,,,na;nal geographic^t kids,' ,,m>* #bjag ,,issue #dfh ,9 #a ,volume ,$itor 9 ,*ief & ,vice ,presid5t1 ,kids ,magaz9es @& ,digital ,ra*el ,bu*holz ,(fice ,address3 ,,,P4O4 BOX #FBACE tampa1 FL,' #ccffb-#bace http3_/_/kids4na;nalgeographic4com_/ ,sponsor$ & ,pres5t$ by3 ,am]ican ,ac;n ,fund = ,bl ,*n & ,adults #ahjj ,johnson ,/reet ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& #babcj www4ac;nfund4org ,produc$ at ,na;nal ,brl ,press www4nbp4org ,,,na;nal geographic kids " is publi%$ t5 "ts a ye> by ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjcf4 ,= m 9=ma;n 3tact natgeo4com_/9fo4 ,! submis.n ( photographs & o!r mat]ial to ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' is d"o at ! risk ( ! s5d]2 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' _c a3ept liabil;y = loss or damage4 ,copy"r ^c #bjag ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc4 ,all "rs res]v$4 ,reproduc;n ( ! :ole or any "p ( ! 3t5ts ( ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' )\t writt5 p]mis.n is prohibit$4 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' & ,yell[ ,bord]3 ,regi/]$ ,tradem>ks ^r ,m>cas ,regi/radas4 ,pr9t$ 9 ! ,u4,s4,a4 ,,issue #dfh ,transcrib$ 9 ,ji6y-,brl by #c ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,9c41 #hh ,st4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae4 ,! ,ji6y-,brl process bypasses pro(r1d+ 9 ord] to provide a qk & less exp5sive s]vice4 ,"! w 2 o3a.nal ]rors b !y %d n significantly a6ect r1d+4 ,if !y d1 we wd appreciate 2+ notifi$4 ,9 ,? ,issue ,weird ,b ,true6 """""""""""""""""" #f ,9cr$ible ,animal ,frs """""""""""" #g ,d>e to ,explore """""""""""""""""" #i ,:at ,wd ,happ58 """"""""""""""""" #aa ,by ! ,numb]s """""""""""""""""""" #ac ,gu9;s ,_w ,records """""""""""""" #ad ,bet ,y ,didn't ,"k """""""""""""" #ae ,wild ,vaca;n """""""""""""""""""" #af ,amaz+ ,animals """""""""""""""""" #ah ,keep ,e>? ,wild """"""""""""""""" #bb ,a photograph] gives y a 2h-!- sc5es look at 8 que/ to save animals4 ,! ,se>* = ,planet ,n9e """""""""" #cj ,is a ,neptune-size _w hidd5 9 \r sol> sy/em8 ,ra3oon ,rescue """""""""""""""""" #cd ,an 9jur$ animal gets back on h] feet ) ! help ( k9dhe>t$ humans4 #cj ,cool ,?+s ,ab ,s.d """""""""" #ch ,4cov] facts ab noise t'll make y *e]4 ,n9ja ,gira6es """"""""""""""""""" #da #e ,^! ho($ cr1tures h "s s]i\sly /1l?y moves4 ,vik+ ,9va.n """"""""""""""""""""" #dd ,>*aeologi/s uncov] a possible lo/ settle;t 9 ,canada4 ,fun ,/uff """"""""""""""""""""""" #di ,weird ,b ,true6 ,,,by julie be] & mi*elle h>ris,' ,*eck \ ^! \trage\s facts4 ,,,rese>*]s f.d a new species ( spid] t plays peekaboo to attract mates4,' ,,,! planet m]cury is %r9k+4,' ,,,an e> ( corn c h up to #a1bjj k]nels4,' ,locat$ 9 ,reutl+51 ,g]_m1 ! n>r[e/ /reet 9 ! _w is only "o foot wide4 ,,,%eep%e>+ is a competitive sport4,' ,,,plants c get f"es4,' ,y 2come tempor>ily p>alyz$ :ile y dr1m4 ,>ica1 ,*ile1 once w5t #ad ye>s ) no ra9fall4 ,"s turtles gl[ 9 ! d>k4 333333333333 ,9cr$ible ,animal ,frs #g ,,,by elisabe? de6n],' ,,,monkey dotes on iguana,' ,krefeld1 ,g]_m ,? :ite-fac$ saki r>ely scal$ back h] a6ec;n = h] gre5 iguana be/ie4 ,! saki1 a type ( monkey1 lov$ pett+ & snu7l+ h] reptile pal z !y l\ng$ tgr on tree bran*es at ! ,krefeld ,zoo4 ,! saki & iguana met af !y 7 plac$ 9 ! zoo's ,ra9 ,=e/ ,h\se1 a tree-fill$ 5closure t's home to #dj di6]5t types ( animals f tropical >1s4 8,bo? gre5 iguanas & :ite-fac$ sakis sp5d mo/ ( _! "t 9 treetops10 zoo spokesp]son ,petra ,s*w9n says4 8,"o "d ^! two cross$ pa?s40 ,! curi\s saki exam9$ ! reptile1 patt+ xs sk9 ) h] l;g f+]s4 ,! pals 3t9u$ to h hang\t ses.ns1 eat+ tgr at ! 5closure's fe$+ /a;n4 ,b mo/ ( _! 8playdates0 7 9 ! trees & 9volv$ ! saki pett+ ! iguana & tickl+ 8 *94 ,! reptile1 m1n:ile1 seem$ to soak up ! att5;n4 ,rec5tly ! animals mov$ to sep>ate zoos4 ,b keep]s & visitors hav5't =gott5 ab _! fr%ip4 8,!y made a gd t1m10 ,s*w9n says4 ,,:ite-,,fac$ ,,saki ,,range ,s\? ,am]ica ,,wei.d #d p.ds ,,face ,,(f ,only male :ite-fac$ sakis h :ite fur cov]+ _! faces4 ,! fur on a female's face is mo/ly br[n4 ,,sweet ,,tr1ts ,sakis eat fruit1 h"oy1 l1ves1 & fl[]s4 ,,gre5 ,,iguana ,,range ,c5tral & ,s\? ,am]ica ,,weie "s"ts ref]r$ to z 8bamboo *ick5s40 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,! female saki pets h] iguana pal4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,hang+ \ 9 _! 5closure1 ! pair mugs = ! cam]a4,' 333333333333 ,,d>e to ,,explore #i ,,,by c4m4 toml9,' ,"uwat] photograph] ,brian ,sk]ry travels ! planet to capture images ( "usea habitats & ! amaz+ m>9e life t dwells "!4 8,my assi/ant & ,i _h j surfac$ ne> \r boat af scuba div+ (f ! coa/ ( ,irel& :5 a /r;g curr5t sudd5ly swept u away4 ,soon we cdn't see ! boat anymore4 ,we 7 lo/ at sea,-& _h no idea if we'd "e 2 f.d4 ,we float$ 9 op5 wat]s clut*+ \r cam]as = a t]rify+ two & a half h\rs 2f a boat pick$ u up4 8,? job c 2 dang]\s & dem&+4 ,i've div$ 2l glaci]s 9 ,canada to photograph h>p s1ls & j\rney$ to sub- ,ant>ctic wat]s s\? ( ,new ,z1l& to snap pictures ( #de-foot 5dang]$ "r :ales4 ,x takes a lot ( "w4 ,b "o amaz+ #aj-second mo;t 9 nature is wor? all ! "ds & mon?s ( prep>a;n4 8,i 2lieve t photos h ! trem5d\s p[] to a6ect u4 ,my "w is all ab see+ 9cr$ible animals & %>+ my exp]i;es s o!rs c see !m too4 ,at ! 5d ( ! "d ,i'm a /orytell]4 ,i take pictures t tell /ories to excite p ab \r _w40 ,,,want to 2 an "uwat] photograph]8,' ,,/udy3 ,m>9e biology & 5viron;tal sci;e ,,wat*3 ,! docu;t>y .7,kill] ,:ales3 ,wolves ( ! ,sea.' ,,r1d3 .7,! ,sil5t ,_w.' by ,jacques ,c\/1u 8,cr1te yr [n opportunities4 ,x's ess5tial to h a s5se ( adv5ture & pas.n40 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,brian sk]ry snaps photos ( a kelp =e/ (f ! coa/ ( cali=nia4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,h>p ,,s1l @.<,photograph@.> ,,jellyfi% @.<,photograph@.> ,,manta ,,ray 333333333333 ,:at ,wd ,happ58 #aa ,,,by crisp9 boy],' ,,,>t by joe ro3o,' ,:at wd happ5 if woolly mammo?s came back to life8 ,? mim+4 ,h[8 ,h]ds ( n[-ext9ct mammo?s once liv$ on grassl&s 9 & >.d ! ,>ctic4 ,!y help$ ma9ta9 _! habitat by eat+ plants &1 uh1 deposit+ dige/$ se$s1 : grew 9to new plants4 ,af ! mammo?s vani%$1 m* ( ? grass did too4 ,soil rel1ses c>bon dioxide1 a gas t w>ms ! planet4 ,)\t plants to cov] ! gr.d "h1 m gas c get 9to ! air4 ,if mammo?s return$1 !y mi wd asc5d a #fj1jjj-mile-l;g cable t 3nects to a space /a;n at ov] a hundr$ miles an h\r4 ,by ! "t y approa*$ ! 5d1 ! =ce ( grav;y wd've decr1s$4 ,!n y'd />t to feel ! e6ects ( c5trifugal =ce1 : draws objects rotat+ 9 a circle "<9 ? case1 y rotat+ ) ,e>?"> away f ! circle's c5t] "<9 ? sc5>io1 ! planet's core">4 ,? =ce wd pu% y ag/ ! elevator's ceil+4 ,once y r1*$ ! /a;n1 y'd 5t] a wait+ space%ip & bla/ (f 9to ! cosmos4 ,:at wd happ5 if y n"e /opp$ gr[+8 ,y'd ne$ .2a .1lot ( cu/om-fitt$ clo?+4 ,n 9clud+ gr[? spurts "1 ! av]age gr[? rate = kids is #b4e 9*es a ye> until age #ag or s4 ,t's :5 g5es,- g5etic codes t det]m9e traits,-signal ! body to /op gr[+4 ,on av]age a fully gr[n male is five feet n9e 9*es tall1 & a fully gr[n female is five feet f\r 9*es tall4 ,if y grew until ! age (1 say1 #hj1 y'd add ano!r #ac feet or s to yr heiris,' ,ra9 =e/s >e places ( amaz+ div]s;y4 ,ev5 ?\< !y cov] less ?an two p]c5t ( ,e>?'s surface1 !y're home to half ( ! planet's animals & plants4 ,see h[ ra9 =e/s m1sure up4 ,only ab #b 9*es l;g1 ! r$-ey$ tree frog hides 9 ! ra9 =e/ canopy & snags prey ) xs /icky t;gue4 ,ra9-=e/-dwell+ gre5 anacondas1 ! l>ge/ snakes 9 ! _w1 c gr[ to m ?an #bi feet4 ,! w+span ( a ,que5 ,alex&ra's birdw+ butt]fly is #ab 9*es4 ,! weid-to-r1* fruit4 ,e ,,second1 an >ea ( ra9 =e/ ! size ( a football field is cle>$4 #a ,,9 #d ( ! 9gr$i5ts 9 m$ic9e >e made f ra9 =e/ plants4 #bj p]c5t ( ! _w's fre%wat] is 9 ! ,amazon ,bas94 333333333333 ,,,a/oni%+ /ories f ! files (,' ,gu9;s ,_w ,records ,,,by jamie ki6el-al*eh,' ,,,tortoise spe$ rac]6,' ,y'll *e] = ? turbo*>g$ tortoise6 ,b]tie1 a ,s\? ,african leop>d tortoise1 zips al;g at ne>ly a foot a second4 ,t's ab twice z fa/ z ! av]age tortoise4 ,& by mov+ alm #ah feet 9 few] ?an #bj seconds on a racetrack at 8 home 9 ,5gl&1 ! reptile 2came ! fa/e/ "kn tortoise on ,e>?4 8,he does m ( a p[] walk ?an a run10 [n] ,jan9e ,calz9i says4 ,? is "o tortoise t doesn't ne$ a h>e = 9spira;n6 ,,fly+ ,,man ,talk ab walk+ on air4 ,franky ,zapata so>$ = #g1chh feet,-alm a mile & #ae a half,-on 8 ,flybo>d ,air hov]bo>d1 sna7+ ! record = ! _w's f>!/ hov]bo>d flily ! heid60 ,,mon/] ,,yo-,,yo6 ,? toy's def9itely too big = ! backy>d4 ,be? ,johnson's ,:oa-,yo is ! _w's bi7e/ wood5 yo-yo4 ,! t[]+ toy is ne>ly #ab feet acr & wei.d ! _w ,,,by ]9 :itm],' #a ,,c>ry+ bat b"os ,,,9 yr pocket,' 9 ,greece #b ,wat*+ a ladybug fly 9to yr b$room 9 ,italy #c ,we>+ yell[ "uwe> on ,new ,ye>'s ,"d 9 ,p]u #d ,,hold+ ,a ra2it's foot ,,,9 "ps (,' ,we/ ,africa #e ,rid+ a camel 9 ,turkey #f ,t\*+ ,,,a *imney sweep's bru%,' 9 ,g]_m #g ,,,see+ a :ite horse fac+ y 9 wales,' #h ,br1k+ ,,glass 9 ,bulg>ia 333333333333 ,wild ,vaca;n ,,,by rose davidson,' ,,dangl+ ,,hotel ,,balanc+ ,,b>n ,,": ,su6olk1 ,5gl& ,,h[ ,,m* ,ab @s#hdj = f\r nin sits on a hill2 ! o!r juts ov] ! hillside1 appe>+ to dangle 9 midair6 ,h[ does ! #ag build+ rema9 up"r8 ,! 5d sitt+ on l& is an*or$ ) 3crete t's /r;g 5 to support ! wein & exit "? a door 9 ! hillside to l\nge "un1? ! lodge4 ,y c ev5 hop on ! sw+ atta*$ to ! bottom ( ! /ructure's float+ side = a relax+ ride4 ,y won't f9d any f>m animals 9side ! b>n4 ,b s9ce y're locat$ next to a wildlife res]ve1 y mik pass+ "u ! w9d[ 9 ! floor4 ,guess y're n ! only "o :o'll want to sp5d "t at ? awe"s hang\t6 ,,,cool ?+s ab 5gl&,' ,laws 9 ,5gl& 7 writt5 9 ,fr5* = m ?an #djj ye>s4 ,a tradi;nal ,5gli% di% call$ toad- 9-!-hole is made ) sausages & pudd+ batt]4 ,5gl& is ab ! same size z ,alabama4 ,,,?+s to d 9 5gl&,' ,climb #bjj /eps to ! top ( ,w9dsor ,ca/le's ,r.d ,t[] to admire views ( ! ,london skyl9e4 ,see ! _w's l>ge/ collec;n ( gnome & pixie figur9es at ! ,gnome ,res]ve & ,wild ,fl[] ,g>d5 9 ! c.ty ( ,devon4 ,take a 2h-!-sc5es t\r ( ,man*e/]'s ,old ,traf=d & explore ! /adium l a so3] play]4 ,beef up yr wakebo>d+ skills at ! ,liv]pool ,wake ,p>k1 locat$ al;g ,liv]pool's wat]front dock complex4 333333333333 ,amaz+ ,animals ,,,koalas snap 8selfies,'0 ,sydney1 ,au/ralia ,humans >5't ! only "os :o love tak+ pictures ( !mvs4 ,turns \ ?ree koalas "nd ,bruce1 ,a>on1 & ,bill d too6 ,sydney ,zoo (ficials ri7$ ! trees 9 ! koala 5closure ) cam]as "pially to 5t]ta9 ! animals,-b al to capture images ( !m4 ,a mo;n s5sor let ! #ai cam]as "k :5 a koala 0 )9 range & tri7]$ ! cam]a to take photos4 ,x's k9d ( l ! koalas >e tak+ selfies6 ,at f/ ! koalas w]5't sure :at to make ( ! cam]as4 ,!y sni6$ at ! record+ devices1 !n r1*$ \ ) _! paws to t\* !m4 ,5*ant$1 !y h>dly left ! cam]as all "d1 pe]+ 9to ! l5ses :ile mun*+ on eucalyptus l1ves4 8,i've n"e se5 ! koalas s active60 s5ior zookeep] ,c>ol9e ,monro says ( ! animals1 : typically sleep m ?an #bj h\rs a "d4 ,guess ^! koalas pref] prime "t to nap "t4,-,s>a ,s*w>tz @.<,photograph@.> ,,,"s"o get me a selfie /ick4,' ,,,a koala exam9es a cam]a ri7$ to a tree 9 8 5closure at ! sydney zoo4,' ,,slick ,,pics @.<,photograph@.> 8,,photobomb60 @.<,photograph@.> 8,,,"t = my close-up4,'0 @.<,photograph@.> 8,,,9/agram1 "h i come4,'0 @.<,photograph@.> 8,,,i wi% ! pap>azzi wd .1l1f me al"o4,'0 ,,,dog we>s braces,' ,spr+ ,lake1 ,mi*igan ,brace yrf,-,wesley ! gold5 retriev]'s gr9 is a ll bit di6]5t4 ,t's 2c he has1 well1 braces4 ,z ,wesley's adult tee? 2gan to gr[ in1 ! dog develop$ an "ubite1 m1n+ 8 bottom tee? /uck \ 9 front ( 8 top tee?4 ,wesley's bite 0 s bad t he cdn't close 8 m\?1 mak+ x di6icult to eat4 ,gd ?+ ,molly ,moore1 ,wesley's [n]1 "ws at ,h>borfront ,hospital = ,animals1 ": h] "f1 ,jim ,moore1 is a vet]9>ian4 ,he specializes 9 d5ti/ry & decid$ braces 7 ! be/ op;n = ! pup4 ,af ! proc$ure1 ,wesley h>dly seem$ to notice ! m\? metal1 ev5 dur+ d9n]"t4 8,wesley loves to eat n[10 8 [n] says4 8,x's 8 favorite activ;y40 ,be/ ( all1 2c ! braces >e n[ (f1 ! pup w get to %[ 8 pe>ly :ites z ! r+ be>] 9 ,molly ,moore's w$d+4 ,n[ #ba .1t's "s?+ to smile ab4,-,allyson ,%aw @.<,photograph@.> ,,,cute/4 brace face4 "e4,' ,,,duckl+s get police escort,' ,*>lottet[n1 ,canada ,lucy is "o lucky duck4 ,e spr+ %e & h] rec5tly hat*$ duckl+s get a police escort f a local g>d5 c5t] to a m>%l& acr ! /reet4 ,= ! pa/ s"eal ye>s ,lucy has laid h] e7s am;g "s pott$ plants at ! same /ore4 ,! /ore keeps ,lucy safe by block+ (f ! >ea & putt+ up a sign ask+ cu/om]s to keep away4 8,%e's tak5 c>e ( 9 "!10 employee ,h1!r ,w>r5 says4 8,i ?9k t's :y %e returns e ye>40 ,af h] duckl+s hat*1 ,lucy's r1dy to get to ! m>%4 ,b f/ %e ne$s to w1ve "? a cr[d$ p>k+ lot & acr a f\r-lane road4 ,:5 /ore employees see t %e's on ! move1 !y call ! ,*>lottet[n police de"p;t to help ,lucy cross ! busy lot & 9t]sec;n4 ,police ,*ief ,g>y ,mc,guigan says t motori/s >e f9e ) /opp+ to let ! local celebrities waddle by4 8,nobody m9ds tak+ a few m9utes \ ( _! "d to let !m pass10 he says4 8,p ?9k x's funny40 ,y cd say t ,lucy quacks !m up4,-,s>a ,s*w>tz @.<,photograph@.> ,,,make way = duckl+s6,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,police (fic]s help lucy ! duck & h] family cross ! /reet4,' 333333333333 ,keep ,e>? ,wild ,,,by allyson %aw,' ,,,photographs by joel s>tore,' ,a photograph] gives y a 2h-!-sc5es look at 8 que/ to save animals4 ,joel ,s>tore has be5 peck$ at by a bird1 turn$ 9to a jungle gym by a cl\d$ leop>d1 & slim$ by a fi%4 ,& x's all to protect animals4 ,? ,na;nal ,geographic photograph] is on a mis.n to snap pics ( all #ab1jjj animal species liv+ 9 zoos1 aqu>iums1 & o!r 9/itu;ns _wwide4 ,8 project1 #bc call$ ,photo ,>k1 aims to 9spire o!rs to protect ^! cr1tures4 8,i hope look+ 9to ! animals' eyes w make p want to save !m10 ,s>tore says4 ,s9ce laun*+ ,photo ,>k 9 #bjjf1 ,s>tore has photograph$ "ey?+ f l>ge mammals to t9y 9sects4 8,all animals des]ve to 2 recogniz$10 he says4 ,s>tore "ws ) keep]s to make sure ! animals /ay safe4 ,& ?\< he's photograph+ captive animals1 he's _h "s pretty wild 5c.t]s4 ,s>tore tells .7,nat ,geo ,kids.' ab 8 mo/ memorable mo;ts4 ,photograph] ,joel ,s>tore uses pla9 black or :ite backgr.ds 9 pictures4 ,t's 2c he wants ! focus to 2 on ! animals & no?+ else4 ,mo;t ( ,ha ,cl\d$ leop>d1 native to ,s\?1/ ,asia ,columbus ,zoo1 ,columbus1 ,ohio 8,my subject 0 a t9y two-p.d cl\d$ leop>d cub4 ,c>egiv]s 7 rais+ x 2c x 0 reject$ by xs mom4 ,i 0 hold+ ! cat 9 my >ms :5 x sudd5ly scrambl$ onto my %\ld] & climb$ on my h1d6 ,! cat hu7$ my no791 xs fur tickl+ my face4 ,x 0 ev5tually remov$ by xs keep]s1 b n 2f !y got a picture ( u4 ,! ll fel9e 3t9u$ to act v silly dur+ ! photo %oot1 play+ & roll+ >.d4 ,x 0 a total go(ball60 ,cl\d$ leop>ds make a snort+ noise :5 3t5t4 ,mo;t ( ,yay ,br[n-?roat$ slo?1 native to ,c5tral & ,s\? ,am]ica ,pan ,am]ican ,3s]va;n ,associa;n1 ,panama ,c;y1 ,panama 8,i 0 at a rescue c5t] 9 ,panama photograph+ a wild slo? t 0 recov]+ af x _h be5 f.d 9jur$ 9 ! ra9 =e/4 ,slo?s >e usually q /a;n>y,-!y c hang mo;n.s f tree bran*es = h\rs4 ,s ,i expect$ ! animal to /ay totally / dur+ ! %oot4 ,b :5 ! slo?'s c>etak] set x #be d[n1 x sudd5ly />t$ to 9* t[>d me4 ,x came "r up to me & lift$ xs h1d4 ,slo?s h a smile-l expres.n4 ,i c't say :at ? animal 0 ?9k+1 b x .1look$ z if x 7 gr9n+ at me40 ,br[n-?roat$ slo?s c rotate _! h1ds up to #bgj degrees4 ,mo;t ( ,yikes ,:ite-cr[n$ hornbill1 native to ,s\?1/ ,asia ,st4 ,augu/9e ,alligator ,f>m1 ,st4 ,augu/9e1 ,florida 8,raja ! hornbill _h a l;g1 %>p b1k1 & he wasn't afraid to use x4 ,9 ord] to take ! bird's picture )\t hm fly+ (f1 we put hm 9 a small1 cube-%ap$ t5t4 ,no matt] ": ,i 0 /&+1 ,raja tri$ to peck at me "? ! t5t walls6 ,:5 ,i /uck my cam]a "? ! t5t's op5+1 ! bird 2gan ja2+ at ! l5s4 ,i told ,raja to 2 c>e;l,-! cam]a co/ @s#f1jjj4 ,b he didn't seem to c>e40 ,ne/+ female hornbills hide 9 tree holl[s1 s1l+ ! 5tr.es ) dropp+s1 mud1 & regurgitat$ food4 ,mo;t ( ,ew ,gulf hagfi%1 native to ,gulf ( ,mexico ,gulf ,specim5 ,m>9e ,lab1 ,panacea1 ,florida 8,hagfi% >e fi% t h a /icky trick3 ,!y ooze cle> slime "? pores 9 _! sk9 to f5d (f pr$ators or def5d t]ritory4 ,! hagfi% ,i visit$ at ? lab wasn't too happy t ,i 0 on xs turf4 ,z ! c>etak] & ,i plac$ x 9 a tank to 2 photograph$1 x slim$ u6 ,goo got all ov] \r h&s & ! tank walls4 ,y cd b>ely see ! fi% 9 ! wat]4 ,b af cl1n+ ! tank1 ,i f9ally got a slime-free %ot ( ! fi%40 ,hagfi% c twi/ _! bodies 9to knots4 ,mo;t ( ,yum #bg ,asian elephant1 native to tropical =e/s 9 ,asia ,bu6alo ,zoo1 ,bu6alo1 ,new ,york 8,? elephant 0 easy to photograph,- he kept pos+6 ,he 0 motivat$ by food to bu/ \ 8 model+ moves4 ,:5 we got hm 9 front ( ! cam]a1 he b5t 8 trunk back s x 0 t\*+ 8 =eh1d & rema9$ 9 t posi;n4 ,we took ! picture & ,8pd,0 hm ) a grapefruit4 ,he go2l$ up ! tr1t & /ruck ano!r pose6 ,we rew>d$ hm ) an orange1 & !n he pos$ ag4 ,we f$ hm apples1 c>rots1 all k9ds ( ?+s1 & he 0 m ?an happy to %[ (f = u40 ,asian elephants flap _! e>s m z ! air temp]ature w>ms4 ,mo;t ( ,w[ ,regal goddess nudibran*1 native to tropical wat]s _wwide ,gulf ,specim5 ,m>9e ,lab1 ,panacea1 ,florida 8,8,i c't 2lieve ^! animals exi/6,0 ,t's ! ?"\ ,i _h :5 ,i saw a type ( sea slug call$ a nudibran* at ? lab4 ,bo? odd & b1uti;l1 nudibran*s come 9 a ra9b[ ( colors f deep blue to neon p9k4 ,& !y move l ri2ons fl[+ "? wat]4 ,z ,i photograph$ !m1 ,i felt z if ,i 7 tak+ pictures ( ali5s f ano!r planet4 ,b ,i'm glad y c f9d ^! guys "r "h on ,e>?40 ,ov] #c1jjj species ( nudibran*s exi/4 ,mo;t ( ,aw ,*impanzee1 native to c5tral ,africa ,tampa ,zoo1 ,tampa1 ,florida 8,zookeep]s 7 rais+ ? ll *imp 2c 8 "m wasn't able to4 ,! baby ape want$ p to hold hm 3/antly & fuss$ :5 any"o tri$ to set hm d[n4 ,! only way we cd d ! %oot 0 if "s"o held hm :ile t p]son cr\*$ 2l ! cam]a1 grasp+ hm f ! wai/ d[n & ru2+ 8 tummy s he felt safe4 ,ev5tually ! *imp />t$ to feel m 3fid5t4 ,he flex$ 8 >m1 made funny faces1 & ev5 r1*$ \ to t\* ! #bi cam]a4 ,he 0 "o ( ! sweete/ animals ,i've photograph$40 ,baby *impanzees h a tuft ( :ite hair on _! rumps4 ,photo ,>k ,by ! ,numb]s ,species photograph$3 ov] #f1jjj " ,9/itu;ns visit$3 #cjj ,miles travel$3 #ejj1jjj ,c.tries visit$3 ov] #cj ,"t sp5t s f>3 #aj ye>s " ,cam]as us$3 up to #ae ,m ,wild;s6 ,photo ,>k spotlitore's /range/ subjects4 ,,s\!rn ,,tam&ua ,native to ,s\? ,am]ica ,l[ry ,p>k ,zoo1 ,tampa1 ,florida ,,hawk-,,h1d$ ,,p>rot ,native to ,s\? ,am]ica ,h\/on ,zoo1 ,h\/on1 ,texas ,,,black & ruf\s elephant %rew,' ,native to ,ea/ ,africa ,h5ry ,doorly ,zoo & ,aqu>ium1 ,omaha1 ,nebraska ,,proboscis ,,monkey ,native to ! ,asian isl& ( ,borneo ,s+apore ,zoo1 ,s+apore ,,,giant snake-neck$ turtle,' ,native to ,au/ralia ,t5;see ,aqu>ium1 ,*attanooga1 ,t5;see 333333333333 ,,,! se>* = planet n9e,' ,,,by /ephanie w>r5 drimm],' ,,,>t by mondoli?ic,' ,,,is a neptune-size _w hidd5 9 \r sol> sy/em8,' ,way \ 9 ! f>!/ r1*es ( ! sol> sy/em1 a my/]i\s undiscov]$ planet orbits "? space4 ,x's gigantic,-alm f\r "ts ! size ( ,e>?4 ,& x's s f> away t x takes up to #bj1jjj ye>s to orbit ! sun4 ,? planet isn't sci;e fic;n4 #ca ,a/ronom]s ?9k x r1lly exi/s4 ,!y've du2$ x ,planet ,n9e1 & !y're se>*+ ! skies to f9d x4 ,,f> ,,\ ,:5 mo/ p ?9k ( \r sol> sy/em1 !y ?9k ( xs ei sy/em t we're only j 2g9n+ to le>n ab10 he says4 ,2y ,neptune is an >ea "kn z ! ,kuip] "<,,ky-pur"> belt1 : sci5ti/s us$ to ?9k 0 empty4 ,b x turns \ ! ,kuip] belt is home to icy1 rocky objects2 billions ( comets2 & a few dw>f planets " s* z ,pluto4 ,:ile obs]v+ ! belt 9 #bjad1 ,br[n & 8 rese>* "pn]1 ,kon/ant9 ,batyg91 saw "s?+ /range3 ,! orbits ( _m ( ! small] objects 9 ! ,kuip] belt 7 align$4 ,weird] /1 !y n"e came clos] to ! sun ?an ,neptune4 ,x 0 l "s?+ 0 pull+ !m away4 ,b :at8 ,,/range ,,space ,br[n & ,batyg9 sp5t ov] a ye> try+ to figure \ ! objects' odd 2havior4 ,!y 4cuss$ s"eal pot5tial answ]s,-b only "o seem$ to "w4 8,we 7 3v9c$ ano!r planet 0 \ "!10 ,br[n says4 ,to f9d \ if !y 7 "r1 ! pair cr1t$ a comput] model illu/rat+ ! objects4 ,!n !y plu7$ an imag9>y planet 9to ! model4 ,! model %[$ t ! planet's grav;y wd pull on ^! icy objects1 mak+ !m move 9 exactly ! way !y _h mov$ 9 space4 ,! model al gave ! sci5ti/s an idea ( ! planet's size4 ,2c ( xs /r;g gravita;nal pull1 ,br[n & ,batyg9 9f]r$ t ! planet wd 2 r\d to 2lieve t we cd miss "s?+ z big z ,neptune60 ,br[n says4 ,b ! planet is .1r1lly f> away1 ab #ef billion miles f ,e>?4 ,only a ll lie p[];l 5 to #cc se>* va/ >1s ( ! sky = x e6ici5tly,-& until n[1 !y hav5't be5 look+ = ! planet4 ,,,! hunt is on,' ,br[n & ,batyg9 >e 3v9c$ t _! evid;e proves t ,planet ,n9e is hidd5 "s": 2y ! ,kuip] belt4 ,b ,br[n pr$icts ! se>* w take at l1/ a few ye>s4 ,soon future telescopes w let u pe] ev5 f>!r 9to space4 ,& :5 we d1 ,br[n ?9ks we may 4cov] t ,planet ,n9e isn't ! only ?+ \ "!4 8,planet ,n9e is ! planet = .1my g5]a;n10 he says4 8,b ,planet #aj8 ,t's :at tm's a/ronom]s,- kids gr[+ up td,-w look =40 ,,,\r new sol> sy/em8,' ,sci5ti/s >5't sure ( ,planet ,n9e's exact loca;n1 b !y ?9k x mi sy/em1 "s": 2y ,neptune4 333333333333 ,,ra3oon ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' ,,,mis.n ^1animal ^1rescue,' ,save ,,animals ,save ! ,,_w ,,,by scott eld],' ,an 9jur$ ra3oon gets back on h] feet ) ! help ( k9dhe>t$ humans4 ,a 4ori5t$ five-mon?-old ra3oon scurries acr a busy road 9 ,gre5brae1 ,cali=nia4 ,"sh[ ! animal & h] mom h 2come sep>at$1 & n[ ! f"r5$ baby has no idea :at to d4 ,sudd5ly a c> approa*es4 ,unable to see ! animal1 ! driv] a3id5tally runs ov] h] h9d leg4 ,! ra3oon falls to ! gr.d ": %e lies help.s & limp4 ,,op]ator ,,assi/.e ,o!r motori/s1 :o saw ! a3id5t1 pull ov] to *eck on ! 9jur$ animal4 ,"o 3c]n$ wit;s is ,m>co ,b]g]1 :o "ws = a ne>by wildlife hospital call$ ,wild,c>e4 8,! ra3oon is n only w.d$,- %e's 9 total %ock10 ,b]g] says4 8,%e ne$s imm help40 ,b]g] calls a ne>by bran* ( ! #ce ,m>9 ,humane ,society1 an organiza;n t1 am;g o!r ?+s1 transports 9jur$ wildlife to c>e c5t]s4 ,ab #aj m9utes lat]1 rescue (fic]s >rive on ! sc5e4 ,!y use a net to scoop up ! ll ra3oon1 !n load h] 9to an animal ambul.e & ru% h] to ,wild,c>e4 ,at ! hospital1 h1d vet]9>y te*nician ,nat ,smi? s$ates ! ra3oon & gives h] a *eckup4 ,an ;x-ray ( ! kit's leg rev1ls t ! femur1 or ?iy surgeon ,james ,f>ese1 :o 9/antly agrees to d ! proc$ure4 ,?ree "ds lat]1 ,f>ese >rives at ,wild,c>e4 ,af giv+ ! ra3oon sleep+ m$ic9e1 he makes an 9ci.n 9 h] leg4 ,!n he c>e;lly pu%es ! muscles \ ( ! way1 realigns ! brok5 b"o1 & drills a n>r[ /eel plate to bo? 5ds ( ! femur ) t9y screws to keep ! b"o 9 place4 ,once t's d"o1 ,f>ese closes up ! leg 9ci.n ) /it*es4 ,n[ ! /aff m/ wait to see h[ ! ra3oon recov]s4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,vet]9>y te*nician nat smi? helps prep>e ! ra3oon = h] op]a;n4,' ,,leg ,,"w ,alm immly af wak+ up f ! surg]y1 ! ra3oon %[s signs ( improve;t4 8,)9 %e's able to walk on h] leg10 ,smi? says4 ,a week & a half lat]1 ! kit has 2come s active t ,wild,c>e /aff decide to move ! animal to a #ab-foot-by-#ab- foot \tdoor 5closure ) trees = h] to scale4 8,! ra3oon loves climb+10 ,smi? says4 8,& %e doesn't slip or fall at any "t40 ,! ra3oon's leg 3t9ues to h1l4 ,al? h] b"o w ev5tually gr[ back tgr1 /aff at ,wild,c>e plan on l1v+ ! plate 9 h] ?i<4 8,x's n at all uncom=table10 ,smi? says4 8,& keep+ x "! w 5sure t h] leg /ays gd %ape40 ,! ra3oon builds /r5g? by scamp]+ >.d h] #cg 5closure4 ,%e's al f$ a diet ( fruits1 9sects1 mice,-! same t %e'd eat 9 9 ! wild4 ,)9 two mon?s1 ! "y ra3oon is r1dy to 2 rel1s$4 ,af "o f9al *eckup1 %e's load$ 9to a pet c>ri] & driv5 to a =e/$ >ea ne> ": %e 0 f.d4 ,once ! c>ri] door is op5$1 ! ra3oon patt]s (f on h] f\r legs 9to ! woods4 ,says ,smi?1 8,%e's r1dy to take on ! wild40 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,an ;x-ray tak5 af ! surg]y %[s ! /eel plate 9 ! ra3oon's leg4,' ,ra3oons h n]ves 9 _! h&s t act alm l ta/e buds4 ,a ra3oon mie excell5t swimm]s4 333333333333 #cj ,cool ,,,?+s ab s.d,' ,,,by &rea sil5,' #a ,,,9 s\? korea1 p imitate a dog's b>k by say+ 8me;g1 me;g0 9/1d ( 8wo(1 wo(4,'0 #b ,,,kids c he> "s hi<-pit*$ noises t adults c't4,' #c ,a sp]m :ale produces vocaliza;ns "? xs nose r ?an xs m\?4 #d ,9 #bjae a *oir rel1s$ a s;g t la/$ = #c h\rs1 #a m9ute1 & #ej seconds4 #e ,an 9v5tor has =mulat$ a coat+ = subm>9es t all[s !m to avoid son> detec;n4 #f ,,,9 tradi;nal japanese culture1 ! s.d ( bells is ?"\ to w>d (f unk9d _ss4,' #g ,,,to attract mates1 male crack] butt]flies cr1te crackl+ noises by clapp+ _! w+s tgr4,' #h ,! s.d ( yr lau< *anges dep5d+ on :e!r y're *uckl+ ) pals or /rang]s4 #i ,diplodocus _h a #bj-foot-l;g tail t cr1t$ a boom+ noise :5 ! d9osaur snapp$ x4 #ci #aj ,! human e> has #be1jjj n]ve cells t help ) he>+4 #aa ,! s.d ( oc1n waves cra%+ comes mo/ly f bu2les4 #ab ,,,! am]ican goldf9* "s"ts s.ds z if x's say+ 8potato *ip0 :5 x w>bles4,' #ac ,,,?"u1 : is caus$ by li?'s surface4,' #ah ,! *irp ( ,au/ralia's gre5groc] cicada is l\d] ?an a h& drill4 #ai ,elephant s1ls he> bett] "uwat] ?an on l&4 #bj ,9 ! #ahth c5tury1 firefily v].n ( ! megaph"o4 #ba ,,,humans use ov] a hundr$ muscles to sp1k j "o phrase4,' #bb ,,,9 "o *amb] 9 ! u4s4 capitol1 :isp]s spok5 9 c]ta9 spots c 2 cle>ly he>d s"eal feet away4,' #bc ,! buzz ( ,kylo ,r5's li ,w>s3 ,! ,=ce ,awak5s.' 0 "ply 9spir$ by ! s.d ( a *a9saw4 #bd ,! ,,,move;t ( wat],' 9 ! ,,c>i21n ,,sea makes a ,,:i/l+ ,,noise t c 2 ,,,detect$ f space4,' #be ,made ) /eel pipes1 a sculpture 9 ,lanca%ire1 ,5gl&1 call$ ! ,s++ ,r++ ,tree hums :5 w9d bl[s "? xs tubes4 #bf ,,,s.d travels m qkly "? w>m air ?an cold air4,' #bg ,! des]t ra9 frog's croak s.ds l a squ1ky toy4 #bh ,,,resid5ts ( la gom]a1 an isl& (f nor?we/ africa1 "s"ts communicate ) a language made up 5tirely ( :i/les4,' #bi ,"kn z ! _w's quiete/ #da place1 a room 9 "o ,m9nesota lab has walls t absorb #ii4i p]c5t ( s.d4 #cj ,sci5ti/s >e /udy+ :e!r ,,meteors make ,,,crackl+ s.ds z !y move4,' 333333333333 ,,n9ja ,,gira6es ,,,by david br[n,' ,^! animals h "s s]i\sly /1l?y moves4 ,y midly1 & _! sup]l;g necks h>dly seem /1l?y4 ,b ^! ho($ cr1tures >e surpris+ly sn1ky & agile4 ,4cov] h[ gira6es kick x up a not*1 n9ja /yle4 ,^! animals c eat ov] #ge p.ds ( food a "d "4 ,a gira6e's he>t wei* su7e/s t "! >e f\r species ( gira6es4 @.<,photograph@.> ,9 ! #adjjs1 ,japan 0 divid$ 9to k+doms rul$ by l1d]s call$ daimyo "<,,dy-mee-oh">4 ,! daimyo f"\ ea* o!r = 3trol ( l& & w1l?4 ,n9ja 7 ! daimyo's secret ag5ts1 ^: job 0 to ga9 9=ma;n on ! 5emy4 ,! ,ne$ = ,spe$ ,n9ja tra9$ to 2come swift runn]s s !y cd easily slip away f foes dur+ a *ase4 ,gira6es >e al excell5t spr9t]s us+ _! l;g1 muscul> legs4 ,at a full gallop1 ^! animals c r1* #ce miles an h\r1 : helps !m evade pr$ators s* z lions4 ,b gira6es don't h to g "? ext5sive spe$ tra9+ l n9ja did4 ,babies h be5 spott$ runn+ al;gside _! "ms j #aj h\rs af !y 7 born6 ,hide-&-,seek ,(t5 hir$ by rul]s :o 7 compet+ = p[]1 n9ja wd dress up z f>m]s or #dc m]*ants to sn1k 9to 5emy =tresses & spy on _! l1d]'s oppon5t4 ,gira6es don't exactly seem l !y'd 2 ma/]s ( 4guise 2c ( _! 4t9ctive appe>.e4 ,b ^! animals sport ! p]fect cam\flage = liv+ on ! ,african savanna4 ,_! br[n spots look l ! %ad[s cr1t$ by sunlims ( "s adult humans & /r;g 5 to grip objects4 ,x c pluck l1ves "o by "o f a bran* ( an acacia tree :ile avoid+ %>p ?orns4 ,gira6es c ev5 b5d _! l;g t;gues backw>d to cl1n _! e>s6 ,n9ja probably cdn't d t1 no matt] h[ h>d !y tra9$4 ,spectacul> ,s5ses ,p once 2liev$ t n9ja _h %>p] s5ses ?an ! av]age human4 ,ac to leg5d1 !y cd see 9 ! d>k & he> t9y move;ts f f> away4 ,? likely wasn't true = n9ja1 b gira6es r1lly d h sup]b vi.n & he>+4 ,us+ _! ke5 eyesi noises t humans c't detect4 ,cd gira6es 2 ev5 .1bett] w>riors ?an n9ja8 ,makes s5se6 ,w1pon ,ma/]s ,:5 n9ja came face-to-face ) _! rivals1 !y cd use _! skill ) w1pons s* z s^ws & da7]s to def1t ! 5emy4 ,gira6es h _! [n built-9 w1pons3 hooves ) %>p $ges4 ,9 fact a gira6e c 2 d1dly :5 x uses xs feet to kick o!r gira6es & pr$ators4 ,two male gira6es mit by sam k5n$y,' ,>*aeologi/s uncov] a possible lo/ settle;t 9 ,canada4 #de ,a wood5 %ip h1ves onto %ore af cross+ ! ,atlantic ,oc1n to ? remote spot4 ,! explor]s abo>d hope to e/abli% a settle;t "h1 9 :at is n[ ,newf.dl&1 an isl& 9 ea/]n ,canada4 ,!y'll build homes & repair %ips,-p]h prep>+ = m voyages f>!r 9to ? un"kn l&4 ,s :o >e ^! my/]i\s travel]s8 ,!y >e ,vik+s4 ,no pro( has be5 f.d ( ,vik+ settle;ts 9 ,nor? ,am]ica 2y ? spot,- call$ ,l',anse aux ,m1d[s4 ,b mod]n te*nology has uncov]$ clues at a possible new site t cd rewrite ,vik+ hi/ory4 @.<,map@.> ,,,pa? ( ! vik+s,' ,exp]ts ?9k ! ,vik+s foll[$ ? r\te f ,sc&9avia "k1 ,sw$51 & ,norway"> "? ! ,nor? ,atlantic to settle 9 ,newf.dl&1 ,canada4 ,,sett+ ,,sail ,! ^w 8,vik+0 m1ns 8pirate0 9 _! ,old ,norse language1 & !y liv$ up to ! "n4 ,!y 7 fi]ce raid]s :o liv$ 2t ,a4,d4 #gej & ,a4,d4 #ajej1 attack+ l&s \tside _! native ,sc&9avia "k1 ,sw$51 & ,norway">4 ,_! exp$i;ns 7 *ronicl$ 9 /ories call$ ! ,norse sagas4 ,! sagas tell ( ,vik+s sail+ we/1 likely t[>d ,newf.dl&4 8,newf.dl& has alw be5 a focus 9 ! se>* = ,norse settle;ts10 ,vik+ exp]t ,neil ,price says4 8,x's "o ( ! close/ po9ts to ,gre5l&1 ": ,vik+s 7 "kn to trade40 ,9 #aifj >*aeologi/s foll[$ descrip;ns 9 ! sagas to ,newf.dl&'s ,l',anse aux ,m1d[s4 ,"! !y une>!d s"eal >tifacts1 9clud+ f.da;ns ( l;gh\ses1 a type ( build+ f.d 9 ,europ1n ,vik+ settle;ts4 ,? made ,l',anse aux ,m1d[s ! f/ 3firm$ ,vik+ site 9 ,nor? ,am]ica4 ,,,eye 9 ! sky,' ,>*aeologi/ ,s>ah ,p>cak 2came 9t]e/$ 9 ! se>* = ,nor? ,am]ican ,vik+ sites af ! #aifj 4cov]y4 8,if ! sagas >e true1 !n "! m/ 2 o!r sites10 ,p>cak says4 8,b ": >e !y80 #dg ,p>cak1 :o ref]s to h]f z a space >*aeologi/1 uses cutt+-$ge sci;e to look = buri$ tr1sures by /udy+ satellite photos tak5 f space4 ,t 4t.e all[s h] to see ?+s t >5't visible f a plane or on ! gr.d4 8,= 9/.e1 ,i look = small *anges 9 plants 9 a "picul> >ea10 %e says4 ,^? *anges "s"ts 9dicate t "s?+ man-made is buri$ 2l,- or once /ood 9 t spot4 ,af /udy+ ! ,canadian coa/l9e1 ,p>cak z]o$ 9 on ,po9t ,rosee1 "s #djj miles s\? ( ,l',anse aux ,m1d[s4 ,"! %e saw %apes 9 ! l&scape t 7 d>k] ?an ! surr.d+ grass4 ,"o pat* mat*$ ! dim5.ns ( ! l;gh\ses on ,l',anse aux ,m1d[s4 ,x 0 "t = a clos] look4 ,,iron ,,m5 ,at ,po9t ,rosee1 ,p>cak's t1m 3duct$ a magnetic scan1 or an ;x-ray ( ! gr.d4 ,x %[$ hi< iron levels4 ,turns \ t ,vik+s us$ iron to make _! tools4 ,p>cak's t1m has d"o "s di7+1 b !y're / wait+ on te/ results to v]ify :at !y've uncov]$4 ,"o ?+ !y hav5't f.d is any fl9t or pott]y1 : ! ,vik+s did n use4 ,^? items wd've 9/1d 3nect$ ! site to ,native ,am]ican tribes or o!r ,europ1n settl]s4 ,,new ,,t]ritory ,if ,p>cak's "w 3firms t ,po9t ,rosee 0 a ,vik+ settle;t1 x helps fill 9 ! map ( ": ^! explor]s /ak$ _! claims4 8,a settle;t "! wd su7e/ ! ,vik+s explor$ m ( ,nor? ,am]ica10 ,price says4 8,x mi!r s\? & we/40 ,p>cak is / at ,po9t ,rosee1 se>*+ = clues4 ,%e doesn't "k = sure if %e's walk+ 9 ! foot/eps ( ! ,vik+s4 ,b h] 4cov]y is e bit z excit+ z ! ,norse sagas t may h tak5 place "! ne>ly a ?\s& ye>s ago4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,s>ah p>cak "<"r"> & o!rs dig = vik+ >tifacts at po9t rosee4,' 333333333333 ,fun ,/uff #di games1 lau grti^2e s^2nai^2a neplate^2h gd^2o ilam^2nrdl e^2sa ilno wto-dot^2e hols^2t inca^2am ^2nsooip tr^2da orfg ^2ksia edr^2e ,,h9t3 ,:at does a nose say to 2 polite8 ,,answ]3 .-.-.-.-z.- .-.-.- .-.-.-.-.- y.-u ,funny ,,fill-,,9 ,4a/] ,class ,,,by m>g>et ;j4 krauss,' ,ask a fr to give y ^ws to fill 9 ! blanks 9 ? /ory )\t %[+ x to hm or h]4 ,!n r1d \ l\d = a lau<4 @.<,! ^ws 2l ! s5t;es >e plac$ 9 p>5!ses af ! l[ l9e4@.> ,my class _h be5 wait+ = .- "ge numb]"> mon?s to d a fun *emi/ry exp]i;t4 ,td we 7 go+ to le>n h[ to .- " .- " \ ( .- "4 8,f/ 4solve "o gram ( .- " 9 "o lit] ( wat]4 ,!n .- " ! mixture10 sd my t1*]1 ,mr4 .- "4 ,2f ,i f9i%$1 he 0 alr giv+ m 9/ruc;ns4 ,to keep up1 ,i .- " a p9* ( .- " & ?rew x 9to a cup ( .- "4 8,n[ .- " x .- " = two m9utes10 he sd4 ,try+ to hurry1 ,i add$ a few .- " & .- "1 !n .- " x ?ree "ts4 ,sudd5ly ! air #ea >.d me turn$ .- " & smell$ l .- "<"s?+ gross">4 ,my lab "pn] div$ "u ! .- " z ! mixture 2gan to .- "4 ,!n ! exp]i;t .- " all ov] ! room1 cov]+ "ey"o 9 .- " goo4 ,i guess t wasn't q ! reac;n ,i 0 look+ =4 """""""""""" ,lau< ,\ ,l\d @.<,c>toons@.> ,ham/]3 @. 8,,,oh1 gd 444 my favorite tv %[ is on6,'0 ,p5gu93 @. 8,,,x c spot a leop>d s1l a mile away6,'0 ,police ,(fic]3 @. 8,,,":'s ! fire8 i clock$ y go+ ov] two miles a "d6,'0 ,squirrel3 @. 8,,,i quit /or+ m9e 9 trees ye>s ago4,'0 """""""""""" ,,,signs ( ! "ts,' ,see+ isn't alw 2liev+4 ,two ( ^! funny signs >e n r1l4 ,c y figure \ : two >e fake8 ,,,answ]s on page,' #EF #a @.oo@.> #b @.ge rectangul> road sign t says ,,,away f /ress,' & ,,,h a re/,'@.> #c @. #d @.e sign@.> #e @.<>r[ po9t+ f ! ^ws ,lo* ,ness ,trail & a picture ( a mon/]'s l;g neck & h1d & two humps /ick+ \ ( wat]@.> #f @. #g @.ge squ>e road sign t says ,,,next big ?+,' #ajjj ;m@.> #ec ,back ,talk ,no m hors+ >.d6 @.<,photograph3 ,a dog walks 9 front ( a horse1 pull+ on ! horse by a l1% runn+ f xs coll> to ! horse's bridle4@.> ,:at d ,,y ?9k ? dog is ?9k+8 #a4 ^1,fill 9 ! ?"\ balloon4 #b4 ^1,cut ^1\ ! 5tire picture "4 #c4 ^1,mail x al;g ) yr "n1 address1 ph"o numb]1 & date ( bir? to ,nat ,geo ,kids1 ,back ,talk1 ,p4,o4 ,box #ifjjj1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjij-#fjjj4 ,selec;n = publica;n 9 a future issue w 2 at ! 4cre;n ( .7,nat ,geo ,kids.'4 ,f ! ,febru>y #bjaf ,issue @.<,photograph3 ,two black-&- :ite p5gu9s t look l !y're we>+ tux$os /ick _! h1ds ) l;g b1ks \ t[>ds a small s1l look+ up at !m on ! b1*4@.> ,dude1 :at happ5$ to yr b1k8 ,me ,spr+s1 ,mi*igan ,um 444 ,i ?9k y h ! wr;g address4 ,m>9a ;,c41 #aa ,l[ell1 ,massa*usetts ,s .1t's ": all \r fi% w5t6 ,nate ;,b41 #ac ,mc,k9leyville1 ,cali=nia ,wd y l to jo9 u on \r daily belly slide8 ,[5 ;,g41 #aa ,h]ndon1 ,virg9ia ,i ?"\ ! 9vita;n sd 8=mal06 ,evie ;,m41 #ac ,albuqu]que1 ,new ,mexico ,":'s ! s>d9e pizza we ord]$8 ,makayla ;,s41 #h ,hooppole1 ,ill9ois ,i've n"e se5 ? k9d ( p5gu9 2f4 ,isaac ,o41 #aa ,*&l]1 ,>izona ,oops1 y bl9k$6 ,i won ! />+ 3te/6 ,riley ;,m41 #aj ,apa*e1 ,oklahoma """""""""""" ,my ,%ot #ee ,*eck \ ^! photos & m at ngkidsmy%ot4com4 ,,bonus3 ,upload photos ( bugs & tag !m ) _?bu7$\t to e>n a badge6 ,h['d y get ! %ot8 @.<,photograph@.> ^1,drip ^1,drop ,"ey?+,dawg 8,i dy$ "s wat] gre5 & us$ sports mode to get ! fa/ %utt] spe$4 ,!n ,i j turn$ ! picture upside d[n60,-.1,"ey?+,dawg @.<,photograph@.> ^1,happy ^1,lepre*aun ,diamond ,girl @.<,photograph@.> ^1,bu2les ,sn[dog @.<,photograph@.> ^7,happy ,st4 ,patrick's ,"d^' ,p[],design] @.<,photograph@.> ^1,%amrock ,macro,nymph @.<,photograph@.> ^1,i'm ^1,com+ ,viol9girl#ai ,photo ,tip ( ! ,mon? @.<,photograph@.> ^7,a ,t\* ( ,color^' ,musicpup#fac ,make li3 ^1,top ^1r[3 tig]1 ,asian elephant1 dog4 ^1,middle ^1r[3 m&rill1 sea lion1 two-to$ slo?4 ^1,bottom ^1r[3 caiman1 poison d>t frog1 sika de]4 ^1,bonus3 sneeze & ?ank y 8,signs ( ! ,"ts0 "3 ,signs #b & #g >e fake4 333333333333