitors1 ? /range place's mo/ valuable f1ture w alw 2 ! m9d-bl[+ sc5]y4 8,! sal> is a weird1 o!r_wly exp]i;e10 ,borsa says4 8,x feels l x's n ,e>?40 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a close-up look at ! salt flat dur+ xs dry s1son,' ,bolivia has #cg (ficial languages1 b ,spani% is ! mo/ common4 ,! na;nal animal ( ,bolivia is ! llama4 ,bolivia has two capital cities3 ,la ,paz & ,sucre4 ,,,h[ ! salt flat took #ci %ape,' #a ,,,ab #dj1jjj ye>s ago,' 444 ,"s #dj1jjj ye>s ago a giant prehi/oric lake call$ ,lago ,m9*9 cov]$ #d1jjj squ>e miles ( :at is n[ s\?we/ ,bolivia 9 ,s\? ,am]ica4 ,! lake 0 completely surr.d$ by m.ta9s on all sides4 #b ,,,ab #be1jjj ye>s ago,' 444 ,ov] "t1 ! massive lake %runk 9to small]1 sep>ate lakes4 ,z ! lakes 3t9u$ to %r9k1 !y l1*$1 or drew \1 salt deposits f ! surr.d+ m.ta9s4 #c ,,,ab #aj1jjj ye>s ago,' 444,! lakes dri$ \ approximately #aj1jjj ye>s ago1 l1v+ 2h ! salt deposits4 ,td ,sal> de ,uyuni is ! _w's l>ge/ salt flat4 333333333333 ,tricky ,pics ,secrets ( ,fake ,photos ,rev1l$ ,,,by jamie ki6el-al*eh,' ,,ok1 dogs c't r1lly burn ru2] on a motorcycle4 ,b ) comput] programs1 animals & humans c appe> to 2 do+ j ab any?+6 ,digital >ti/s use all sorts ( tools & te*niques to alt] photos4 ,= 9/.e 9 "o program1 liquefy+ filt]s help /ret* smiles & bodies4 ,! blur filt] makes x look z if ! subjects 9 ! image >e 9 mo;n4 ,>ti/s c al use a cutt+ & pa/+ tool to cut \ "o "p ( a photo & pa/e x onto ano!r4 ,"s"ts p *ange pictures to misl1d y4 ,= 9/.e1 a makeup company got 9 tr\ble af x 0 4cov]$ t ! la%es ( a model we>+ ! company's masc>a 7 alt]$ to look ?ick] 9 "o ad4 ,! company want$ cu/om]s to 2lieve t ! product "w$ bett] ?an x actually did4 ,!n ag1 pics c 2 manipulat$ = fun1 j l ! images on ^! pages4 ,4cov] h[ ^! tricky pics 7 cr1t$4 ,,,bad to ! b"o,' @.<,two dogs we>+ go7les ride a motorcycle4@.> ,! go7les n"e t\*$ ! r1l dogs' faces 9 ? image by ,lund4 ,f/ he took pics ( a human we>+ !m4 ,!n he ]as$ ! #da human face & plac$ ! go7les on photos he took ( two dogs4 ,he comb9$ ^! images ) %ots ( a bike & road4 ,,turtle ,,"t @.<,a turtle 9 mid-air cat*es a ,frisbee4@.> ,"o turtle8 ,try ?ree6 8,i notic$ t baby turtles h ! prettie/ %ells10 photograph] ,nick ,v$ros says4 8,box turtles h grt legs & tails1 & giant tortoises h ! be/ faces40 ,s ,v$ros took %ots ( all ?ree & cut & pa/$ ! "ps tgr4 "<,x's simil> to h[ y'd make a photo collage4"> ,he !n add$ a blue- sky backgr.d & ,frisbee4 ,,,cat got yr t;gue,' @.<,a cat we>+ a necklace pulls back ! corn]s ( xs m\? ) xs paws & /icks \ xs t;gue4@.> ,f/ photograph] ,john ,lund snapp$ s"eal pictures ( ,roswell ! cat1 !n us$ comput] tools to comb9e v>i\s "ps ( ! cat's body f ! di6]5t pictures4 ,b ! tricky "p 0 j gett+ ! cat to op5 8 m\?4 8,we ne$$ a cat t me[$ a lot10 ,lund says4 8,luckily ,roswell's a talk]60 ,! >ti/ !n us$ a comput] tool to /ret* ! image ( ! cat's m\? ev5 m4 ,,twi/$ @.<,dogs & cats /& 9 awkw>d posi;ns ov] & >.d ea* o!r ) _! paws on ! circles ( a ,twi/] bo>d4@.> ,:at's weird ab ? ,twi/] mat,-2ss ! fact t animals >e on x8 8,! scale is 5tirely wr;g10 ,lund says4 8,a r1l ,twi/] mat is human-size4 ,! animals wd h to 2 gigantic to play40 ,,d9o ,,dig @.<,a man digs 9 a y>d1 & a cut\t view ( ! gr.d 2l hm rev1ls a giant1 hidd5 d9osaur skeleton4@.> ,no hidd5 fossil "h6 ,9 a six-foot-l;g box1 ! d9osaur model 0 plac$ flat on ! dirt & !n photograph$ f abv4 ,! f;e is a m9iature model made ( popsicle /icks4 ,all t,-plus ! grass & ! guy,- w]e put tgr by ,v$ros on ! comput]4 ,,kit*5 ,,s9k #dc @.<,a cat takes a bu2le ba? 9 a kit*5 s9k4@.> ,remy ! cat 0 dry :5 8 photo 0 tak54 8,we photograph$ ! s9k1 ! bru%1 & ! duck sep>ately ) suds >.d !m10 says ,lund1 :o !n digitally comb9$ all ! ele;ts4 ,,cr1ture ,,f1ture @.<,dogs & cats sit 9 a movie !at] we>+ #c-;,d glasses4@.> ,! orig9al photo 0 ( an empty movie !at]4 ,x 0 tak5 by ,lund1 :o w$g$ pla/ic film cani/]s 2t ! s1ts to hold !m d[n4 ,he !n add$ ! furry audi;e memb]s4 ,a 8lay] mask0 tool let ! animals' eyes %[ "? ! #c-;,d glasses t ,lund pa/$ on lat]4 ,,"s?+',s ,,fi%y @.<,an iguana holds a fi%+ rod ov] ! rail ( a fi%+ boat4@.> ,surprise6 ,? photo is = r1l4 8,i 0 sportfi%+ ) a man :o br"\ 8 pet iguana10 photograph] ,bill ,curts+] says4 8,! iguana climb$ up ! fi%+ pole to get a bett] view4 ,x look$ l he 0 fi%+40 ,s ,curts+] gra2$ a cam]a = ? r1l photo t fools j ab "ey"o4 ,,big ,,rig @.<,an elephant sits on a small toy c> at ! b1* ) a foot on ! :eel4@.> 8,we sat ! elephant on a /ool at a /udio ": c>s >e usually photograph$10 photograph] ,bob ,elsdale says4 ,:y8 ,x 0 ! only /udio ) a door big 5 = ! elephant to fit "?6 ,! c> is a toy photograph$ at a b1*4 333333333333 ,xtreme ,illu.ns ,^! 9cr$ible images w bo7le yr bra94 ,! human bra9 "ws #cj "ts fa/] ?an ! be/ sup]comput]s1 ac to "s exp]ts4 ,b ev5 yr m>vel\s m9d c 2 trick$ by optical illu.ns4 ,^! images use colors1 patt]ns1 %ad[s1 & o!r ?+s to fool yr bra9 9to see+ "s?+ t's n "!4 ,*eck \ ! sci;e t makes ^! illu.ns s tricky4 ,p[] ,pop #de ,,d ,,? ,/>e at ! fl[]s 9 ! illu.n4 ,d any ( !m look z if !y're popp+ (f ! page8 ,,:at',s ,,up ,y likely sd t ! yell[ blooms 7 jump+ \4 ,^! fl[]s h extra l9es >.d !m1 giv+ !m :at look l %ad[s4 ,? tricks yr bra9,-: uses li.d an object to det]m9e xs ?ick;s,- 9to ?9k+ t ! yell[ fl[]s h m dep? ?an ! r$ blossoms4 ,& s9ce !y appe> to h m dep?1 !y /& \ m ?an ! flat-look+ fl[]s >.d !m4 ,grt ,l5g?s ,,d ,,? ,exam9e ! two goldfi% swimm+ 9 ! glass4 ,: "o is l;g]8 ,,:at',s ,,up ,z y look at ! image1 yr eyes zoom 9 on ! space >.d ea* fi%4 ,2c less space surr.ds ! "o on ! bottom1 yr bra9 assumes t ? fi% is bi7] ?an ! goldfi% abv x4 ,b !y're exactly ! same size6 #c-;,d ,impossibil;y ,,d ,,? ,gl.e at ! /ructure 9 ? picture4 ,does x look ?ree-dim5.nal to y8 ,,:at',s ,,up ,? illu.n f1tures :at's "kn z an 8impossible figure40 ,x's drawn 9 s* a way t yr bra9 sees x z ?ree-dim5.nal1 ! same way x sees r1l objects4 ,! illu/rat$ /ructure mi*es ov] ! yell[ & orange backgr.ds >e posi;n$ 9 a way t cdn't actually happ54 ,ev5 ?\< y "k ? figure cdn't exi/1 yr 2fuddl$ bra9 keeps view+ ! object 9 #c-;,d1 try+ to "u/& h[ x "ws4 ,sp9 ,cycle ,,d ,,? ,move yr h1d backw>d & =w>d1 keep+ yr eyes fix$ on ! plus sign at ! image's c5t]4 ,! ?ree black-&-:ite r+s w />t to turn6 ,,:at',s ,,up ,yr bra9 is us$ to see+ objects blur :5 !y're mov+ at hi< spe$s4 ,& ! blurry patt]n ( ! r+s comb9$ ) ! backw>d & =w>d move;t ( yr h1d 3fuse yr bra91 caus+ x to see ! r+s 9 mo;n4 ,! rep1t$ patt]n mie all ! curl+1 ;,u-%ap$ sec;ns ( ! waves ! same color "?\t ! picture8 ,,:at',s ,,up ,!y >e 9de$ ! same color6 ,! way we 9t]pret an object's color *anges bas$ on xs backgr.d4 ,:5 an object is set ag/ a m b"rly color$ backgr.d1 x appe>s d>k]4 ,:5 ! same object is set ag/ a d>k] backgr.d1 x appe>s b"r]4 ,2c ! waves appe> on backgr.ds ) v>y+ colors & levels ( b"r;s1 ! waves appe> to 2 di6]5t hues z well4 ,\ ( ,%ape ,,d ,,? ,po9t \ ! %apes y see 9 ? illu.n4 ,,:at',s ,,up ,y may h c.t$ two triangles,-"o )\t a bord] & "o ) l9es runn+ al;g xs corn]s4 ,b "! >e no r1l triangles "h4 ,:5 y see a new object or design1 yr ?9k] tries to make s5se ( x by comp>+ x to %apes & patt]ns y "k4 ,yr bra9 is famili> ) triangles1 & x =ms ^! recognizable %apes z x analyzes ! odd patt]n4 ,balanc+ ,act ,,d ,,? ,*eck \ ! picture ( ! c[4 ,y'll notice t ! photo is t9t$ blue on "o side & yell[ on ! o!r4 ,next1 />e at ! fly 9 ! "r-h& image = #cj seconds1 !n look back at ! fly on ! c[4 ,! photo w appe> normal4 ,,:at',s ,,up ,human eyes 3ta9 special cells t pick up lie at ! solid blue & yell[ picture on ! "r1 ! cells 2come less s5sitive to ^! colors4 ,? m1ns !y won't respond z /r;gly to ! hues :5 y swit* yr gaze back to ! c[4 ,9/1d ( pick+ up ! blue & yell[ t9ts cov]+ ! moo]1 yr bra9 fills 9 ! picture ) a bal.e ( color x's us$ to see+4 333333333333 ,fun ,/uff games1 laut project4 #b ,yuck4 ,a c\ple ( yr bananas h g"o br[n4 ,:at d y d ) !m8 ,a4 ,?r[ !m away4 ,no?+'s worse ?an mu%y fruit4 ;,b4 ,cut \ ! br[n "ps & eat :at y c4 ;,c4 ,make a smoo?ie ) !m & add ! peels to yr compo/ b94 #c ,x's ! 5d ( ! s*ool & yr backpack is fill$ ) old "w%eets4 ,:at w y d ) !m8 ,a4 ,dump ! 5tire 3t5ts ( yr backpack 9to ! tra%4 ;,b4 ,toss ! pap] 9to ! recycl+ b94 ;,c4 ,g "? ea* %eet & use :at"e y c = scrap pap]2 recycle ! re/4 #d ,oops6 ,y j spill$ yr juice all ov] ! kit*5 floor4 ,:at d y cl1n x up )8 ,a4 ,a bun* ( napk9s ;,b4 ,a few %eets ( pap] t[els,-! k9d made \ ( recycl$ mat]ials1 ( c\rse ;,c4 ,a reusable rag t y c toss 9 ! wa%+ ma*9e #e ,a p>k 9 yr neiby recycl+ c5t]4 ;,c4 ,organize mon?ly cl1nups & 3tact yr local gov]n;t ab :at c 2 d"o to prev5t litt]4 ,,,n[ tally up yr answ]s & f9d \ h[ gre5 y >e6,' ,,mo/ly ,a',s ,,,a wee bit wa/e;l,' ,y're tops :5 x comes to cl1n+ up1 b y c alw d m to r$uce yr wa/e4 ,y h ! p[] to d "s?+,-s look = ll ways to make a di6];e4 ,,mo/ly ,b',s ,,,recycl+ rock />,' ,y're sup]-aw>e ( :at c 2 recycl$ 9 yr _w4 ,*e]s to y = 2+ s gre5-m9d$6 ,y'll no d\bt l1d ! way by example1 & soon yr frs & family w 2come j z focus$ on recycl+ z y >e4 ,,mo/ly ,c',s ,,l[-,,wa/e ,,w>rior ,:at o!rs mie plac$ 9 p>5!ses af ! l[ l9e4@.> ,de> ,aunt .- "1 ,?ank y s m* = my .- " bir?"d gift4 ,:5 ! mail c>ri] deliv]$ ! package1 x 0 cov]$ 9 .- "<"s?+ /icky"> & 0 mak+ a" .- " s.d4 ,i set aside ! box to eat my .- "<"s?+ gross">- flavor$ bir?"d cake4 ,b sudd5ly ! box />t$ to .- "4 8.- "60 we all sd z #ec we ran ov] to x4 ,i .- " op5$ ! box & peel$ back "s .- " .- "4 ,x 0 a *emi/ry set,-b ! .- " & .- " _h gott5 mix$ up1 cr1t+ a br&-new cr1ture6 ,x 0 .- "1 cov]$ 9 .- "1 & _h .- "ge numb]"> .- "4 ,i love my new pet1 .- "6 ,?ank y ag = ! .- "6 ,s9c]ely1 .- " """""""""""" ,j ,jok+ ,,,special gross $i;n,' ,,knock1 ,,knock4 .1,:o's .1"!8 ,police4 .1,police .1:o8 ,police bru% yr tee?,-yr br1? is aw;l6 ;,q ,:at k9d ( mon/] c y f9d 9 a tissue8 ,a ,! boogie man ;,q ,:at ,spani% c;y is full ( p ) ! flu8 ,a .1,b>f-.'elona ,,t;gue ,,twi/]6 ,say ? fa/ ?ree "ts3 ,fre%ly fri$ fat frogs ,y've ^1got to 2 jok+ 444 ;,q ,:at d y get if y cross pig & a portable ba?room8 ,a pork-a-potty """""""""""" ,lau< ,\ ,l\d @.<,c>toon3 ,?ree fi% swim >.d lau<+ at a sad fi% 9 a fi%b[l4@.> ,lau<+ fi% 8,,,guess :o got gr.d$ ag8,'0 @.<,c>toon3 ,boy & girl play+ a c>d game4 ,an excit$ cat ) xs t;gue /ick+ \ /&s on ! boy's h1d4@.> ,boy @. 8,,,don't y "k ,8g fi%,0 is a c>d game8,'0 @.<,c>toon3 "m ra3oon %ak+ a f+] at ?ree ll ra3oons eat+ f a knock$ ov] tra% c4@.> #ee ,"m ra3oon 8,,,h[ _m "ts h i talk$ to y ab eat+ too m* junk food8,'0 @.<,c>toon3 ,a l>ge be> /&s 2h a man 9 a t5t4@.> ,man 8,,,did y rememb] to zip up ! t5t1 bo2y8,'0 @.<,c>toon3 ,girl po9t+ \ a draw+ ( a paw pr9t on a piece ( pap] /uck to a refrig]ator z a dog wags xs tail & smiles4@.> ,girl @. 8444 ,,,& spanky did t "o6,'0 """""""""""" ,:at 9 ! ,_w8 ,,magic ,,%[ ,^! photos %[ close-up views ( magic trick props4 ,unscramble ! lrs to id5tify :at's 9 ea* picture4 ^7,bonus3 ,use ! hi ie^2d kedc f^2o dsrac k^2ntur vdoe c^2okl dna yke otp ath e^2hdriafncekh soinc b^2ibart ,,h9t3 ,:at d y call an [l t c d magic tricks8 ,,answ]3 .-.-.--.-i.-.- """""""""""" ,ask ,max ,,,>t by g>y locke,' ^1,got ^1problems8 ,max ! me]kat has answ]s,-ev5 if !y apply m to animals ?an to y6 ,,de> ,,max1 ,,,i get fr1k$ \ at ni ,sleepy1 #eg ,y "k :at's sc>i] ?an a d>k b$room8 ,a d>k oc1n4 ,) pr$ators4 ,no wond] ,ad^/elie p5gu9s (t5 hunt = krill & fi% 9 ,ant>ctica dur+ ! "d1 ev5 ?\< !y c see j f9e 9 ! d>k4 ,:y8 ,! leop>d s1l is a p5gu9 pr$ator & active at nie re/+4 ,luckily y're safe 9 yr b$ )\t "o s+le leop>d s1l " hid+ 9 ! closet4 ,b y c alw crack ! door ) ! hall li ,,de> ,,max1 ,,,my p>5ts >e alw on me ab cl1n+ my room4 h[ c i get \ ( ? *ore8,' ,,f1 ,,,dirty room don't c>e,' ,de> ,dirty ,room ,don't ,c>e1 ,h[ dirty cd yr b$room .1possibly be8 ,baby ,am]ican rob9s .1poop 9 _! ne/s af ne>ly e bite,-ab #cej 9sects a "d6 ,luckily ! *icks' wa/e comes \ 9 a bag made ( ?ick mucus4 ,a p>5t j flies x away1 f> f ! ne/4 ,animals keep _! homes cl1n1 possibly to avoid 41ses caus$ by wa/e & prev5t pr$ators f sni6+ !m \4 ,yr pile ( smelly clo!s & banana peels probably won't attract any?+ t wants to eat y1 b x .1w attract annoy$ p>5ts4 ,:o wants t8 ,avoid ! hassle & turn ! *ore 9to a game4 ,j put on "s tunes & race to put "ey?+ away 9 five s;gs4 ,& y don't ev5 h to c>ry any?+ 9 yr b1k4 ,smell y lat]1 @. ,grab a p>5t & g onl9e to le>n h[ y c s5d ,max yr "qs6 natgeokids4com_/,ask,max ,,,yr "q mitoon ,frame #a3 ,atlas "1 ,neville "1 ,major " & ,lulu "1 sit on a s(a wat*+ a ,,tv4@.> ,atlas ,i c't wat*6 ,i'm too .1n]v\s6 ,neville ,i ?9k we mi ,neville ,i love .1,amaz+ .1,pets6 ,x's ! be/ %[ "e6 @.<,frame #c@.> ,major ,i us$ to rock ! half-pipe :5 ,i 0 a pup4 ,:at's .1yr tal5t8 @.<,frame #d@.> ,atlas ,i c .1bal.e ?+s on my nose4 ,neville ,i c make my .1eyebr[s d.e4 ,:at ab y1 ,pr9cess ,tallulah8 @.<,frame #e@.> ,lulu ,f/ly1 x's .1j ,lulu4 ,secondly1 ,i'm gd at .1"ey?+ ,i d6 @.<,frame #f@.> ,atlas ,we'll 2lieve x :5 we .1see x4 ,neville ,i'm .1n 3v9c$4 ,major ,nei am ,i 444 @.<,frame #g@.> ,lulu ,i'll %[ .1y ,i'm m ?an j a lap cat6 @.<,frame #h@.> ,lulu @. ,,meeooww66 ,atlas @. ,yikes6 ,major ,make x .1/op6 ,neville @.s d[n ag/ 8 h1d@.> ,? is .1cat-a/rophic6 @.<,frame #i@.> ,lulu @. ,x's .1all ab mov+ ) grace & /yle 444 ,major ,ev5 .1,i've got m rhy?m ?an t4 @.<,frame #aj3 ,9 a kit*5 ) 9gr$i5ts spatt]$ on ! walls & spill$ on ! c.t]s1 smoke em]ges z "s?+ exp&s \ ( ! ov54@.> ,lulu ,get r1dy = a ta/e-bud #fa .1extravaganza6 ,major ,uh1 ,i don't ?9k cake is suppos$ to d .1t 444 ,neville ,come on1 guys1 we're .1miss+ ! 5d ( ! %[4 @.<,frame #aa@.> ,,lat] 444 ,lulu @. ,maybe ,i %d /ick ) :at ,i'm gd at 444 .1napp+4 @.<,frame #ab@.> ,,,back on ! c\*,' 444 ,atlas ,lulu seem$ .1upset4 ,we %d make sure %e's ,,ok4 @.<,frame #ac@.> ,neville ,lulu6 ,atlas .1,lulu6 ,major ,lulu1 ": .1>e y8 @.<,frame #ad3 ,lulu falls \ ( ! tree upside d[n1 flips ov] & l&s on h] feet@.> ,atlas ,lulu1 >e y .1,,ok86 ,lulu ,i'm f9e6 ,i j want$ to %[ y my tal5t 444 ,i .1alw l& on my feet6 ,see :at tricks ,neville1 ,lulu1 ,atlas1 & ,major >e up to 9 ! next .1,unl1%$6 """""""""""" ,back ,talk ,h['d ,i get up "h8 @.<,photograph3 ,a pray+ mantis ) xs h1d tilt$ to ! side /&s on ! h1d ( a r$- & black-ey$ snake t is gre5 on top & yell[ "un1?4@.> ,:at d ,,y ?9k ? pray+ mantis is ?9k+8 #a4 ^1,fill 9 ! ?"\ balloon4 #b4 ^1,cut ^1\ ! 5tire picture "4 #c4 ^1,mail x al;g ) yr "n1 address1 ph"o numb]1 & date ( bir? to ,nat ,geo ,kids1 ,back ,talk1 ,p4,o4 ,box #ifjjj1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjij-#fjjj4 ,selec;n = publica;n 9 a future issue w 2 at ! 4cre;n ( .7,nat ,geo ,kids.'4 ,f ! ,septemb] #bjaf ,issue @.<,photograph3 ,"o *eetah /&s ov] ano!r *eetah ly+ on xs back4 ,! *eetah on ! gr.d r1*es up #fc & holds ! o!r's face 2t xs paws4@.> ,? is nice & all1 b c y get 2h my e>s8 ,amelia ;,g41 #aa ,br1ux ,bridge1 ,l\isiana ,i wd 5joy ? if yr claws w]5't s %>p6 ,sydney ;,e41 #ab ,norwalk1 ,ohio ,,ok1 ,i "k ,i'm adorable1 b l1ve ! *eek p9*+ to ,gr&ma4 ,haley ;,w41 #ac ,cam]on1 ,miss\ri ,a ll bit to ! left1 pl1se4 ,patrick ;,l41 #h ,*e%ire1 ,3necticut ,d ll si/]s alw h to 2 l ?8 ,lilla ;,v41 #ab ,d5v]1 ,colorado ,paws (f my e>buds6 ,taylor ,swift's on6 ,emily ;,r41 #aj ,=i/ell1 ,miss\ri ,c't ,i j use a comb8 ,?omas ;,j41 #aa ,=e/ville1 ,wiscons9 ,mom's look+4 ,we bett] 2have4 ,emily ;,w41 #i ,ea/ ,lans+1 ,mi*igan """""""""""" ,my ,%ot ,^! photographs 7 tak5 by kids l y6 ,h['d y get ! %ot8 @.<,photograph@.> ^1,wat]- ,balloon ^1,popp+ ,fly+ ,squirrel 8,i popp$ a wat] balloon & took a bur/ ( photos at #fj frames a second4 ,x 0 r1lly easy60 ,-.1,fly+ .1,squirrel @.<,photograph@.> ^1,ra2it ,i,take,photos @.<,photograph@.> ^1,rebelli\s ^1,puppy ,itsejb#aajc @.<,photograph@.> ^1,sett+ joys @.<,photograph@.> ^1,pretty ^1,sky ,so3]girl#ijj @.<,photograph@.> ^1,cute ^1,*icks animalp]son @.<,photograph@.> ^1,bloom+ ^1,roses ,gracie,photography ,photo ,tip ( ! ,mon? #fe @.<,photograph@.> ^1,h"oybee lemm+#gb ,set yr cam]a to macro mode " to take up close photos ( 9sects & fl[]s4 """""""""""" ,answ]s 8,r1l or ,fake80 "3 ,s1floor ,c;y "<#b"> & ,a/ronaut ,9fe/a;n "<#e"> >e bo? fake4 8,:at 9 ! ,_w80 "3 ^1,top ^1r[3 die1 deck ( c>ds1 trunk4 ^1,middle ^1r[3 dove1 lock & key1 top hat4 ^1,bottom ^1r[3 h&k]*ief1 co9s1 ra2it4 ^1,bonus3 ,hoo-d9i 333333333333